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Introduction and objectiveThis article presents the translation method, in French, of the ‘Theory of Mind Inventory’ questionnaire (ToMI, Hutchins, Prelock, & Bonazinga, 2012) assessing adults’ perception about children’ abilities in Theory of Mind.MethodIt reports results of three validation studies of the French-version of ToMI (ToMI-vf) filled by parents of preschoolers.ResultsThe study 1 (n = 107) shows a very high internal consistency and a structure in three factors. The study 2 (n = 54) confirms criterion-related validity. The study 3 (n = 45) shows a good temporal stability of parental answers.ConclusionThe three studies indicate that the ToMI-vf has psychometric properties comparable with those reported by authors about the initial ToMI.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Inventory of Organizational Learning Facilitator (IOLF) developed by Barrette, Lemyre, Corneil, and Beauregard (2012) is a self-report inventory assessing the presence of certain facilitators of organizational learning within an organizational environment. However, this scale is in English, limiting its applications with francophone populations.ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to create a French version of the Inventory of Organizational Learning Facilitators (IOLF). Furthermore, this study also aimed to verify the metrological qualities as well as the construct validity of the French version of the instrument.MethodThe instrument was translated and verified by expert translators then administered to two distinct samples (francophone and anglophone) each composed of 476 executive's directors working for the federal government's public service. The respondents also completed a three level of perceived learning measures (i.e. individual, group, and organizational).ResultsAnalyses of the factor structure, internal consistency and the pattern of correlations with external variables indicate that the French version converges with the English one.  相似文献   

A single instrument was listed to measure political skills, defined as the understanding of others and the use of that knowledge to influence their actions. It was validated with employees, although political skills were more relevant to managers and, in particular, to school principals. A single study validated the psychometric properties of the instrument with managers showing that the dimensional structure would deploy in 5 factors unlike what is observed among employees, which is deployed in 4 factors. The purpose of this study is to verify whether the tool is reliable and has a distinct structure when employed with a population occupying a management position and more particularly school principals. A total of 304 school principals completed an electronic questionnaire. The results suggest a satisfactory dimensional structure in four factors and good fidelity, which invalidates the use of a separate structure for manager including school principal, as reported by Snell et al. (2013).  相似文献   

The Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (ANPS, Davis, Panksepp, Normansell, 2003) was designed to provide researchers and clinicians with an efficient measure of individual differences on the six factors of normal personality related to six neuronal systems involved into process of affective information that are Play, Seek, Care, Fear, Anger and Sadness systems. Spirituality has been integrated as a seventh dimension representing the most evaluated human emotion. The present article has allowed (a) to introduce the French version of ANPS and (b) to use the French version of ANPS to study the relations between the scores on ANPS to those of French version of Big Five scale. A sample (N = 412 students) completed the 112 items of French version of ANPS. The data obtained from the French study were compared to those of Neuro-Psychoanalysis 5 (2003) 57–69. Factor structure was similar, thus, the French version of ANPS provides an efficient, psychometrically sound way to measure the six personality factors in French samples. The scores on ANPS scale were also positively correlated with those obtained on Big Five scale.  相似文献   

