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邓沁丽  陈俊 《心理科学》2015,(1):216-220
随着脑成像研究数量的增长,研究者迫切需要一种能够将众多研究进行整合的元分析方法。本文在简单回顾了以往脑成像元分析方法的基础上,介绍了激活似然性评估法(ALE)的操作实施、优势特征、更新完善,以及其发展与应用。该元分析方法将每一个激活的坐标看作一种分布的可能性,通过特定的算法与拟合获得激活似然值,最后,将不同文献汇聚计算而来的ALE值与虚无分布获得的ALE值进行对比,以确定激活的可能性分布。近十年来,激活似然性评估法几经修正,已被广泛运用于各领域元分析的研究中。  相似文献   

抑郁障碍和焦虑障碍是两种最常见的精神障碍。使用激活似然估计(activation likelihood estimation,ALE)元分析对抑郁和焦虑障碍患者治疗后出现的一致脑区激活改变进行评估,并考察不同条件下这一改变的差异。研究共纳入25篇文献,结果发现:(1)抑郁和焦虑障碍接受治疗后,枕下回(inferior occipital gyrus,IOG)等脑区激活增加;豆状核(lentiform nucleus)等激活减少。(2)a.心理治疗产生的脑激活改变为豆状核活动的减少;药物治疗则在于扣带回(cingulate gyrus)等活动增加,而楔前叶(precuneus)等活动减少。b.任务下成像治疗后激活增加的脑区为扣带回等,减少的脑区为楔前叶等;静息下成像,治疗后枕下回等激活增加,额内侧回(medial frontal gyrus,MFG)等激活减少。c.抑郁障碍治疗后的脑激活变化为扣带回等活动增加,楔前叶等活动减少;焦虑障碍在于前扣带回/额内侧回(anterior cingulate/MFG)活动减少。研究表明治疗会给抑郁和焦虑障碍带来一致的脑区激活改变;治疗方法、成像状态和障碍类型不同,治疗后脑区激活改变也存在差异。  相似文献   

赖寒  徐苗  宋宜颖  刘嘉 《心理学报》2013,45(5):491-507
本研究根据音乐加工的层级结构, 对现有的脑成像研究进行了元分析, 探讨了音乐知觉的神经基础。具体而言, 对特异于音乐知觉加工的两个层级, 音程分析和结构分析的神经基础进行了分析, 并在此基础上对比了参与两个层级加工的脑区。结果发现, 音程分析主要的激活分布在双侧颞上回和右侧额下回, 在中央前回、角回和脑岛等脑区也有分布。音程分析在颞上回激活最多, 可能表明颞上回为音程分析的核心区域。结构分析激活分布较广, 主要激活颞上回、颞横回和前额叶区域, 此外, 还激活了下顶叶、缘上回和舌回等顶枕区域。结构分析在前额叶激活最多, 可能表明前额叶为结构分析的核心区域。最后, 对比两层级激活的脑区发现, 二者仅在后侧颞上回存在着重合, 而在绝大部分脑区则表现出分离, 这暗示了音程分析和结构分析通过颞上回进行交流, 并负责音乐不同层面的加工。  相似文献   

本研究筛选了11项采用功能性磁共振成像技术探究言语自闭症人群词义加工的研究, 探讨了该人群与典型人群脑激活模式的差异是否具有跨研究的稳定性。结果表明, 差异的脑激活模式稳定存在, 且表现为主要涉及左额上回的典型脑区激活不足。该结果为言语ASD人群语言加工的神经机制提供了来自词义加工的跨研究激活证据, 在明确“减弱的额叶激活”这一稳定差异表现的基础上, 强调了针对不同语言加工任务开展元分析研究的必要性。  相似文献   

特质推理一直是社会认知研究的重要主题,它包括有意图的特质推理和自发特质推理。随着社会认知神经科学蓬勃发展,研究者开始探讨二者的神经机制。fMRI研究表明,特质推理期间主要大脑活动定位于mPFC和TPJ这两个广泛脑区,有意图和自发特质推理分别更多地激活mPFC与TPJ。ERP研究发现,P300是特质推理期间与不一致信息探测和解决过程相关的EEG成分,有意图和自发特质推理在时间进程上大多同步,却激活了不同脑区。总之,当前已积累了较多可信的脑成像证据,从社会认知神经科学的视角探讨特质推理的神经机制是未来较有前途的一个方向。  相似文献   

