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科学发明中原型启发的创造性思维成分及其脑机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对创造性思维的测量及神经机制的研究, 国际上大多采用发散思维任务、远距离联想测验、顿悟问题解决等任务。但这些测量工具大多停留在对非科学类问题解决的研究上, 因此生态效度和预测效度都不高。本项目在前面研究的基础上, 探讨更符合现实生活的科学发明中原型启发的创造性思维成分及机制。研究一通过两个行为实验探索原型启发能力的创造性思维成分测试的结构效度; 研究二运用大样本磁共振数据, 从脑机制上进一步验证创造性思维成分的结构效度; 研究三通过3个核磁任务态探索原型启发能力的主要创造性思维成分的脑机制; 研究四试图在高校和企业研发机构进行跟踪研究, 检验创造性思维成分测试的预测效度。通过本项目的开展, 希望开发具有更高预测效度和生态效度的用于发明创造领域的创造性测量工具。  相似文献   

基于不同研究取向的应对问卷述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会的发展,人们现实和精神压力的增大,压力应对方式的研究日益受到广泛重视。研究者们依据不同的理论模型建构了各种应对问卷,此文总结了5种主要的应对研究取向,包括应对过程研究取向、应对特质研究取向、应对认知思维研究取向、应对能力研究取向以及特定情境应对研究取向等,并对相应的问卷做了一个整体的回顾,最后提出了应对研究发展的新方向以及对应对测量工具提出的新要求  相似文献   

男性气质是和女性气质相对或平行的、具有一定可塑性的人格特质, 是个体内化了的、关于男性应展现出的、符合男性气质意识形态的构念, 维系着自我概念和行为的一致性。男性气质的形成依赖于性别自我认同、社会认同和文化认同。固执地遵从特定社会化的男性气质意识规范会影响男性的心理健康。对男性气质的理论基础、研究取向:意识形态取向、社会建构取向和认同取向, 以及相关研究领域进行了系统阐述。未来研究应改进测量工具, 更新研究设计, 细化研究领域, 发展男性气质多元化实践以及男性气质的跨文化研究。  相似文献   

创造性思维是人才智力结构核心是现代人才的本质特征。从微观上讲,创造性是衡量一个人才华高低、能力大小的尺度;从宏观上讲.创造性是社会进步的动力之一。当今世界.政治经济飞速发展,科技文化日新月异,主要源自于新技术革命的进步.源自干事生大力的创造性。那么,创造性思维有哪些特性呢?1.思维的多向性。包括思维领域的多向性和思维方法的多向性。(1)思维领域的多向性.要求人们有强烈的好奇心和求知欲.善于从多方面思考问题,在不同的知识或实践领域进行探索与创造。有的水路不通而旱路却可行。许多人在本专业领域无所成就,…  相似文献   

如何缩小健康和教育的阶层差异, 促进社会公平是世界各国普遍关心的社会问题。已有的社会阶层心理研究取向中, 社会文化视角从不同阶层的文化所塑造的不同自我出发, 提出了解释社会阶层生产和再生产的文化循环理论和提升低阶层社会适应水平的差异教育方法, 这些理论观点为教育与健康的阶层差异提供了超越个体或环境任何单一因素的系统解释, 并提供了着眼于社会心理重塑的干预方案以减少健康和教育的不平等。未来社会文化视角的研究和实践工作的可能方向包括理论和干预实践的中国化, 与其他社会阶层理论和社会公正视角相结合, 以及考察社会流动与文化变迁背景的影响。  相似文献   

心理学研究本土文化取向的理论与实践   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张春兴 《心理科学》2004,27(2):420-422
经由本地化研究建立本土心理学的呼声,自20世纪80年代以来,在两岸三地即已时有所闻.惟对“本土”或“本地化”的概念并不明确。到90年代末期台湾部分心理学家提出三地论的概念^[3],认为港、台、大陆三地因长期隔离,社会形态各异,故而主张三地华人社会的心理学者应各自建立自己的本土心理学(台湾本土心理学、大陆本土心理学、香港本土心理学)。此种纯以地区为前提的心理学研究取向有待商榷.原因是如将心理学视为研究人性特质的科学。并将心理与行为视为人性特质的表徽。显而易见的是,影响心理与行为的文化因素大于地区因素。基于此义.本文提出采用心理学研究本土文化取向的建议.并试从心理学思想的演变中分析探讨此一建议的合理性。一得之愚尚请学界先进批评指教。  相似文献   

