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A study was conducted to develop procedures for training observational skills using concepts derived from structural family therapy. Experienced family therapists provided operational definitions of key concepts in family interaction, and videotaped segments of interactions were prepared which exemplified the concepts. A group of trainee family therapists was compared with a group of experienced therapists in the way they applied the concepts to interaction sequences in therapeutic sessions. In demonstrating that inexperienced trainees can be instructed relatively rapidly to identify and use structural concepts, the results suggested that this analytical approach to the training of family therapists shows considerable promise.  相似文献   

Ecosystemic structural family therapy (ESFT) is a systemic, strength-based, and trauma-informed family therapy model that has evolved from structural family therapy (SFT; Minuchin in Families and family therapy, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1974). ESFT is an evidenced-based family therapy approach designed to intervene with families of children who are experiencing behavioral health problems and are at the risk of out-of-home placement. In this article we review the theoretical, applied, and empirical evolution of ESFT relative to extant SFT models. ESFT is based on the fundamental assumption that child, parental, and marital functioning are inextricably linked to their relational environment. Five interrelated constructs guide ESFT therapists in their understanding of clinical problems: family structure; family and individual emotional regulation; individual differences (e.g., historical, biological, cultural, developmental); affective proximity; and family development (Gehart 2010). ESFT has an extensive evaluation history dating back to the 1980s involving over 4,000 families in 39 different sites. While ESFT is considered evidence-based, it might be more consistent with “Practice-Based Evidence” given its long, extensive, and successful, history in the child mental health system in Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

Concepts such as "agreement," "consensus," "understanding," and "shared meaning" are very familiar to clinicians. It is argued in this article that similarity in perceptions between spouses is a crucial dimension of the family system underlying these concepts. Findings are presented that support the idea that families vary along a dimension of similarity of perceptions, with more functional families characterized by high similarity between spouses' perceptions of their marriage and their family. In addition, the structure of this similarity was stable over 2 years and little change occurred in the mean level of similarity. Of three sets of predictor variables--psychological stress, marital cohesion, and structural variables--marital cohesion was the most powerful predictor of marital similarity. The importance of similarity of perceptions between family members in clinical work is discussed.  相似文献   

This study, conducted within the framework of concepts of structural family therapy, examined the relationship of four family-based, clinical dimensions to the adjustment of 45 adolescents during the first 18 months of parental separation. There were two samples of mother-custody families: an Aided group that applied for treatment, and an Unaided group of paid volunteers. The inclusion of this variable addressed a major methodological deficit of previous studies. There was a significant association between perceived postseparation family structure and adolescent adjustment, demonstrating that individual adolescent adjustment is contingent on structural features of the contemporary postseparation family. Further, Aided families were perceived as more chaotic, disengaged, and enmeshed than Unaided families, while Aided adolescents were characterized by more behavior problems than Unaided adolescents. This suggests that divorce, as an unscheduled transition, might be within the realm of adaptation for many families and adolescents and is not necessarily "disastrous."  相似文献   

Family systems are conceptualized as stable, but open, control systems characterized by: (a) formal organization, similar in principle to that of other complex, organic systems — physical, cognitive ( 11 ), or social; (b) freedom of action, reserved for human, "purposefu" systems ( 1 ). These characteristics are linked to auto-regulatory processes mediated by morphostasis ( 16 ), which insures systemic stability, and morphogenesis ( 16 ), which enables the system to change in accordance with the demands of intra- and extra-systemic reality. The latter two concepts, earlier used to construct a typology of family systems ( 19 ), are here further theoretically elaborated and operationally defined ( 1 ). Morphostasis is tied to the system's: (a) behavioral structure, embodied in a network of ground rules and meta-rules, as defined, and organized according to a principle of hiearchical linkage; (b) behavioral functioning, regulated by rule circuits in accordance with a principle of functional linkage. Morphogenesis is conceptualized as a serial, decision-making, change-producing process, dependent on specified, necessary, and sufficient conditions for its occurrence. The role of pragmatic, perceptual meanings ( 1 ) and of biological/experiential and conscious/unconscious factors in the system's auto-regulation are considered, as well as research approaches to some of these problems. The implications of the present theoretical rationale for the systematic testing and clinical use of the published family system typology ( 19 ) and for some more general issues concerning psychological theory, as well as the modern Western family and society, are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of businesses and the structure of families are very similar, considering the fact that so many businesses are owned or operated by families. Structural family therapists who are knowledgeable in systems theory and have an adequate understanding of the underlying concepts of structural family theory (including hierarchy, boundaries, and coalitions) can translate their knowledge to the structure of businesses and organizations. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the similarities between the structures of families and businesses. In doing so, an application of structural family theory to the business world (employee assistance programs, business consultation, and family businesses) will be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The paper examines two related concepts utilized by two different schools of family therapy. Any family seen to be "enmeshed" is also seen as "fused," and vice versa. The difference in the level of focus, on the "system containing the individuals" (structural) or the "individual in the system" (fusion), determines the difference in therapeutic approach of these two schools.  相似文献   

