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历史上的每一种公正观,都有它的核心价值指向,它们构成了公正思想的价值维度,引导着社会的基本治理方向和利益分配方式.中国社会的公正观经历了一个从"平均"到"公正"的发展过程.长期以来,它是以平均主义为核心价值取向而展开的,并因此而深刻地影响着中国社会.面对当今中国日趋扩大的利益分配差距,一种以公平正义为价值指向的公正观应运而生.公平正义的公正观是具有现实合理性和价值优越性的新型公正观.  相似文献   

郗彩红 《学海》2007,2(4):90-95
与中国语境所用意义不同的是,"大众"概念在现代西方理论传统中具有负面意蕴.本文借助西方大众社会理论,系统梳理了这一概念的负面意涵,指出该理论对大众的操纵意图.在批判继承该理论基础上,提出"群众"与社会之间的相辅相成关系.  相似文献   

先秦易学的"神明"概念与荀子的"神明"观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"神明"是<易传>关键概念之一,亦在先秦两汉思想范畴中被广泛使用.各家"神明"概念都与"天地"有关,并涉及天地自然造化之过程,古代"神明"不是作为某种祭祀对象而存在,也不表示神祇和鬼神的意义.笔者搜集归纳有关先秦两汉"神明"之资料,发现"神明"一词之用意牵涉天地万物之"德"概念.古人认为,天地万物之死生运行皆源自"德",皆由神明之安排,但"神明"并不具备造物主身份,而是天地合德概念."神明之德"被视为万物造化的原因,若以两个字来表达"神明"的本质,则应是"生机"一词.郭店<太一>阐明了"神明"体现天地的相辅,于是"神明"的作用即是天地之间的媒介、气化主宰者,故为"生机".荀子的"神明"观念,保留天地观的出发点,但同时集中于微观宇宙——"人"的核心概念.荀子对"神明"的定义近于黄老学派,既将"神明"视为"道"的唯一产物,又看作知"道"的唯一依据.只是黄老学派以神明论及天地观,而苟子藉此来探讨儒家的"君子养心"之议题.荀子之外,养生学派也将"心"视为"神明出"的器官,然而养生学派的观点是在表达"神明"是人中的"生机",而荀子藉此"神明"观,来探讨认识论的伦理问题.荀子的神明观,被宋明理学所继承.  相似文献   

"易道"的根本在于,观物取象,并进而在象的流动与转化中洞察出卦象,由卦象以尽意."象思维"的本质在于"非实体性",而这种非实体性使<周易>的象思维具有"原发创生"性,并且表现出与西方实体性的概念思维本质不同.从原发创生的视角观之,历史上和今天关于卦爻之象数与卦爻辞哪个根本的问题,可以归结为原发创生的"筑象"过程."原发创生",就是无极而太极之生,是"无中生有"和"有中见无"之生.  相似文献   

苏轼站在义理易的立场,从卦爻结构的角度直接阐明了其解易宗旨.他在解卦中多以"卦合而言之"、"爻别而观之"以启文端.这就是<苏氏易传>在解卦实践中提出的"卦合爻别"说.我们可以从苏轼易学的立场、苏轼对易学史上卦爻结构观的考察以及对"卦合爻别"方法的实际运用,来理解苏轼在卦爻结构观上的"卦合爻别"说.  相似文献   

中国在未来的15年~20年内面临着"人口红利"的机遇.但是中国人口较低的素质状况使得我们必须大力提高人口素质之后才能真正得到这个"红利".一方面要发展农村合作医疗.另一方面要努力实现健康老龄化,具体地看,要加大宣传人口老龄化的问题、建立机制合理、低成本、高效益的社会保障制度、加强老年医学尤其是生命科学的研究和应用,以迎接人口老龄化对医学技术的挑战.  相似文献   

张俊相 《道德与文明》2001,(2):42-46,50
荀子全面地批判和继承了先秦思想家的理欲观,建立了以其宇宙观、人性论为基础的"进则近尽,退则节求","以道制欲"的,充满了辩证意识的理欲观.荀子的理欲观是先秦理欲观发展的顶峰,其中诸多有价值的东西于今仍有重要的理论意义和实践意义.  相似文献   

"黄金大米"是一种富含β-胡萝卜素的转基因培育食品,研究人员希望利用它解决以大米为主食国家的维生素A缺乏症问题.但"黄金大米"其可替代的医疗价值,受质疑的经济节约性和安全性,并不是补充维生素A最佳或最适宜的保健产品,食用"黄金大米"是过度保健的一种形式.过度保健可能给人们带来机体或心理的伤害,还会造成医疗资源浪费和资金浪费.主要成因可归纳为经济驱动和科学主义.为此要着力发展适度医疗来解决过度保健的问题,包括重新审视医疗发展目的,确立循证医学在医学实践中的地位.  相似文献   

运用系统论观点分析"生物-心理-社会"医学模式的优越性和局限性,提出以人为主体,将人作为一完整系统,人与环境合为大系统,以整体论的健康观为理念的"人体-环境"新系统医学模式,旨在更好地推动中西医结合和预防医学的发展,加速学科间的相互渗透,唤起健康和环保意识,以及更加重视政治和法律政策对现代医学的作用.  相似文献   

原始佛教"空"观作为一种认识论,建立在缘起论基础之上,服务于解脱论.部派佛教思想开始出现由"空"向"有"的转变,呈现出实体化趋势.中观学派继承和发展了缘起理论,提出色空不二的思想,将佛教空观发展到新的高度.  相似文献   