邵先锋 《管子学刊》2007,(2):120-121
文化是人类在社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,主要表现在三个层面上:第一个层面是人类的生产、生活样式,也可以称为物质文化。这个层面包括饮食、服饰、宫室、舟车、工具、武器以及其他一切人工制品。第二个层面则为人类的行为方式,也可以称为规范文化。这个层面主要是指社会组织、礼仪制度、政治体制、法律形式、伦理道德、风俗习惯等。第三个层面是指智能和精神系统,也可以称为精神文化。这个层面主要包括思想、观念、意识、情感、宗教、信仰、科学、技术、知识、文学、艺术等。应当说,这三个层面互有联系,从而构成了一个密不可分的有机整体。  相似文献   

社会心理学有着社会学和心理学两种取向。虽然多数时候相对独立发展, 但两者都对现代化带来的社会转型和变迁非常关注。社会学家从社会或社会结构的变化和人的变化两个方面对社会转型进行了大量研究, 前者主要涉及城市(镇)化、社会阶层、社会流动性、家庭结构等, 后者主要涉及中国体验、社会心态、群体心理、组织心理等。总体上, 现有研究显示, 现代社会个体主义上升, 同时许多传统集体主义价值在日渐式微。和心理学取向的研究相比, 社会学取向的研究具有这些特点:倾向于采用本位概念、质性研究方法, 特别关注中观群体心理, 关注政治和政策影响, 更具历史宏观视野等, 这些都是心理学取向的社会心理学家需要学习和借鉴的地方。期待两种取向的社会心理学家在未来的研究中能有更多的合作, 共同促进对转型过程中的中国和中国人的理解。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了心理学中国化的必要性,及目前发展现状,然后主要地从三个角度分析了心理学中国化研究的取向:心理学史的角度,当今社会环境,以及异文化研究。文章强调,多元典范的研究取向及泛文化的知识互助在本土化研究中的作用。  相似文献   

社会文化取向的人格思想强调个体所处的社会文化、亚文化环境及社会结构、社会制度对人格和行为的决定性作用。将人格置于更广阔的社会背景中,从动态的角度理解人格问题,引领我们从文化的视角来审视人格教育,对人格教育的发展进行反思。本文对社会文化取向人格思想进行述评,并思考其对现代人格教育的启示。  相似文献   

文化对中国人思维方式的影响   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
侯玉波  朱滢 《心理学报》2002,34(1):107-112
文化对生活于其中的人们的心理与行为有影响已是公认的事实 ,但不同的学科对文化通过什么起作用却一直存在争论 ,文化心理学的兴起对回答这个问题提供了一条值得借鉴的思路。该文通过分析 90年代以来文化心理学研究的思路、方法以及这种思路与方法在研究中国人的思维特性时的发现 ,指出对中国人思维特性的探讨能够使我们在更深的的层次上理解中国文化的影响以及东西方文化差异的根源。  相似文献   

This article identifies three paradigms in creativity theory and research in psychology. The He-paradigm, focused on the solitary genius, has been followed, mainly after the 1950s, by the I-paradigm, equally individualistic in nature but attributing creativity to each and every individual. Extending this view, the We-paradigm incorporates what became known as the social psychology of creativity. The cultural psychology of creativity builds upon this last theoretical approach while being critical of some of its assumptions. This relatively new perspective, using the conceptual and methodological framework of cultural psychology, investigates the sociocultural roots and dynamics of all our creative acts and employs a tetradic framework of self - community - new artifact - existing artifacts in its conceptualization of creativity. The theoretical basis of the cultural psychology approach is analyzed as well as some of its main implications for both the understanding and study of creativity.  相似文献   

Joseph H. Schaeffer 《Zygon》1988,23(2):171-192
Abstract. Fundamental questions arise in every age, questions such as those concerning the individual in society, social order, labor and exchange, meaning and ethics, and spiritual life and values. In addressing these questions Ervin Laszlo emphasizes insight and understanding, the mutability and flexibility of knowledge, cultural diversity and organizational interdependence, and harmony in nature. General Systems Theory and a theory of general evolution provide the framework for his thinking. He asks that as human beings we assume responsibility for creative, reasoned, ethically sound decisions in dealing with the inner and outer limits of humanity.  相似文献   

创造性思维是推动科学技术进步和人类社会与文化发展的重要心理基础。人类两性分别在创造性思维的聚合思维和发散思维方面表现出显著的行为和神经活动差异。在发散思维方面, 女性优势相对明显; 但在聚合思维方面, 男性具有一定优势。两性在不同类型创造性思维方面的相对优势与大脑两半球的加工优势有密切联系, 且受到包括性别作用等因素的调节。研究对这些问题进行了系统探讨, 并就当前研究不足和未来趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

