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State-trace analysis was used to investigate the effect of concurrent working memory load on perceptual category learning. Initial reanalysis of Zeithamova and Maddox (2006, Experiment 1) revealed an apparently two-dimensional state-trace plot consistent with a dual-system interpretation of category learning. However, three modified replications of the original experiment found evidence of a single resource underlying the learning of both rule-based and information integration category structures. Follow-up analyses of the Zeithamova and Maddox data, restricted to only those participants who had learned the category task and performed the concurrent working memory task adequately, revealed a one-dimensional plot consistent with a single-resource interpretation and the results of the three new experiments. The results highlight the potential of state-trace analysis in furthering our understanding of the mechanisms underlying category learning.  相似文献   

State-trace analysis (Bamber, 1979) addresses a question of interest in many areas of psychological research: Does 1 or more than 1 latent (i.e., not directly observed) variable mediate an interaction between 2 experimental manipulations? There is little guidance available on how to design an experiment suited to state-trace analysis, despite its increasing use, and existing statistical methods for state-trace analysis are problematic. We provide a framework for designing and refining a state-trace experiment and statistical procedures for the analysis of accuracy data using Klugkist, Kato, and Hoijtink's (2005) method of estimating Bayes factors. The statistical procedures provide estimates of the evidence favoring 1 versus more than 1 latent variable, as well as evidence that can be used to refine experimental methodology.  相似文献   

Cognitive science is replete with fertile and forceful debates about the need for one or more underlying mental processes or systems to explain empirical observations. Such debates can be found in many areas, including learning, memory, categorization, reasoning and decision-making. Multiple-process models are often advanced on the basis of dissociations in data. We argue and illustrate that using dissociation logic to draw conclusions about the dimensionality of data is flawed. We propose that a more widespread adoption of 'state-trace analysis'--an approach that overcomes these flaws--could lead to a re-evaluation of the need for multiple-process models and to a re-appraisal of how these models should be formulated and tested.  相似文献   

The psychophysiological approach was used to evaluate the effects of feature similarity and intrinsic response mapping on the flanker compatibility effect. Symbol (e.g., < > < and < / <) and letter arrays (e.g., HCH and SCS) were used. Results showed that delays in stimulus evaluation and both peripheral and central response competition contributed to the compatibility effect, with the contribution of these processes depending on feature similarity and the intrinsic response mapping of the stimuli. For letter stimuli, the difference in the size of the compatibility effect for similar and dissimilar arrays could be accounted for in terms of stimulus evaluation. For symbol arrays, differences in size of the compatibility effect could be accounted for by response competition. Thus, symbol and letter arrays do not appear to be processed differently; what is different is the degree to which stimulus and response-related processes are affected by incompatibility.  相似文献   

Mental rotation: effects of dimensionality of objects and type of task   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The original studies of mental rotation estimated rates of imagining rotations that were much slower when two simultaneously portrayed three-dimensional shapes were to be compared (R. Shepard & J. Metzler) than when one two-dimensional shape was to be compared with a previously learned two-dimensional shape (Cooper and her associates). In a 2 X 2 design, we orthogonally varied dimensionality of objects and type of task. Both factors affected reaction times. Type of task was the primary determiner of estimated rate of mental rotation, which was about three times higher for the single-stimulus task. Dimensionality primarily affected an additive component of all reaction times, suggesting that more initial encoding is required for three-dimensional shapes. In the absence of a satisfactory way of controlling stimulus complexity, the results are at least consistent with the proposal that once three-dimensional objects have been encoded, their rotation can be imagined as rapidly as the rotation of two-dimensional shapes.  相似文献   

Remember-know (R-K) judgments are commonly used to assess conscious recollection of the study episode during recognition. We varied whether participants judged items as R, K, or new (one-step) or first made an old-new judgment and then made the R-K judgment (two-step). The one-step group had a higher R hit rate and K false alarm rate than did the two-step group. In addition, the K responses of the one-step group did not reliably discriminate between old and new items. When a “guess” response category was available, both groups were able to discriminate old and new items using the K response; however, K responses remained more accurate in the two-step condition. R responses appeared to be relatively immune to the effects of testing procedure when the guess category was provided. This suggests that, under some conditions, the R label can reliably indicate a distinct form of recognition memory, suggesting that allowing participants to use a guess response may help them to confine their R-K judgments to confidently recognized items. When participants are not given the option of making a guess response, they may use the R-K distinction to indicate the trace strength of the memory.  相似文献   

