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伦理,对于中国哲学界是非常熟知的,科学伦理作为伦理学的一个重要分支也并不陌生,但是何谓科学伦理精神,科学伦理精神的内在建构如何,以及科学伦理精神在中西方科学精神与人文精神的历史中是如何契合而成,又是如何从深层次上对社会的前沿热点问题进行理论映射,对这一连串“如何”的回答,中外许多学者对此只言片语的论及可谓众多,传统意义上对科学伦理精神的解读不免限于通俗、单向度,正当理论界对此问题陷于或隐或显的论说时,陈爱华教授的新作———《科学与人文的契合?科学伦理精神历史生成》(吉林人民出版社2003年5月版)正式同广大读者见…  相似文献   

“运筹学”是在第二次世界大战中发展起来的一新学科,战后随着欧美社会和经济的迅猛发展,这门学科便由军事领域扩展到大规模的社会组织管理和企业管理中。鉴于运筹学最早是从军事领域发展起来的管理科学,探索《孙子》这部世界最早的重要军事著作的决策—运筹思维模式,对于现代运筹学有着重要的借鉴意义。《孙子》所代表的兵家,实质上是我国先秦道家的一个支派,其思维方式是典型的道家思维模式。《孙子》首段说:“兵者,国之大事也,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。”这里“道”即在一定处境中应使用  相似文献   

生态伦理在可持续发展战略中的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实现社会的可持续发展,最终要落实到经济、政治、生活消费、技术、医疗卫生等社会子系统的可持续发展上。如果把这些视为硬件工程,那么生态伦理建设则是其中的软件工程。具体而言,生态伦理在实施社会可持续发展战略中主要有以下几方面的功能:第一,认识和批判功能。生态伦理作为一种新的伦理观,直接或间接地向人们传播着生态学的基本知识、生态自然观、生态世界观、生态价值观乃至生态文化的认识,这些新思想无疑能够加强人们对实施可持续发展战略的必要性、重要性和紧迫性的认识。另一方面,生态伦理作为一种“生存伦理”或“危机伦理…  相似文献   

1.伦理,科学和技术为了将西方有关技术的伦理思考置于广阔的“历史-哲学”视野之中,我们有必要追溯科学、技术与伦理的关系的谱系。在传统思想中,伦理学本身被认为是一种科学。在对话体而非论文的柏拉图著作中,伦理和逻辑分析、知识理论、实在以及政治事件混杂在一起,使人们很难清晰地区分哲学的这些不同分支。然而,所谓的伦理学其实是首要的或基本的哲学。在苏格拉底的自传(《斐多篇》,96a ff.)中,它不仅是自然的功能性的基础,而且是对美、善和崇高的肯定——这种肯定为哲学探究指出了方向。为了充分说明伦理经验,人们必须了解存在的不同层…  相似文献   

也谈社会公共伦理——基于个体社会角色的一种思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨明  张伟 《道德与文明》2008,3(3):50-53
社会公共伦理作为人们在公共生活领域所应该遵循的原则和规范以及维持社会稳定有序运转的重要保障,在人们的日常生活中无疑有着极其重要的地位。然而,在当代中国的社会公共伦理建构中,却存在一种伦理需求与道德供给之间的深刻矛盾,即一种具有普遍意义的公共伦理的缺乏与道德日益多元化、个体化之间的矛盾。面对如此困境,在实际操作层面,基于个体社会角色的一种思考或尝试也许能为当代中国社会公共伦理的建构打开另外一扇窗户。  相似文献   

科学哲学究竞应该研究什么?在《科学哲学》创刊60周年之际,这一问题的答案仍不十分清楚。从前,科学哲学似乎主要研究科学理论的迷惑和不完美之处,很少涉及管理领域。但管理是人类至关重要的活动,如果管理不当,那么就会给我们带来毁灭性灾难。特别是,非常需要反思如何管理科学,因为科学家认为自己是“真理制造者”。因此,希望科学哲学致力于探索现代科学中的真正疑惑之处,研究如何管理自由科学以使得把合理的伦理论证转变为伦理行动。  相似文献   

