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The authors examined strategic selection of visual samples during manual aiming. Participants (N = 12) wore liquid-crystal goggles while performing discrete movements to a small target. Initially, participants controlled a 40-ms visual sample via a switch in their nonaiming hand. Subsequently, experimenter-imposed strategies required participants to take visual samples before movement initiation or early or late in the movement. Although participants adopted a variety of strategies to optimize the use of vision, they were more likely to select a sample during the early stages of the movement. Experimenter-imposed early and late instructions resulted in longer movement times than did self-selected sampling. Compared with late sampling, early sampling resulted in a temporal advantage with similar accuracy.  相似文献   

Real-time manipulation of visual displacement during manual aiming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the spatial and temporal limitations of the visual corrective process in the control of upper limb movements. Real-time calculation of kinematic data was used to trigger a prismatic displacement of the movement environment during manual aiming. Using an OptoTrak motion tracking system, a data acquisition unit, and a custom-made program, perturbations were triggered at peak acceleration, peak velocity, and the estimated time of peak deceleration. Movement outcome was significantly influenced only when the visual displacement occurred at peak acceleration. The results support models of visual control that posit that early visual information is required for accurate limb control.  相似文献   

It has long been debated whether eye movements play a functional role in visual mental imagery. A recent paper by Laeng and Teodorescu presents new evidence that eye movements are stored as a spatial index that is used to arrange the component parts correctly when mental images are generated.  相似文献   

Eye movements during mental imagery are not epiphenomenal but assist the process of image generation. Commands to the eyes for each fixation are stored along with the visual representation and are used as spatial index in a motor‐based coordinate system for the proper arrangement of parts of an image. In two experiments, subjects viewed an irregular checkerboard or color pictures of fish and were subsequently asked to form mental images of these stimuli while keeping their eyes open. During the perceptual phase, a group of subjects was requested to maintain fixation onto the screen's center, whereas another group was free to inspect the stimuli. During the imagery phase, all of these subjects were free to move their eyes. A third group of subjects (in Experiment 2) was free to explore the pattern but was requested to maintain central fixation during imagery. For subjects free to explore the pattern, the percentage of time spent fixating a specific location during perception was highly correlated with the time spent on the same (empty) locations during imagery. The order of scanning of these locations during imagery was correlated to the original order during perception. The strength of relatedness of these scanpaths and the vividness of each image predicted performance accuracy. Subjects who fixed their gaze centrally during perception did the same spontaneously during imagery. Subjects free to explore during perception, but maintaining central fixation during imagery, showed decreased ability to recall the pattern. We conclude that the eye scanpaths during visual imagery reenact those of perception of the same visual scene and that they play a functional role.  相似文献   

In a series of three experiments the visual modulation of movement during a reciprocal aiming task was examined when participants were confronted with sudden changes in visually specified task constraints. Amplitude and precision constraints were manipulated independently in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, while their simultaneous effects were analyzed in Experiment 3. Analysis of the evolution of kinematic characteristics following a sudden change in task constraints revealed two different times scales of adaptation: a rapid adjustment occurring during the deceleration phase of the first movement following change and a more gradual adaptation, affecting the kinematic pattern as a whole, occurring over the next few movements. Overall, the results indicate that visual information with respect to the adequacy of the unfolding movement is continuously monitored, even under the least constraining conditions, and serves to modulate the pattern of movement to (a) comply with the (new) task constraints and (b) optimally tailor the pattern of movement to the situation at hand. We interpret these findings in the framework of a dynamical perspective on movement organization, with information modulating the parameters of an otherwise invariant underlying dynamical structure.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine if a representation of the movement environment is functional in the organization and control of limb movements, when direct visual contact with the environment is prevented. In Experiment 1, a visual rearrangement procedure was employed to show that a representation of the environment that provides inaccurate information about the spatial location of a target can disrupt manual target aiming. In Experiment 2, we demonstrated that spatial information about the position of a target can be destroyed by a visual pattern mask, supporting our claim that the representation is visual. A target-cuing procedure was used in Experiment 3 to show that representation of target position can be useful for premovement organization in a target-aiming task. Together our findings suggest that a short-lived visual representation of the movement environment may serve a useful role in the organization and control of limb movements.  相似文献   

Motivated by the fact that previous visual memory paradigms have imposed encoding and retrieval constraints, the present article presents two experiments that address how observers allocate eye movements in memory and comparison processes in the absence of constraints. A comparative visual search design (Pomplun, Sichelschmidt, et al., 2001) was utilized in which observers searched for a difference between two images presented side by side. Robust time course effects were obtained, whereby search was characterized by brief fixations and a high proportion of comparative saccades. Then, upon target detection, fixations were extended, more comparative saccades were elicited, and the search focus was narrowed. The saliency and presence of differences did not guide attention, and detection was contingent upon direct fixation of the targets. The results indicate that, when full control is given, observers adopt a strategy that cuts down on memory usage in favor of restricted encoding and active scanning.  相似文献   

It has previously been argued that, during visual search, eye movement behavior is indicative of an underlying scanning “strategy” that starts on a global, or “coarse,” scale but then progressively focuses to a more local, or “fine,” scale. This conclusion is motivated by the finding that, as a trial progresses, fixation durations tend to increase and saccade amplitudes tend to decrease. In the present study, we replicate these effects but offer an alternative explanation for them—that they emerge from a few stochastic factors that control eye movement behavior. We report the results of a simulation supporting this hypothesis and discuss implications for future models of visual search.  相似文献   

