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In this paper, we outline a model of emotional and physical pain that is misunderstood, neglected or stigmatized, conceptualized along dimensions of relative legitimation and physicality. Drawing upon extensive qualitative data from former residents, staff, and faculty of a controversial religious boarding school, we analyze institutional practices that officially delegitimize the pain of individuals or groups, along with the interpersonal and power dynamics that emerge. After discussing modifications to the model rooted in these data, we outline the utility of attending to the concept of illegitimate pain in the study of cults, social problems, social movements, conflict, victimology and deviance.  相似文献   

Research on the effectiveness of counseling is reviewed, and conclusions are drawn about the consequences for professional practice. The research literature clearly shows that counseling is effective in relation to no-treatment and placebo control conditions. The effects of counseling seem to be relatively lasting. These effects are attained in relatively brief time periods, with the percentage of clients who show substantial improvement increasing as the number of counseling sessions increases. There continues to be little evidence of specific efficacy for particular techniques or counseling theories, and a small portion of clients seem to deteriorate while undergoing, and perhaps because of, counseling interventions.  相似文献   

David King 《Ratio》1999,12(3):271-278
In this paper I examine a recent scientific claim that travel into the past, so long as a 'consistent' trajectory is followed, may be possible. I then argue that the possibility of such travel has unexpected implications for the free will-determinism debate. In particular, human existence may be, at best, determinate but uncaused.  相似文献   

There may be very good Christian theological reasons to oppose human biotechnological enhancement. It is, however, difficult to discern what they are. Much of the specifically Christian response to transhumanist biotechnological enhancement has revolved around the metaphysics of human persons; this is hardly surprising, given that similar themes appear in other bioethical themes, such as over in vitro fertilization, abortion, and euthanasia. The main aim of this paper is to clarify the theological requirements for such responses, particularly those that are mistakenly delegated to scientists. In particular, the paper will focus on the need for a Christian theological account of human nature that does not unduly rely on biological accounts of the same.  相似文献   

The Implications of Prospect Theory for Human Nature and Values   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Central to prospect theory are far-reaching claims about what people fear and what gratifies them. Subjective well-being is a topic that social science has been reluctant to discuss in recent years, but it is central to much of our lives. A loss inflicts more harm than a comparable gain produces pleasure; this fact and the related endowment effect are important parts of our psychological makeup. The importance of change rather than absolute value position, and the related significance of the reference point and how it can be altered, can be seen as integral to human nature.  相似文献   

Inasmuch as unmitigated pain and suffering areoften thought to rob human beings of theirdignity, physicians and other care providersincur a special duty to relieve pain andsuffering when they encounter it. When pain andsuffering cannot be controlled it is sometimesthought that human dignity is compromised.Death, it is sometimes argued, would bepreferred to a life without dignity.Reasoning such as this trades on certainpreconceptions of the nature of pain andsuffering, and of their relationships todignity. The purpose of this paper is to laybare these preconceptions. The duties torelieve pain and suffering are clearly mattersof moral obligation, as is the duty to respondappropriately to the dignity of other persons.However, it is argued that our understanding ofthe phenomena of pain and suffering and theirrelationships to human dignity will be expandedwhen we explore the aesthetic dimensions ofthese various concepts. On the view presentedhere the life worth living is both morally goodand aesthetically beautiful. Appropriate``suffering with' another can help to maintainand restore the dignity of the relationshipsinvolved, even as it preserves and enhances thedignity of patient and caregiver alike.  相似文献   


This article briefly explores the connections between the thought of these two authors for the purpose of revealing the profound influence these men have on the principles and practice of geriatric pastoral care. This exploration is offered as a professional tribute by a pastor whose ministry with older adults is greatly enriched by their contributions. It is also offered as a personal testimony by a middle-aged individual whose own life journey is most encouraged and challenged by their thought. It is not every philosopher/psychiatrist or theologian/psychologist who can have such significant influence on both levels of the sojourner-in-ministry. Nor is it every author, whose insights are born of specific disciplines, who can offer such stimulating insights to those who are practitioners in another field. Both Viktor Frankl and Charles Gerkin possess these capabilities in abundance. The following “dialogue” simply serves as an invitation to partake of the wealth of their wisdom for both personal and professional enlightenment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to study the intergenerational correlations of punitive disciplining of children. In an international sample, 112 individuals evaluated their experience of disciplinary methods from their childhood, as well as current perception of disciplinary methods and their own context of parenting. The results showed that the experience of corporal punishment or psychological aggression in childhood correlates with acceptability of inflicting corporal punishment or psychological aggression as a parent. There was an interaction between the experience of punitive discipline and experiencing confidence in carrying out parenting tasks and experiencing present-day stress. Context of parenting (e.g., confidence in carrying out parenting tasks) and perceptions of punitive disciplining might help us understand intergenerational transfer of parenting styles.  相似文献   