This study concerns the confirmatory factorial analysis test of the correspondence between a theory of the definition of the interests proposed in a list of factors and the responses from 5304 subjects in two self-evaluation questionnaires. The questionnaires were provided by a professional advice and support IT tool, Inforizon. It allows the user to explore professional worlds, according to his particular interests. The principles at work are designed to overcome difficulties regularly encountered in the use of interest scores. The empirical structure of the responses to the questionnaires appears to be compatible with the definition model. A second stage is the exploratory research of the explanatory and parsimonious dimensions of the approximately circular organisation of the interest factors.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to examine validity and reliability indices of a French version of the DES-IV (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64 (1993) 847–860). The DES-IV is an instrument evaluating the phenomenological experience of 12 trait-emotions. A total of 213 community-dwelling participants completed a questionnaire including the French version of the DES-IV and measures of depression, anxiety, life satisfaction, resilience, and the five factors of personality. A confirmatory factor analysis supported the 12-factor structure of the DES-IV. Moreover, results showed adequate convergent evidence of validity among the 12 emotions of the DES-IV and various measures of psychological adjustment and personality. Overall, findings suggest that the 12 trait-emotions measured by the DES-IV can be adequately differentiated.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2022,28(3):157-175
IntroductionThe Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the organization of work and represented a turning point in the deployment of mediated and remote work. Wherever the continuation of the activity was possible at a distance, telework was imposed. Nevertheless, it is exercised in new conditions and the organization of work modalities is defined according to the evolution of the situation and governmental health measures.ObjectiveIn this context, the objective of this study is to understand what are, from the point of view of middle managers, the impacts of telework in confinement and then during the progressive re-establishment of the activity on site, on the one hand, on the work, its organization and its conditions of realization and, on the other hand, on the work collectives, the relationship to work and the quality of life of the employees.MethodIn this perspective, we carried out an exploratory and comprehensive study through semi-structured interviews with 17 directors of service in a French public organization.ResultsThe lexical and morphosyntactic analysis performed shows that the modalities of work organization/reorganization at different moments of the crisis, their impact on work activity, the psychosocial experience of telework within the services and the managerial practices deployed (3 classes) could constitute opportunities but also generate risks.ConclusionThe results of this study allow us to identify the benefits but also the potentially deleterious effects of the use of telework in times of crisis and provide elements for consideration in its post-pandemic deployment.  相似文献   

This article presents three studies conducted among teachers and introduces an instrument to assess the four determinants of self-efficacy, according to Bandura's socio-cognitive theory (1997). The first study (n = 99) was based on a 54-item questionnaire. Results allowed to shorten the scale based on specific exclusion criteria. The second study (n = 341) was conducted on a 30-item scale in order to further shorten its length and improve its validity. Finally, the third study (n = 169) tested the structure of the final 16-item version. Results confirm that the scale has adequate psychometric properties and support its construct validity.  相似文献   

The selection interview is a situation full of uncertainty for applicants. Not knowing precisely how they will be evaluated, they will thus try to gather information about interviews, mainly through media such as advice books. These books can participate in reducing applicants’ uncertainty: (1) by materializing the abstract concept that is the interview using metaphors, (2) by providing information about interview formats, and (3) by providing advices to prepare for the interview. This study investigates the presence of these three means in both French and English advice literature. It highlights that all three are used in general, that the last two means are the most frequent ones, and that several differences between the two literatures emerge. Implications for research and organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction and objectiveThis article presents two validation studies of the French version of the Emotion Regulation Checklist (Shields & Cicchetti, 1998; ERC-vf, Nader-Grosbois, 2013) led with preschoolers. This questionnaire is applicable to 3–12 years old children with and without disorder.MethodIn the study 1 (n = 152), the teachers filled the ERC-vf and a personality scale. In the study 2 (n = 71), the ERC-vf was completed two times by the teachers and by the parents who also filled other measures of emotion regulation and of social competences.ResultsThe study 1 shows a good internal consistency and a two-factor structure (emotion regulation and dysregulation). The scores for these factors are significantly linked with developmental ages, the global level of intellectual efficiency and specific factors of personality. The study 2 shows a good inter-judges agreement, a stability test-retest and the external convergent validity between scores in ERC-vf and in other measures of emotion regulation and of social competences.ConclusionAs the ERC-vf has good psychometric properties, it may be used for research and for assessment in intervention in French-speaking areas.  相似文献   

Guilhem Julia 《Médecine & Droit》2009,2009(98-99):131-137
As regards medical responsibility, the proof of an unquestionable causal link between the damage and the fault of the expert are made difficult in the presence of uncertainties related to the etiology of certain pathologies. The article raises the question of the reception of this uncertainty by the judge and the legislator, and wonders in particular about the founded good of the recourse to law and judicial presumptions within the framework of the dispute of the victims of multiple sclerosis developed following vaccination against hepatitis B.  相似文献   

