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组织政治是工作场所不可回避的客观现象,新员工是否拥有充足的自我信念来有效应对组织政治是他们快速融入组织并且提升职业竞争力的关键所在。因此,将以组织社会化的交互视角为框架,来探讨新员工政治自我效能的作用机制和动态演化过程。首先,通过质性方法对政治自我效能进行概念界定,依照严谨的心理测量方法进行量表开发与信度、区分效度检验,并构建诺莫网络来检验其构念属性;其次,构建动态演化模型,来分析新员工政治自我效能如何随着他们在组织社会化过程中的政治学习而不断进行动态演化,以及在此过程中员工个人的政治意愿和学习导向又会产生何种影响;再次,建立多层级互动模型,系统地剖析在组织社会化阶段新员工与领导、同事之间的互动过程中,新员工政治自我效能如何通过匹配路径和关系路径对工作绩效产生影响。  相似文献   

随着劳动力市场流动的加快,越来越多的员工经历着新入职场的社会化调整过程。为了顺利完成从组织外部人到内部人的身份转变,进而被组织接纳,实现高质量工作绩效,他们通常需要首先与组织内部人构建积极的人际关系。本项目从关系资源视角,研究新员工与内部人关系构建(上级,同事关系构建)的前因变量,以及关系构建如何通过社会化近端结果影响新员工社会化远端结果的机制。首先,探讨团队氛围(团队人际氛围,团队目标导向)对新员工关系构建的影响,重点分析新员工社交自我效能的调节效应;其次,探讨上级绩效预期对新员工关系构建的影响,重点分析上级权力距离导向,新员工情绪智力的调节效应;最后,分析新员工信息内容胜任,社会融入度在关系构建到社会化结果(组织认同,任务绩效,主观幸福感)的中介效应。本研究不仅能进一步完善新员工组织社会化理论研究,而且能为企业干预员工社会化过程提供切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

组织中反馈的缺乏和新员工面临的不确定性使得主动的信息寻求成为员工获取相关信息的重要机制。人们的信息寻求行为可能受到获取有用信息的工具性动机、自我保护动机和印象管理动机的驱动, 这三种动机分别受到一系列个体特征和情景因素的影响。探索多种动机的平衡、虚拟情境下信息寻求的动机、管理者反馈寻求的动机, 以及信息寻求动机与信息有效性之间的关系等应是未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

陈佩  徐渊  石伟 《心理科学》2019,(2):407-414
根据社会交换理论和人与情境互动理论,研究探讨了个人-组织匹配对员工组织公民行为的影响机制。通过对12家餐饮连锁店225位员工进行的问卷调查,结果表明:个人-组织匹配正向预测组织公民行为,员工工作敬业度在两者关系中起中介作用;此外,分别作为情境因素和个体因素的主管支持、员工主动性人格对个人-组织匹配与组织公民行为之间的关系具有调节作用。主管支持的程度越高,个人-组织匹配与组织公民行为的正向关系更强;而对于高主动性人格的员工,个人-组织匹配与组织公民行为之间的正向关系反而更弱。  相似文献   

以3项不同时间尺度的跟踪研究, 探索新员工组织社会化的动态与交互过程。首先, 通过在入职最初3个月每月为期1周的即时调研, 探索新员工与主管的沟通特征与机制; 然后通过为期3个月、时间间隔为1周, 针对新员工与其主管的配对短期跟踪调研, 探索社会化过程中学习与认同的动态特征与内部变化机制, 以及互动作用的动态变化特征; 最后通过为期1年、时间间隔为3个月的长期跟踪调研, 考察新员工主动参与组织社会化、领导者主动提供社会化支持的影响因素, 以及组织社会化的结果。  相似文献   

以往关于职场排斥形成机制的研究, 主要是基于冲突-报复的视角, 验证了人际冲突对职场排斥具有稳定的预测作用, 而这个解释逻辑很可能对新员工并不适用。本文基于角色认同理论, 考察新员工的角色社会化程度对其职场排斥行为的作用机制。通过对多阶段收集的249对新员工上下级匹配问卷分析发现, 在控制了经典的冲突报复机制之后, 角色认同机制能够解释新员工的职场排斥行为。具体来说, 结果显示:(1)新员工的角色社会化程度负向影响其职场排斥行为; (2)工作疏离感在新员工的角色社会化程度与职场排斥行为之间起中介作用; (3)发展性反馈在新员工的角色社会化程度与工作疏离感的关系中起调节作用; 进一步, (4)发展性反馈调节了工作疏离感对角色社会化程度-职场排斥行为关系的中介作用。本研究结果不仅从理论上拓展了职场排斥行为的研究视角, 为以后的进一步研究提供新的理论框架, 而且从角色认同的视角为组织管理新员工的职场排斥行为提供新思路。  相似文献   

