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This article argues that Zootopia, while positively exploring implicit racial bias, nonetheless leaves aside a huge swath of nonwhite viewers. By using the vehicle of fear that prey animals have for predators as a metaphor for race, its story primarily caters to white audiences and encourages them to consider what sorts of implications biased presumptions and predispositions might have on one's fellow creatures. Through the use of different epistemological and thematic twists, this movie drives home its point of showing the negative impacts that implicit racial biases may have, even as it sidelines many of its potential viewers.  相似文献   

The mental health research literature on implicit bias is limited (Boysen, 2009), and little is known about how factors that are associated with self‐perceived multicultural counseling awareness, such as mindfulness, relate to implicit racial bias in practicing mental health professionals. Using a correlational research design, we examined the association between mental health practitioners' implicit bias, self‐perceived multicultural counseling competence, facets of dispositional mindfulness, and mindfulness practices. A total of 137 mental health professionals completed an online questionnaire. Results revealed a negative relationship between the observing component of dispositional mindfulness and the implicit racial preference associating White and “good” words. In addition, results indicated that the frequency of engaging in mindfulness practices negatively predicted implicit racial preference associating White and good. Implications for counselor training, practice, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

乐观偏差是一个普遍存在的现象。采用Greenwald的内隐联想测验测验(IAT)方法和Inquisit专业软件,以60名大学生为被试对乐观偏差进行了考察。结果发现:乐观偏差存在内隐效应;乐观偏差的内隐效应在性别上没有差异。  相似文献   

As public awareness of implicit bias has grown in recent years, studies have raised important new questions about the nature of implicit bias effects. First, implicit biases are widespread and robust on average, yet are unstable across a few weeks. Second, young children display implicit biases indistinguishable from those of adults, which suggests to many that implicit biases are learned early. Yet, if implicit biases are unstable over weeks, how can they be stable for decades? Third, meta-analyses suggest that individual differences in implicit bias are associated weakly, although significantly, with individual differences in behavioral outcomes. Yet, studies of aggregate levels of implicit bias (i.e., countries, states, counties) are strongly associated with aggregate levels of disparities and discrimination. These puzzles are difficult to reconcile with traditional views, which treat implicit bias as an early-learned attitude that drives discrimination among individuals who are high in bias. We propose an alternative view of implicit bias, rooted in concept accessibility. Concept accessibility can, in principle, vary both chronically and situationally. The empirical evidence, however, suggests that most of the systematic variance in implicit bias is situational. Akin to the “wisdom of crowds” effect, implicit bias may emerge as the aggregate effect of individual fluctuations in concept accessibility that are ephemeral and context-dependent. This bias of crowds theory treats implicit bias tests as measures of situations more than persons. We show how the theory can resolve the puzzles posed and generate new insights into how and why implicit bias propagates inequalities.  相似文献   

自我正面偏见是指对大多数个体来说, 其自我相关信息与正性情绪效价联系紧密, 个体倾向于把正面结果或特质归因于自我内部稳定的人格特征, 而认为负面结果或特质与自己的人格特征不相关。本项目从自我正面偏见的文化相对论与文化普遍论之争出发, 采用行为和认知神经科学技术, 试图证实集体主义文化下自我正面偏见的存在, 并对照外显自我正面偏见, 考察内隐层面上的自我正面偏见及其可变性, 探索抑郁个体的内隐自我相关信息加工的改善, 了解其大脑神经基础, 揭示内隐自我正面偏见的性质与特征, 验证和完善自我相关信息与情绪信息的功能加工层次模型。研究结果不仅有助于从内隐层面上了解自我与情绪的复杂关系, 而且还将对其神经基础做出重要探索, 更深入地解读中国人的自我的本质。  相似文献   

This article attempts to present emotioncy as a potential source of test bias to inform the analysis of test item performance. Emotioncy is defined as a hierarchy, ranging from exvolvement (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic) to involvement (inner and arch), to emphasize the emotions evoked by the senses. This study hypothesizes that when individuals have high levels of emotioncy for specific words, their test performance may systematically change, resulting in test bias. To this end, 355 individuals were asked to take a 40-item vocabulary test along with the emotioncy scale. Mixed Rasch model was employed to flag differential item functioning items. Results illustrated that the test takers with high emotioncy toward specific words outperformed the ones in the low-emotioncy group, characterizing emotioncy as a potential source of test bias.  相似文献   