This article considers the question of how much weight the infringement of children's right to bodily integrity should be given compared with competing considerations. It utilises the example of circumcision to explore this question, taking as given this practice's opponents' view of circumcision's harmfulness. The article argues that the child's claim against being subjected to (presumably harmful) circumcision is neither a mere interest nor a right so strong that it trumps all competing interests. Instead, it is a right of moderate strength. Indeed, even the aggregate strength of children's rights against the practice of (presumably harmful) circumcision as a whole is not so weighty so as to always trump competing interests. The harms are not sufficiently serious to justify such a status. And the expressive wrongs associated with non‐negligently benevolent harming are much less serious than those associated with intentional harming. The debate over banning circumcision thus cannot be conducted only in terms of competing rights. Competing interests, such as those that would be set back by the departure of religious citizens, should be considered as well and might plausibly justify allowing even a rights‐infringing practice to continue.  相似文献   

在中国历史上,关于国家安全问题的战略性思考起源于先秦时期,许多重要的指导思想和原则,如以民为本、和而不同、慎战、亲仁善邻等思想已在那时得到了明晰。这些宝贵的思想具有久远而深厚的文化基础。他们不仅为历朝历代安内攘外,维系中国作为世界上唯一不曾中断几千年文明进程的国家发挥了重要的历史作用。而且对于我们今天研究安全问题、制定国家安全战略提供了可资借鉴的价值。  相似文献   

Despite the great contribution by Lawrence Kohlberg to our understanding of moral development, counselors are only beginning to appreciate fully the implications of his developmental psychology for the practice of counseling and human development. Drawing on the collective body of Kohlberg's work, seven basic assumptions are shown to have direct relevance for conceptualizing counseling from a constructivist developmental approach.  相似文献   

The 5 papers in this special section examine the hypothesis that organism and environment constitute a single system.

Timo Järvilehto and Barry Smith focus on the status of the hypothesis from the perspectives of experimental psychology and philosophy. Järvilehto addresses the precursors of the hypothesis and the reasons for adopting its implied methodology. Smith addresses the epistemological and ontological issues, historical and contemporary, surrounding the core notion of an organism-relative definition of environment.

David Miller and Robert Lickliter focus on the status of the hypothesis from the perspectives of development and evolution. Miller addresses the limits on understanding development when organism-environment system and its implied (transactional) methodology are ignored. Likliter addresses the successes of the “epigenetic revolution” in relation to the traditionally dominant gene-centered view as confirmation of the hypothesis.

Susan Oyama focuses on the nexus of ideas that define Developmental Systems Theory (DST), a primary conceptual embodiment of the one-system hypothesis. She addresses conceptual differences among proponents of DST and with proponents of related viewpoints that are seemingly accommodating of some version of the hypothesis—differences that are tied to the use, emphasis, and interpretation of “cause,” “information,” and “environment.”

In this introduction I take the opportunity to present a personal overview of the conceptual landscape that embeds the one-system hypothesis. My goal is to frame the issues addressed by the 5 authors and to set the stage for future deliberations.  相似文献   

This article suggests that the tendency of living systems to move toward more practical and more aesthetically fitting states be hypothesized as an evolutionary principle. The viewpoints of scientists and systems thinkers on the place of elegance in nature are considered, along with a discussion of issues related to perception of beauty. Implications for human systems and for meeting the challenges we presently face are considered.  相似文献   

Organizers of the Human Genome Project (HGP) understood from the beginning that the scientific activities of mapping and sequencing the human genome would raise ethical, legal, and social issues that would require careful attention by scientists, health care professionals, government officials, and the public. The establishment of the ELSI (ethical, legal, and social implications) programs at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and the Department of Energy (DOE) was thought to be vital to the success of the HGP in the United States. It also provided a novel approach to the simultaneous study of ethical, legal, and social issues and basic scientific issues. Eric Juengst, the first director of the ELSI program, described its origins in a previous issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (Juengst 1991). Now in its seventh year, the ELSI program has accomplished much. This article summarizes the evolution and goals of the ELSI program at NHGRI, outlines the program's current research priorities with examples of activities within each priority area, and provides a look to the future, including the initiation of a strategic planning process.  相似文献   

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