凌宵 《四川心理科学》2014,(18):224-224
伦理是处理与协调各种利益关系的特殊规范与标准,是人们在长期的社会生活中积淀生成的。伦理关系渗透于人类社会生活的方方面面,人类社会的所有规则体系都是直接或间接地建立在伦理关系和道德规范基础之上的。当然,法律领域也不例外,也蕴含着一定的人伦关系和道德规范。  相似文献   

要科学地界定传媒伦理,首先,不能偏离伦理“致至善”的本性;其次,须从元伦理学、规范伦理学及应用伦理学三个层面深入考察传媒伦理的理论进路。本文认为,传媒伦理首先是对人们媒介行为中善恶选择的系统性探究,它系统地研究道德善的媒体当如何履职、媒体是否符合它的应当以及媒介从业人员在其媒介行为中对善与恶,正当与不正当的认识与抉择等问题;其次,与人们实际生活相关的是,传媒伦理也试图界定那些构成价值与生活规范的,被作为个体、群体或文化共同体的人们所共同认可的原则性的内容。  相似文献   

考试制度是考试活动应遵循的规章制度,是国家选拔和甄别人才的制度,是个人身份和地位晋升的通道。考试制度关乎人才选拔的公正合理,关乎社会资源的公正分配,关乎国家利益和个体利益的正当性,考试制度应以伦理和道德精神为底蕴,指向社会共同体的善。我国现行考试制度面临着正当性、价值合理性、功利性和公平性的道德批判。通过对我国现行考试制度的道德审视和道德批评,可以看出,考试作为人们的一项重要社会实践活动,其在人们的伦理期待中应具有公平、正义、高效、科学等特征。好的考试制度应凸显公平和效率,符合科学和人文的价值理念,坚持德才兼备、以德为先的选拔标准。  相似文献   

国内经济伦理学研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来 ,伴随着我国市场经济的发展 ,经济伦理的研究已成为社会的热点 ,并向体系化、学科化方向发展。本文将就我国经济伦理学的研究近况做简要综述。一、学科界定在我国 ,尽管哲学和伦理学工作者对经济伦理的研究倾心而论 ,一些经济学家也鼎力而出 ,但从总体来看 ,经济伦理的研究在我国仍处在初始发展时期 ,以至于关于经济伦理及经济伦理学至今尚无统一公认的定义 ,众说纷纭。主要观点有 :1 经济伦理是指人们在经济活动中的伦理精神或伦理气质 ,是人们从道德角度对经济活动的根本看法 ;而经济伦理学则是这种精神、气质和看法的理论化形态 …  相似文献   

In this article, we trace and elucidate Heidegger’s radical re-thinking on the relation between science and technology from about 1940 until 1976. A range of passages from the Gesamtausgabe seem to articulate a reversal of the primacy of science and technology in claiming that “Science is applied technology.” After delving into Heidegger’s reflection on the being of science and technology and their “coordination,” we show that such a claim is essentially grounded in Heidegger’s idea that “Science and technology are the Same [das Selbe].” In addition, we argue that, although different ontic epochs can be distinguished in the evolvement of science and/or technology, for Heidegger there is only one unique ontological Epoch of modernity that encompasses various ontic epochs. Therefore, the change from an “epoch of objectivity” to an “epoch of orderability [Bestellbarkeit]” cannot be considered to be an ontological shift. Furthermore, it is not right to ascribe to Heidegger the view that the development of quantum physics signals the beginning of a new ontological Epoch.  相似文献   

Nanotechnologies are often said to be "converging" with other technologies like biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science. And so-called "NBIC convergence" is thought to enable "enhancement" of human performance. First, I classify various kinds of enhancement. Second, I focus on the "cybernetic enhancement," to which nanotechnologies are supposed to contribute, and analyze the connection and integration of humans with machines, which could lead to the cyborgization of human beings. Third, I examine the portrayal of robot/cyborg technology in Japanese popular media, point out the tendency to empathy or ensoulment concerning robots/cyborgs, and raise the question of "ethical issues of ethical enhancement." Fourth, I compare nanotechnologies with neurotechnology and criticize the hype of "converging technologies."  相似文献   