For 30 years, in France, foster care has been regulated by specific legislation which provides for the professionalization of one of the foster parents – the mother, more often than not. The authors – clinical psychologists – analyse the impact of the last legislation on foster care. A recent law aims to consider foster care as a job like any other, at the risk of underestimating the specificity of this social function, that is, offering to a child in trouble with his own family an ordinary living environment and the “ordinary” parenting skills of foster parents. The authors suggest ways to conceive the professionalization of foster parents in order that it will meet the child's interests and needs.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(4):357-375
IntroductionAlthough orthorexia is described as a pathological obsession over healthy food, its nature remains unclear. The results of the majority of studies, mainly using the ORTO-15 measurement scale, remain limited to certain countries and cannot be generalized to every culture. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that body image should be included in the orthorexia research, in addition to eating disorders.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to propose a French adaptation of the ORTO-15 measurement scale using the Vallerand's transcultural validation procedure, explore its psychometric properties and the links between orthorexic behvaiour, symptoms of eating disorders and body image.MethodFour hundred and nine young adults (89% female), aged 18 to 25 years, completed the online version of the following scales: ORTO-15, Dunn et al. criteria (2016), the Eating-Attitudes Test (EAT-26), Binge Eating Scale (BES) and the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire-Appearance Scale (MBSRQ-AS). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA, respectively) were carried out on two randomly split samples and links between different variables were explored using Spearman correlation coefficients.ResultsThe EFA yielded a single-factor 11-items structure explaining 24% of variance. The adjustment indices from the CFA were excellent. The stability of the scale was satisfactory (ICC = 0.71), despite a questionable internal consistency (α = .50). Links with other scales indicated good structural validity.ConclusionORTO-11-Fr presented satisfactory psychometric properties. Further studies are needed for identifying predictors of orthorexia as well as improving its definition and assessment.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Exercise Dependence Questionnaire (EDQ) conceptualises exercise dependence (ED) within both traditional biomedical and psychosocial perspectives. This tool is a valid and reliable multidimensional measure of ED.ObjectiveThe aim of the present study was to examine the internal consistency, test-retest reliability and factorial validity of the EDQ, in a French language version. In comparison to other existing scales like the EDS (Exercise Dependance Scale), the EDQ emphases not only the symptoms of addiction but also the motivations to exercise.MethodThe French language version of the EDQ was completed by 160 participants (60% male, students and practitioners leisures of sports activities). Participants completed the EDS and measures of exercise behavior.ResultsAdequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability for the scale were obtained. Confirmatory analysis (SPSS 16) supported a correlated eight-factor model, as suggested by Ogden, Veale and Summers (1997). The model fit indices were satisfying, RMSEA = 0.048; CFI = 0.90; IFI = 0.91; Chi2/dll = 1.38. This study provides evidence for the reliability and validity of the French language version of the EDQ. The convergent validity of this scale with the Exercise Dependence Scale was r = 0.52. These two scales appear more complementary than redundant. The EDS focuses more on the strict definition of the dependence whereas the EDQ adds a motivational perspective often link to eating disorders.ConclusionThe EDQ can be thus used in the clinical and studies framework on the exercise dependence.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to report on issues and logical commitment of individuals in a course of the validation of knowledge from experience (VAE). In this way, we analyze individual strategies at work in the desire to integrate a VAE, and the role of valuations and trade developed in different areas of life. The study was conducted among 20 candidates engaged in VAE in higher education, using semi-structured interviews. The analysis of textual data “Alceste” reveals, firstly, the existence of three logical commitment in VAE and, secondly, that these are embedded logic and served by individuals in their different times and settings of socialization. The study calls for some recommendations to address professional coaching in VAE.  相似文献   

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