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孤独症谱系障碍者存在空间工作记忆加工缺陷,其具体受损环节尚不明确。组块是一种有效的策略性信息编码方式,是空间工作记忆的关键环节。高度结构化的刺激容易形成高水平组块,因此,刺激结构化程度对记忆效果的影响能够反映个体的组块加工能力。研究采用Sternberg空间工作记忆任务、Corsi空间广度任务,加入刺激结构化因素,考察高功能孤独症幼儿是否存在组块加工缺陷,并探讨组块加工是否直接影响到空间工作记忆容量。实验1采用Sternberg空间工作记忆任务,结果表明,ASD幼儿存在明显的组块加工缺陷。在易于组块的高结构化条件下,健康幼儿的记忆成绩明显较高,而ASD幼儿在高、低结构化条件下的记忆成绩并无显著差异。实验2采用Corsi空间广度任务,结果显示,不论高、低结构化条件,ASD幼儿的空间工作记忆容量均显著低于健康幼儿。但ASD幼儿由于存在组块加工缺陷,在高、低结构化条件下的记忆成绩差异较健康幼儿小。因此,ASD幼儿的组块能力一定程度上影响了空间工作记忆容量。此外,记忆存储器的异常可能也是ASD幼儿空间工作记忆容量不足的重要原因。研究表明,ASD幼儿的空间组块缺陷主要由于弱中央统合的认知风格,他们缺乏自上而下的组块加工动机,难以主动对刺激形成高水平组块编码,从而影响记忆效果。  相似文献   

Three groups of preschool children (aged 18 to 28, 33 to 42, and 47 to 58 months) were given a radial search test similar to the radial arm maze used with nonhuman subjects. The children searched for chocolate sweets among 10 labeled locations in a room, 5 of which were baited with a sweet. Older children outperformed the intermediate group, who in turn outperformed the youngest group in requiring fewer choices to retrieve all of the sweets. Working memory and reference memory aspects of performance were then separated: Reference memory (restriction of choices to the baited subset) in older children was superior to that in the youngest group but not to that in the intermediate group. In terms of working memory (avoidance of repeat responses to already visited locations), the older group made fewer errors than the intermediate group, who, in turn, made fewer errors than the youngest group. We concluded that working and reference components of spatial memory in children may share common elements, perhaps the ability to recognize places as familiar, although reference memory may develop earlier than working memory.  相似文献   

Two studies investigate the nature of representations in spatial working memory, directly addressing the question of whether people represent the configuration information above and beyond independent positional information when representing multiple sequentially presented locations. In Experiment 1, participants performed a location memory task in which they recalled the location of objects that were presented sequentially on a screen. Comparison of participants' data with simulated data modelled to represent independent positional representation of spatial locations revealed that participants represented the configural properties of shorter sequences (3 and 4 locations) but not of longer ones (5 and 7 locations). Experiment 2 employed a sequential recognition task in which participants were asked to judge whether two consequently presented spatial sequences were identical. These experiments confirmed sensitivity to configural properties of spatial sequences.  相似文献   

Visual but not spatial working memory deficit in children with spina bifida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty children with spina bifida and twenty controls were assessed on a battery of visuospatial working memory tests. Children with spina bifida performed as well as the control group in the visuospatial test and in the forward and backward versions of the Corsi test, but were impaired in the 'House Visual Span.' This test, designed in our lab, provides specific information regarding visual ability to discriminate between pictorial targets and lures, and requires specific visual processing of stimuli. These results are discussed in terms of working memory models and are viewed as supporting the distinction between the visual and spatial components of working memory.  相似文献   

Auditory and visual spatial working memory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A series of experiments compared short-term memory for object locations in the auditory and visual modalities. The stimulus materials consisted of sounds and pictures presented at different locations in space. Items were presented in pure- or mixed-modality lists of increasing length. At test, participants responded to renewed presentation of the objects by indicating their original position. If two independent modality-specific and resource-limited short-term memories support the remembering of locations, memory performance should be higher in the mixed-modality than in the pure-modality condition. Yet, memory performance was the same for items in both types of list. In addition, responses to the memory load manipulation in both modalities showed very similar declines in performance. The results are interpreted in terms of object files binding object and location information in episodic working memory, independently of the input modality.  相似文献   