今天的心理学是否仍然具有理论魅力和教化力量,心理学者是否真的在思考和创造,关键在于心理学研究的思维方式和话语方式是否发生真正的改变。中国心理学传统以关注人生命的完整性、目标的人本性和价值性以及方法论的关系化取向,在与科学心理学之间的关联与互动中,成为科学心理学高举"反思之刀"实现自救和新生的重要学术资源、创新资源和借鉴资源。  相似文献   

Creative thinking is one of several remarkable capabilities evolved to advanced levels in the human species. Recently a model of the Darwinian evolution of creative thinking has been proposed. The principal tenets of the model are summarized in the present paper. Creative thinking is modeled as a relinkage of connections among mental representations, or among the components of these representations, accompanied at times by the appearance of new components that subsequently participate in the relinking process. Relinking occurs in relationship to a system of causative and motivational connections between the individual, the innate regularities of their cognitive development, and group behavior. This system of connections is termed the gene‐culture heterarchy. Approaches to creative thinking via the gene‐culture heterarchy allow predictions to be made about the mechanism of relinking and how it is affected by genetic and cultural factors. The predictions are based on the methods of sociobiology and evolutionary theory. The implications of this approach to creativity research are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

This preregistered study aimed to replicate and extend research on the role of cognitive control in creative cognition by examining dose effects of alcohol in a randomized controlled trial. A sample of 125 participants was randomly assigned to three experimental groups, either drinking alcoholic beer (BAC = 0.03 or 0.06) or drinking non-alcoholic beer (placebo-control group). Before and after the alcohol intervention, participants completed two tests of cognitive control and two established creative thinking tasks. A BAC of 0.06 led to an impairment of verbal fluency, while working memory performance was unaffected at both alcohol levels. Alcohol had no facilitative or detrimental effects on creative thinking performance, neither in terms of RAT performance, divergent thinking fluency or divergent thinking creativity. These results indicate that moderate alcohol levels have dose-dependent, selective effects on cognitive control, and that minor impairments of cognitive control do not generally increase or attenuate creative thinking performance.  相似文献   

The present cross-cultural study examined the relationship between deductive reasoning and creativity among college students (M age=20.4 yr., SD= .6) from Hong Kong (n=39) and the United States (n=38). Participants performed tasks designed to measure deductive reasoning, creative writing, and insight problem-solving, all in verbal form. No correlation was found between the performance for deductive reasoning and creativity as measured by creative writing. Insight problem-solving performance correlated significantly with that for both reasoning and creativity. Significant cultural differences favoring the American participants were only found on the creative writing and insight problem-solving tasks, both of which supposedly involve creative thinking. There seems to be cultural dependence for creativity but not for deductive reasoning which suggests a qualification of a strong cultural-relevance view positing pervasive cultural influences on human thinking processes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this theoretical article is to provide an extended definition of creativity that embraces potential cross-cultural variations in this construct. Creativity is defined as a 4-criterion construct, which includes attributes of novelty, utility, aesthetics, and authenticity. Novelty attribute stipulates that a creative work brings something new into being, which presents a new conceptual framework and/or modifies or violates an existing one. Utility attribute stipulates that a creative work is what a producer or a recipient considers creative, what represents an important landmark in spiritual, cultural, social, and/or political environment, and what addresses moral issues. The aesthetics attribute stipulates that a creative work presents the fundamental truth of nature, which is reflected in a perfect order, efficiently presents the essence of the phenomenal reality, and is satisfactorily complex, expressing both tension and intrinsic contradiction. Authenticity attribute stipulates that a creative work expresses an individual's inner self and relates one's own values and believes to the world. These attributes establish a comparison matrix, which can be used to evaluate and compare the levels of creativity of works from different areas of human endeavor.  相似文献   

We present behavioral mimicry as a social cue for creative thinking. Specifically, we argue that being mimicked by an interaction partner cues convergent thinking by signalling a social opportunity for collaboration, while not being mimicked cues divergent thinking by signalling a social demand for improvisation and innovation. To test this theory, we experimentally manipulated whether individuals were subtly mimicked or not by an experimenter during a 5 min social interaction, and subsequently measured participants’ capacity for convergent thinking (Experiment 1) and divergent thinking (Experiment 2). The results point to the importance of understanding how social relationships influence the creative processes and contributes to the growing understanding of the social function of behavioral mimicry.  相似文献   

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