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该研究探讨了弱智儿童视觉-动作控制能力。弱智儿童被试30人,平均年龄13.5岁,平均智商53.9。实验结果与正常人的结果作了比较。结果显示,弱智儿童的视觉-动作控制能力只相当五六岁正常儿童的水平,远落后于正常中青年及老年的水平。这表明,智力缺陷与发展水平对人的视觉-动作控制能力有明显影响。  相似文献   

弱智儿童视觉图形辨认的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究探讨了不同智商水平的弱智儿童的视觉图形辨认能力的差异,并与同龄正常儿童作了比较。结果表明,智商在31-51,平均智商为41.6,均龄为11.7岁的弱智儿童,在图形以0.05秒速度的呈现条件下,平均辨认正确率为21.4%;在以0.01秒速度呈现的条件下,平均正确率为20.7%。智商在55-75,平均智商为62.0,均龄为10.2岁的弱智儿童,图形以0.05秒速度呈现时,平均辨认正确率为48.5%;在以0.01秒速度呈现时,平均正确率为45.0%。与同均龄的正常儿童比较,无论在哪一种呈现速度条件下,对图形辨认正确率均明显低于正常儿童。  相似文献   

陈国鹏  姜月  骆大森 《心理科学》2007,30(3):564-568
选取轻度弱智、一般智力以及智力优秀三组共288名小学生作为被试,每个被试接受三种测验,即工作记忆测验、加工速度测验、韦氏儿童智力测验中国修订版,以考察轻度弱智儿童群体在与工作记忆和加工速度相关的认知任务上的反应特征,以及轻度弱智儿童与一般儿童在这些任务上的差异。通过方差分析、聚类分析等统计方法得到以下结果:1.轻度弱智儿童和智力一般儿童在工作记忆和加工速度上有显著差异。2.轻度弱智儿童群体在各基本认知能力中可能存在的缺陷并不平衡,工作记忆较稳定地反映了该群体在智力上的缺陷,但存在一部分在加工速度上体现为正常水平的亚类群体。  相似文献   

弱智儿童语言障碍调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究从学前儿童常用的词汇及句法的理解和表达两个方面对 7至8岁的轻度、中度、重度共 85名弱智儿童的语言障碍作系统的调查 ,结果显示 :各组弱智儿童在语言的理解方面普遍比表达要好 ,并且在那些与日常生活联系较密切的词汇上作业成绩相对较好 ;不同智残程度的弱智儿童在语言障碍的具体表现上有不同的特点。  相似文献   

弱智儿童心理旋转的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究探讨了一组9~12岁弱智儿童的“心理旋转”能力,该组儿童平均年龄10.1岁,平均智商(IQ)53.8(中度智力残疾)。研究结果与正常儿童(均龄8岁)作了比较。结果显示,弱智儿童的心理旋转能力明显较之正常儿童为差,智力缺陷对视觉图形空间定向能力(心理旋转)有着明显的影响。但无论弱智儿童或是正常儿童的结果均未发现性别差异。  相似文献   

中重度弱智儿童词汇表达的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨福义  刘春玲 《心理科学》2001,24(6):753-754
中重度弱智儿童普遍存在不同程度的语言发展方面的问题,他们获得第—个词的时间通常是24—30个月,到四岁时。才开始出现较多的、有意义的词;弱智儿童的词汇量相当有限,而且词汇的累积和增加非常缓慢,使用的词类也不全面。国外的研究者对于弱智儿童词汇发展的研究主要形成了两种观点:其—是弱智儿童与相同智龄的正常儿童相比,在词汇表达和理解方面都要落后;其二是智龄可以预测弱智儿童词汇发展的能力。  相似文献   

弱智儿童对词汇理解的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以上海市88名学前—3年级的弱智儿童为对象,以PPVT—R为材料,研究弱智儿童对于名词、动词、形容词以及词组的理解情况。结果发现:弱智儿童的智力水平与词汇理解能力有显著的相关;弱智儿童的年级水平与词汇理解能力有十分显著的相关,教育对于弱智儿童的词汇理解能力的发展有重要作用。  相似文献   