潜变量交互效应建模: 告别均值结构   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
吴艳  温忠麟  林冠群 《心理学报》2009,41(12):1252-1259
潜变量交互效应建模研究近年来有了长足的发展, 但模型中被认为不可缺少的均值结构往往让实际应用工作者却步。本文首先分析了潜变量交互效应模型中均值结构产生的根源; 然后讨论了指标变换与均值结构的关系; 接着提出了一个均值为零的潜变量交互结构, 所建立的模型不需要均值结构, 却不会改变主效应和交互效应等参数; 最后用模拟例子对无均值结构和有均值结构的两种模型的参数估计进行了比较, 结果符合理论预期, 困扰人们多年的均值结构问题从此可以终结。  相似文献   

《Family process》1974,13(1):137-140
This is a clinical controlled study comparing the effects of "behaviorally" orientated family therapy, "client-centered" family therapy, and no therapy at all for families with a delinquent member. Sample included 99 families randomly assigned to treatments. Results indicated the efficacy of the behavioral family therapy in reducing recidivism.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between culture, structural aspects of the nuclear and extended family, and functional aspects of the family, that is, emotional distance, social interaction, and communication, as well as geographical proximity. The focus was on the functional aspects of family, defined as members of the nuclear family (mother, father, and their children) and the extended family (grandmother/grandfather, aunt/uncle, cousins). Sixteen cultures participated in this study, with a total number of 2587 participants. The first hypothesis, that the pattern of scores on the psychological measures and the behavioral outcomes are similar across cultures, an indication of cultural universality, was supported. The second hypothesis, that functional relations between members of the nuclear family and their kin are maintained in high‐affluent and low‐affluent cultures, and that differences in functional relationships in high‐ and low‐affluent cultures are a matter of degree, was also supported by the findings. The results suggest that it is less meaningful in cross‐cultural family studies to ask questions about the structure of the family, than to ask about the functional relationships between members of the nuclear family and their kin. In looking only at the nuclear family, one focuses only on those residing in the household, but ignores those important members of the extended family who may reside nearby and their significant relationships with the members of the nuclear family.  相似文献   

The role of family homeostasis in Conjoint Family Therapy is reviewed and examined from the standpoint of the Sociocultural Systems framework as presented by Buckley. Sociocultural Systems concepts are presented, and an attempt is made to relate them to a view of the family. It is concluded that the concept of homeostasis by itself is insufficient as a basic explanatory principle for family systems and that it may limit both our expectations for families and our approaches to helping families. The concepts viability, positive feedback processes, morphogenesis, and "variety" are presented and emphasized as important for a more tenable conceptualization of the family system in our society today. An attempt is made to relate these concepts to some of the clinical family literature and to examine the implications of these concepts for mental health and educational approaches to the family.  相似文献   

This study developed and tested a new theory of behavior, entitled behavioral reasoning theory. The theory proposes that reasons serve as important linkages between beliefs, global motives (e.g., attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control), intentions, and behavior. An underlying theoretical assumption in this framework states that reasons impact global motives and intentions, because they help individuals justify and defend their actions. Four studies were conducted to test theoretical propositions. Using confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation modeling, Study 1 demonstrated that reasons (for and against the behavior) were differentiated from global motives and independently predicted intentions and behavior. Through orthogonal manipulation, Study 2 showed that global motives and reasons influenced intentions. Study 3 found that reasons contributed to the prediction of intentions beyond traditional belief concepts and that belief concepts predicted reasons. Finally, Study 4 experimentally demonstrated that traditional belief concepts (including interaction terms) and reasons influenced global motives and intentions. In all, while traditional concepts explained significant amounts of variance, the overall results suggest that reason concepts explain meaningful amounts of additional variance and, thus, also need to be considered.  相似文献   

Evidence from a number of family intervention strategies demonstrates a beneficial impact on the course of schizophrenia. It appears that different family interventions have generic features that aid the patient to avoid relapse and improve functioning. A significant challenge for researchers is to modify these generic strategies to be sensitive to different cultural groups in order to ensure their effectiveness. Chinese culture, with its distinct cultural norms governing family interaction and intense stigma towards the mentally ill, would seem to raise a particular challenge.
This paper offers an account of an eclectic model of structural family therapy that incorporates psychoeducation and behavioural treatments for schizophrenia as a theoretical guide to working in a cross–cultural context. A Beijing family, consisting of parents and their daughter with schizophrenia, were seen for sixteen months during a trial of family intervention in China. Through structural family concepts, China's sociocultural context of treatment resource constraints, population policy and stigma are examined and the impact of the illness on family organization is explored.  相似文献   

