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A major methodological challenge in environmental sound research is to select appropriate stimuli. When an experiment involves a large number of sound sources, making custom recordings or producing sounds live is frequently impractical or, for certain sounds, impossible. Existing databases of environmental sound recordings provide a researcher with a useful alternative. However, finding and selecting suitable sounds in such databases can be difficult because of the great variety of sounds present, poor documentation, questionable recording quality, and required purchasing costs. This article describes a number of practical issues to consider during the stimulus selection process, offers a preliminary compilation of existing resources for obtaining environmental sound recordings, provides some normative perceptual data that can be used as a reference for selecting stimuli and evaluating performance, and lists required characteristics and structural aspects of a research-oriented environmental sound database.  相似文献   

Dianne Horgan 《Sex roles》1983,9(3):333-339
A two-part study examined attitudes toward pregnancy. The first part — a department store survey — looked at the location of maternity clothes in different status stores. Clothes were located differently, depending on the social class of the store. High status stores located them in or near lingerie and/or loungewear. Lower status stores located them in or near uniforms and/or half sizes. It is suggested that these differences reflect differential attitudes toward pregnancy in the different social classes. The second part of the study examined pregnant women's attitudes toward themselves. In line with the department store findings, there were differences between upper-class women and working-class women in self-report data. These data suggest that pregnancy is viewed differently, depending on social class.  相似文献   

NIM is Web-based software developed to help experimenters with some of the usual tasks carried out in psycholinguistic studies. It allows the user to search for words according to several variables, such as length, matching substrings, lexical frequency, or part of speech, in English, Spanish, and Catalan. NIM also provides the user with the possibilities to obtain different word metrics, such as lexical frequency, length, and part of speech; to find intralanguage and cross-language lexical neighbors; and to get control words for critical stimuli. Regardless of the language used, the program also enables the user to get the orthographic similarity between word pairs and to identify repeated items in lists of experimental stimuli. NIM is free and is publicly available at http://psico.fcep.urv.cat/utilitats/nim/.  相似文献   

In two related experiments on recognition-on touch and audition-accuracy rates were obtained from congenitally blind subjects and compared with those for normally sighted subjects. In Exp. 1, 5 blind subjects inspected, i.e., handled, 150 common objects and were tested after a delay of 7 days. In Exp. 2, 9 blind subjects listened to 194 naturalistic sounds and were also tested after a 7-day delay. Accuracy of tactile recognition for the blind was 89.4% while it was 87.9% for the normally sighted. Sound recognition by blind subjects was 76.6% and for the normally sighted it was 78.4%. Neither difference was statistically significant.  相似文献   

Accuracy rates for auditory and tactile recognition of naturalistic stimuli over a 7-day period are compared. 40 subjects listened to 50, 107, or 194 naturalistic sounds and were tested immediately or after delays of 2 or 7 days. 30 other subjects handled but did not visually inspect 150 common objects and were tested over the same three delay intervals. Recognition accuracy for sounds was 87.5%, 82.5%, and 80.4% while common objects were recognized at 96.0%, 93.8%, and 88.5% rates of accuracy. Tactile recognition memory was superior to auditory recognition memory. The recognition accuracies of both modalities were affected by the delay interval. The number of items inspected had no effect on the recognition memory for sounds. Following a delay of 1 wk., the accuracy of recognition relative to the original level of function was 92% for both modalities.  相似文献   

This article identifies many interrelated problems that interfere with progress in Rorschach research. These include vague hypotheses, confounded comparisons, failure to control extraneous variables; misuse of statistics, and distorted interpretation of results. Two crucial solutions to address many of these problems are offered: knowing the data and paling out rival hypotheses. Underlying conceptual confusions are addressed and prototypical examples derived from the literature, are discussed is the hope of improving the scientific foundation of the Rorschach.  相似文献   

Domestic dogs comprehend human gestural communication in a way that other animal species do not. But little is known about the specific cues they use to determine when human communication is intended for them. In a series of four studies, we confronted both adult dogs and young dog puppies with object choice tasks in which a human indicated one of two opaque cups by either pointing to it or gazing at it. We varied whether the communicator made eye contact with the dog in association with the gesture (or whether her back was turned or her eyes were directed at another recipient) and whether the communicator called the dog's name (or the name of another recipient). Results demonstrated the importance of eye contact in human-dog communication, and, to a lesser extent, the calling of the dog's name--with no difference between adult dogs and young puppies--which are precisely the communicative cues used by human infants for identifying communicative intent. Unlike human children, however, dogs did not seem to comprehend the human's communicative gesture when it was directed to another human, perhaps because dogs view all human communicative acts as directives for the recipient.  相似文献   

Courage has long been considered an important virtue, but throughout most of history its prime location was the battlefield. The chief exemplars of courage were warriors. Theologian Paul Tillich and psychologist Heinz Kohut have both written about courage, and each in his own way contributes to a new and broader understanding of courage, making it more applicable to the battlefields of everyday life. Specifically, they explain why courage is needed to fight emotional and spiritual dangers— and why religious faith vitalizes the self to overcome those dangers. Although the ideas of Tillich and Kohut on courage have been critiqued separately, this essay is the first attempt to integrate the two writers' theories. As psychologists and theologians look for intersections between their disciplines, this case study on courage shows how two prominent representatives in their fields are more compatible than people may realize.  相似文献   

