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Suicide ideation: its relation to depression, suicide and suicide attempt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A random sample of 3,935 adults from a general population were interviewed and asked to report how often they had thoughts of suicide as well as their opinion on the frequency of suicide ideation in others. Depression was found to be related to the respondent's reports of his/her own suicidal thoughts and to reports of frequent suicide ideation in others. A total of 5.4 percent of the respondents reported some degree of suicide ideation in the previous month and 9.1 percent reported that others think about suicide once a month or more. When the demographic characteristics of those who report suicide ideation in themselves or others were compared to those of suicide attempters and committers, some consistencies were found, suggesting that such questions may be useful in identifying those "at risk." Nevertheless, sufficient discrepancies were found which suggest that there may be a number of factors which increase or decrease the likelihood that someone with thoughts of suicide will attempt or commit suicide. Follow-up studies are necessary to uncover such factors and the degrees to which they influence the occurrence of suicide.  相似文献   

Current Psychology - In Western cultural context, grandiose (overt) narcissism has been shown to be either unrelated or negatively related to negative mental health (depression, suicide ideation)....  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the brooding subtype of rumination is associated with increased suicidal ideation, but findings are inconsistent with respect to reflection, considered to be the more adaptive form of rumination. This study investigated the circumstances under which reflective rumination might be associated with increased suicidal ideation by examining whether a suicide attempt history moderated the relationship between the ruminative subtypes and current suicidal ideation. Thirty-seven young adults who reported a past suicide attempt and fifty-nine young adults without a suicide attempt history completed measures of rumination and depression symptoms in an initial study session. They then completed a measure of suicidal ideation and hopelessness during a second study session. Overall, brooding was associated with higher self-reported suicidal ideation, whereas reflection was not significantly associated with ideation. However, reflection - but not brooding - interacted with suicide attempt history to statistically predict suicidal ideation, even after adjusting for symptoms of depression and hopelessness, whereas brooding no longer predicted ideation after adjusting for these symptoms. These findings qualify earlier suggestions that reflection is a more adaptive form of rumination by indicating that among vulnerable individuals - in particular those with a history of a suicide attempt - a higher degree of reflective rumination is associated with increased suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

This study tested whether poor cognitive change during depression treatment predicted time to return of depressive symptoms. Depressed participants (N = 121) completed assessments of dysfunctional attitudes and extreme thinking (i.e., number of totally agree and totally disagree responses) during hospitalization and again after 6 months of outpatient treatment. Participants then completed monthly depression assessments for 1 year. Survival analyses for time to symptom recurrence during follow-up were conducted among participants who reported 50% improvement in their depressive symptoms and were at least partially asymptomatic at the end of treatment (n = 53). Poor change in dysfunctional attitudes and poor change in extreme thinking both predicted shorter time to return of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Previous studies have implicated depression, self-defeating behaviors, and self-destructive behaviors in suicide ideation. The present research directly compared these three concepts as predictors of both males' (n = 51) and females' (n = 78) suicide ideation. Analysis confirmed sex differences, with depression and self-defeating behaviors predicting females' suicide ideation, and self-destructive behaviors predicting males' suicide ideation. These results suggest that suicide may be related to these subtle yet relevant factors which may not be easily detected by mental health workers.  相似文献   

In a sample of 149 undergraduate students, measures of religiosity and spirituality were positively associated with measures of depression, mania, and past suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

English-Canadian (104 boys, 96 girls) and French-Canadian (272 boys, 286 girls) high school students participated in this study of the relationship between suicide ideation and selected variables (age, gender, self-esteem, locus of control, stress, social support, anomy, health, alcohol use, and drug use), with the effect of depression removed. Partial correlation analyses showed that removal of the effect of depression resulted in a loss of or a reduction in the respective relationships between suicide ideation and its correlates. The results suggest that researchers must control for depression if they want to ascertain true correlates of suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Further inquiry into processes that lead to suicide in the police occupation is necessary. Suicide ideation in police officers and possible correlates associated with such ideation is explored in this paper. The focus was on psychologically traumatic police work experiences, the development of posttraumatic stress (PTSD) in officers, and the inordinate use of alcohol associated with this condition. The impact of these occupationally based factors and their association with suicide ideation has not yet been fully explored. Results suggest that certain traumatic police work exposures increase the risk of high level PTSD symptoms, which subsequently increase the risk of high alcohol use and suicide ideation. The combined impact of PTSD and increased alcohol use led to a ten-fold increase risk for suicide ideation.  相似文献   