先前研究基于功能特化的思想, 基本完成了创造性问题解决相关的各个关键脑区的功能定位, 但并未揭示这些关键脑区在创造活动中的动态神经活动以及它们之间的相互作用关系。本研究拟从动态的功能整合的思想出发, 采用时间序列分析和有效连通性分析方法, 对语义类问题的创造性解决中的信息选择和新颖联结形成等关键子过程的大脑动态加工模式进行研究。本研究不仅能丰富并发展创造性问题解决神经基础的研究方法, 而且能够从系统的层面, 从动态信息加工的角度加深对创造性问题解决脑机制的认识, 推动其神经理论的发展。  相似文献   

弥散张量成像在语言认知神经科学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乐秋海  舒华 《心理科学进展》2010,18(9):1369-1376
人类的语言功能不仅仅基于以额叶、颞叶为代表的语言脑区灰质皮层的激活, 更重要的是基于这些脑区之间白质纤维束的连接。随着各种脑成像技术的逐渐成熟, 基于核磁共振的弥散张量成像技术在语言认知领域展现出越来越重要的作用。弥散张量成像在语言认知研究上的应用, 可以将其与行为测查、功能定位成像、功能连接、全脑网络等多种分析方法结合来共同研究语言认知, 进而从脑结构的角度来探究语言与脑的关系。  相似文献   

刘玲  李荆广  宋宜颖  刘嘉 《心理学报》2012,44(4):446-458
为探索注意控制能力个体差异的遗传来源, 当前研究主要关注儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶(catechol-O-Methyltransferase, COMT)基因对参与注意控制加工的前额叶脑区的调控作用。为进一步回答COMT基因是否也对全脑范围的注意脑区具有调控作用, 本文对17篇遗传影像学研究进行元分析。结果发现, COMT基因Val/Val (vv)基因型的被试在注意控制任务下, 不仅前额叶脑区的激活水平高于Met/Met(mm)基因型的被试, 在前扣带回和后扣带回等前额叶之外的脑区激活水平也高于mm基因型的被试, 而且在这些脑区的效应值(vv>mm)都较大(Cohen’s d > 0.8)。由此, 元分析结果表明:COMT基因不仅调控前额叶脑区, 而且对形成注意控制网络的多个脑区都有调控效应。此结果提示注意控制能力的个体差异可能部分的来自于COMT基因对注意控制网络的调控作用。  相似文献   

薛贵  陈传升  吕忠林  董奇 《心理学报》2010,42(1):120-137
先进的无创神经影像技术(如EEG和fMRI)允许研究者直接观察被试在完成多种知觉、运动和认知任务时的大脑活动。将脑功能成像与严密的实验设计和数据分析方法结合起来, 我们可以考察大脑不同脑区的功能以及它们之间的交互作用。随着脑功能成像技术在研究人类决策行为中的日益成功运用, 一个被称为神经经济学的新兴领域正在逐渐形成和发展起来。本文中首先对脑成像技术进行一个总体介绍, 重点在于探讨近年来在多体素分析和多模态数据整合的最新进展。接下来, 我们以风险决策、跨时间选择以及社会决策领域的几个研究为例, 阐述神经影像技术如何能加深和拓展我们对人类决策的认识。最后, 我们讨论了神经经济学中研究中面临的一些挑战以及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

音乐表演是人类最复杂和精细的技能之一。通过激活似然性评估元分析,对音乐表演训练所诱发的神经可塑性进行探究。结果发现,音乐表演者与非音乐家在左侧小脑、双侧中央前回、双侧颞上回、左侧额下回、双侧顶下小叶以及右侧脑岛等脑区存在差异。这些脑区与听觉、运动以及多通道信息整合等加工有关。未来研究应从不同音乐表演训练诱发的神经适应性出发,进一步探究音乐表演训练与大脑可塑性之间的关联。  相似文献   