Placing the notion of sin in the context of a meontic account of evil, and emphasizing the effect of sin on the sinner himself, this commentary exposes the insufficiency of restricting oneself to human efforts at atonement, and of thus underemphasizing the role of Christ. Collange's claim that the teaching of "predestination" is rooted in Paul and that the doctrine of merits and indulgences is rooted in Augustine is criticized, and Luther's "forensic" understanding is linked with Augustine, rather than with Paul. Collange's reduction of the concern for holiness to respect and trust is contrasted with holiness's essential context of loving unification with God. The commentary closes by exposing the unsatisfactory scantiness of Collange's treatment of cloning, health-care economy, and of the evils of life.  相似文献   

胃肠肿瘤过度治疗的成因与对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
尽管现代胃肠肿瘤的治疗效果得到了极大的提高,但过度治疗现象仍普遍存在。临床医生缺乏整体观念,过度关注“瘤体”本身;医患双方“宁左勿右”的心理现象以及经济利益驱动是过度治疗存在的根本原因。外科手术和综合治疗的过度化导致医疗资源的浪费和患者生活质量低下。只有以循证医学的原则指导和规范肿瘤治疗;建立正确的临床决策分析模式;更新观念,坚持个体化综合治疗;加强综合治理,才能使胃肠肿瘤治疗走上健康发展的道路。  相似文献   

This article focuses on intense collective violence, especially mass killing and genocide. It briefly presents a conception of their origins, with new elements in the conception and comparisons with other approaches. Various aspects of genocide and mass killing are considered, including their starting points (such as difficult life conditions and group conflict), cultural characteristics, psychological and social processes (such as destructive ideologies), the evolution of increasing violence and its effect on perpetrators and bystanders, and the roles of leaders and of internal and external bystanders. Actions that might be taken by the community of nations and other actors to halt or prevent violence are described. In considering prevention there is a focus on processes of healing within previously victimized groups and reconciliation between hostile groups. A project on healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation in Rwanda is briefly described.  相似文献   

We prompted parents to increase their interactions with health-care providers during their children's health-supervision visits. Before scheduled appointments we asked parents of 32 infants and young children if they had specific child health questions or concerns. Sixteen parents randomly assigned to the prompted group were then prompted to initiate discussions of their concerns. Sixteen control parents discussed unrelated topics before their appointments. Prompted parents initiated significantly more interactions with health-care providers and more health and behavioral topics were discussed during their appointments. Both parent groups reported satisfaction with health-care services. Further research is needed to determine the clinical significance of outcomes associated with enhanced parent-provider interaction during children's health-supervision visits. These visits are ideal settings for behavioral research on improving health care for children and their families.  相似文献   

Auguste Comte (1798–1857) is the founder of a French school of thought that became famous for its encyclopaedic account of the sciences as well as for its exposition of what was designed as a way out of a state of intellectual and moral crisis. This essay demonstrates that there is a linkage between the diagnosis of crisis and the pursuit of happiness in Comte's foundation of positivism. It begins by distinguishing Comte's notion of positivism from that of a value-free science. In analysing Comte's peculiar usage of the term happiness, the essay shows that happiness is understood as the result of the convergence (consensus) of three components: a scientific conception of the world, the feelings of love and veneration, and a wisely ordered activity. The essay then demonstrates that the first of these components is of primary importance inasmuch as it is to frame a new horizon within which man is expected to return to a healthy state of mind, to reshape both his hopes and activities, and to discover his own participation in a supreme order acting through the laws of nature as well as through those of the civilization in which he lives. Conveying this new horizon to citizens of a lasting Republic is the sacred mission of sociology. The essay concludes by pointing out that Comte's conception of happiness can be assessed as unifying some main qualities of life as they are classified in Ruut Veenhoven's fourfold matrix.  相似文献   

Recently, commentators such as Kenny and Hacker have disagreed about whether Wittgenstein's early picture theory of meaning is at all compatible with his later theory of "meaning-as-use". Arguing in favor of their compatibility, Kenny finds that meaning-as-use supplements, rather than rivals the earlier conception of meaning:  相似文献   

A nine-dimensional ethnomedical model is introduced. The empirical validity of the model in information processing about disease and health-care decision-making has been demonstrated. Sickness conception, well-being criteria and recognition of health need were ranked as the three most important dimensions. These dimensions could help to focus counselling efforts. Suggestions are offered for integrating the ethnomedical approach into trans-cultural counselling using a briefcase example.  相似文献   

A fruitful way to approach The Idea of Phenomenology is through Husserl’s claim that consciousness is not a bag, box, or any other kind of container. The bag conception, which dominated much of modern philosophy, is rooted in the idea that philosophy is restricted to investigating only what is really immanent to consciousness, such as acts and sensory contents. On this view, what Husserl called “the riddle of transcendence” can never be solved. The phenomenological reduction, as Husserl develops it in The Idea of Phenomenology, opened up a new and broader sense of immanence that embraces the transcendent, making it possible both to solve the riddle and to escape the bag conception once and for all. The essay will discuss ways in which this new conception of immanence is tied to the key Husserlian themes of appearance, phenomenon, essence, seeing or intuiting, and constitution.
John B. BroughEmail:

This article aims to show that the concept of "naturalness" in the Laozi is able to provide cultural guidance concerning values for contemporary social development.Specifically,the Laozi's concept of "naturalness"—manifested in the text's exhortation to "honor the dao and exalt the de" and its statement that "the dao models itself on naturalness"—has profound ontological,political and social implications concerning "naturalness" that are strongly expressed through a variety of propositions including "achieving all through non-action" and "downsizing the state and simplifying the people." With respect to the question about individuals living a life of appropriateness and establishing their destiny,the Laozi emphasizes such cultivation methods as "sticking to simplicity and authenticity" and "watching in quietude and observing in depth,"which are also infused with the conception of "naturalness," which stresses the notion that understanding the harmony between man and nature can provide useful lessons for the development of contemporary human society.  相似文献   

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