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This article summarizes the criterion-related and construct validity evidence for theEmployee Attitude Inventory (EAI) theft scales. These paper-and-pencil measures were designed to help employers gain information about theft among current employees. It is argued that the validity of the theft scales is dependent on the proportion of dishonest employees in the group being screened. Using meta-analysis techniques, the theft scales were shown to have useful levels of validity regardless of the proportion of dishonest employees in the population being screened. Also, the validity coefficients were relatively invariant across organizations and occupations. Thus the available evidence supports the use of the EAI as an effective tool for identifying dishonest employees. However, given that the present analyses are based on a relatively small set of data, the authors' conclusions should be regarded as preliminary. These analyses should be repeated as additional validity data becomes available.The opinions expressed in the report are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent those of any organizations with which the authors are associated.  相似文献   

Examined the ability of the Mini-Mult validity scales to detect invalid MMPI profiles. When 34 invalid MMPI profiles were rescored with the Mini-Muir only 17 of the 34 profiles invalidated by the full MMPI were detected with the Mini-Mult. This included 14 of 27 profiles invalidated by an elevated F scale; 2 of 4 profiles invalidated by an elevated L scale and 1 of 3 profiles invalidated by an elevated K scale. Only 14 of 27 profiles invalidated by an F-K ratio of K11 were detected. When new conversion values for the Mini-Mult were utilized, the detection rate improved considerably for the F scale and the F-K ratio.  相似文献   

The aim was to construct a social attitude scale for children and to assess its reliability and construct validity, employing a sample of 226 children, aged 8–15, from schools within metropolitan Stockholm. The results showed the precision, test-retest reliability and internal consistency for the total scale to be moderate among younger subjects (8, 10 and 12 years) and acceptable among older ones (14 and 15 years). Confirmatory factor analyses revealed different factor structures for the various age groups. Only two factors were identified for the 8 year olds, while three, four, and five factors were obtained for the 10, 12, 14, and 15 year old subjects, respectively. The factors were, in consecutive order of appearance, Religion, Punitiveness, Ethnocentrism, Political-economic conservatism, and Environmental issues. Implications for attitude measurement among children and directions for further research on structural aspects of attitudes are discussed.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analysis was used to model a multitrait-multisource design to evaluate the construct validity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) rating scales. The 2 trait factors were the ADHD inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity dimensions. The 2 source factors were parents and teachers. In Study 1, parents and teachers rated 1,475 Australian elementary school children on the ADHD symptoms. In Study 2, parents and teachers rated 285 Brazilian elementary school children on the ADHD symptoms. Similar results occurred in both studies with most of the ADHD symptoms containing more source than trait variance, thus providing weak evidence for the convergent and discriminant validity of the symptoms as measured by rating scales. The study outlines the implications of such strong source effects for understanding ADHD.  相似文献   

A twin-based analysis of personality inventory scales yields information relevant to construct validity. If scales validly measure dimensions influenced developmentally either by environmental factors common to cotwins or by genetic similarities, these influences should be apparent in patterns of intraclass correlations and within-pair variance ratios for monozygotic and dizygotic pairs. Criteria for construct validity derived from adolescent twin statistics are illustrated with Wiggins' MMPI Content Scales. A type of discriminant validity indicates that some scales are not distinct in terms of the influences of familial similarity. Sex differences are examined.  相似文献   

Research articles published during the first 31 years of Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis were assessed for reports of social validity measures. Two measures of social validity (treatment outcome and treatment acceptability) were assessed for each article. In addition, articles were assessed for the incorporation of analog versus naturalistic settings. Overall, treatment outcome and acceptability measures were reported in less than 13% of articles. In addition, studies conducted in naturalistic settings were more likely to report social validity measures than studies conducted in analog settings. Possible reasons for the deficit in the reporting of social validity measures and potential outcomes of this deficit are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of methods to create self‐reported attitude scales has lost momentum, in part because of increased research focused on implicit measures. This paper reviews 162 papers on methodological approaches applied to the validation and assessment of attitude scales. Assessment of methodological approaches applied indicates that neither reliability, validity, nor dimensionality assessments are consistently used according to standard operating procedures or in accordance with best practice. Within current practices in the field of attitude scale development, the full potential of self‐report scales is not met, in part because of such methodological issues. The improvement of existing practices and adoption of promising new developments in attitude scale construction and evaluation are discussed, together with recommendations for best practice in scale validation.  相似文献   

A technique is indicated by which approximations to the factor loadings of a new test may be obtained if factor loadings of a given group of tests and the correlations of the new test with the other tests are known. The technique is applicable to any orthogonal system and is especially adapted to cases in which a ji a jk = 0 wheni k. Application is also made to the simultaneous determination of the factor weights of a group of tests in which no additional common factor is present. The technique is useful in adding tests to a completed factorial solution and in using factorial solutions involving errors to give results which are approximately correct.  相似文献   

