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Earlier studies of laboratory-induced verbal slips have demonstrated the existence of a “prearticulatory editing” phase of speech/language production, the supposed function of which is to evaluate the linguistic integrity of phoneme sequences destined for articulation, allowing articulation of linguistically legitimate sequences, and preventing articulation of linguistically anomalous sequences. Freud's view of verbal slips as a manifestation of speakers' private internal states, these internal states resulting from interactions of personality and situational influences, may be viewed as a prediction that prearticulatory editing involves personality/situation-based semantic criteria. The prediction was tested and supported. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Meta-analyses of validity coefficients from tests of clerical abilities for five criteria—supervisor ratings, supervisor rankings, work samples, production quantity, and production quality—were conducted, and the resulting expected true validities were compared. Ratings, rankings, work samples, and production quantity all resulted in high test validities. Validities resulting from ratings and quantity-of-production criteria were highly similar across tests. Validities resulting from rankings and work samples were on the average higher than those from ratings and quantity of production. The fifth criterion, quality of production, had low predictability and did not generalize across situations.  相似文献   

This paper describes a field study using Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ; McCormick, Jeanneret, & Mecham, 1972) data to support inferences of physical ability test (PAT) validity at a large utility company. The project developed a test transportability procedure using worker-oriented job analysis, and was based on synthesizing the findings of an earlier consortium project (American Gas Association, 1990), recent validity generalization evidence, and findings from a variety of physical ability construct-related research projects published or presented since the completion of the original consortium study. Selected PAQ divisional dimension scores for 95 jobs were analyzed via cluster analysis to develop five physical demand job families. Statistically derived job families were modified very slightly based on reviews by subject matter experts who found PAQ-derived job family structures quite reasonable (agreement of 95% between statistical and rational procedures). PAQ strength attributes were used to estimate the physical demands underlying job families. The statistical and analytic procedures developed and reported here could be applied in other organizational settings, and allow broader applicability of the PAT than would a task-based transportability model.  相似文献   

The use of social validation procedures has become widespread in recent years. Although most researchers have used social validation procedures to select target behaviors and to evaluate whether the changes produced by a treatment program should be considered socially useful, little attention has been focused upon using the social validation process to determine the optimal levels for target behaviors. This paper suggests several ways in which social validation procedures can be employed in order to select when and how much to change target behaviors.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment (SH) has been identified as one of the most damaging and ubiquitous barriers to career success and satisfaction for women. This study meta-analyzed data from 41 studies, with a total sample size of nearly 70,000 respondents, to examine several negative consequences of workplace SH as well as how situational factors may play a role in facilitating these occurrences. SH experiences are associated with negative outcomes such as decreased job satisfaction, lower organizational commitment, withdrawing from work, ill physical and mental health, and even symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition, organizational climate for SH figured prominently in facilitating these occurrences.  相似文献   

Ervin Laszlo 《Zygon》2006,41(3):533-542
Abstract. Two fundamental issues raised by Lothar Schäfer are considered: (1) the question of a suitable paradigm within which the findings of quantum physics can be optimally interpreted and (2) the question of the assessment of the presence and importance of mind and consciousness in the universe. In regard to the former, I contend that the ideal of science is to interpret its findings in an optimally consistent and minimally speculative framework. In this context Schäfer's assertion that certain findings in quantum physics (those that relate to virtual states) indicate the presence of mind at the quantum level implies a dualistic and hence unnecessarily speculative assumption. In regard to the assessment of mind and consciousness, a consistent and parsimonious paradigm suggests that mind and consciousness are not part of a chain of events consisting of an admixture of physical and mental events but that physical events form a single, coherent set of events, and mental events another set, with the two sets related, as Teilhard (and a number of other philosophers, including White head) affirmed, as the “within” and the “without” (or the “mental pole” and the “physical pole”) of one and the same fundamental reality. This panpsychist as contrasted with Schäfer's dualist paradigm provides a single self‐consistent framework for the interpretation of quantum (and all natural) events while recognizing the presence of mind in the universe as the least speculative realist implication of our immediate experience of consciousness.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of sex similarity on recruiters' evaluations of actual applicants in campus interviews and tested whether perceived similarity and interpersonal attraction mediated this effect. Structural equation modeling was performed on data from 476 campus interviews. The results revealed complex effects of sex similarity on recruiters' decision processes. Perceived similarity and interpersonal attraction mediated the effect of sex similarity on female recruiters' assessments of applicants' qualifications. Unexpectedly, female recruiters saw male applicants as more similar to themselves and more qualified than female applicants. For male recruiters, interview outcomes were not affected by sex similarity. Social identity theory, which suggests that the status associated with demographic characteristics may influence the nature of demographic similarity effects, provides a possible explanation for the findings.  相似文献   

