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The blockers of glutamate receptors, aminophosphonovaleric acid (AP5) (5.0 micrograms) and cyano-nitroquinoxaline-dione (CNQX) (0.5 microgram), were infused bilaterally into the amygdala, dorsal hippocampus, or entorhinal cortex of rats through indwelling cannulae 0, 90, 180, or 360 min after step-down inhibitory avoidance training. Animals were tested for retention 24 h after training. In the amygdala or hippocampus, AP5 was amnestic when given 0 min after training and CNQX was amnestic when given 0, 90, or 180 min after training. In the entorhinal cortex, AP5 was amnestic when given 90 or 180 min after training and CNQX had no effect. The results suggest that a phenomenon sensitive first to AP5 and then to CNQX in the amygdala and hippocampus, probably long-term potentiation (LTP), is crucial to post-training memory processing. LTP in these two structures could underlie their role in memory consolidation and could explain the late involvement of the entorhinal cortex in post-training memory processing.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A (GABA(A)) receptors regulate memory consolidation. Here we studied the effect on consolidation of the selective antagonist of GABA(A) receptors, bicuculline, given into several regions of the cortex at different times after one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance (0.5 mA, 2-s footshock). Rats were bilaterally implanted with cannulae aimed at the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus, entorhinal cortex or posterior parietal cortex, three areas known to be involved in the memory consolidation of this task. At different times after training, bicuculline (0.5 microg/side) was infused into the above mentioned structures. Bicuculline increased memory retention when administered either immediately or 1.5h after training into CA1, and both immediately and 3h after training in the entorhinal or parietal cortex. Thus, in agreement with previous findings using other drugs, the response was biphasic in these latter structures. This suggests that GABAergic mechanisms normally downregulate, memory processing by inhibiting on-going activities necessary for consolidation at the times in which bicuculline was effective in each structure. Based on previous findings, in the hippocampus, such activity involves a number of receptors and signaling pathways in the first 1.5h after training. In the entorhinal and parietal cortex memory-related activities include the participation of protein kinase A and extracellularly regulated kinase (ERK) twice, right after training and then again 3h later.  相似文献   

One traditional and long-held view of medial temporal lobe (MTL) function is that it contains a system of structures that are exclusively involved in memory, and that the extent of memory loss following MTL damage is simply related to the amount of MTL damage sustained. Indeed, human patients with extensive MTL damage are typically profoundly amnesic whereas patients with less extensive brain lesions centred upon the hippocampus typically exhibit only moderately severe anterograde amnesia. Accordingly, the latter observations have elevated the hippocampus to a particularly prominent position within the purported MTL memory system. This article reviews recent lesion studies in macaque monkeys in which the behavioural effects of more highly circumscribed lesions (than those observed to occur in human patients with MTL lesions) to different subregions of the MTL have been examined. These studies have reported new find-ings that contradict this concept of a MTL memory system. First, the MTL is not exclusively involved in mnemonic processes; some MTL structures, most notably the perirhinal cortex, also contribute to perception. Second, there are some forms of memory, including recognition memory, that are not always affected by selective hippocampal lesions. Third, the data support the idea that regional functional specializations exist within the MTL. For example, the macaque perirhinal cortex appears to be specialized for processing object identity whereas the hippocampus may be specialized for processing spatial and temporal relationships.  相似文献   

We examined whether the cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN55,212-2 (WIN; 5 μg/side) microinjected into the hippocampus or the amygdala would differentially affect memory processes in a neutral vs. an aversive task. In the aversive contextual fear task, WIN into the basolateral amygdala impaired fear acquisition/consolidation, but not retrieval. In the ventral subiculum (vSub), WIN impaired fear retrieval. In the neutral social discrimination task, WIN into the vSub impaired both acquisition/consolidation and retrieval, whereas in the medial amygdala WIN impaired acquisition. The results suggest that cannabinoid signaling differentially affects memory in a task-, region-, and memory stage-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The effect of hippocampal denervation on olfactory memory in rats was tested after interrupting the lateral olfactory tract projections at the level of the entorhinal cortex. When lesioned animals were trained to learn new odors, they showed no evidence of retention 3 h after acquisition. These results confirm earlier data on rapid forgetting in rats after hippocampal deafferentation and are in parallel to the anterograde amnesia typically found in humans with hippocampal damage. On the other hand, preoperatively learned information was minimally impaired after hippocampal deafferentation even if it was acquired within less than 1 h before the lesion. This finding differs from reports on humans as well as monkeys with hippocampal damage where memories formed during a critical time span of months or even years before the lesion are found to be impaired. This may suggest that the consolidation process in humans and rodents has different time scales or that the roles of the human and the rat hippocampal structure in memory formation are somewhat different.  相似文献   

