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I have focused upon a group of patients whose biological needs for nurture and comfort were adequately met but whose mothers never related to them beyond simple caretaking. They never smiled at their children inasmuch as they derived no pleasure from playing with them or in their emerging sense of aliveness. From both the analyses of mothers and these patients, it appears that the mothers used their children as transitional objects. In turn, the children's emotional development became fixated in the in-between transition space. This fixation led to specific types of character structure and ego defects. Early development levels did not form a smooth continuum with higher later acquired adaptive ego states. There seem to be extensive lacunae in the middle layers of the psychic apparatus which manifested themselves as defective modulating elements. These patients showed extremes of behavior, marked polarities of sane, sensitive rationality to psychoticlike irrational episodes. There were no transitional gray areas between black and white. They exhibited a peculiar kind of fragmentation or splitting in which connecting bridges between higher and lower levels were missing. There are many such patients who seek treatment. However, they present special problems in therapy which can be explained in terms of the psychoanalytic paradox. The psychoanalytic paradox refers to a treatment impasse caused by an imbrication of psychopathology and various attributes of the psychoanalytic method. The mother's attitude toward her infant child has some similarity to the low-keyed objective analytic attitude, what has been sometimes referred to as analytic neutrality. These patients require different modes of relating which indicate that the therapist is, unlike the mother, very much concerned with their patient's developing autonomy and their entering and exploring the external world. These variations of analysis are not modifications or deviations of analysis. They are elements of the analytic process necessary for the treatment of specific types of psychopathology. Just as each patient is unique and the transference manifests itself in a particular fashion which then causes the analyst to make certain interpretations, the variations of technique discussed in this article address themselves to the construction of a holding environment appropriate for this group of patients.  相似文献   

The author attempts to develop some of the basic models and concepts relating to mourning processes in psychotic patients on the assumption that situations of loss and mourning are key moments for psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and therapeutic approaches in general. Secondly, he reminds us that 'mourning processes in psychotics' are not always 'psychotic mourning processes', that is to say, that they do not necessarily occur within, or give rise to, a psychotic clinical picture. These ideas are illustrated by a number of sessions and vignettes concerning two psychotic patients in psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic treatment. In theoretical terms, it seems vitally important in this context to combine a relationship-based approach within a framework of special psychoanalytic psychopathology with an updated view of processes of mourning and affective loss. A fundamental requirement at clinical level is to determine the role to be played by psychoanalytically based treatments in combined, integrated or global therapies when working with psychotic patients. For this purpose, the paper ends by outlining a set of principles and objectives for such treatments.  相似文献   

Following an overview of psychoanalytic interpretation in theory, practice, and historical context, as well as the question of whether interpretations have scientific validity, the author holds that hermeneutics, the philosophical and psychological study of interpretation, provides a rich understanding of recent developments in self psychology, inter-subjective and relational perspectives, attachment theory, and psycho-spiritual views on psychoanalytic process. He then offers four distinct hermeneutical vantage points regarding interpretation in the psychoanalytic context, including (1) Freud's adaptation of the Aristotelian view of interpretation as the uncovering of a set of predetermined meanings and structures; (2) the phenomenological view of interpretation as the laying bare of "the things themselves," that is, removing the coverings of objectification and concretization imposed by social norms and the conscious ego; (3) the dialogical existential view of interpretation as an ongoing relational process; and (4) the transformational understanding in which interpretation evokes a "presence" that transforms both patient and analyst. He concludes by contending that these perspectives are not mutually exclusive ways of conducting an analysis, but rather that all occur within the analyst's suspended attention, the caregiving and holding essential to good therapeutic outcomes, and the mutuality of the psychoanalytic dialogue.  相似文献   

The concept of turning aggression on the self is studied, and some clinical vignettes are presented which demonstrate the use of this concept as a guide to the formation of an "ideal" for one kind of analytic intervention with one kind of analytic surface. Pertinent literature is reviewed, and assumptions implicit to the analyst's activity are discussed. This endeavor is viewed in the larger context of attempts to arrive at a clearer understanding of the psychoanalytic process.  相似文献   

The poet spins a public fantasy, created from his own private daydreams and speaking to the unconscious fantasies of his audience. He presents a socially acceptable form of expression of forbidden wishes and conflicts. A process of mutual exculpation is set up between the poet and his audience. For a special group the work of the poet may also make possible the alleviation of pathogenic anxieties. An examination of the play, The Beard, indicates how an artist may intuit and articulate changes in sexual morality. The poet rebels against the constraints of society, thereby helping his audience to rebel without guilt. He may be the herald of a changing morality, and even more, his art may become an instrument for such change.  相似文献   

Following Hartmann's theoretical formulations, the self has been explored primarily as a body of self‐representations coordinate to object representations; the dynamic organizations of the mind (the id‐egosuperego systems) have been seen as impersonal (nonself) functions.

