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In the course of extensive philosophical debates on aesthetics in nineteenth-century Germany, Robert Vischer introduced the concept of Einfühlung in relation to art. Theodor Lipps subsequently extended it from art to visual illusions and interpersonal understanding. While Lipps had regarded Einfühlung as basically similar to the old notion of sympathy, Edward Titchener in America believed it had a different meaning. Hence, he coined the term empathy as its translation. This term came to be increasingly widely adopted, first in psychology and then more generally. But the lack of agreement about the supposed difference between these concepts suggests that Lipps had probably been right.  相似文献   

The author considers sensory perceptions arising from the body to be the first expressions of self-consciousness and mental existence in patients who are overwhelmed by a dimensionless abyss of nothingness. This perspective can help the analyst in catalyzing the patient's integration with his deepest levels of mental functioning. Clinical material from the four-session-per-week analysis of a psychotic patient is discussed. To this analysis and, finding the body meant finding "the land that never was," a "land" that could begin to exist in analysis thanks to a relational working through within the analytic couple.  相似文献   

历史上的每一种公正观,都有它的核心价值指向,它们构成了公正思想的价值维度,引导着社会的基本治理方向和利益分配方式.中国社会的公正观经历了一个从"平均"到"公正"的发展过程.长期以来,它是以平均主义为核心价值取向而展开的,并因此而深刻地影响着中国社会.面对当今中国日趋扩大的利益分配差距,一种以公平正义为价值指向的公正观应运而生.公平正义的公正观是具有现实合理性和价值优越性的新型公正观.  相似文献   

作为现代新儒家早期思想的代表人物,马一浮先生提出了以儒家"六艺之学"统摄天下诸学的主张.这是马先生的一个创举,体现着他对传统儒学有意识地改造和发扬.作为"六艺之学"的一个分支,易学研究在马一浮先生的学术研究中无疑具有着"本体论"地位和作用,它所体现的"心之本体",不仅是"六艺"所自出的本原,也是"六艺之学"共同的目的和归宿.  相似文献   

最近一段时间,自称具有“特异功能“的张颖成了台湾的热点人物,每天台湾的电视、报纸都有关于她的追踪报道.……  相似文献   

读了杜莹和她们课题组撰写的《企业家道德》,使我恍然大悟:如今的世界,特别是在我们中国,人类活动角逐的主要领域,已经不在朝廷庙堂,不在边疆战场,而是在现代经济市场上;历史活动的主角,也已不是帝王将相,不是文人骚客,而是千百万各式各样的企业家。虽然手中掌握着巨大的物质财  相似文献   

第五届世界怀疑论者大会将于2004年10月8日至10日在意大利举行。由于此缘故,我正投身于四项关于意大利流行的神秘现象的调查,首先是一种据称非常特殊的血液,以及与所谓的都灵的裹尸布有关的神秘事件。如果您能前来参加此次会议,将有机会亲自了解这些著名的谜团。  相似文献   

《无神论》是美国马丁(MICHAEL MARTIN)教授写的一部名著,副标题《哲学的合理性证明》,1990年出版。书前有一篇颇长的《绪论》,针对一些有神论者的批评,作了扼要的回应,从中可以看出当代西方宗教神学是如何抨击无神论的,以及他对这些抨击所作的逻辑反驳和对无神论的合理性证明。我特别感兴趣的问题,还有作者无意中透露出来的美国的意识形态和宗教自由问题。作者回忆说,他幼年受家庭影响,倾向无神论,但同时知道,无神论在美国民众的心目中是很坏的,因为“他们大多数人都信仰上帝”。记得“三年级的一天,我向一个有同情心的指导顾问透露…  相似文献   

张敬梅 《宗教学研究》2004,1(1):133-137
从"玄之又玄"到"重玄"经历了一个演变过程."玄之又玄"本意是"幽远而又幽远",指道的不可知性与终极性."重玄"的最初含义是"重天",佛道两教学者用它来指宗教的终极境界.隋唐时期"重玄"与"双遣"连用,指"遣有、遣无、遣其遣"的三重否定思想方法."重玄"与"双遣"的结合标志着从"玄之又玄"向"重玄"的转变最终完成.  相似文献   