The paper presents a method of conceptual mapping of knowledge during the consolidation process of an interdisciplinary domain into an emerging discipline. This approach allows tracking the evolution of an emerging discipline of technology management. Knowledge consolidation is the result of colliding source disciplines and the simultaneous influence of changing paradigms. Three paradigms have played major role in recent development of the emerging discipline: (1) engineering management paradigm, (2) management of technology paradigm, and (3) technological entrepreneurship paradigm. The changing needs of practice drive the process. Knowledge mapping approach identifies elements of that process. Those elements (concepts) are identified and used for building a map of knowledge. The impact of different source disciplines (such as economics, management science, psychology, engineering sciences, systems science, and sociology) is characterized by affinities they have with concepts developed and applied in the emerging discipline. Linkages among those concepts are graphically interpreted in the map of knowledge. where he is also the Director of the Center for Technological Innovation Leadership and Entrepreneurship (CenTILE).  相似文献   

Ethicists and others who study and teach the social implications of science and technology are faced with a formidable challenge when they seek to address “emerging technologies.” The topic is incredibly important, but difficult to grasp because not only are the precise issues often unclear, what the technology will ultimately look like can be difficult to discern. This paper argues that one particularly useful way to overcome these difficulties is to engage with their natural science and engineering colleagues in laboratories. Through discussions and interactions with these colleagues ethicists can simultaneously achieve three important objectives. First they can get a great deal of assistance in their research into the social implications of future technologies by talking with people that are actively creating those futures. Second their presence in the lab and the discussions that result can be a very powerful method for educating not only students, but faculty about the ramifications of their work. And third, because the education is directly linked to the students’ everyday work it is likely that it will not just be a theoretical exercise, but have direct impact on their practice.
Jameson M. Wetmore (Corresponding author)Email:

翟贤亮  葛鲁嘉 《心理科学》2017,40(1):238-243
传统管理学理论有着明显的"离身"倾向,使得"身体"成为组织管理的"暗箱"。具身理论为"具身"取向的管理学新发展提供了可能。组织(认知)神经学研究为具身管理学提供了神经生理依据,而具身领导、组织、决策等研究则标示着其兴起。在组织管理中,可以依据躯体信息、隐喻、情景行动等三方面线索探究具身性因素对组织管理的影响。具身管理学在理论假设与现实条件层面均存在一定的可能性,但短期内并不能取代"离身"取向的管理学而成为主流。  相似文献   

...We will turn our attention to the current state of pain relief technology and the ethical questions surrounding the use of advanced technology, otherwise referred to as "high-tech," pain relief. It is obvious that pain may decrease the quality of life for cancer patients. The availability of long-acting narcotics, such as MS Contin or methadone, affords cancer patients long-duration pain relief at minimal cost. The use of adjuvant medications may also be important. Clinical examples of the effective use of adjuvant medications include the addition of a nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory agent to help patients cope with bone pain and the use of a serotonin blocking agent to reduce the transmission of pain impulses in the spinal cord. Only a small percentage of patients are good candidates for high-tech delivery systems for narcotic administration. In our pain management clinic, all patients are initially placed on oral medications. When the side effects of oral medications become excessive, or the patient becomes unable to take oral medications, high-tech modalities are considered for use.  相似文献   

Under EU Law, Member States are compelled to engage in reciprocal automated forensic DNA profile exchange for stepping up on cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime. The ethical implications of this transnational DNA data exchange are paramount. Exploring what the concept of ethics means to forensic practitioners actively involved in transnational DNA data exchange allows discussing how ethics can be addressed as embedded in the sociality of science and in the way scientific work is legitimated. The narratives of forensic practitioners juxtapose the construction of fluid ethical boundary work between science and non-science with the dynamic management of controversies, both of which are seen as ways to lend legitimacy and objectivity to scientific work.