学龄弱智儿童语言发展研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本研究运用三项测试,考查了学龄弱智儿童语言发展状况。结果表明,弱智儿童语言发展过程和规律与正常儿童相似,并没有脱离正常儿童语言发展的一般模式,但他们语言发展速度极其缓慢,即使匹配了智龄,也远不如正常儿童,而且弱智儿童在语言运用上有其特点,与正常儿童有“质”的差异。  相似文献   

弱智儿童语音发展的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
昝飞  刘春玲 《心理科学》2002,25(2):224-225
弱智儿童普遍存在着各种语言和言语的问题.其中构音障碍的发生率非常高.因此语言教育一直是弱智儿童教育的重要内容。本研究选取弱智儿童的汉语语音发展作为研究内容,希望能对弱智儿童的语言教育与训练提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   

对弱智儿童14名进行动作协调的系统训练,内容是向目标物分别投套圆圈与投掷小沙包。经过两个半月训练,与另外未经系统训练的更大些的14名弱智儿童相比较,成绩明显高于对比组。证明弱智儿童的动作协调训练是有成效的,可行的,但需要正确的组织与指导。  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrated the efficacy of sample stimulus-control shaping programs for teaching arbitrary matching to 4 subjects who did not acquire the performances via standard methods (i.e., differential reinforcement and, in two cases, comparison intensity fading). All 4 had previously demonstrated identity matching with two-dimensional forms. Identity matching performances were then transformed into arbitrary matching by gradually changing the sample stimuli until they no longer resembled the comparison stimuli. Where applicable, these methods may have advantages over others that have been used after the failure of standard techniques.  相似文献   

A pretest/posttest control group design was utilized to examine the effect of social skills training on social interactions with peers, conversational interactions with a novel partner, and ratings of overall social functioning. The results failed to support the hypothesis that social skills training could increase the generalization of overall conversational responding of mentally retarded adults. The results showed that social skills training augmented with self-monitored videotape feedback could not optimize the effects of social skills training alone. The subjects did demonstrate acquisition of the targeted behaviors during training by meeting preestablished criteria for all of the training sessions. However, the subjects failed to generalize those behaviors across settings to in vivosocial situations.  相似文献   

Two subjects with retardation who exhibited generalized identity matching, but who had extensive histories of failure to acquire arbitrary matching, were exposed to a series of conditions designed to train separately the components of a two-choice conditional discrimination. First, the successive discrimination between the sample stimuli was established by programming a different schedule of reinforcement in the presence of each sample stimulus. Schedule performance was acquired and maintained by both subjects, but neither acquired arbitrary matching. To train the simultaneous discrimination between the comparison stimuli, 1 subject was then exposed to a series of simple discrimination reversals and subsequently failed to acquire arbitrary matching. Both subjects acquired arbitrary matching under a procedure that maintained both the sample and the comparison discrimination by first presenting entire sessions composed of one sample-comparison relation and then gradually reducing the number of consecutive trials with the same sample until sample presentation was randomized (schedule performance was maintained). Removal of the schedule requirement had no effect on arbitrary matching accuracy. Both subjects subsequently demonstrated control by relations symmetric to the trained relations.  相似文献   

The development of generalized conditional discrimination skills was examined in adults with retardation. Two subjects with histories of failure to acquire arbitrary matching under trial-and-error procedures were successful under procedures that trained one or more prerequisite skills. The successive discrimination between the sample stimuli was established by training the subjects to name the stimuli. The simultaneous discrimination between the comparison stimuli was established using either (a) standard simple discrimination training with reversals or (b) a procedure in which each of the two sample-comparison relations in the conditional discrimination was presented in blocks of trials, with the size of the blocks decreasing gradually until sample presentation was randomized. The amount of prerequisite training required varied across subjects and across successive conditional discriminations. After acquiring either two or three conditional discriminations with component training, both subjects learned new conditional discriminations under trial-and-error procedures. In general, each successive conditional discrimination was acquired more rapidly. Tests showed that conditional responding had become a generalized skill. Symmetry was shown for almost all trained relations. Symmetry trial samples were ultimately named the same as the stimuli to which they were related in training.  相似文献   