How to keep children safe in traffic: find the daredevils early   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crossing the street in front of oncoming vehicles poses serious danger to young children. But is each young pedestrian similarly at risk? The authors aimed to identify children who are particularly prone to making risky and potentially harmful crossing decisions. They used a simple game involving risk to classify 5- to 6-year-olds as risk takers or risk avoiders. Children classified as risk takers made more crossing decisions at a busy 1-way street than risk avoiders, tolerated shorter time intervals between initiation of the crossing decision and arrival of the next vehicle, and were more likely to cause a (hypothetical) accident. Finally, they made decisions more quickly than risk avoiders. The authors discuss the implication of these results for traffic safety programs.  相似文献   

The psychoanalytic community increasingly recognizes the importance of research on psychoanalytic treatments, yet a significant number of psychoanalysts continue to believe that research is either irrelevant to psychoanalysis or impossible to accomplish. Psychoanalysts who accept the value of research express concern that intrusions required by research protocols create significant distortions in the psychoanalytic process. The authors, all psychoanalysts, are studying the outcome of a brief (twenty-four-session) psychodynamic treatment of panic disorder. They report their experiences and struggles with the intrusions of videotaping, working with a treatment manual, and time-limited treatment. This research process required them to question old beliefs and to confront feelings of disloyalty toward their analytic training and identity, particularly with regard to keeping a "clean field" and routinely performing long-term analysis of character. The therapists' psychoanalytic knowledge, however, emerged as crucial for them in managing specific research constraints. Despite concerns about providing inadequate treatment, therapists were found to engage patients with psychoanalytic tools and focus in vibrant and productive therapies that led to significant improvements in panic symptoms and associated quality of life. The authors suggest that psychoanalysts have been overestimating the potential damage of research constraints on psychoanalytic process and outcome.  相似文献   

Four rhesus monkeys were trained to respond on one key when a one-second noise burst was presented through one speaker and to respond on a second key when the noise burst was presented through a second speaker. The acquisition of stimulus control was studied under three conditions, in each of which the relationship between the sound source and the response-key positions varied: an adjacent condition in which the noise burst was presented through the key and a response on this key was reinforced; a reversed-adjacent condition in which the noise burst was presented through one key and responding on the other key was reinforced: and a nonadiacent condition in which responding on the key nearer the sound was reinforced. Under adjacent conditions, stimulus control developed within one or two sessions. Under reversed and nonadjacent conditions, 10 sessions were required for the development of control. The asymptote of correct responding was the same under each condition in all animals.  相似文献   

An interactive, computer-controlled, visual stimulus generator is described, suitable for both psychophysical and neurophysiological experimentation on human subjects. The system core is a wide-screen electrostatic cathode-ray tube, which can be used both as a television monitor, to display standard video pictures, and as anx-y oscilloscope, so that a bright dot can be moved around the display by electrical signals. In addition, a third working mode is provided, according to which a time-compressed video picture of limited size (fast picture) plays the role that is typical of the spot in a standard oscilloscope. Through computer-assisted time compression, the frame period of the video signal is reduced to about one tenth of its standard value. The fast picture can accordingly be driven by even the fastest eye movements, and it can be displayed as a stabilized image, or, more generally, in the altered retinal feedback condition. Moreover, as compared with a standard video picture, the fast image can be “flashed” over much shorter time periods. Since a standard input video signal is used for both standard and fast video pictures, all the image processing facilities of commercial videographic systems can be fully exploited by the proposed device.  相似文献   

The Character-Component Analysis Toolkit (C-CAT) software was designed to assist researchers in constructing experimental materials using traditional Chinese characters. The software package contains two sets of character stocks: one suitable for research using literate adults as subjects and one suitable for research using schoolchildren as subjects. The software can identify linguistic properties, such as the number of strokes contained, the character-component pronunciation regularity, and the arrangement of character components within a character. Moreover, it can compute a character’s linguistic frequency, neighborhood size, and phonetic validity with respect to a user-selected character stock. It can also search the selected character stock for similar characters or for character components with user-specified linguistic properties.  相似文献   


The following editorial is a reprint of an article inLegacies in the Study of Behavior: The Wisdom and Experience of Many (edited by Joseph Warren Cullen and published by Charles C Thomas (1975) Springfield, Illinois) by Irvine H. Page, born 1901, a graduate of Cornell Medical College, and editor of “Modern Medicine.” The life of Dr. Page has been an enviable one and extremely colorful, reminiscent of the more comprehensive, less technically oriented careers of a bygone era. Beginning as Director of the Chemical Division of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Munich from 1928 to 1931, later Director of the Research Division of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (1945–1966), he pioneered in the mechanism of arteriosclerosis and hypertension, the isolation of serotonin, and in the research on angiotensin. Having been a successful experimental investigator as well as an eminent clinician, he speaks with a direction and brevity from a long experience. Because of the great value of his counsel, his article is reprinted here with his permission and that of the editor, J. W. Cullen, and the publisher Payne Thomas.


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