对大脑语言功能偏侧化的探索起始于早期对脑损伤病人的研究。现代脑影像学研究发现, 语言功能偏侧化涉及额叶、颞叶、扣带回、梭状回和辅助运动区等脑区。语言偏侧化与利手和静息态功能连接之间的关系表现为:右利手的语言优势位于左半球, 而左利手的则分布在左半球、右半球或两个半球; 语言功能偏侧化与利手系数、静息态半球内功能连接之间具有正相关关系, 与半球间功能连接呈负相关, 并且语言功能偏侧化与静息态功能连接之间的关系在左右利手个体之间存在差异。总之, 大脑语言功能偏侧化、利手和静息态功能连接三者之间存在相互影响, 基于脑连接和遗传机制的研究将有望揭示出其底层的神经生理机制。  相似文献   

Two recent reviews of the neuroimaging literature on creativity have pointed to inconsistent findings across studies, calling into question the usefulness of the theoretical constructs motivating the search for its neural bases. However, it is argued that consistent patterns of neural activation do emerge when the cognitive process and the neuroimaging method are kept uniform across studies. To demonstrate this empirically, the activation likelihood estimation (ALE) method was used to conduct quantitative meta-analyses of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments of analogy and metaphor - two processes related to creativity and included in the recent reviews. The results demonstrated that analogy and metaphor reliably activate consistent but dissociable brain regions across fMRI studies. The implications of the findings for cognitive theories of analogy and metaphor are discussed. Furthermore, these results demonstrate that to the extent that creativity has heterogeneous sources, its neural instantiation will vary as a function of the underlying cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia—a severe psychiatric condition characterized by hallucinations, delusions, loss of initiative and cognitive function—is hypothesized to result from abnormal anatomical neural connectivity and a consequent decoupling of the brain’s integrative thought processes. The rise of in vivo neuroimaging techniques has refueled the formulation of dysconnectivity hypotheses, linking schizophrenia to abnormal structural and functional connectivity in the brain at both microscopic and macroscopic levels. Over the past few years, advances in high-field structural and functional neuroimaging techniques have made it increasingly feasible to reconstruct comprehensive maps of the macroscopic neural wiring system of the human brain, know as the connectome. In parallel, advances in network science and graph theory have improved our ability to study the spatial and topological organizational layout of such neural connectivity maps in detail. Combined, the field of neural connectomics has created a novel platform that provides a deeper understanding of the overall organization of brain wiring, its relation to healthy brain function and human cognition, and conversely, how brain disorders such as schizophrenia arise from abnormal brain network wiring and dynamics. In this review we discuss recent findings of connectomic studies in schizophrenia that examine how the disorder relates to disruptions of brain connectivity.  相似文献   

Developmental cognitive neuroscience is a rapidly growing field that examines the relationships between biological development and cognitive ability. In the past decade, there has been ongoing refinement of concepts and methodology related to the study of ‘functional connectivity’ among distributed brain regions believed to underlie cognition and behavioral control. Due to the recent availability of relatively easy-to-use tools for functional connectivity analysis, there has been a sharp upsurge of studies that seek to characterize normal and psychopathologically abnormal brain functional integration. However, relatively few studies have applied functional and effective connectivity analysis techniques to developmental cognitive neuroscience. Functional and effective connectivity analysis methods are ideally suited to advance our understanding of the neural substrates of cognitive development, particularly in understanding how and why changes in the functional ‘wiring’ of neural networks promotes optimal cognitive control throughout development. The purpose of this review is to summarize the central concepts, methods, and findings of functional integration neuroimaging research to discuss key questions in the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience. These ideas will be presented within a context that merges relevant concepts and proposals from different developmental theorists. The review will outline a few general predictions about likely relationships between typical ‘executive’ cognitive maturation and changes in brain network functional integration during adolescence. Although not exhaustive, this conceptual review also will showcase some of recent findings that have emerged to support these predictions.  相似文献   

The traditional view on the cerebellum as the sole coordinator of motor function has been substantially redefined during the past decades. Neuroanatomical, neuroimaging and clinical studies have extended the role of the cerebellum to the modulation of cognitive and affective processing. Neuroanatomical studies have demonstrated cerebellar connectivity with the supratentorial association areas involved in higher cognitive and affective functioning, while functional neuroimaging and clinical studies have provided evidence of cerebellar involvement in a variety of cognitive and affective tasks. This paper reviews the recently acknowledged role of the cerebellum in linguistic and related cognitive and behavioral–affective functions. In addition, typical cerebellar syndromes such as the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS) and the posterior fossa syndrome (PFS) will be briefly discussed and the current hypotheses dealing with the presumed neurobiological mechanisms underlying the linguistic, cognitive and affective modulatory role of the cerebellum will be reviewed.  相似文献   