Corticosterone (CORT), the predominant glucocorticoid in rodents, elevated for 21 days damages hippocampal subregion CA3. We tested the hypothesis that CORT would impair spatial memory, a hippocampal function. In each of the three experiments, rats received daily, subcutaneous injections of either CORT (26.8 mg/kg body weight in sesame oil) or sesame oil vehicle alone (VEH). CORT given for 21 or 56 days effectively attenuated body weight gain and reduced selective organ and muscle weights. All behavioral testing was done on tasks that are minimally stressful and avoid deprivation. For each experiment, testing commenced 24h after the last injection. CORT given for 21 days did not impair spatial working memory in the Y-maze (Experiments 1 and 2). After 56-day administration of CORT, spatial working memory was impaired in the Y-maze (Experiment 2). CORT given for 21 days also failed to impair spatial working memory in the Barnes maze (Experiment 3). However, in trials that depended solely on reference memory, the VEH group improved in performance, whereas the CORT group did not. In conclusion, CORT elevated over a period of 21 days did not impair spatial working memory, but impaired the formation of a longer-term form of memory, most likely reference memory. Impairments in spatial working memory are seen only after longer durations of CORT administration.  相似文献   

Spatial ability is a strong predictor of students' pursuit of higher education in science and mathematics. However, very little is known about the affective factors that influence individual differences in spatial ability, particularly at a young age. We examine the role of spatial anxiety in young children's performance on a mental rotation task. We show that even at a young age, children report experiencing feelings of nervousness at the prospect of engaging in spatial activities. Moreover, we show that these feelings are associated with reduced mental rotation ability among students with high but not low working memory (WM). Interestingly, this WM?×?spatial anxiety interaction was only found among girls. We discuss these patterns of results in terms of the problem-solving strategies that boys versus girls use in solving mental rotation problems.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological experiments with monkeys have demonstrated that working memory (WM) is associated with persistent neural activity in multiple brain regions, such as the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the parietal cortex, and posterior unimodal association areas. WM maintenance is believed to require the coordination of these brain regions, which do not function in isolation but, rather, interact to maintain visual percepts that are no longer present in the environment. However, single-unit physiology studies and traditional univariate analyses of functional brain imaging data cannot evaluate interactions between distant brain regions, and so evidence of regional integration during WM maintenance is largely indirect. In this study, we utilized a recently developed multivariate analysis method that allows us to explore functional connectivity between brain regions during the distinct stages of a delayed face recognition task. To characterize the neural network mediating the on-line maintenance of faces, the fusiform face area (FFA) was defined as a seed and was then used to generate whole-brain correlation maps. A random effects analysis of the correlation data revealed a network of brain regions exhibiting significant correlations with the FFA seed during the WM delay period. This maintenance network included the dorsolateral and ventrolateral PFC, the premotor cortex, the intraparietal sulcus, the caudate nucleus, the thalamus, the hippocampus, and occipitotemporal regions. These findings support the notion that the coordinated functional interaction between nodes of a widely distributed network underlies the active maintenance of a perceptual representation.  相似文献   

Visual working memory in young children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five experiments investigated immediate memory for drawings of familiar objects in children of different ages. The aims were to demonstrate younger children’s greater dependence on visual working memory and to explore the nature of this memory system. Experiment 1 showed that visual similarity of drawings impaired recall in young (5-year-old) children but not in older (10-year-old) children. Experiment 2 showed that younger and older children were affected in contrasting ways when the temporal order of recall was manipulated. Experiment 3 explored a recency effect found in backward recall and investigated its sensitivity to the presentation modality of materials used to produce retroactive interference (RI). For younger children, recency was reduced by visual but not by auditory-verbal RI; for older children, recency was more sensitive to auditoryverbal RI. Experiment 4 confirmed the effect of visual RI on visual recency in young children and showed that the same RI had little effect on their recall of spoken words. These results confirm younger children’s dependence on visual working memory. A final experiment showed that the effects of visual similarity and visual RI are additive, suggesting that they reflect different modes of accessing stored visuospatial information. Implications of these findings for developmental issues and for the nature of visual working memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Many everyday tasks, such as remembering where you parked, require the capacity to store and manipulate information about the visual and spatial properties of the world. The ability to represent, remember, and manipulate spatial information is known as visuospatial working memory (VSWM). Despite substantial interest in VSWM the mechanisms responsible for this ability remain debated. One influential idea is that VSWM depends on activity in the eye-movement (oculomotor) system. However, this has proved difficult to test because experimental paradigms that disrupt oculomotor control also interfere with other cognitive systems, such as spatial attention. Here, we present data from a novel paradigm that selectively disrupts activation in the oculomotor system. We show that the inability to make eye-movements is associated with impaired performance on the Corsi Blocks task, but not on Arrow Span, Visual Patterns, Size Estimation or Digit Span tasks. It is argued that the oculomotor system is required to encode and maintain spatial locations indicted by a change in physical salience, but not non-salient spatial locations indicated by the meaning of a symbolic cue. This suggestion offers a way to reconcile the currently conflicting evidence regarding the role of the oculomotor system in spatial working memory.  相似文献   