One traditional and long-held view of medial temporal lobe (MTL) function is that it contains a system of structures that are exclusively involved in memory, and that the extent of memory loss following MTL damage is simply related to the amount of MTL damage sustained. Indeed, human patients with extensive MTL damage are typically profoundly amnesic whereas patients with less extensive brain lesions centred upon the hippocampus typically exhibit only moderately severe anterograde amnesia. Accordingly, the latter observations have elevated the hippocampus to a particularly prominent position within the purported MTL memory system. This article reviews recent lesion studies in macaque monkeys in which the behavioural effects of more highly circumscribed lesions (than those observed to occur in human patients with MTL lesions) to different subregions of the MTL have been examined. These studies have reported new findings that contradict this concept of a MTL memory system. First, the MTL is not exclusively involved in mnemonic processes; some MTL structures, most notably the perirhinal cortex, also contribute to perception. Second, there are some forms of memory, including recognition memory, that are not always affected by selective hippocampal lesions. Third, the data support the idea that regional functional specializations exist within the MTL. For example, the macaque perirhinal cortex appears to be specialized for processing object identity whereas the hippocampus may be specialized for processing spatial and temporal relationships.  相似文献   

Trace fear conditioning, in which a brief empty "trace interval" occurs between presentation of the CS and UCS, differs from standard delay conditioning in that contributions from both the hippocampus and prelimbic medial prefrontal cortex (PL mPFC) are required to form a normal long term memory. Little is currently known about how the PL interacts with various temporal lobe structures to support learning across this temporal gap between stimuli. We temporarily inactivated PL along with either ventral hippocampus or amygdala in a disconnection design to determine if these structures functionally interact to acquire trace fear conditioning. Disconnection (contralateral injections) of the PL with either the ventral hippocampus or amygdala impaired trace fear conditioning; however, ipsilateral control rats were also impaired. Follow-up experiments examined the effects of unilateral inactivation of the PL, ventral hippocampus, or amygdala during conditioning. The results of this study demonstrate that unilateral inactivation of the ventral hippocampus or amygdala impairs memory, while bilateral inactivation of the PL is required to produce a deficit. Memory deficits after unilateral inactivation of the ventral hippocampus or amygdala prevent us from determining whether the mPFC functionally interacts with the medial temporal lobe using a disconnection approach. Nonetheless, our findings suggest that the trace fear network is more integrated than previously thought.  相似文献   

Rats were implanted with cannulae in the CA1 area of the dorsal hippocampus or in the entorhinal cortex and trained in one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance. Two retention tests were carried out in each animal, one at 1.5 h to measure short-term memory (STM) and another at 24 h to measure long-term memory (LTM). The purpose of the present study was to screen the effect on STM of various drugs previously shown to affect LTM of this task when given posttraining at the same doses that were used here. The drugs and doses were the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor LY83583 (LY, 2.5 microMg), the inhibitor of Tyr-protein kinase at low concentrations and of protein kinase G (PKG) at higher concentrations lavendustin A (LAV, 0.1 and 0.5 microMg), the PKG inhibitor KT5823 (2.0 microMg), the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor staurosporin (STAU, 2.5 microMg), the inhibitor of calcium/ calmodulin protein kinase II (CaMKII) KN62 (3.6 microMg), the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor KT5720 (0.5 microMg), and the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK) inhibitor PD098059 (PD, 0.05 microMg). PD was dissolved in saline; all the other drugs were dissolved in 20% dimethyl sulfoxide. In all cases the drugs affected LTM as had been described in previous papers. The drugs affected STM and LTM differentially depending on the brain structure into which they were infused. STM was inhibited by KT5720, LY, and PD given into CA1 and by STAU and KT5720 given into the entorhinal cortex. PD given into the entorhinal cortex enhanced STM. LTM was inhibited by STAU, KN62, KT5720, KT5823, and LAV (0.5 microMg) given into CA1 and by STAU, KT5720, and PD given into the entorhinal cortex. The results suggest that STM and LTM involve different physiological mechanisms but are to an extent linked. STM appears to require PKA, guanylyl cyclase, and MAPKK activity in CA1 and PKA and PKC activity in the entorhinal cortex; MAPKK seems to play an inhibitory role in STM in the entorhinal cortex. In contrast, LTM appears to require PKA and PKC activity in both structures, guanylyl cyclase, PKG, and CaMKII activity in CA1, and MAPKK activity in the entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