The MCMI-III personality disorder scales (Millon, 1994) were empirically validated in a sample of prisoners, psychiatric inpatients, and outpatients (N = 477). The scale intercorrelations were congruent with those obtained by Millon, Davis, and Millon (1997). We conclude that our Flemish/Dutch version shows no significant differences with the original version of the MCMI-III as far as intercorrelations are concerned. Convergent validity of the MCMI-III personality disorder scales was evaluated by the correlational data between the MCMI-III personality disorder scales and the MMPI-2 clinical (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) and personality disorder (Somwaru & Ben-Porath, 1995) scales. Improved convergence was obtained compared with previous versions of the MCMI-I. Only the compulsive MCMI-III personality disorder scale remains problematic. The scale even showed negative correlations with some of the related clinical scales and with the corresponding personality disorder scales of the MMPI-2.  相似文献   

The results of three empirical studies on the sampling fluctuation of centroid factor loadings are reported. The first study is based on data which happened to be available on 8 variables for 700 cases and which were factored to three factors for subsamples. The second study is based on fictitious data for 2500 cases which provided separate analyses on 25 samples for each of three situations: 5 variables, one factor; 5 variables, two factors; and 6 variables, three factors. The third study, based on real data for 9 variables and 7000 cases, involves separate factorization for 35 samples of 200 cases. The three studies agree in showing that the sampling behavior of first centroid factor loadings is much like that of correlation coefficients, whereas the sampling fluctuations for loadings beyond the first are disturbingly large.  相似文献   

Developmental and clinical psychological findings on infancy over the past twenty years and more refute in striking ways both Piaget's and Lacan's negative characterizations of infants. Piaget's thesis is that the infant has an undifferentiated sense of self; Lacan's thesis is that the infant is no more than a fragmented piece of goods — a corps morcelé. Through an examination of recent and notable analyses of infancy by infant psychiatrist Daniel Stern, this paper highlights important features within the radically different accounts. In particular, it examines Stern's account of self-agency —a facet of the core self. In doing so, the paper brings to light corporeal matters of fact and shows :how recent developmental-clinical data on infants accord with facets of bodily life described by Husserl. The paper contrasts these corporeal matters of fact and facets of bodily life with Piaget's and Lacan's notion of an infant as incompetent and deficient. On the basis of its empirical-phenomenological findings, the paper underscores the need to recognize the richness of nonverbal life and to give movement and the tactile-kinesthetic body their conceptual due.  相似文献   

Since its inception in the mid-1970s, social validity has provided applied behavior analysts with a critical measure of the social impact and importance of their interventions. Recent discussion, however, has questioned the use of this construct in regard to the frequency and types of social validty measures employed in research. Despite the ensuing discussion, virtually no quantitative information has been made available to frame various perspectives and opinions. The purpose of this report is to present a content analysis of social validity measures used over the previous 20 years. Social validity was assessed along three dimensions: (a) type of assessment, (b) focus of assessment, and (c) time of assessment. Articles published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (1968-1990) and Behavior Modification (1977-1990) were surveyed. The results of the content analysis indicate that current applications of social validation procedures are presented in 20% of the articles surveyed. The majority of articles used subjective evaluation of outcomes following intervention to assess social validity. In addition, the data indicated that normative comparison was a rarely used method of social validation and that its use has been decreasing over time.  相似文献   

The nomological validity of the Type A personality among employed adults   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The nomological validity of the Type A behavior pattern was explored. The Structured Interview (SI) and a battery of personality trait, physical health, and strain measures were administered to an occupationally diverse sample of 568 workers. Ss were also monitored for physiological reactivity and recovery (blood pressure, heart rate, skin temperature, and electrodermal response) to the SI and a subsequent Stroop Color-Word Conflict Task. A confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that SI scores can be factored into three distinct dimensions. There was considerable overlap in the patterns of personality traits that characterized the Type A components, but only a Hostility dimension was significantly related to physiological reactivity and recovery. The results have implications for distinguishing coronary-proneness from the more traditional Type A conceptualization.  相似文献   

A very simple structure is sought when factor analysis is used to develop measurement scales. The SIMLOAD program computes measures of factorial simplicity for rows and columns of loading matrices (usually the factor pattern) as well as some overall measures. These include Kaiser’s (1974) index of factorial simplicity for variables (rows), the author’s scale fit index for factors (columns), Bentler’s (1977) scale-free matrix measure, and hyperplane counts. Routine use of these measures is recommended for multifactor scale development. The measures may also be useful in more general factor applications and in confirmatory as well as exploratory analyses. SIMLOAD also computes factor scale intercorrelations, scale alpha coefficients (including alpha when an item is removed), and sorted loadings for ease of interpretation.  相似文献   

E. K. Strong, Jr.'s (Vocational interests of men and women, Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Univ. Press, 1943) four propositions for interest-inventory validity andJ. L. Holland's (Making vocational choices: A theory of careers, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1973) hexagonal classification system were synthesized in order to adapt a traditional procedure for determining the construct validity of occupational interest scales to the validation of basic interest scales. The procedure was tested using a sample of 4035 males and 3671 females whose interest inventory results as high school students and whose majors as college seniors could be assigned Holland codes. Results of the study indicate that this procedure can be used to assess the construct validity of inventories using basic interest scales.  相似文献   

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