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Rachman's theory of fear acquisition proposes that directly-conditioned fears will differ from indirectly-conditioned fears in magnitude and anxiety response patterns, however the theory has received inconsistent empirical support. The aim of the present study was to describe the fear acquisition pathways for a community sample who reported driving-related fears, and to test Rachman's theory of fear acquisition. One hundred and ninety participants completed a questionnaire which assessed a variety of driving-related situations, reactions to motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), and anxiety response patterns. Professional psychological helpseeking and perceived need for treatment for driving-related fears were also assessed. Results failed to support Rachman's predictions. However, it was confirmed that respondents who had been involved in an MVA were more likely to ascribe their fears to a directly-conditioned pathway. The theoretical and methodological implications of the findings are discussed, along with suggestions for assessment of those with driving-related fears.  相似文献   

Several authors attribute excessive responsibility a predominant role in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) [Salkovskis, P. M. (1985) Behaviour Research and Therapy, 23, 571–583; Rachman, S. (1993) Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 149–154; van Oppen, P. & Arntz, A. (1994) Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 79–87]. The present studies aimed at demonstrating the link between different levels of perceived responsibility and checking behaviors by experimentally manipulating responsibility in non-clinical Ss. In the first study, a sound recognition task was used to compare checking behaviors in Ss with high (HR) and low (LR) perceived responsibility. Only one variable was significantly different, Ss from the HR group reporting more anxiety during the task than Ss from the LR group. Results did not support a link between responsibility and checking behavior. In a second study HR and LR Ss were compared on a manual classification task. Subjects from the HR group hesitated and checked more, and reported more preoccupation with errors and anxiety during the task than Ss from the LR group. Since perceived severity of the outcome was the most variable affected by the manipulation, the implications for current models of OCD are discussed and an alternative explanation is attempted. Finally, clinical implications are examined and suggestions are made for future directions of research.  相似文献   

The origins of fear of spiders was investigated in 33 spider phobic Ss entering a treatment study. All Ss completed Menzies and Clarke's (1993a) Origins Questionnaire (OQ) (Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 355–365) and Öst and Hugdahl's (1981) Phobic Origins Questionnaire (POQ) (Behaviour Research and Therapy, 19, 439–447). The results for the individual questionnaires were similar to those reported in previous studies. However a comparison of assignments of origin category for the two questionnaires showed widely discrepant results. The POQ returned 17 positive responses for classical conditioning, the OQ only 2. By contrast the OQ returned 10 origins as ‘non-conditioning traumatic event’, 9 of which returned positive responses for classical conditioning on the POQ. A further 15 Ss on the OQ were categorised as ‘always been this way’, the preponderance of these being classified as vicarious or informational in origin on the POQ. The POQ does not have a specific question or category for non-associative acquisition of phobias. The results of the origins assignments are detailed and their relation to the structure and questions of the questionnaires is outlined. Past studies using the POQ have produced results supporting acquisition of a substantial proportion of phobias by classical conditioning. The findings of this study suggest that such results mainly reflect inherent bias in that instrument.  相似文献   

This study explored Rachman's (1977) theory of fear acquisition in a large sample of Australian and American children and adolescents. Participants completed a questionnaire that addressed different pathways of fear acquisition for 10 highly prevalent fears. The majority of children attributed the onset of their fears to vicarious and instructional factors, although these indirect sources of fear were often combined with direct conditioning experiences. Also examined were effects for gender, age, and nationality. Boys and preadolescents were found to report more direct and vicarious experiences than girls or adolescents. Effects due to nationality were minimal. Methodological limitations attendant to self-reports were acknowledged.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this investigation was to learn whether fears summate. Thirty Ss who reported and displayed fear in response to a snake and to a spider were shown each stimulus separately and then both stimuli simultaneously, in order to see if their fear responses would summate. They did, overall; however, if Stimulus 1 provoked greater fear than Stimulus 2, the simultaneous presentation of both stimuli was followed by a subtraction. Summation occurred when the second stimulus produced a larger fear response than the first stimulus, and the two were then presented simultaneously.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that low levels of endogenous opioids (endorphins) predispose to strong conditioning effects, female Ss (N = 36) were assigned to a placebo group, a low-dose naltrexone group, or a high-dose naltrexone group and then underwent a classical conditioning procedure. This procedure consisted of an acquisition phase in which all Ss received 5 pairings of a CS+ (neutral picture) and a UCS (100 dB white noise). The CS− (neutral picture) was never followed by a UCS. During extinction, Ss received 4 unreinforced presentations of CS+ and CS−. Throughout the experiment, skin conductance responses (SCRs) to the CSs and UCSs were recorded. Acquisition was successful in that CS+ slides elicited stronger SCRs than CS − slides. However, during acquisition, there was no interaction between drug and differential response (CS+ vs CS−). During extinction, there was no overall remaining effect of conditioning. Again, no evidence was found to suggest that (remaining) effects of conditioning were stronger in the naltrexone treated Ss than in the placebo S's. If anything, the opposite seemed to be true with especially high-dose naltrexone Ss showing relatively weak conditioning effects.  相似文献   