Suicidal ideation and attitudes toward suicide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although hopelessness and depression are known risk factors for suicide, most individuals who are hopeless or depressed never make a suicide attempt. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that college students' (n = 230) attitudes toward suicide (the degree to which they see it as an acceptable option under some circumstances) would moderate the link between both hopelessness and depressive symptoms and their levels of suicidal ideation. This moderation hypothesis was supported, but only among men. Specifically, among men, levels of hopelessness and depressive symptoms were significantly related to suicidal ideation among only those with relatively positive attitudes toward suicide.  相似文献   

This study investigated how positive and negative humor styles relate to suicidal ideation, thwarted belongingness, and perceived burdensomeness. Analyses indicated that affiliative and self-defeating humor style moderated the relationships between thwarted belongingness and suicidal ideation as well as perceived burdensomeness and suicidal ideation when controlling for depression. The clinical importance of assessing and tracking humor styles as potential coping mechanisms against suicidal thinking is discussed.  相似文献   

The problem-solving deficit (PSD) diathesis-stress model of suicide behavior proposed by Clum, Patsiokas, and Luscomb (1979) and expanded by Schotte and Clum (1982, 1987) was examined in a short-term longitudinal test. The present study assessed the relationship between problem-solving deficits at Time 1—prior to the stressor (a D or F on a midterm examination)—and adjustment at Time 2—after the Stressor. Evidence was found for an additive predictive relationship for stress and problem-solving deficits to Time 2 measures of depressive symptoms, hopelessness, and suicide ideation. Evidence was also found that PSD × Stress interactions uniquely predicted the three criteria. The results of this study were taken as evidence of problem-solving deficits functioning as a diathesis for depression, hopelessness, and suicide ideation.  相似文献   

Background/Objective: Depression and suicide ideation regularly occur together. Yet, little is known about factors that buffer individuals against the development of suicide ideation. The present study investigated, whether positive mental health buffers the association between depression and suicide ideation in a longitudinal study design. Methods: A total of 207 German students (70.3% female; age: M = 26.04, SD = 5.33) were assessed at a baseline evaluation and again twelve months later. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires. Linear hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyze the data. Positive mental health was considered to moderate the impact of depression on suicide ideation – controlling for age and gender. Results: Positive mental health was shown to moderate the impact of depression on suicide ideation: in those students who reported higher levels of positive mental health, depression severity showed no association with suicide ideation over time. Conclusion: Positive mental health seems to confer resilience and should be taken into account, when assessing individuals for suicide risk.  相似文献   

The unique dimensions of perceptions of school and family contributing to depression and suicide ideation in Hong Kong adolescents were examined in two studies. In Study 1, among 327 Hong Kong Chinese female students ages 13-18, 47% reported some suicide ideation. Suicide ideation was significantly associated with depression, test anxiety, academic self-concept, and adolescents' perceived parental dissatisfaction with academic performance. The correlation between test anxiety and depression was especially high (r = .51). Study 2 examined how three different aspects of perceived family relationship were associated with depression and suicide ideation. Among 371 Hong Kong Chinese adolescents ages 14-20, 52.6% reported suicide ideation. Low levels of family cohesion and support and high levels of parent-adolescent conflict were positively related to depression and suicide ideation in both genders. Across both studies, depression mediated associations between academic- and family-related variables and suicide ideation. Findings underscore the importance of both academic and family climate in understanding depression and suicide ideation among Chinese adolescents.  相似文献   