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - The short-term maintenance of precise location information is fundamental in many daily activities. Often, individuals memorize spatial information provided to...  相似文献   

Two experiments employed dual task techniques to explore the role of working memory in route learning and subsequent route retrieval. Experiment 1 involved contrasting performance of two groups of volunteers respectively learning a route from a series of map segments or a series of visually presented nonsense words. Both groups performed learning and recognition under articulatory suppression or concurrent spatial tapping. Both concurrent tasks had an overall disruptive effect on each learning task. However, spatial tapping disrupted route recognition rather more than did articulatory suppression, while the nonsense word recognition was impaired more by articulatory suppression than by concurrent spatial tapping. Experiment 2 again used dual task methodology, but explored route learning by asking volunteers to follow the experimenter through the winding streets of a medieval European town centre. Retrieval involved following the same route while the experimenter followed and noted errors in navigation. Overall the results partially replicated those of Experiment 1 in that both concurrent tasks interfered with route learning. However, volunteers with high spatial ability appeared more affected by the concurrent spatial tapping task, whereas low spatial subjects appeared more affected by the concurrent articulatory suppression task. Results are interpreted to suggest that different aspects of working memory are involved in learning a route from a map with a greater emphasis on visuo‐spatial resources, but in tasks set in real environments where many cues of a varied nature are available, only high spatial ability subjects appear to rely heavily upon the visuospatial component of working memory. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatial selective attention and spatial working memory have largely been studied in isolation. Studies of spatial attention have provided clear evidence that observers can bias visual processing towards specific locations, enabling faster and better processing of information at those locations than at unattended locations. We present evidence supporting the view that this process of visual selection is a key component of rehearsal in spatial working memory. Thus, although working memory has sometimes been depicted as a storage system that emerges 'downstream' of early sensory processing, current evidence suggests that spatial rehearsal recruits top-down processes that modulate the earliest stages of visual analysis.  相似文献   

实验1比较了被试通过图片和文字布局示意两种呈现形式学习空间布局信息之后进行空间定位的成绩比较,结果发现两种条件下被试在正确率上没有显著差异,但是图片示意的反应比文字示意要快.实验2比较了文字故事叙述和文字布局示意两种呈现形式的空间定位成绩,两种条件下的正确率和反应时没有显著差异.而朝向效应在三种呈现形式条件下均有出现.所以,通过各种呈现形式获得的纯粹的空间信息在工作记忆中的存储机制是相同的.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported, which have investigated the nature of the cognitive mechanisms that underlie performance on specific visuo-spatial working memory tasks, with the emphasis on exploring the extent of central executive involvement. Experiments 1 and 2 employed oral random digit generation as an executive task within a dual-task paradigm. The results of both experiments indicated that visuo-spatial tasks that involve sequential processing of information show more interference with random digit generation than do visuo-spatial tasks that involve simultaneous processing. The third experiment substituted oral random digit generation for executive tasks that did not involve memory for serial order (vigilance tasks adapted from Vandierendonck, De Vooght, & Van der Goten, 1998b). The results indicated significant interference between the vigilance tasks and the sequential visuo-spatial task, but not with the simultaneous visuo-spatial task. Overall the results of the three experiments are interpreted as indicating that serial sequential visuo-spatial tasks involve executive resources to a significantly greater extent than do simultaneous visuo-spatial tasks, and that this can have implications for studies that attempt to make use of such tasks to fractionate separable visual and spatial components within working memory.  相似文献   

Executive processes in visual and spatial working memory tasks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three experiments are reported, which have investigated the nature of the cognitive mechanisms that underlie performance on specific visuo-spatial working memory tasks, with the emphasis on exploring the extent of central executive involvement. Experiments 1 and 2 employed oral random digit generation as an executive task within a dual-task paradigm. The results of both experiments indicated that visuo-spatial tasks that involve sequential processing of information show more interference with random digit generation than do visuo-spatial tasks that involve simultaneous processing. The third experiment substituted oral random digit generation for executive tasks that did not involve memory for serial order (vigilance tasks adapted from Vandierendonck, De Vooght, & Van der Goten, 1998b). The results indicated significant interference between the vigilance tasks and the sequential visuo-spatial task, but not with the simultaneous visuo-spatial task. Overall the results of the three experiments are interpreted as indicating that serial sequential visuo-spatial tasks involve executive resources to a significantly greater extent than do simultaneous visuo-spatial tasks, and that this can have implications for studies that attempt to make use of such tasks to fractionate separable visual and spatial components within working memory.  相似文献   

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