孙鹏  李雪晴  张庆云  尚怀乾  凌晓丽 《心理学报》2022,54(12):1467-1480
离线阶段发生的学习被称为离线巩固, 即在最初获得知识之后, 即使没有额外的练习, 其记忆痕迹也会保持稳定或提高。有研究初步探究了睡眠对知觉和动作序列内隐学习离线巩固的影响, 然而, 这些研究未能实现知觉序列与动作序列的完全分离, 序列类型是否调节睡眠对内隐序列学习离线巩固的影响仍需进一步探讨。此外, 既往外显学习的研究发现相对于简单的序列, 复杂的序列更容易从睡眠中获益, 表现出基于睡眠的离线巩固效应。睡眠对知觉序列与动作序列内隐学习离线巩固的影响是否会受到序列复杂程度的调节尚不明确。为此, 本研究在完全分离知觉序列和动作序列的情况下, 通过3个实验操纵序列的长度及结构, 设置3种不同复杂程度的序列规则, 考察了这一问题。结果发现, 对于动作序列, 序列规则复杂程度较低时, 无论是否经过睡眠都会发生离线巩固效应, 而当动作序列规则较为复杂时, 只有经历睡眠才会引起离线巩固效应; 对于知觉序列, 无论何种难易程度的规则, 均未发生离线巩固效应。上述结果表明内隐序列知识基于睡眠的离线巩固会受到序列类型及序列复杂程度的调节, 这为内隐学习的离线巩固争论提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

Generalization of delayed identity matching in retarded children.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In an extension of prior research, four retarded children were trained under an identity matching-to-sample procedure containing features previously shown to produce controlled generalization to novel stimuli. They first were taught to relate a particular handsign to the sample shape, then to maintain the handsign over a delay interval, and then to select from an array the comparison shape that permitted the handsign to be maintained (i.e., the shape identical to the sample). An initial test revealed little generalization of matching to novel stimuli, but after handsigns were trained to these stimuli, accurate generalized matching appeared immediately. The results replicated prior findings and demonstrated particular features of stimulus control sufficient to enable generalized matching. A behavioral account of relational matching was supported. The technique used in this study was shown to be effective in teaching abstract relations to nonverbal retarded children.  相似文献   

不同语体阅读知觉广度的研究由来已久,研究重心多集中于拼音文字和表意文字,已有研究表明阅读知觉广度存在语言加工的特异性。藏语作为拼音文字,同时具有表意文字的特征,是阅读知觉广度研究尚未涉及的语言材料。因此,藏语阅读知觉广度的范围尚不清楚,藏语阅读知觉广度是否也表现出语言加工的特异性也有待证实。为了探测藏语阅读知觉广度的大小,使用Eye Link 1000 Plus型眼动记录仪,以35名在校藏族大学生为被试,采用经典的移动窗口范式,设计了7种窗口(5、9、13、17、21、25和整行)。结果发现,L2R2-L12R12在所有指标的观测值上均存在显著差异,L4R4-L12R12在总注视次数、总注视时间和向右眼跳幅度三个指标的观测值上存在显著差异,L6R6-L12R12在向右眼跳幅度指标的观测值上存在显著差异,L8R8-L12R12在所有指标的观测值上均不存在显著差异,达到了基准水平。结果支持藏族大学生藏语阅读知觉广度的右侧范围大约是注视点右侧4~8个字符的空间。阅读知觉广度存在语言加工的特异性。  相似文献   

采用Levinson的旋转实验,考察了智障儿童在空间任务中参考框架的选择。结果发现:(1)在非言语的空间操作任务中,智障儿童倾向于选择以观察者为中心的相对参考框架;(2)智障儿童的空间参考框架的选择倾向主要由他们的认知能力、语言能力、自我中心倾向以及习惯空间术语的影响导致。  相似文献   

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