This study investigates the early manifestation of co-occurring depression and conduct problems as a predictor of heightened risk for later suicidal ideation and behavior in a community sample of 521 adolescents. Self-reported symptoms of depression and conduct problems were evaluated in early 6th grade. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors were tracked through multiple assessments carried out over the middle school years. Compared to adolescents with depression symptoms only, conduct problem symptoms only, or low psychopathology, those with co-occurring depression and conduct problem symptoms had the highest risk for subsequent suicidal ideation, recurrent suicidal behaviors, and suicide attempts.  相似文献   

Older adults have the highest risk of death by suicide in the United States. Improving our understanding of the factors that lead to increased risk of suicide in older adults will greatly inform our ability to prevent suicide in this high-risk group. Two studies were conducted to test the effect of perceived burdensomeness, a component of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide (Joiner, 2005), on suicide ideation in older adults. Further, gender was examined as a moderator of this association to determine if perceived burdensomeness exerted a greater influence on suicide ideation in males. The results of these studies suggest that perceived burdensomeness accounts for significant variance in suicide ideation, even after predictors such as depressive symptoms, hopelessness, and functional impairment are controlled. Gender did not moderate the association. The implications of these findings for treatment of older adults with suicide ideation and elevated suicide risk are discussed.  相似文献   

Positive and negative attitudes mediating suicide ideation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Both the presence of negative expectancies (Beck, Weissman, Lester, & Trexler, 1974) and the absence of positive reasons for living (Linehan, Goodstein, Nielsen & Chiles, 1983) have been offered as partial explanations for why individuals consider suicide. The independent viability of these two explanations is evaluated in three studies that assess: (1) the distinctiveness of the nomological networks of measures of these two approaches; and (2) the latent variables that might account for any observed distinctiveness and for how two relatively independent constructs could both be related to suicide. Results obtained from both nonclinical and clinical samples consistently indicate distinct nomological nets for measures of "hopelessness" and "reasons for living." Results suggest that these measures are both related to suicide because measured suicide intent is a bi-factorial construct and measures of hopelessness and reasons for living are related to different underlying factors. Suicide intent is related to latent variables labelled "neuroticism" and "psychoticism;" hopelessness is related to these two factors and to "extraversion;" reasons for living is primarily related to psychoticism.  相似文献   

Attributional style was examined as a diathesis for depression, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation. A naturalistic stressor—obtaining a D or F on an Introductory Psychology exam—was used in a longitudinal design to test for the effects of stress in predicting these criteria. Controlling for preexam levels of depression, hopelessness, and suicide ideation, prestress attributional style was consistently related to poststress levels of each of these criteria. Both positive and negative attributional styles measured at Time 1 were predictive of these criteria at Time 2. Regression analyses revealed that exam grade, attributional style alone, and attributional style in interaction with stress predicted each of the three criteria. The results are seen as supportive of a prestress attributional style diathesis to depression, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

Self-determination was examined as a protective factor against the detrimental impact of negative life events on suicide ideation in adolescents. It is postulated that for highly self-determined adolescents, negative life events have a weaker impact on both hopelessness and suicide ideation than for non-self-determined adolescents. In turn, hopelessness is hypothesized to generate less suicide ideation for highly self-determined individuals. Results from multigroup analyses confirm that both the direct and indirect links between negative life events and suicide ideation were significantly weaker among participants high in self-determination. The protective role of self-determination against negative life events is discussed.  相似文献   

Background/ObjectivePositive mental health (PMH) has been shown to confer resilience against suicide ideation. However, the mechanisms underlying the positive effect of PMH on suicide ideation/behavior are largely unknown. The current study aimed to determine whether positive affect mediates the association between PMH and suicide ideation.MethodA total of 150 adult outpatients (65.3%; female; age: M(SD)=37.79(13.50), range:18–77) completed measures on PMH, positive and negative affect, as well as suicide ideation. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires. Linear hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyze the data. Positive affect was considered to mediate the association between positive mental health and suicide ideation.ResultsWhile positive affect fully mediated the significant negative association between PMH and suicide ideation, negative affect did not reveal to be a significant mediator of this relationship.ConclusionsThe protective influence of PMH against suicide ideation is due to heightened positive affect: If positive mental health translates into positive affect, then suicide ideation becomes less likely.  相似文献   

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