卢红旭  周帆  吴挺  严进  邵闫  刘艳彬 《心理学报》2019,51(12):1375-1385
以往研究普遍从建言行为的建设性意图特征出发, 探讨其关键前因、产生机制和情境因素, 但却较少关注建言行为的工具性目的。基于资源保存理论, 本研究构建了有调节的中介模型以探讨工作压力影响员工建设型建言和防御型建言的作用机制和边界条件。通过对某建筑企业386名员工进行两阶段调查, 结果表明:工作压力与防御型建言存在正向相关关系, 与建设型建言存在负向相关关系, 自我损耗在其中起中介作用; 另外, 领导开明性正向调节自我损耗和建设型建言的负向相关关系, 并正向调节工作压力通过自我损耗影响建设型建言的间接效应。  相似文献   

严瑜  曹照雪 《心理科学进展》2019,27(11):1906-1916
工作场所文明行为是一种在组织文化下, 基于社会和组织角色义务的, 传达礼貌和尊重的主动性行为, 是一种向内要求自我控制, 向外主张尊重传达的行为, 它对于个体自身性格的塑造、组织中人际关系的改善以及文明氛围的培养都具有积极意义。在员工-员工、领导-下属、员工-顾客等关系中, 工作场所文明行为发挥着增进同事情谊、促进合作、增强领导力、建立信任、提升绩效等作用。未来的研究应该进一步厘清工作场所文明行为与不文明行为的关系, 运用动态视角研究它们发生、发展和被感知的机制, 以及这两种行为能否相互转化等问题。  相似文献   

从被排斥个体的角度出发,以自我验证理论视角,研究了职场排斥对员工主动性行为的影响机制,考察在以上关系中员工的组织自尊的中介作用和员工的个性特征神经质的调节作用。针对3次追踪调查所得的403名员工和主管配对数据的层级回归分析发现:职场排斥对员工的组织自尊和主动性行为具有显著的负向影响;组织自尊对主动性行为有显著的正向影响;组织自尊中介了职场排斥与员工主动性行为之间的关系;神经质增强了职场排斥与组织自尊之间的关系,员工神经质程度越高,职场排斥与组织自尊之间的负向关系就越强。  相似文献   

新员工资质过剩,即所谓的"怀才不遇"、"大材小用"现象越来越普遍。新员工资质过剩容易产生低满意度、反生产工作行为和退缩行为。然而,资质过剩是一把"双刃剑",采用何种视角并怎样利用资质过剩新员工的冗余资质为组织服务,成为管理的关键。因此,本研究在组织社会化视角下探讨新员工资质过剩的动态变化及其对积极组织行为的作用机制。首先,通过质性方法对本土资质过剩进行内涵界定,依照严谨的心理测量方法进行量表开发与信效度检验;其次,构建资质过剩动态变化模型,利用多项式回归和响应面分析组织社会化过程中新员工资质过剩感如何随着其对领导和同事资质过剩的感知而不断变化;再次,建立作用机制模型,系统地剖析在新员工与领导和同事的互动过程中,新员工资质过剩如何对组织公民行为和主动性行为产生影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational socialization tactics, newcomers’ self-efficacy, proactive behaviors, and socialization outcomes. Based on a sample of 140 co-op university students who completed surveys at the end of their work term, the results indicated that newcomers’ self-efficacy and institutionalized socialization tactics were positively related to newcomer proactive behaviors. The results also indicated that newcomer proactive behaviors partially mediated the relationship between their self-efficacy and organizational socialization tactics with a number of proximal and distal socialization outcomes. Furthermore, feedback-seeking and information-seeking moderated the relationship between socialization tactics and several socialization outcomes. Institutionalized socialization tactics were more strongly related to socialization outcomes for newcomers who engaged in less feedback-seeking and information-seeking behavior. These results support an interactionist approach to organizational socialization in which newcomers’ self-efficacy, proactive behavior, and organizational socialization tactics all contribute to newcomers’ adjustment and socialization.  相似文献   

Drawing largely on organizational socialization theory and its derivations, such as uncertainty reduction and sense-making theory, the authors propose and test empirically a process model of newcomer salesperson socialization in the South Korean context. The results indicate that both organization-initiated and newcomers’ proactive socialization tactics (i.e., seeking performance feedback and information seeking, building relationships and networks) significantly influence newcomers’ perceived level of accommodation (i.e., role clarity and social integration) and thus their adjustment to the new work environment (i.e., level of organizational commitment, job performance, and job satisfaction). The authors discuss the theoretical and managerial implications and present future research directions.  相似文献   