田雪  邱江 《心理科学》2015,(6):1334-1339
摘 要:抑郁症是一种常见的精神障碍。从疾病负担看,目前抑郁症已经成为世界第四大疾病,患病人数呈逐年上升的态势,给家庭和社会带来了沉重的负担。以往大多数对抑郁症的研究关注的是单个脑区结构或功能的损伤,而抑郁症通常伴随多脑区、多系统的异常,而不是单一脑区的损伤。近年来研究者开始关注抑郁症多个脑区之间的功能整合。利用功能整合的方法,动态监测抑郁症多个脑区间的相互作用,能进一步揭示抑郁症的脑网络机制。功能整合的研究方法主要包括功能连接和有效连接。有效连接刻画的是两个(或多个)脑区之间相互作用的因果关系,主要包括结构方程模型、动态因果模型、Granger 因果分析、生理心理交互作用等方法。通过对新近研究的梳理,总体而言,抑郁症的认知控制系统(如背外侧前额叶)和边缘系统(如杏仁核)的之间的有效连接减弱,即背外侧前额叶对杏仁核的抑制作用减弱,使得杏仁核对负性刺激的反应增强,出现了情绪加工偏差和认知偏差。认知控制系统和边缘系统之间有效连接的减弱能够解释抑郁症执行认知控制任务和情绪任务中的异常表现。  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated the critical role of the feeling of familiarity in recognition memory. Various neuroimaging paradigms have been developed to identify the brain regions that sustain the processing of familiarity; however, there is still considerable controversy about the functional significance of each brain region implicated in familiarity-based retrieval. Here, we focused on the differences between paradigms that assess familiarity, with or without the encoding phase. We used the activation likelihood estimation (ALE) algorithm to conduct a whole-brain meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies that involved a familiarity task. Sixty-nine studies, performed in healthy subjects to determine the specific functions of the identified regions in familiarity processing, were finally selected. Distinct subanalyses were performed according to the experimental procedures used in the original studies. The ALE clusters that were highlighted revealed common activations for paradigms with and without encoding in the prefrontal cortex and in the parietal cortex. Additionally, supplementary activations related to specific familiarity (i.e., without the encoding phase) were observed in the limbic system (i.e., the amygdala, hippocampus, cingulate cortex, and insula) and in the associative sensory areas. The differences in the reported findings for different procedures are possibly due to differences in the concept of familiarity. To aid the exploration of the neural correlates of familiarity in future studies, the strengths and weaknesses of these experimental procedures are critically discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive neuroscience of aging: contributions of functional neuroimaging   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
By revealing how brain activity during cognitive performance changes as a function of aging, studies using positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are contributing to the development of a new discipline of Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging. This article reviews functional neuroimaging studies of cognitive aging in the domains of visual perception, episodic memory encoding and semantic memory retrieval, episodic memory retrieval, implicit memory, and working memory. The most consistent finding of these studies was that brain activity tends to be less lateralized in older adults than in younger adults. This finding is conceptualized in terms of a model called Hemispheric Asymmetry Reduction in Old Adults (HAROLD). According to a compensation hypothesis, bihemispheric involvement could help counteract age-related neurocognitive decline, whereas, according to a dedifferentiation hypothesis, it reflects a difficulty in recruiting specialized neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

The first two decades of cognitive neuroimaging research have provided a constant increase of the knowledge about the neural organization of cognitive processes. Many cognitive functions (e.g.working memory) can now be associated with particular neural structures, and ongoing research promises to clarify this picture further, providing a new mapping between cognitive and neural function. The main goal of this paper is to outline conceptual issues that are particularly important in the context of imaging changes in neural function through recovery process. This review focuses primarily on studies made in stroke and traumatic brain injury patients, but most of the issues raised here are also relevant to studies using other acquired brain damages. Finally, we summarize aset of methodological issues related to functional neuroimaging that are relevant for the study ofneural plasticity and recovery after rehabilitation. Deceased  相似文献   

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