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The study presented in this article concerns the functioning of representational mechanisms in social thought. More specifically, its objective is to identify the role of variables covering psychosocial involvement and systems of belief within social representations. At the interface between the individual and the group, these variables are considered here because of their status as explanatory variables of social thought. By analyzing the representation of human rights, we hypothesize that the level of involvement and the type of beliefs developed toward the state (concepts of a democratic state versus a safe state) impact on the expression of this representation and the standpoints it creates. The survey was conducted by questionnaire with a student population (315 participants). The main results, which are consistent with our hypotheses, provide evidence of an influence of the variables tested on the expressiveness of the representation of human rights. On the one hand, they reveal how an involvement developed in this subject and the social beliefs attached to the role of the state come to particularize the meaning of this representation, especially concerning its principles of equality. On the other hand, the results demonstrate the activity of ideological processes – political in content – which intervene in the realization of the representation. Through these processes, the results show a stronger influence of social beliefs than of psychosocial involvement on the representation studied.  相似文献   

For several decades, since the work of Piaget, it has been believed that correct judgements of durations require sophisticated reasoning abilities that emerge at about 8 years of age. However, some researchers have demonstrated accurate temporal knowledge in young children and have explained their poor judgements on classical piagetian tasks not by their inability to correctly judge time, but by age-related attentional difficulties. Recently, researchers have thus reassessed the temporal behaviour in children with the experimental paradigms used in animals and humans adults in the framework of the temporal information processing models that assume the existence of an internal clock. Findings suggest that this type of clock is functional at an early age. Other findings allow us to better understand the role of the development of attention, memory and metacognitive processes in the development of the abilities to judge time. The aim of this article is to synthesize these recent findings.  相似文献   

We study the resolution of the abstract selection task in a context of cooperative dialogue. We make 59 students achieve the task individually and 32 dyads (recording their dialogue). In accordance with the literature, the dyads perform significantly better than the students alone. We then highlight the logical strategies at work in the conversations of the four dyads which succeed in the task with a theory of the logical form of the interlocutory events such as they arise phenomenally: the interlocutory logic. These strategies are emergent products of the dialogue since no member of the dyads knows them before the interaction. It is surely by supporting the emergence of such joint cognitions that the interaction is a factor of cognitive progress.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to investigate the influence of children's self-efficacy, attitudes and their parent's asthma management on quality of life among children suffering from asthma. One hundred and forty-six children (8-12 years old) with moderate to severe asthma filled in a quality of life questionnaire, and a self-efficacy and attitudes scales; 92 parents completed the childhood asthma self-management scale. Results show that the children's negative feelings about asthma and the parents’ difficulties to manage asthma are linked to a worse quality of life; the children's self-efficacy influences both positively and negatively children's quality of life. The development of parents’ asthma management program should enhance their children's quality of life.  相似文献   

Technical devices are part of elderly people's daily life. Meanwhile, research has not yet systematically explored how old people understand procedural instructions accompanying these devices. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate how age and memory span affect how people follow procedural instructions. To do so, the Reading Span Test of Daneman & Carpenter (1980) and an adaptation of the Kaplan & White's (1980) following directions game were administrated to young and older adults. The Reading Span Test was administrated in order to determine the participants’ memory span size. Then, participants had to follow procedural instructions with a growing complexity displayed on a computer screen. Results show that participants’ age and instructions complexity affect how the instructions are performed. Old adults encounter more difficulty performing the task than young adults. Furthermore, whatever the age, as the complexity of instructions increases, low-span participants have more difficulty performing instructions than high-span participants do.  相似文献   