Using a continuous recognition memory procedure for visual object information, we sequentially presented rats with eight novel objects and four repeated objects (chosen from the 8). These were selected from 120 different three-dimensional objects of varying sizes, shapes, textures, and degree of brightness. Repeated objects had lags ranging from 0 to 4 (from 0 to 4 different objects between the first and repeated presentation). An object was presented on one side of a long table divided in half by an opaque Plexiglas guillotine door, and the latency between opening the door and the rat moving the object was measured. The first presentation of an object resulted in reinforcement, but repeated presentations did not result in a reinforcement. After completion of acquisition training (significantly longer latencies for repeated presentation compared with the first presentation of an object), rats received lesions of the perirhinal, medial, or lateral entorhinal cortex or served as sham operated controls. On the basis of postsurgery testing and additional tests, the results indicated that rats with perirhinal cortex lesions had a sustained impairment in performing the task. There were no sustained deficits with medial or lateral entorhinal cortex lesions. The data suggest that recognition memory for visual object information is mediated primarily by the perirhinal cortex but not by the medial or lateral entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

Intra-septal infusions of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonist muscimol impair learning and memory in a variety of tasks. This experiment determined whether hippocampal or entorhinal infusions of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine would reverse such impairing effects on spontaneous alternation performance, a measure of spatial working memory. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were given intra-septal infusions of vehicle or muscimol (1 nmole/0.5 μL) combined with unilateral intra-hippocampal or intra-entorhinal infusions of vehicle or physostigmine (10 μg/μL for the hippocampus; 7.5 μg/μL or 1.875 μg/0.25 μL for the entorhinal cortex). Fifteen minutes later, spontaneous alternation performance was assessed. The results indicated that intra-septal infusions of muscimol significantly decreased percentage-of-alternation scores, whereas intra-hippocampal or intra-entorhinal infusions of physostigmine had no effect. More importantly, intra-hippocampal or intra-entorhinal infusions of physostigmine, at doses that did not influence performance when administered alone, completely reversed the impairing effects of the muscimol infusions. These findings indicate that increasing cholinergic levels in the hippocampus or entorhinal cortex is sufficient to reverse the impairing effects of septal GABA receptor activation and support the hypothesis that the impairing effects of septal GABAergic activity involve cholinergic processes in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

In rats, amygdala benzodiazepine-like immunoreactivity decreases by 29% immediately after the animals step down from the platform of an inhibitory avoidance apparatus and decreases by a further 45% immediately after they receive a training footshock. The decrease is attributable to a release of diazepam or diazepam-like molecules. The immediate post-training intraamygdala injection of the central benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil (10 nmole/amygdala) causes memory facilitation, and that of the GABA-A agonist muscimol (0.005 to 0.5 nmole) causes retrograde amnesia. Pretraining ip flumazenil administration (2.0 and 5.0 mg/kg) attenuates the effect of post-training muscimol by a factor of at least 100. The higher dose of pretraining flumazenil also causes memory facilitation. The data suggest that post-training consolidation is down-regulated by a GABA-A mechanism in the amygdala modulated by endogenous benzodiazepines released during training and at the time of consolidation.  相似文献   

A matching-to-position (MTP) paradigm was altered to influence the type of associations a rat would use to solve the task. Our main behavioral manipulation was the application of the differential outcomes procedure (DOP). The DOP involves correlating each to-be-remembered event with a distinct reward condition. This procedure results in the development of unique reward expectancies that enhance and guide choice behavior. Such distinct reward expectancies are not formed when either a common or random assignment of reward is used (a non-differential outcomes procedure [NOP]). Intracerebroventricular infusions of the amnestic agent muscimol (GABA(A) agonist) or aCSF were delivered to male rats trained on a delayed MTP task that implemented either the DOP or the NOP. Muscimol impaired performance in a dose dependent fashion in both groups--but the nature of the deficit differed as a function of reinforcement contingencies. Rats trained with the DOP displayed a non-mnemonic delay-independent impairment: performance at all delay intervals was disrupted. In contrast, NOP-trained rats displayed a delay-dependent impairment demonstrating that muscimol can also have memory-disrupting effects. The difference in pattern of impairment appears to be a function of the associations formed during training and the type of cognitive strategies involved in maintaining behavior on a conditional delayed discrimination task when reinforcement contingencies are varied. Thus, these results demonstrate that increasing GABA(A) receptor activation impairs a range of associative and memory functions.  相似文献   