This study examined the direct, mediating, and moderating effects of proactive outcomes in the relationship between newcomer proactive behaviors and socialization outcomes. Based on a sample of 204 co-op university students who completed surveys at the end of their work term, the results indicated that newcomers who more frequently engaged in a proactive behavior (e.g., information seeking) were more likely to receive the corresponding proactive outcome (e.g., information). We also found that proactive outcomes mediate the relationship between proactive behaviors and socialization outcomes and several of the proactive behaviors were more strongly related to socialization outcomes for newcomers who obtained more proactive outcomes. These results indicate the important yet previously neglected role of proactive outcomes for understanding the relationship between newcomer proactive socialization behaviors and outcomes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate student preferences for socialization tactics and their intentions to be proactive when they begin a new job. We examined the relationship between the Five Factor Model of personality and proactive personality with socialization tactics preferences and proactive behavior intentions in a sample of 243 undergraduate university students enrolled in a cooperative management program. The results indicate that personality predicts preferences for socialization tactics and intentions to be proactive. In particular, individuals high on agreeableness prefer institutionalized socialization tactics and individuals high on extraversion and proactive personality report higher intentions to be proactive when they begin a new job. These results suggest that one size does not fit all newcomers when it comes to socialization. The implications for research and practice before and after organizational entry are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study explores how perceived demographic and attitudinal similarity can influence proactive behavior among organizational newcomers. We propose that newcomers who perceive themselves as similar to their co-workers will be more willing to seek new information or build relationships, which in turn will lead to better long-term adjustment. Results from a three-wave field investigation of newcomer proactive behavior show that newcomer perceptions of surface-level similarity to the rest of the work group in education and gender increased proactive adjustment behavior. Contrary to our expectations, perceived similarity in terms of age decreased proactive adjustment behavior—in other words, newcomers who were significantly different from their co-workers in age engaged in more proactive adjustment behaviors. Deep-level similarity in terms of work style was associated with higher levels of role clarity, but this relationship was not mediated by proactive adjustment behavior.  相似文献   

This 3-wave longitudinal study aimed to extend current understanding of the predictors and outcomes of employee proactivity (involving information seeking, feedback seeking, relationship building, and positive framing) in the socialization process. Two personality variables, extraversion and openness to experience, were associated with higher levels of proactive socialization behavior. Of the proactive behaviors studied, feedback seeking and relationship building were highlighted in their importance because of their various relationships with the work-related outcomes assessed in this study (e.g., social integration, role clarity, job satisfaction, intention to turnover, and actual turnover). The results also highlighted the importance of 2 control variables (opportunity to interact with others on the job and skill level of the new job) in the experience of socialization into a new job.  相似文献   

Formal mentoring is an individualized and contextualized socialization tactic to enhance newcomers’ learning—acknowledged as essential in the early career stage—that can be of particular value when entering a fairly unpredictable and stressful workplace. This research aims to understand the moderating role of formal mentoring in the relationship between organizational socialization and 2 adjustment indicators, a positive 1 (commitment) and a negative 1 (turnover intention). A questionnaire was administered to 117 correctional police officer newcomers, as prisons are especially critical work contexts for newcomers. The results show a direct effect from both socialization and mentoring on commitment and turnover, and an interaction between socialization and mentoring on turnover, although not on commitment. When the socialization process progresses steadily, both socialization and mentoring contribute to good adjustment, but when traditional tactics go wrong, a different learning source (formal mentoring) exerts a protective function, limiting newcomers’ intention to quit. These findings give support to the usefulness of mentoring in a law enforcement context and provide some insight into defining formal mentoring programs.  相似文献   

This 4-wave longitudinal study of newcomers in 7 organizations examined preentry knowledge, proactive personality, and socialization influences as antecedents of both proximal (task mastery, role clarity, work group integration, and political knowledge) and distal (organizational commitment, work withdrawal, and turnover) indicators of newcomer adjustment. Results suggest that preentry knowledge, proactive personality, and socialization influences from the organization, supervisors, and coworkers are independently related to proximal adjustment outcomes, consistent with a theoretical framework highlighting distinct dimensions of organizational and work task adjustment. The proximal adjustment outcomes partially mediated most of the relationships between the antecedents of adjustment and organizational commitment, work withdrawal, and turnover.  相似文献   

This study examined situational and individual influences on the proactive information seeking of newcomers. Task interdependence was expected to be positively related to information seeking, given that it links newcomers to organizational insiders. Newcomers' work related self-efficacy and the physical accessibility of organizational insiders were both predicted to moderate the relationship between task interdependence and information seeking. Usable surveys were completed by 421 co-op students (295 males and 126 females) who had been participating in career-relevant internships for approximately 4.5 weeks. All students were enrolled in an educational programme that rotates students between twelve weeks in class and twelve weeks on internship over a period of five years. Controlling for the number of previous internships and size of work group, results supported the joint moderating effect, with newcomers low on self-efficacy exhibiting greater information seeking when task interdependence and accessibility were high. Applied implications of the results and directions for future research on proactive information seeking and socialization are discussed.  相似文献   

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