Ethical boundary work involves diverse fluid forms: as a boundary between science/ethics, science/criminal justice system, and good and bad science. The management of controversies occurs in three interrelated ways. First, through a continuous process of reconstructing delegations of responsibility in dealing with uncertainty surrounding the reliability of DNA evidence. Second, threats to the protection of data are portrayed as being resolved by black-boxing privacy. Finally, controversies related to social accountability and transparency are negotiated through the lens of opening science to the public.  相似文献   

Cognitive dysfunction is highly prevalent, disabling, and poorly-managed in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS). Recent evidence suggests that exercise might have beneficial effects on cognition in this population. The current systematic, evidence-based review examined the existing literature on exercise, physical activity, and physical fitness effects on cognition in MS to accurately describe the current status of the field, offer recommendations for clinicians, and identify study-specific and participant-specific characteristics for providing future direction for ongoing MS research. We performed an open-dated search of Medline, PsychInfo, and CINAHL in December 2015. The search strategy involved using the terms ‘exercise’ OR ‘physical activity’ OR ‘physical fitness’ OR ‘aerobic’ OR ‘resistance’ OR ‘balance’ OR ‘walking’ OR ‘yoga’ OR ‘training’ OR ‘rehabilitation’ AND ‘multiple sclerosis’. Articles were eliminated from the systematic review if it was a review article, theoretical paper, or textbook chapter; did not involve persons with MS; involved only persons with pediatric-onset MS; did not involve neuropsychological outcomes; did not include empirical data to evaluate outcomes; involved pharmacological interventions; or was not available in English. The selected articles were first classified as examining exercise, physical activity, or physical fitness, and were then randomly assigned to 2 independent reviewers who rated each article for level of evidence based on American Academy of Neurology criteria. Reviewers further completed a table to characterize important elements of each study (i.e., intervention characteristics), the cognitive domain(s) that were targeted, participant-specific characteristics, outcome measures, and study results. The present review resulted in 26 studies on the effects of exercise, physical activity, and physical fitness on cognition in persons with MS. This included 1 Class I study, 3 Class II studies, 8 Class III studies, and 14 Class IV studies. Of the 26 total studies, 6 were randomized controlled trials. Overall, there is conflicting evidence for the effects of exercise on cognition in MS, and overall positive, but not definitive evidence for the effects of physical activity and physical fitness, respectively, on cognition in this population. Collectively, there is insufficient well-designed research to definitively conclude that exercise, physical activity, and physical fitness are effective for improving cognition in MS. This is based, in part, on methodological issues of Class I and II studies, such as inclusion of cognition as a secondary outcome (35 % of reviewed studies), poorly-developed exercise interventions, and paucity of research that included cognitively-impaired MS samples. However, promising evidence from Class III and Class IV studies may be useful for informing the development of better intervention research.  相似文献   

Sunny Y. Auyang 《Synthese》2009,168(3):319-331
It is now fashionable to say that science and technology are social constructions. This is true, or rather, a truism. Man is a social animal. Man is a linguistic animal, and language is social. Hence all products of human activities and everything that involves language are social constructions. But an assertion that covers everything becomes empty. The constructionist mantra that science or technology is “not a simple input from nature” attacks a straw man, for no one denies the necessity of enormous human efforts in research, development, and design. To say that these are social activities should not imply that they are indistinguishable from other social activities such as politicking or profiteering. An investigation into their peculiarities will bring to relief their intellectual and technical characteristics. The argument that science and technology are social constructions because they involve many assumptions is again a truism. Whenever we think, whenever we find things intelligible, we invariably have used some concepts and made some assumptions. Philosophers such as Kant have painstakingly analyzed concepts without which intelligibility is impossible. The important questions are not whether scientists and engineers make assumptions but what kind of assumptions they make; not whether they make judgments, but what kind of reasons they offer to support their judgments. Are the assumptions and justifications all social? Or are they mainly technical? Admittedly, the boundaries between the two are not always sharp, but is it impossible to make any differentiation at all?  相似文献   

行为社会政策是基于人的行为特点而设计, 使用“助推”作为政策工具来执行的社会政策。它是行为科学在社会政策范畴的应用, 其原理在于洞察人们做选择时的行为偏好, 以隐性且非明显经济刺激的方式谋求公众利益。从政策制定者的角度出发, 基于自愿性和信息性的统一, 可将行为社会政策中的助推策略分为增加策略、减少策略和转换策略; 三大策略被用于再住院率、儿童健康、社区养老、入学资助、就业问题、器官移植和精准扶贫等民生领域, 帮助人们做出更好的选择, 提高公共福利。作为一种新兴的方法和技术, 助推并非万能, 需要政策制定者对症下药、精确识别、权衡使用, 规避“行为官僚”, 才能真正实现国家治理现代化和社会利益最大化。  相似文献   

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