Eye movements and the integration of visual memory and visual perception   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Because visual perception has temporal extent, temporally discontinuous input must be linked in memory. Recent research has suggested that this may be accomplished by integrating the active contents of visual short-term memory (VSTM) with subsequently perceived information. In the present experiments, we explored the relationship between VSTM consolidation and maintenance and eye movements, in order to discover how attention selects the information that is to be integrated. Specifically, we addressed whether stimuli needed to be overtly attended in order to be included in the memory representation or whether covert attention was sufficient. Results demonstrated that in static displays in which the to-be-integrated information was presented in the same spatial location, VSTM consolidation proceeded independently of the eyes, since subjects made few eye movements. In dynamic displays, however, in which the to-be-integrated information was presented in different spatial locations, eye movements were directly related to task performance. We conclude that these differences are related to different encoding strategies. In the static display case, VSTM was maintained in the same spatial location as that in which it was generated. This could apparently be accomplished with covert deployments of attention. In the dynamic case, however, VSTM was generated in a location that did not overlap with one of the to-be-integrated percepts. In order to "move" the memory trace, overt shifts of attention were required.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined on-line processing during the execution of reciprocal aiming movements. In Experiment 1, participants used a stylus to make movements between two targets of equal size. Three vision conditions were used: full vision, vision during flight and vision only on contact with the target. Participants had significantly longer movement times and spent more time in contact with the targets when vision was available only on contact with the target. Additionally, the proportion of time to peak velocity revealed that movement trajectories became more symmetric when vision was not available during flight. The data indicate that participants used vision not only to 'home-in' on the current target, but also to prepare subsequent movements. In Experiment 2, liquid crystal goggles provided a single visual sample every 40 ms of a 500 ms duty cycle. Of interest was how participants timed their reciprocal aiming to take advantage of these brief visual samples. Although across participants no particular portion of the movement trajectory was favored, individual performers did time their movements consistently with the onset and offset of vision. Once again, performance and kinematic data indicated that movement segments were not independent of each other.  相似文献   

Shen J  Reingold EM  Pomplun M 《Perception》2000,29(2):241-250
We examined the flexibility of guidance in a conjunctive search task by manipulating the ratios between different types of distractors. Participants were asked to decide whether a target was present or absent among distractors sharing either colour or shape. Results indicated a strong effect of distractor ratio on search performance. Shorter latency to move, faster manual response, and fewer fixations per trial were observed at extreme distractor ratios. The distribution of saccadic endpoints also varied flexibly as a function of distractor ratio. When there were very few same-colour distractors, the saccadic selectivity was biased towards the colour dimension. In contrast, when most of the distractors shared colour with the target, the saccadic selectivity was biased towards the shape dimension. Results are discussed within the framework of the guided search model.  相似文献   

Humans have a highly developed visual system, yet we spend a high proportion of our time awake ignoring the visual world and attending to our own thoughts. The present study examined eye movement characteristics of goal-directed internally focused cognition. Deliberate internally focused cognition was induced by an idea generation task. A letter-by-letter reading task served as external task. Idea generation (vs. reading) was associated with more and longer blinks and fewer microsaccades indicating an attenuation of visual input. Idea generation was further associated with more and shorter fixations, more saccades and saccades with higher amplitudes as well as heightened stimulus-independent variation of eye vergence. The latter results suggest a coupling of eye behavior to internally generated information and associated cognitive processes, i.e. searching for ideas. Our results support eye behavior patterns as indicators of goal-directed internally focused cognition through mechanisms of attenuation of visual input and coupling of eye behavior to internally generated information.  相似文献   

The effect of concurrent visual feedback (CVF) on continuous aiming movements was investigated in the preferred hand of participants of college age (ns = 12 men, 8 women). Participants made continuous rapid reversal movements with a lightweight lever in the sagittal plane. Participants attempted to reach a short target (20 degrees) and a long target (60 degrees) in separate constant practice conditions, but alternated between the two targets in a variable practice condition. Four blocks of practice trials were provided in each condition, with 40 movements made in each. CVF of the position-time trace was provided for the first 20 movements of each block, but was removed for the remaining 20 movements in each block. Movements were more accurate and consistent during constant practice compared to variable practice where the short target was overshot and the long target was undershot. CVF reduced errors in all conditions, compared to movements without CVF, particularly for the short target during variable practice. The results suggest that the interference generated by alternating targets can be modulated by providing visual feedback, but once the visual feedback was removed, errors increased markedly.  相似文献   

Target-aiming studies in which premovement visual information is manipulated suggest that when vision is occluded, a brief visual representation of the target environment may be used to guide movement. The purpose of this work was to determine if the internal representation contains information about the whole movement environment or just specific information about the position of a single target goal. Two experiments were conducted in which we manipulated both target uncertainty and the visual information available before and during a target-aiming movement. Radial error differences between visual conditions and the independence of the vision and uncertainty manipulations support the hypothesis that subjects form a representation of the overall movement environment.  相似文献   

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