The present study examines consensus in endorsed beliefs about depression and antidepressive behaviour in a group of 100 psychologists. Ss were given 20 pairs of items and asked to indicate which member of each pair they felt was ‘nearer the truth’. The numbers (and percentages) of Ss choosing each item was examined for each pair. Consensus was found to span the range from 100% agreement to near-complete disagreement and to be distributed roughly normally within the sample of items. People tended to agree about propositions that could be verified by an individual's own firsthand experience and observation and to disagree about more abstract matters that the ‘experts’ are still debating. The congruence of these findings with previous results in the present series of studies is discussed and suggestions for further exploration in the realm of ‘what everybody knows’ about depression and how to deal with it are given.  相似文献   

“High-anxiety” and “low-anxiety” subjects, selected for extreme scores on the Taylor Anxiety Scale, learned a list of paired-associate nonsense syllables in the belief that they were undergoing an intelligence test. Both groups were then given a second list of paired associates to learn, the stimulus-items being the same as those of the first list but the responses being changed. Before the presentation of the second list, half the subjects in each group were given anxiety-increasing instructions and the remaining half were given reassuring instructions.

The results verified two predictions made from Hull's behaviour theory, using the concept of fear or anxiety as a secondary drive:—“high anxiety” subjects took more trials to master the second learning task than “low-anxiety” subjects; and there was a significant interaction between initial anxiety-level and type of instructions, such that “high-anxiety” subjects who received drive-increasing instructions had a worse performance in the second part than all other sub-groups. There was no indication that “low-anxiety” subjects were significantly affected by the type of instructions received. The “high-anxiety” group had greater difficulty than the “low-anxiety” group in learning the first list, but the difference was non-significant.  相似文献   

Four insulin-requiring diabetic Ss were followed in single-S designs to measure the impact of progressive muscle relaxation training on blood glucose and stress levels. Measures of blood glucose, stress, activity and caloric intake were taken four times a day, along with a daily measure of anxiety. Two of the 4 Ss showed a significant decrease in blood glucose during treatment periods as compared to baseline measures. Similarly, 2 of the 4 Ss showed a significant decrease in stress levels during treatment. A multiple regression analysis revealed some significant relationships between blood glucose, stress, activity level and caloric intake. The results support previous studies that show relaxation techniques to be a viable aid in establishing greater diabetic control.  相似文献   

The origins of fear and phobia of blood, injury, and injections were investigated in a sample of 128 fearful university students. Based on Mutilation Questionnaire scores, subjects were designated as common fear, high fear, or phobic. Ss reports of their onset experiences obtained from structured interviews were categorized into one or more acquisition pathways of conditioning, vicarious observation, and information. Of the 73% of Ss who recalled one or more onset experiences, 76% reported conditioning-like events as the primary pathway with the majority reporting fear-related UCSs. Vicarious experiences were reported as primary by 20% and 3% reported information as being primary in their fear onset. Severity of fear was unrelated to the pathway by which it was acquired, to whether the onset was recalled, and if recalled, whether it was due to a single or to multiple traumatic events. Results are discussed in terms of methodological problems of memory issues and means by which data are collected.  相似文献   

Three procedures were assessed to determine their effectiveness in reducing anger. The procedures were: desensitization, desensitization with cognitive relaxation, and desensitization with the absence of relaxation training. Anger was aroused by exposing white males, selected for their reports of anger toward blacks, to black racial stimuli. The desensitization group reported reductions in anxiety and disgust relative to a no-treatment control group. Therapist ratings indicated reductions in anger for Ss in both the desensitization and desensitization with cognitive relaxation groups. In addition the latter group reported reductions in anger concurrently with increases in diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Post-hoc analyses indicated that Ss for whom desensitization was most effective reported less anger after the pretreatment anger arousal procedure, greater depth of relaxation during treatment, and were liked more by their therapists. These Ss also reported a greater reduction in ethnocentrism and a trend toward lower overt hostility following treatment.  相似文献   

