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不同的人有不同的人生境界,同一个体,其在不同阶段,由于觉解程度不同,所呈现的人生境界也不尽一致。对处于不同人生境界的个体而言,其对道德行为的践行则有所不同,由此出现道德冷漠、道德顾虑、道德恐惧以及道德自由诸种道德行为。不同道德行为,多是一种偶在性表现,既不是个体一成不变的定行,亦非某一群体集体行为的表征。每一种道德行为的出现,都有其相应的内因外缘,剖析诸类非正常道德行为出现的缘由,以期提出对治之方,这是学者的使命,亦是社会之所寄。  相似文献   

Anthony Storr (1979) The Art of Psychotherapy, Oxford: Oxford University Press; originally published by Secker & Warburg/Heinemann  相似文献   

This article argues that the later work of Foucault, notably that set out in The History of Sexuality, can make a useful contribution to organizational and occupational psychology. It goes on to analyse accounts of stress, related by client‐service workers during interviews, using concepts informed by this work. Such a method of analysing a key work experience takes us beyond the positivism that dominates the large stress literature. Our emphasis is on Foucault's ideas relating to the creation of oneself as a work of art and the moral problematization of pleasure, rather than the more commonly applied surveillance and disciplinary controls. We consider stress discourse in this light and note the often overlooked heterogeneity of these stress accounts and self‐portraits. We note that creation of self may itself be a ‘stressful’ process. This use of Foucault allows a rich reading of stress discourses and could, the authors believe, be applied in other organizational and occupational research.  相似文献   

In the domain of social support, comforting is typically viewed as a form of help focused on providing relief from emotional distress. This specification is in our view insufficient to qualify comforting. Our work aims to provide a conceptual framework for comforting as a social process, by identifying its basic conditions while distinguishing it from other forms of social support such as help and advice. Special emphasis is placed on the role played by empathic sharing in comforting and being comforted. Then we focus on the comforter's perspective, addressing the typical difficulties implied by the comforting task, with special reference to those intrinsic to the task itself and the role played by empathic sharing in coping with such difficulties. We finally discuss the requirements for effective comforting, the view of comforting as a process of favoring the comfortees' reappraisal of their trouble, and the analogy between comforting and therapeutic help.  相似文献   

A great deal of work in analytic philosophy of art is related to defining what counts as art. So far, cognitive approaches to art have almost entirely ignored this literature. In this paper, I discuss the role of intuition in analytic philosophy of art to show how an empirical research program on art could take advantage of existing work in analytic philosophy. I suggest that the first step of this research program should be to understand how people intuitively categorize something as art. Drawing on results from cognitive science and analytic philosophy, I show that the intuitive categorization of an artifact as art rests on the intentions attributed (frequently implicitly) to the creator of the artifact based both on its appearance and on background knowledge. I discuss how the issue of categorization is related to other empirical issues concerning our relationship to works of art, such as perception, appreciation, interpretation, and evaluation.  相似文献   

This research examined how one affectively reacts to others' guesses at a value one cares about, such as one's income. Conventional wisdom suggests that people will feel happier upon receiving more favorable guesses (e.g., higher income) than less favorable guesses. We found the opposite pattern. We propose a model to explain the effect and identify its boundaries and report experimental evidence for the model. This research enriches existing literature on self-enhancement and yields practical implications for how to approach guessing in interpersonal communications.  相似文献   

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