The concepts of deutero-learning and double bind have acquired an increasingly important status in various fields of social and behavioral science, particularly in psychiatry, psychotherapy, organization, and policy science. With this proliferation, however, their original meaning and significance has become increasingly muted. In this article it is argued that both concepts are important ingredients of a behavioral theory of (organizational) learning. To support this argument, the development of both concepts is traced to the work of Gregory Bateson. In Bateson's thinking, the two concepts have a firm base in dyadic behavior and interaction.  相似文献   

Although cognitive behavioral spectrum approaches with individual children are plentiful and demonstrate effectiveness, cognitive behaviorally oriented clinicians are frequently left to their own devices when it comes to treating families. Cognitive behavioral family therapy is a relatively recent development and there are precious few reports of its clinical use. This article presents a conceptual foundation and clinical rubrics for the practice of cognitive behavioral family therapy. Basic theoretical background information is presented and places the therapeutic processes and procedures in a proper context. Session structure in cognitive behavioral therapy is illustrated and the way it propels therapeutic momentum and adds focus to each session is explained. Rudimentary processes of self-monitoring, self-instruction, rational analysis, and behavioral enactment are described and augmented with case material. Finally, the conclusion offers directions for further theory building, research, and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Family therapists disagree over the utility of historical reconstruction for treatment. Following either a behavioral or a psychoanalytic paradigm, theorists insist that history is irrelevant or essential to the treatment process. This paper demonstrates how a variety of family therapy concepts were used in his historical research into the life of the family of William James, the American psychologist and philosopher (1842–1910). This is offered as evidence both that family theory has a contribution to make to the writing of history and that the historical process is important to family therapy. It is suggested that clinical actuality calls forth interventions within both paradigms, often by the same therapist with the same family. The alternatives need not be mutually exclusive, though theory-building is clarified by talking as if the therapist were confronted by an either/or choice.  相似文献   

Using Horney's clinical concepts and Leary's circle matrix procedures, this study investigated the Type A and B patterns of personality. Significant findings showed the Type A-B continuum to represent two distinct poles, with the Type A direction reflecting the expansive personality pattern (power and aggressiveness) and the Type B direction reflecting the self-effacing pattern (helplessness and affiliation) for self-perceived roles. For behavioral roles, the power-versus-helplessness traits described the two contrasting directions of personality involvement. Three subgroups were identified for behavioral role in each A and B extreme group. The shift in affect between the ACL and MMPI instruments may reflect two factors: the degree of ambiguity set up by the nature of the tests and the responding "pull" of the individual, which was described as an "active" or "quiescent" form of the A and B patterns. Hence, it may be more effective to diagnose individuals in terms of a specific behavioral subtype and active or quiescent enactments. Three maladjustment indicators were investigated. Significant findings showed the A2 group as exhibiting increasing rigidity of behavioral role with lower Type A scores and the A1 group as exhibiting greater discrepancies with increasing Type A scores. The lack of discrepancy for the Type B groups may reflect a dysfunction in that these individuals may be stagnated in their work situations and complacent in the docile-dependent role. The three findings of behavioral subgroups, rigidity of role, and discrepancy were discussed as possible mediating psychosocial factors associated with coronary heart disease. Since this was the first major examination and use of Leary's model (to the author's knowledge) since the late 1950s, it is important to consider these results tentative and heuristic, until replications can be conducted. It is hoped that representative norms from diverse samples can be obtained for developing standard scores on Leary's circle matrix axes. The present study was limited by the narrow demographic characteristics of its subjects, who were mostly white-collar workers in professional, technical, or management positions.  相似文献   

无均值结构的潜变量交互效应模型的标准化估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴艳  温忠麟  侯杰泰 《心理学报》2011,43(10):1219-1228
潜变量交互效应建模研究近年来有两项重要进展, 一是提出了潜变量交互效应模型的标准化估计及其计算公式; 二是发现无均值结构模型可以取代传统的有均值结构模型, 建模大为简化。但标准化估计是在传统的有均值结构模型中建立的, 在简化的模型中同样适用吗?本文在无均值结构模型的框架内, 给出了潜变量交互效应模型的标准化形式、计算公式和建模步骤, 并通过模拟研究比较了极大似然和广义最小二乘两种估计方法、配对乘积指标和全部乘积指标两种指标类型, 结果表明, 在计算交互效应的标准化估计时, 应当使用配对乘积指标建模, 并且首选极大似然估计。  相似文献   

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