Entorhinal neurons receive extensive intracortical projections, and form the primary input to the hippocampus via the perforant pathway. The glutamatergic cells of origin for the perforant pathway are distinguished by their expression of reelin, a glycoprotein involved in learning and synaptic plasticity. The functional significance of reelin signaling within the entorhinal cortex, however, remains unexplored. To determine whether interrupting entorhinal reelin signaling might have consequences for learning and memory, we administered recombinant receptor-associated protein (RAP) into the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) of young Long-Evans rats. RAP prevents reelin from binding to its receptors, and we verified the knockdown of reelin signaling by quantifying the phosphorylation state of reelin’s intracellular signaling target, disabled-1 (DAB1). Effective knockdown of reelin signaling was associated with impaired performance in the hippocampus-dependent version of the water maze. Moreover, inhibition of reelin signaling induced a localized loss of synaptic marker expression in the LEC. These observations support a role for entorhinal reelin signaling in spatial learning, and suggest that an intact reelin signaling pathway is essential for synaptic integrity in the adult entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

Rats were trained and tested in habituation to a novel environment and step-down inhibitory avoidance. Immediately after training in each task the animals received intra-amygdala, intraseptal, or intrahippocampal micro-injections of agonists and antagonists of various neurotransmitter receptors. In the habitation task, intrahippocampal, but not intra-amygdala or intraseptal administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist aminophosphornopentanoic acid (AP5, 5.0 micrograms) or of the muscarinic receptor antagonist, scopolamine (2.0 micrograms) caused amnesia and the indirect antagonist of GABA-A receptors, picrotoxin (0.08 microgram), caused retrograde facilitation. Intrahippocampal administration of the respective agonists, glutamate, oxotremorine, and muscimol, had effects of their own opposite to those of the blockers, and norepinephrine (0.3 microgram) caused memory facilitation. In the avoidance task, results obtained with drug infusions given into the three structures were very similar: in all cases, AP5, scopolamine, and muscimol were amnestic, and glutamate, oxotremorine, norepinephrine, and picrotoxin caused memory facilitation. In addition, also in the three structures, picrotoxin counteracted the amnestic effect of AP5 and/or scopolamine and the beta-adrenoceptor blocker, timolol (0.3 microgram), while ineffective on its own, attenuated all the effects of picrotoxin. The results suggest that similar synaptic mechanisms in the amygdala, medial septum, and hippocampus are involved in memory consolidation: NMDA, muscarinic, and beta-noradrenergic receptors stimulate and GABA-A receptors inhibit this process, and beta-noradrenergic receptors modulate the GABAergic synapses. In the avoidance task these mechanisms operate in the three structures: in habituation only those in the hippocampus are operative. Possibly in each structure these mechanisms regulate, if not actually consolidate, a different aspect, component, or form of memory.  相似文献   

Stress hormones released by an experience can modulate memory strength via the basolateral amygdala, which in turn acts on sites of memory storage such as the cerebral cortex [McGaugh, J. L. (2004). The amygdala modulates the consolidation of memories of emotionally arousing experiences. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 27, 1–28]. Stimuli that acquire behavioral importance gain increased representation in the cortex. For example, learning shifts the tuning of neurons in the primary auditory cortex (A1) to the frequency of a conditioned stimulus (CS), and the greater the level of CS importance, the larger the area of representational gain [Weinberger, N. M. (2007). Associative representational plasticity in the auditory cortex: A synthesis of two disciplines. Learning & Memory, 14(1–2), 1–16]. The two lines of research suggest that BLA strengthening of memory might be accomplished in part by increasing the representation of an environmental stimulus. The present study investigated whether stimulation of the BLA can affect cortical memory representations. In male Sprague–Dawley rats studied under urethane general anesthesia, frequency receptive fields were obtained from A1 before and up to 75 min after the pairing of a tone with BLA stimulation (BLAstm: 100 trials, 400 ms, 100 Hz, 400 μA [±16.54]). Tone started before and continued after BLAstm. Group BLA/1.0 (n = 16) had a 1 s CS–BLAstm interval while Group BLA/1.6 (n = 5) has a 1.6 s interval. The BLA/1.0 group did develop specific tuning shifts toward and to the CS, which could change frequency tuning by as much as two octaves. Moreover, its shifts increased over time and were enduring, lasting 75 min. However, group BLA/1.6 did not develop tuning shifts, indicating that precise CS–BLAstm timing is important in the anesthetized animal. Further, training in the BLA/1.0 paradigm but stimulating outside of the BLA did not produce tuning shifts. These findings demonstrate that the BLA is capable of exerting highly specific, enduring, learning-related modifications of stimulus representation in the cerebral cortex. These findings suggest that the ability of the BLA to alter specific cortical representations may underlie, at least in part, the modulatory influence of BLA activity on strengthening long-term memory.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe is known to play a role in the processing of olfaction and memory. The specific contribution of the human amygdala to memory for odors has not been addressed, however. The role of this region in memory for odors was assessed in patients with unilateral amygdala damage due to temporal lobectomy (n = 20; 11 left, 9 right), one patient with selective bilateral amygdala damage, and in 20 age-matched normal controls. Fifteen odors were presented, followed 1 h later by an odor-name matching test and an odor-odor recognition test. Signal detection analyses showed that both unilateral groups were impaired in their memory for matching odors with names, these patients were not significantly impaired on odor-odor recognition. Bilateral amygdala damage resulted in severe impairment in both odor-name matching as well as in odor-odor recognition memory. Importantly, none of the patients were impaired on an auditory verbal learning task, suggesting that these findings reflect a specific impairment in olfactory memory, and not merely a more general memory deficit. Taken together, the data provide neuropsychological evidence that the human amygdala is essential for olfactory memory.  相似文献   