This paper attempts a conception of the id‐ego‐superego structures as self‐functions in intimate relation to self‐representations. Building on an integration of Piagetian and psychoanalytic object relations frameworks (event theory), it proposes that the earliest self‐experience occurs in dynamic schemes of personally motivated interaction between self and nonself. These I‐schemes lay the groundwork for both the dynamic and the representational aspects of the self: Their structure results in experience characteristic of the dynamic id and in their character as undifferentiated interactions provides the base for the development of self‐ and object representations. Development occurs by integration and differentiation in processes of conflict resolution. The paper traces these developments in outline as they lead to the transition in the dynamic self from id to ego organizations, and in the self‐representations from part‐selves and part‐objects to a whole and individuated self in relation to whole objects.  相似文献   

Becoming a father: a psychoanalytic perspective on the forgotten parent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article has presented a psychoanalytic perspective on the process of becoming a father. It began with a discussion of the neglect of the father during pregnancy and briefly considered evidence as to the unique contributions made by fathers of the newborn. Nine psychodynamically based wishes emerging throughout the developmental process were next proposed to embody the male's motivation to become a father. The final section examined seven specific phases of expectant fatherhood, from getting ready through parturition.  相似文献   

The concept of the self has been used in several attempts to resolve the epistemological problems of what is subjective and what is objective, what is personal and what is organismic. In addition, it has been used to mediate between the hermeneutic and natural-science approaches to psychoanalytic explanation, between the motivational and causal dimensions of our theory and experience. In the case of Kohut, the self was initially invoked to deal with clinical difficulties associated with the analysis of patients with narcissistic personality disorders more recently, it has become the central article in a "self psychology" that addresses presumed deficiencies in the traditional psychoanalytic picture of psychopathology. But the concept of the self is not suited to be a panacea for resolving theoretical or clinical difficulties. The self as person refers to an entity that is both enduring and changing; it describes continuity in the face of change and change in the face of continuity. Abend (1974) comes closest to capturing this attribute of the self in his image of the tidal beach with a configuration that changes but an essence that remains the same. Eisnitz (1980) evokes something similar in his figure-ground conception of the self-representation. The crux of the matter is that the notion of self-experience includes a variety of phenomena that cannot be contained within a single self-construct--be it normal pathologic, grandiose, or otherwise. As a result of these considerations, I have argued against the use of the self as a superordinate concept in psychoanalytic theory and have focused on the shortcomings of three self psychologies that use the self in this way. I believe that Klein, Gedo, and Kohut all offer the self as a kind of conceptual tranquilizer for the philosophical, theoretical, and clinical dualities that are inherent in psychoanalytic work. Grossman addressed himself to these dualities as far back as 1967 and elaborated on the problems with Simon (1969) in a pathbreaking paper on anthropomorphism in psychoanalysis. Grossman and Simon contended that the controversy about anthropomorphism in psychoanalytic theory pertains to the basic confusion in psychology between meaning and causality. They submitted that until this confusion was dispelled and until some superordinate concept was found that could "encompass both kinds of discourse", attempts to transform psychoanalysis into a general psychology would result in failure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

J K Mills 《Adolescence》1990,25(100):913-922
Psychoanalytic theory asserts that adolescent homosexuality is the result of unresolved infantile conflict experienced during the Oedipal and pre-Oedipal periods, in which inadequate object relations and identifications with parents predispose the individual to homosexuality in adolescence. Classical psychoanalytic thought emphasizes the importance of drives and defenses in the formation of homosexuality, while more contemporary approaches understand adolescent homosexuality from a psychosocial and early developmental perspective. In addition to childhood predispositions, the various developmental tasks of adolescence influence the degree and course of homosexuality. This article notes the different types of homosexuality that emerge in adolescence which are influenced by different psychodynamic conditions in each stage of adolescence. Changing developmental roles in relation to individuation, object relations, identification, and identity formation are a few of the factors that contribute to adolescent homosexuality.  相似文献   

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