The waxing and waning of symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suggests that environmental cues may impact on exacerbations of this disorder. Eighty-one Ss with OCD completed the Cues Checklist (CCL; Mackenzie, Ristvedt, Christenson, Lebow & Mitchell, 1992), a 339-item checklist of rationally-derived cues and circumstances that might be expected to elicit or worsen symptoms. Principal components analysis revealed four components: household order and organization, contamination and cleaning, negative affect, and prevention of harm and checking. Total number of cues endorsed and component scores were correlated with other characteristics of the disorder, and with the presence of other Axis I and II disorders. Patterns of cue endorsement related to standard measures of obsessive-compulsive content but not to symptom severity. Early-onset Ss endorsed a greater number of cues. History of depression, anxiety disorders and Axis II pathology related most strongly to scores on the negative affect component. The values and limitations of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The non-associative, Darwinian theory of fear acquisition proposes that some individuals fail to overcome biologically-relevant fears (e.g. height) because they (1) do not have sufficient safe exposure to the relevant stimuli early in life or (2) are poor habituators who have difficulty 'learning not to fear'. These two hypotheses were tested in a longitudinal birth cohort study. Study 1 found evidence for reduced exposure to height stimuli in childhood for individuals with a fear of heights compared to study members without fear. Study 2 found evidence for higher levels of stress reactivity (a proxy for habituation) in childhood and adolescence among 18-year-old height phobics compared to study members with dental phobia and those with no fear. The results were discussed in relation to recent findings suggesting that some evolutionary-relevant fears may appear in the absence of traumatic 'learning' experiences. The merits of adding a fourth, non-associative pathway to Rachman's [Rachman, S. (1977)]. The conditioning theory of fear acquisition: a critical examination. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 15, 375-387) three pathways model of fear acquisition were briefly considered.  相似文献   

The relationship between compliance with cognitive-behavioral treatment instructions and outcome was examined for 56 agoraphobic clients treated with in vivo exposure and training in anxiety management strategies. Clients who complied more often with anxiety management instructions during treatment sessions tended to improve more on a behavioral avoidance test than those who were less compliant, but did not differ on three other outcome variables. Compliance with instructions for self-directed exposure between sessions was examined in a subset of 28 of these Ss. Clients who spent more time doing homework reported significantly greater decrements in fear of fear than less compliant clients and also tended to report larger changes on avoidance behavior. However, a quasi-experimental comparison of homework vs no-homework treatment protocols yielded no difference in outcome. Less compliant clients were more symptomatic pretreatment and rated their therapists as less caring and less self-confident.  相似文献   

Rachman's theory [The conditioning theory of fear insition: a critical examination. Behav. Res. Ther. 15 (1977) 375-387] of fear acquisition suggests that fears and phobias can be acquired through three pathways: direct conditioning, vicarious learning and information/instruction. Although retrospective studies have provided some evidence for these pathways in the development of phobias during childhood [see King, Gullone, & Ollendick, Etiology of childhood phobias: current status of Rachman's three pathway's theory. Behav. Res. Ther. 36 (1998) 297-309 for a review], these studies have relied on long-term past memories of adult phobics or their parents. The current study was aimed towards developing a paradigm in which the plausibility of Rachman's indirect pathways could be investigated prospectively. In Experiment 1, children aged between 7 and 9 were presented with two types of information about novel stimuli (two monsters): video information and verbal information in the form of a story. Fear-related beliefs about the monsters changed significantly as a result of verbal information but not video information. Having established an operational paradigm, Experiment 2 looked at whether the source of verbal information had an effect on changes in fear-beliefs. Using the same paradigm, information about the monsters was provided by either a teacher, an adult stranger or a peer, or no information was given. Again, verbal information significantly changed fear-beliefs, but only when the information came from an adult. The role of information in the acquisition of fear and maintenance of avoidant behaviour is discussed with reference to modern conditioning theories of fear acquisition.  相似文献   

Three self-report anxiety questionnaires were administered to a sample of Lebanese undergraduates shortly before the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Six months after the disengagement of forces, the investigator located 20 Ss who had remained in West Beirut throughout the siege and 35 Ss who had evacuated to safer environs. The inventories were readministered to the Ss and the results revealed that: (1) there were no significant differences between the preinvasion scores of the evacuees and nonevacuees: (2) there were no significant differences between the postinvasion scores of the evacuees and nonevacuees: and (3) the aggregate scores of both groups vis-á-vis war-related stimuli were significantly lower at postassessment.  相似文献   

The effects of lactate infusion on subjective mood change were studied in two differently instructed groups, in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Ss who were told that infusions would produce anxiety reported a significant change in the expected direction after lactate but not after glucose. Ss who were told that infusions would produce a state of pleasant excitement showed no change after either infusion. The possible role of cognitive parameters in experimentally-induced anxiety is discussed.  相似文献   

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