Lesion studies have provided evidence that the entorhinal cortex (EC) participates in spatial memory. However, the molecular cascades that underlie memory-associated changes in the EC and its specific role in spatial memory, however, have not been clearly delineated. Recently, it has been shown that activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk, a mitogen-activated protein kinase family member) in the dorsal hippocampus is necessary for spatial memory. To examine whether similar mechanisms are used for spatial memory storage in the EC, Erk activity was inhibited after training in the Morris water maze. Bilateral infusion of the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor PD098059 into the EC immediately after training resulted in a memory deficit observed during a retention test performed 48 h later. This deficit was abolished with pretraining in a different water maze in which animals were able to learn the general task requirements and the appropriate search strategies. The absence of a deficit indicates that Erk activity in the EC may be involved in storing the task requirements or the search strategies. The findings presented in this article are consistent with the idea that the EC is involved in spatial memory and indicate that Erk activity is necessary for memory consolidation in this structure.  相似文献   

It is well established that glucocorticoid hormones strengthen the consolidation of hippocampus-dependent spatial and contextual memory. The present experiments investigated glucocorticoid effects on the long-term formation of conditioned taste aversion (CTA), an associative learning task that does not depend critically on hippocampal function. Corticosterone (1.0 or 3.0 mg/kg) administered subcutaneously to male Sprague–Dawley rats immediately after the pairing of saccharin consumption with the visceral malaise-inducing agent lithium chloride (LiCl) dose-dependently increased aversion to the saccharin taste on a 96-h retention test trial. In a second experiment, rats received corticosterone either immediately after saccharin consumption or after the LiCl injection, when both stimuli were separated by a 3-h time interval, to investigate whether corticosterone enhances memory of the gustatory or visceral stimulus presentation. Consistent with the finding that the LiCl injection, but not saccharin consumption, increases endogenous corticosterone levels, corticosterone selectively enhanced CTA memory when administered after the LiCl injection. Suppression of this training-induced release of corticosterone with the synthesis-inhibitor metyrapone (35 mg/kg) impaired CTA memory, and was dose-dependently reversed by post-training supplementation of corticosterone. Moreover, direct post-training infusions of corticosterone into the insular cortex or basolateral complex of the amygdala, two brain regions that are critically involved in the acquisition and consolidation of CTA, also enhanced CTA retention, whereas post-training infusions into the dorsal hippocampus were ineffective. These findings provide evidence that glucocorticoid effects on memory consolidation are not limited to hippocampus-dependent spatial/contextual information, but that these hormones also modulate memory consolidation of discrete-cue associative learning via actions in other brain regions.  相似文献   

Single-item memory, associative memory, and the human hippocampus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We tested recognition memory for items and associations in memory-impaired patients with bilateral lesions thought to be limited to the hippocampal region. In Experiment 1 (Combined memory test), participants studied words and then took a memory test in which studied words, new words, studied word pairs, and recombined word pairs were presented in a mixed order. In Experiment 2 (Separated memory test), participants studied single words and then took a memory test involving studied word and new words. In a separate test, they studied word pairs and then took a memory test involving studied word pairs and recombined word pairs. In both experiments, patients were impaired at memory for single items as well as memory for associations, suggesting that the hippocampus is important for both of these memory functions. In Experiment 1, patients appeared to be more impaired at associative memory than item memory. In Experiment 2, patients were similarly impaired at associative memory and item memory. These different findings are considered, including the fact that in Experiment 1 the results depended on the fact that controls produced unexpectedly low false-alarm rates to recombined pairs. We discuss single-item and associative memory from the perspective that the hippocampus and adjacent cortex work cooperatively to signal recognition and that simple dichotomies do not adequately describe the division of labor within the medial temporal lobe.  相似文献   

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