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The Mystery Spot Illusion and its Relation to Other Visual Illusions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observations at The Mystery Spot, a roadside attraction near Santa Cruz, California, suggest intriguing visual illusions based on tilt-induced effects. Specifically, a tilted spatial background at The Mystery Spot induced misperceptions of the orientation of the cardinal axes (i.e., true horizontal and vertical), which then led to illusions in the perceived height of twoindividuals. This illusion was assessed at The Mystery Spot and replicated in the laboratory using pictorial and lined displays rotated in the picture plane. These findings are described in terms of the orientation framing theory, which suggests that these and other tilt-induced illusions (e.g., Ponzo illusion, Zöllner illusion) can be attributed to distorted frames of reference.  相似文献   

Although the social variables of modernity and dependency theory have given way to neo-liberalism and globalism, life strategies of the urban poor in Latin America have not necessarily changed. At the same time, current sociological research reflects methodological distance in relation to the urban poor as a subject. This article employs the methodological advantages of observation/participation to show that the strategies of the urban poor in one of Latin America's largest slums are coherent and integrated, and reveal an inner logic that not only allow them to survive the harsh realities of globalism, but enable them contribute to popular urban culture. Self-help housing, the informal economy, and grassroots participation in Pentecostal Religion are inextricably bound by providing marginalised people a degree of autonomy and control over the production of certain cultural forms and their meaning.  相似文献   

张敬梅 《宗教学研究》2004,1(1):133-137
从"玄之又玄"到"重玄"经历了一个演变过程."玄之又玄"本意是"幽远而又幽远",指道的不可知性与终极性."重玄"的最初含义是"重天",佛道两教学者用它来指宗教的终极境界.隋唐时期"重玄"与"双遣"连用,指"遣有、遣无、遣其遣"的三重否定思想方法."重玄"与"双遣"的结合标志着从"玄之又玄"向"重玄"的转变最终完成.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(2):161-180

Mystery is a term that permeates and energizes the Catholic tradition. In its strictest terms, it refers to the infinite incomprehensibility of God, but the USCCB speaks also of “the great mystery” of human sexuality. In this essay, only to establish the meanings of mystery as we use the word, we consider, first and briefly, the mystery of God and the oikonomia established by God and, then and more extendedly, the mystery of human sexuality. We offer a meditation on this mystery, leading to a theological understanding of it as a lower-case sacrament of the presence of the incomprehensible God in human history. This analysis leads us to conclude that human sexuality demands ongoing analysis to be better understood physically, psychologically and spiritually in order to be better understood theologically as a lower-case sacrament revelatory of the presence of God.  相似文献   

Many early efforts at teaching preaching online incurred disastrous losses in quality. Revamped versions now claim to meet, and in some areas even exceed, classroom learning effectiveness, with potentially significant gains for students from non‐dominant cultures. Students preach in local ethnic and denominational contexts, so a wider range of sermon styles can flourish in indigenous soil. Students hear immediate feedback from their community, and from their online peers and professor. Online discussion formats level the playing field for non‐native speakers. By remaining embedded in their denominational and ethnic environments, student's cultural differences may be simultaneously affirmed and critiqued. This article describes capacities which predict success among preaching students, and how culture may influence the manifestation of these capacities. It details best practices and continuing challenges for professors making the transition to online preaching courses, as they seek to build culturally sustaining learning environments in which diverse students may flourish.  相似文献   

胡绪明  陈学明 《学海》2007,(5):83-87
《启蒙辩证法》通过对启蒙理性"抽象同一性"原则的批判,指证了"神话变成了启蒙,启蒙倒退为神话"的启蒙逻辑.《启蒙辩证法》通过揭秘启蒙理性蜕变为工具理性,从而得出启蒙的逻辑作为现代性之秘密的基本判断.《启蒙辩证法》虽然将卢卡奇基于"物化"思想的现代性批判推进到了工具理性主义的现代性批判定向,然而这一批判仅止步于理性主义批判,尚未达到现代社会资本统治原则的历史唯物主义存在论的原则高度,对启蒙理性蜕化为工具理性的现代性批判,就其本质而言只是对现代性"副本"的批判.  相似文献   

The paschal mystery holds a place of prominence in the lives of Catholics, both theologically and pastorally. Given its prominent theological and ecclesial place since the Second Vatican Council, this article examines the place and role of the paschal mystery for Catholic education. With the move from a ‘classicist world view to historical mindedness,’ the thought of Bernard Lonergan is employed – particularly his understanding of the person as subject and his law of the cross – as a means to frame the relationship between the paschal mystery and Catholic education.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(1):61-68

Does preaching about human sexuality fixate upon the themes of porneia and homosexuality? And if so, do those homiletic preferences narrowly characterize the sexual body politic of the United States? Engaging the writings of Patrick Cheng, Kyle Harper, Mark Jordan, and Jeff Chu, Gerald C. Liu examines genealogical and empirical accounts of porneia and homosexuality to request broader conceptions of sexual difference from preachers who dare to speak about sex, especially with respect to race and in particular, Asian American male sexual identity.  相似文献   