On a test of dimensionality in redundancy analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lazraq and Cléroux (Psychometrika, 2002, 411–419) proposed a test for identifying the number of significant components in redundancy analysis. This test, however, is ill-conceived. A major problem is that it regards each redundancy component as if it were a single observed predictor variable, which cannot be justified except for the rare situations in which there is only one predictor variable. Consequently, the proposed test leads to drastically biased results, particularly when the number of predictor variables is large, and it cannot be recommended for use. This is shown both theoretically and by Monte Carlo studies.The work reported in this paper was supported by Grant A6394 to the first author from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish the role of perceptual-motor factors in copying an equilateral four-sided figure. Children, 5 to 12 years, and adults, were asked to copy the figure presented in either "square" or "diamond" orientation under five conditions: control; large model presentation; neutral picture frame surround; partial visual information reduction; and total visual information loss. The model was present at all times. Scores were orientation and angular variability. Developmental trends were found for both figures; the diamond was less well performed than the square at all ages tested. Three perceptual-motor factors were found to be important: formulation of the movement plan; movement programming, and sensory feedback. The difficulty of the diamond is thought to be due to the high programming and hence planning demands in drawing oblique lines. Both kinaesthesis and sequential vision are important factors in drawing; and only from 12 years of age are environmental cues used efficiently to orient the figure.  相似文献   

In this study the author explored the relationship between anxiety and predicting task duration. He hypothesized that individuals scoring high on anxiety would predict that more time would be needed to complete a task. Students (N = 198; 80 men and 118 women) enrolled in psychology classes completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State (STAI; C. C. Spielberger, 1983) and estimated the amount of time needed to complete a reading passage. A multiple regression analysis indicated that higher anxiety was associated with a prediction that more time would be needed to complete a task. Directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of pair collaboration and word-frequency on recognition memory, using the "remember-know" procedure. The aim was to test the predictions of the information-exchange hypothesis (Clark, Hori, Putnam & Martin, 2000), which states that collaborative facilitation occurs when participants are able to share their recollective memories with other members of the group. Results showed that recognition performance was significantly better in the collaborative than in the individual condition, and better for low-frequency than for high-frequency words. The advantage of collaborating dyads was produced by an increase of correct hits, coupled with a significant reduction of false alarms. Furthermore, the analysis of the "remember" (R) and "know" (K) responses indicated that the effects of both pair collaboration and word-frequency were larger on recollection than on familiarity processes. It is concluded that, in a collaborative condition, arguments based on the retrieval of the contextual details associated with the target words are more effective than those based on familiarity in increasing the proportions of correct hits. In addition, it is proposed that collaboration may lead to a reduction of the probability to accept new items on the basis of familiarity (K) responses.  相似文献   

The use of remember–know judgments to assess subjective experience associated with memory retrieval, or as measures of recollection and familiarity processes, has been controversial. In the current study we had participants think aloud during study and provide verbal reports at test for remember–know and confidence (i.e., sure–probably) judgments. Results indicated that the vast majority of remember judgments for studied items were associated with recollection from study (87%), but this correspondence was less likely for high-confidence judgments (72%). Instead, high-confidence judgments were more likely than remember judgments to be associated with incorrect recollection and a lack of recollection. Know judgments were typically associated with a lack of recollection (62%), but still included recollection from the study context (33%). Thus, although remember judgments provided fairly accurate assessments of retrieval including contextual details, know judgments did not provide accurate assessments of retrieval lacking contextual details.  相似文献   

The lack of conceptual and operational definitions has proved to be a stumbling block to empirical research on charismatic leadership. In this study, a scale is created measuring House's (1977) nine charismatic effects. Factor analysis of the scale yields three dimensions analogous to expert power, referent power, and job involvement. These three constructs are then used to predict subordinate ratings of leaders' charisma.The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. Philip Koek in the collection of data and Ms. Dawn Voigt for help with data analysis.  相似文献   