White (N = 161) and Black (N = 152) college students served as mock jurors in a simulated civil case in which a female plaintiff accused a male defendant of sexual harassment. The authors experimentally manipulated the race (Black or White) of the litigants and asked the mock jurors to decide whether the defendant was guilty; to rate the certainty of their belief in the defendant's guilt; and, when they judged the defendant guilty, to recommend an award to the plaintiff. Mock jurors of both races tended to favor litigants of their own race and their own gender. Racial bias was highest among White male jurors and lowest among White female jurors.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated a dating bias in which people tend to estimate recent dates too remotely and remote dates too recently. Experiment 1 examined and upheld a prediction of the hypothesis that bias arises because events whose time of occurrence is unknown are dated through associated events for which some time information is available. Experiment 2 required some subjects to date prototype events while others dated specific events. Prototype events were dated more recently, and the errors in dating specific events were related to differences in the way the prototype events were dated. Both sets of results were predicted by the association hypothesis, according to which events whose dates are well known are dated with reference either to specific associated events or to prototype events.  相似文献   

Research exploring potential antecedents of aggression provides contradictory results, with some data relating adaptive coping styles with high aggression and other studies finding the inverse. Clarification of these relationships could improve intervention and prevention strategies. This study investigated relationships between aggression and 3 coping styles (adaptive, neurotic, and maladaptive) via cross-sectional correlational methodology (N = 355). Data supported both hypotheses: First, the use of less adaptive coping styles predicted higher levels of aggression; second, this relationship held true for both cognitive (anger and hostility) and overt (physical and verbal) expressions of aggression. Results indicate that maladaptive coping significantly predicts aggression. Implications include potential prediction and prevention strategies to reduce the probability of higher risk individuals exhibiting aggression.  相似文献   

Bias is a central concept in multicultural competency, but counseling research has largely ignored implicit bias. A review of bias research in counseling indicates that increased focus on implicit bias is warranted because counselors tend not to report explicit bias and have implicit bias that diverges from their self‐reported attitudes. El sesgo es un concepto esencial para la competencia multicultural, pero la investigación relacionada con la consejería ha ignorado en su mayoría el sesgo implícito. Una revisión de los estudios sobre consejería indica que está justificado aumentar la atención hacia el sesgo implícito, porque los consejeros tienden a no informar sobre el sesgo explícito y tienen sesgos implícitos que no se corresponden con sus actitudes autoinformadas  相似文献   

Two studies investigated biases in the use of base rate information when assessing the probability of a witness' accurate identification of a white or West Indian as a burglar. An adapted version of the Kahneman-Tversky cab problem was used, to provide a social decision in which biases could be measured against some normative standard. Ethnicity of youth (white/West Indian) and nature of base rate (incidental/causal) were manipulated in a 2 × 2 between-subjects design. A significant interaction effect revealed that subjects took no account of the base rate for a West Indian subject, but used the base rate only when it was causal and the youth was white. This ‘prejudice effect’ against a West Indian youth and ‘exoneration effect’ for a white youth were replicated in a second study, using a microcomputer and chronometric analyses. Results are discussed in terms of heuristic decision-making, social schemata, and the cognitive versus motivational bases of bias in the use of base rates.  相似文献   

Two studies explored the psychometric properties of free association methods for the assessment of attitudes. Even though the stability of the actual associations was rather low, psychometric properties of the valence estimates of the free associations were highly satisfactory. Valence estimates of associations were provided by independent judges who rated the valence of the associations that were generated by participants. Valence estimates of the associations showed satisfactory internal consistencies and retest reliabilities over three weeks. Additionally, valence estimates of the associations were significantly and independently related to both explicit self‐reported attitudes and implicit attitudes that were assessed with an Ossi–Wessi Implicit Association Test. Free association methods represent a useful complement to the family of implicit measures and are especially suitable for the assessment of non‐relative attitudes towards single attitude objects. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The overwhelming majority of those who theorize about implicit biases posit that these biases are caused by some sort of association. However, what exactly this claim amounts to is rarely specified. In this paper, I distinguish between different understandings of association, and I argue that the crucial senses of association for elucidating implicit bias are the cognitive structure and mental process senses. A hypothesis is subsequently derived: if associations really underpin implicit biases, then implicit biases should be modulated by counterconditioning or extinction but should not be modulated by rational argumentation or logical interventions. This hypothesis is false; implicit biases are not predicated on any associative structures or associative processes but instead arise because of unconscious propositionally structured beliefs. I conclude by discussing how the case study of implicit bias illuminates problems with popular dual‐process models of cognitive architecture.  相似文献   

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