Working memory has a central role in cognitive development and its capacity is among the best predictors of high-level cognition and school achievement. Within the Time-Based Resource Sharing (TBRS) model, three main factors account for the development of working memory capacity. In this paper, we will review the main empirical evidence sustaining the impact of two of these factors on cognitive development. First, the amount of attention available for cognitive functioning might increase during childhood. Thus, for the same activities, older children would be able to process information faster than younger children. Within working memory span tasks, because the level of activation of memory traces decreases during the processing steps, any reduction of the duration of these steps directly diminishes the time during which the traces decay, and consequently increases the time available for reactivation or refreshing before the next processing step. These two effects jointly induce a stronger activation of the memory traces and a better recall of the to-be-maintained items. Second, because the main hypothesis of the TBRS model is that attention switches to refresh memory traces from processing to maintenance during the processing episodes, the efficiency of the refreshing mechanism should have a direct and strong impact on working memory functioning. An increase in the efficiency of this refreshing during childhood means that older children should take a greater advantage from the short pauses left free between each processing step. The level of activation of the memory traces would be then higher for older than for younger children, resulting in the classically observed increase in span. As a consequence, age-related changes in the efficiency of the refreshing could play a central role in working memory development.  相似文献   

Notre étude, menée auprès d'une population de 60 jeunes femmes deman-deuses d'emploi, s'applique plus particulièrement à mettre à jour d'une part, les variations des sentiments de contrôle au cours du chômage et d'autre part, les incidences de cellesci sur la réceptivité des individus aux informations relatives à l'emploi issues d'un organisme spécialisé (l'ANPE). Globalement, les résultats permettent d'observer un affaiblissement des sentiments de contrôle en fonction de la durée du chômage. Ils montrent que la réceptivité et la sensibilité des sujets à telle ou telle information est en relation avec le type de formation antérieure suivie par ces sujets. Les résultats ouvrent la voie á de nouvelles investigations qui prennent en compte les variations des attributions (norme d'internalité' et locus of control ) non plus seulement dans un domaine d'activites particulières (professionnelles) mais dans le échanges de ce domaine avec d'autres. Car, dans ces échanges se révèlent des ressources et des contraintes que les sujets traitent et utilisent pour affronter les problèmes posés par le chômage dans leurs multiples sphères d'activités.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize single letters, an important step in reading, is traditionally assumed to depend only on visual processes. However, as many of the objects surrounding us, letters are learnt through a matching between a visual configuration and movements. We review arguments suggesting that the characteristics of writing movements impact visual recognition of letters, at both a behavioral and neural levels. This impact might be especially strong when the orientation of letters has to be processed.  相似文献   

Developmental neuropsychology studies cognitive development in relation with brain maturation and cerebral plasticity. Some authors have reported physiological correlates of intellectual precocity with the purpose of demonstrating neural basis of intelligence. A part of the literature also reports various cognitive profile and specific talents in information processing in the clinical population of gifted children. Thus, the study of exceptional performances may contribute to our knowledge of functional brain organization taking into consideration individual differences.  相似文献   

Cet article présente les résultats à court terme d'un programme de prévention des toxicomanies auprès de filles avec et sans difficultés d'adaptation sociale. Le programme de prévention est une adaptation du Life Skills Training de Botvin et coll. Il comporte deux phases et est étalé sur deux années. Chaque phase est composée d'ateliers de formation aux habiletés personnelles et sociales. Le programme comporte aussi un système de renforcement au sein des ateliers et des activités complémentaires à l'extérieur des ateliers. Soixante et onze filles de 11–12 ans ont participé au programme de prévention lorsqu'elles étaient en 5e et 6e année d'école primaire. Vingt-sept autres filles ont uniquement participé aux séances d'évaluation (i.e. prétest et post-test) et composaient un groupe de contrôle. Une partie des filles dans chaque condition éprouvait des difficultés d'adaptation sociale (i.e. troubles du comportement et rejet par les pairs) et une partie n'éprouvait pas de telles difficultés. Les résultats montrent que le programme de prévention a influencé les connaissances au sujet de la cigarette, les attitudes vis-à-vis la cigarette et la marijuana ainsi que la consommation d'alcool et de marijuana. Ces résultats s'appliquent autant aux filles avec des difficultés d'adaptation qu'à celles sans difficultés d'adaptation. La discussion souligne les avantages et les limites de cette expérimentation.  相似文献   

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