Understanding how memory processes contribute to the conscious experience of memory is central to contemporary cognitive psychology. Recently, many investigators (e.g., Gardiner, 1988) have examined theremember-know paradigm to understand the conscious correlates of recognition memory. A variety of studies have demonstrated that variables have different effects on remember and know responses, and these findings have been interpreted in the context of dual-process models of recognition memory. This paper presents a single-process model of the remember-know paradigm, emphasizing the dependence of remember and know judgments on a set of common underlying processes (e.g., criterion setting). We use this model to demonstrate how a single-process model can give rise to the functional dissociations presented in the remember-know literature. We close by detailing procedures for testing our model and describing how those tests may facilitate the development of dual-process models.  相似文献   

Empirical investigations that have adhered to a unidimensional, time-oriented conceptualization of convenience have often yielded weak findings. This research explains 1) the rationale for and 2) the results of a study that qualitatively reexamines the convenience phenomenon. Diary responses are used to develop and test a reconceptualization of convenience that includes temporal, spatial, and effort dimensions. The dimensions are shown to reliably elaborate upon the unidimensional conceptualization. Implications of the three-dimensional scheme are explained. Other managerial implications of the findings are delineated; among them, the study reveals that, contrary to popular wisdom, convenient products can be dissatisfying. This relates to instances in which the choice of a convenient product entails a tradeoff of environmental or nutritional concerns. Consequently, companies must strive to develop convenient products which do not force consumers to compromise environmental, nutritional, and other concerns.  相似文献   

A modified Remember/Know (RK) paradigm was used to investigate reported subjective awareness during retrieval. Levels of processing (shallow vs. deep) was manipulated at study. Word pairs (old/new or new/new) were presented during test trials, and participants were instructed to respond "remember" if they recollected one of the two words, "know" if the word was familiar in the absence of recollection, or "new" if they judged both words to be new. Participants were then required to indicate which of the 2 words was old (2AFC recognition). With the standard RK proportions, deeper processing at study increased remember proportions and decreased know proportions, but this dissociation was not shown with the 2AFC proportion correct measure which instead demonstrated robust LOP effects for both remember and know trials, suggesting that the know proportion measure severely distorts the nature of LOP effects on familiarity.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of psychopathy is controversial. Whereas some studies have found evidence that psychopathy, at least its antisocial component, is distributed as a taxon, others have found that both major components of psychopathy-callousness/unemotionality and impulsivity/antisocial behavior-appear to distribute as dimensions and show little evidence of taxonicity. In the present study, recent advances in taxometric analysis were added to P. Meehl's (1995) multiple consistency tests strategy for assessing taxonicity, and they were applied to Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (R. D. Hare, 2003) ratings of 4,865 offenders sampled from multiple forensic settings. The results indicated that both the individual components of psychopathy and their interface are distributed dimensionally. Both the implications of these results for research in psychopathy and the integration of these findings with previous taxometric studies of psychopathy are discussed.  相似文献   

In three experiments response time (RT) differences between correct prosaccade and antisaccade trials were examined via distribution analyses by fitting an ex-Gaussian function to individual RT distributions. Experiment 1 demonstrated that antisaccades are slower than prosaccades and this difference is due to both a shift in the overall distribution as well as a lengthening of the tail of the distribution. Experiment 2 demonstrated that manipulating foreperiod duration led to changes in both accuracy and RT for antisaccades but not prosaccades. Furthermore, the change in RT for antisaccades resulted in a lengthening in the tail of the distribution but not a shift in the distribution. Finally, Experiment 3 demonstrated that with sufficient practice performance on antisaccades was equated with performance on prosaccades in terms of both accuracy and RT. An examination of the RT distributions suggested that practice led to parallel changes in both the mean of the distribution and the tail of the antisaccade distribution. These results are interpreted within a two-factor theory of attention control that suggests that performance on antisaccades is driven by both competition resolution and goal-maintenance abilities.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to validate and explore the factor structure of the Work-Related Flow Inventory (WOLF) as a measure of flow within the South African work context. The sample consisted of N?=?415 employees from various organisations in South Africa (females?=?56.8%, White?=?67.8%, single?=?46%, English?=?34.6%, 18 to 30?=?76.4% and various types of industries and positions). They completed the Work Related Flow Inventory (WOLF), the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) and the Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed that the WOLF has three dimensions, consisting of absorption, work enjoyment and intrinsic work motivation that fit the data best. The findings further suggest that absorption and work enjoyment relates to work engagement. Convergent validity evidence indicated work absorption, work enjoyment and intrinsic motivation to correlate with both work engagement and job satisfaction in a South African working context. Work enjoyment had the strongest link with job satisfaction.  相似文献   

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