In at least some cases of justified perceptual belief, our perceptual experience itself, as opposed to beliefs about it, evidences and thereby justifies our belief. While the phenomenon is common, it is also mysterious. There are good reasons to think that perceptions cannot justify beliefs directly, and there is a significant challenge in explaining how they do. After explaining just how direct perceptual justification is mysterious, I considerMichael Huemer’s (Skepticism and the Veil of Perception, 2001) and Bill Brewer’s (Perception and Reason, 1999) recent, but radically different, attempts to eliminate it. I argue that both are unsuccessful, though a consideration of their mistakes deepens our appreciation of the mystery.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(3):193-212
To investigate determinants of mystery enjoyment, a short story was manipulated to produce different levels of uncertainty regarding two suspects' criminal involvement (low vs. high uncertainty) and to create different resolution types (denouement, confirmation, and surprise). Participants' (N = 84) reactions and enjoyment were ascertained via questionnaires after reading the mystery development and after the mystery resolution. Moreover, personality assessments were administered. Results show that enjoyment of the mystery reception was greater when participants were highly uncertain regarding the culprit and experienced high levels of curiosity. As hypothesized, resolution enjoyment depended on type of resolution and self-esteem. A resolution that confirmed respondents' suspicion was disliked by persons with high self-esteem, whereas respondents with low self-esteem disliked a surprising resolution. Enjoyment of a general denouement, when participants had not held specific expectations, was not affected by self-esteem; high self-esteem participants in the "surprise" condition and low self-esteem participants in the "confirmation" condition experienced comparable enjoyment.  相似文献   

What are grades doing in a homiletics classroom? This article traces the function of grades through the broader history of the educational system in the United States and then makes suggestions for how grades can be used more effectively in teaching preaching. Beginning in the nineteenth century, teachers used grades to rank and motivate students, as well as communicate across institutions. With the more recent assessment movement, educators have conceptualized grading as the larger process of evaluating the success of learning objectives. The commission on accreditation for the Association of Theological Schools does not view grades as part of its assessment, but it evaluates theological schools on whether they achieve intended learning outcomes. Theological educators need to be able to evaluate whether their teaching fulfills their schools' mission and learning objectives. For homiletics, the author measures learning through pre‐ and post‐preaching feedback and incorporates professor‐ and student‐crafted rubrics.  相似文献   

H. Boone Porter 《Liturgy》2013,28(1):30-33

The reflective reading of the Scriptures has always been the foundation of daily prayer, offering a way for private prayer to flow from and intensify our response to the liturgy. The proclamation of the word is enhanced for each member of the assembly by prayerful preparation and grounding in Scripture. Many parishes and congregations have tried various ways to encourage regular Bible study only to encounter meager participation, not because of a lack of enthusiasm but because proposed schedules and methods are not compatible with busy lives. One parish religious-education facilitator in conversation with Liturgy offers the following model for a Bible study program that has the advantages of simplicity, flexibility and direct ties to Sunday's liturgy.  相似文献   

This article highlights the impact of technology on the ability of individuals to be creative within society. The role of computers in the creative act is explored from a broad perspective to allow for the discovery of general principles of creativity. Insight into the barriers that individuals must overcome to function creatively in the information age are then presented. To this end, the process by which creativity occurs is reviewed, and the consequences of the development of technology and the impact of computers on creativity are discussed. Examples of computers used to facilitate creativity are then illustrated. Finally, the necessary conditions for creativity to exist in society are highlighted, and suggestions are offered for the coexistence of creativity and technology in the future.  相似文献   

What is the philosophical significance of the “sublime”, and does this concept still have any relevance to contemporary life? In this essay, I argue that the experience of the sublime is exceptionally important, insofar as it presents us with a general model for the experience of otherness, the encounter with transcendence itself, which might reasonably be viewed as impossible. As Rudolf Otto suggested, the experience of the sublime is closely related to the experience of the sacred; and even in Burke and Kant, the sublime is to be grasped as both an aesthetic and a religious experience which finally opens the individual to that which is greater than herself. Thus, the sublime has become a major theme in postmodern theory, precisely because it gives us access to the sacred and that which is wholly “other.”  相似文献   

Two significant strands of trinitarian theology, the analytic and the apophatic, emphasize considerations of logical consistency and divine incomprehensibility respectively. This article seeks to mediate between these two seemingly opposed lines of thought by arguing for a fuller awareness of the particular mystery associated with the trinitarian notion of ‘person’. By specifying more closely this mystery of divine personhood, I qualify an overzealous apophaticism and also open up some scope for analytic approaches. I then highlight an implication of the mystery of divine personhood that any proposition linking together person‐language and nature‐language (e.g. ‘the Son is God’) necessarily contains its own mystery and cannot be understood in analytic terms.  相似文献   

In a review article the author reflects upon the recent film by Mel Gibson in the tradition of the medieval mystery play. As the biblical story of human origins begins in a garden, so too does this story of the birth of a new creation brought into being by the suffering of Jesus. With an understanding and acceptance of Jesus' unique vocation as the Christ, Mary is a central figure of spiritual empowerment to her son as he fulfills his mission.  相似文献   

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