李小平 《心理学报》2016,(10):1210-1218
本文首先提出了Linda问题的表象-命题双表征这一新的解释视角。该视角认为,Linda问题基于表象表征和命题表征可以有两种不同的解读与表征方式;而不同的被试在Linda问题上可能分别采取了上述表征方式之一;但由于Linda问题的特殊性,大多数被试采用了表象表征;大多数被试的这一表征取向则可能是所谓谬误判断出现的原因。本文通过4项研究,让被试在基于表象表征设计的转述版本与基于命题表征设计的转述版间选择接近自身理解的版本;并考察了将Linda问题修改成更符合命题表征的数学化表达形式能否降低所谓谬误水平;还考察了增加促使被试运用命题表征的排序项"Linda是全人类中的一员"能否降低所谓谬误水平。结果显示,在转述版本选择上,大多数被试选择了基于表象表征设计的版本;而上文所指的两个修正版Linda问题则都降低了被试的所谓谬误水平。这些结果支持了本文所提的视角。  相似文献   

"Unapologetic and unafraid": immigrant youth come out from the shadows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young immigrants are challenging the boundaries of citizenship and insisting on their human rights. This chapter examines the civic lives of immigrant youth through the case of Latina/os, exploring the paradox of their apparent low civic education and engagement levels and remarkable participation in recent protests. After an overview of demographics and what we know about immigrant youth civic life, the focus shifts to the undocumented. Many retain a sense of community obligation, yet because of their developmental stage and U.S. education, their engagement differs from that of their parents' generation. Young immigrants are reconfiguring organizing and reenergizing U.S. democracy through their use of new information technologies.  相似文献   

We report the case of a patient, LEW, who presents with modality-specific naming deficits. He is seriously impaired in naming pictures of both objects and actions. His naming to auditory verbal definitions and of actions carried out by the experimenter is, however, relatively well preserved. He has no visual perceptual deficits and his access to the semantics of pictures is as good as that to the semantics of spoken words. While LEW is not an optic aphasic patient, his pattern of performance is relevant to the debate that has taken place of the organization of the semantic system. We discuss his case from this perspective and argue that LEW's selective deficits support the multiple semantics position. We also argue that the "preverbal message" level in the speech production model of Levelt (1989) is the equivalent of "verbal semantics." We provide additional constraints and principles to the concept of the preverbal message and we term the system so constrained the "restricted preverbal message." Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

王四达 《现代哲学》2007,(2):98-103
明末顾炎武曾把易姓改号称为“亡国”,而把道德沦丧称为“亡天下”;清末严复写《救亡决论》一文,为民族救亡大声疾呼。今天中国虽无“亡国”之忧,却有“亡天下”之虞,“得荃忘鱼”的病象,“渔父哲学”的盛行,厚黑之道的猖獗,使“道德救亡”已成为当前中国最迫切的现实课题,中国不应回避也不能头痛医头脚痛医脚地对待这个问题,只有清理历史传统、改造社会生态才是“道德救亡”的唯一出路。  相似文献   

Oncofertility is one of the 9 NIH Roadmap Initiatives, federal grants intended to explore previously intractable questions, and it describes a new field that exists in the liminal space between cancer treatment and its sequelae, IVF clinics and their yearning, and basic research in cell growth, biomaterials, and reproductive science and its tempting promises. Cancer diagnoses, which were once thought universally fatal, now often entail management of a chronic disease. Yet the therapies are rigorous, must start immediately, and in many cases result in premature failure of the body's reproductive ability. In women, this loss is especially poignant; unlike the routine storage of sperm, which is done in men and boys facing similar treatment decisions, freezing oocytes in anticipation of fertility loss is not possible in most cases, and creating an embryo within days of diagnosis raises significant moral, social and medical challenges. Oncofertility is the study of how to harvest ovarian tissue in women facing cancer to preserve their gametes for future use with IVF, thus allowing the decisions about childbearing to be deferred and reproductive choices to be preserved. The research endeavor uses the capacity of the ovarian follicle to produce eggs in vitro. Developing the human follicle to ovulate successfully outside the body is scientifically difficult and ethically challenging. Infertility is linked to long-standing religious and moral traditions, and is intertwined with deeply contentious social narratives about women, families, illness and birth. Is the research morally permissible? Perhaps imperative if understood as a repair from iatrogenic harms? How are considerations of justice central to the work? How will vulnerable subjects be protected? What are the moral implications of the work for women, children and families? What are the implications for society if women could store ovarian tissue as a way of stopping the biological clock? What are the moral possibilities and challenges if eggs can be produced in large quantities from a stored ovarian tissue?  相似文献   

从一个康复"缺憾"个案看科学思维方法的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就一例截瘫患者从因分娩诱发患病,误诊误治到康复治疗实施的过程进行分析,通过总结在诊断、治疗和康复过程中的失误与经验,讨论我们在日常的工作中如何正确建立科学思维方法以及利用科学思维方法解决实际问题,以达到提高自身诊疗水平和独立思考能力的目的.  相似文献   

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