The purposes of the present study were (a) to examine the comparative validity of a written job knowledge test constructed on the basis of a systematic job analysis with that of a commercial employment test selected in the absence of a prior job analysis for accounting positions and (b) to determine the fairness of each test for minority and nonminority job applicants. Results indicated that the job knowledge test was a valid and unbiased predictor of relevant criteria of job performance while the commercial employment test produced adverse impact and lacked validity. Implications of the results for future research studies and test validation efforts involving differential prediction are discussed.  相似文献   

因果力比较范式下对效力PC理论的检验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王墨耘  傅小兰 《心理学报》2004,36(2):160-167
在用图形方式集中呈现信息的条件下,用因果力大小比较的实验范式检验效力PC理论。233名大学生被试对不同化学药物影响动物基因变异的能力做大小比较判断。结果发现,对单一因果关系因果力大小的比较判断具有以下3个特点:(1)不对称性:在预防原因条件下的因果力判断一般符合效力PC理论,而在产生原因条件下的因果力判断一般不符合效力PC理论;(2)在同时变化协变值DP和结果基率P(E|~C)的产生原因条件下,多数被试使用DP规则。这与概率对比模型的预测相一致,而不支持效力PC理论;(3)在固定协变值DP而只变化结果基率P(E|~C)的产生原因条件下,多数被试使用变异比RP规则。这是目前所有的因果推理理论都不能解释的现象。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine primary appraisal of sexual harassment, that is, a victim's cognitive evaluation of the harassment and the factors that influence this appraisal. The perspectives of 72 female plaintiffs were investigated by measuring their primary appraisal of the event, examining the structure of this appraisal, and assessing the influence of stimulus and individual factors on appraisal. Cluster analysis revealed four distinct emotion clusters: demoralization, anxious arousal, fear, and self-blame. Significant correlations suggest that these four appraisal clusters are differentially related to certain stimulus (e.g., intensity) and individual (e.g., self-esteem, previous victimization, feminist attitudes, and attributions) factors. Theoretical and practical implications for the role of primary appraisal are discussed.  相似文献   

In one of its most urgent folds, Catherine Keller's Cloud of the Impossible juxtaposes negative theology with relational theology for the sake of thinking constructively about today's global climate of religious conflict and ecological upheaval. The tension between these two theological approaches reflects her desire to unsay past harmful theological speech but also to speak into the present silences about the (perhaps im)possibility of a future that is not only to be feared. Suffusing Keller's Cloud is the related (perhaps im)possibility of living out one's life in conversation with a religious tradition having accepted the nonknowing character of its wisdom. Here, I develop the notion of “hypothetical faith” as an epistemic posture that commits itself to some particular religious tradition even as it acknowledges the unverifiability of that tradition's deepest truths. Understood as operating at the opposite end of the testability spectrum from science, religion‐as‐hypothesis provides a way of saying and unsaying one's tradition at the same time.  相似文献   

Research consistently demonstrates that sexual harassment is related to a variety of negative outcomes. Negative outcomes, however, may be influenced by respondents' dispositions or response biases rather than by their sexual harassment experiences alone. This study investigates relationships between negative outcomes and sexual harassment over time in an attempt to assess this possibility. Further, little empirical research on sexual harassment has explored the impact of various coping strategies on experiences of harassment over time. Sexual harassment experiences, job-related and psychological outcomes, and coping responses were obtained from 216 female faculty and staff members at a midwestern university at 2 times, 24 months apart. Patterns of results suggests that sexual harassment has important effects on job-related and psychological outcomes that operate independently of dispositional influences or response biases. Results also indicate that sexual harassment at Time 1 is a better predictor of harassment at Time 2 than are coping strategies.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates studies that have used the Defining Issues Test for validating Kohlberg's theory of moral stage development. Although this test was introduced to overcome inadequacies with Kohlberg's procedure, it too encounters serious methodological and conceptual difficulties. Its limitations include truncation of the stages and age range assessed. The validation studies, both cross-sectional and longitudinal, have used a correlational design and confounded age with other variables. Threats to internal and external validity obviate support claimed for Kohlberg; moral reasoning thus measured seems a function of education, IQ, direct moral training, and cultural values rather than maturation. Nor is the stage model upheld by longitudinal data, which fail to reveal sequential stepwise change and belie occasional regression. Attempted redefinition of the stage concept to salvage these data has not rescued Kohlberg's proposal, which remains to be validated empirically.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of self-disclosure and interpersonal solidarity. Major emphasis was devoted to the refinement of a multidimensional measure of reported self-disclosure and development of a preliminary measure of solidarity. Results replicated in two studies indicated that (1) the self-disclosure scales could be improved to acceptable levels of reliability, (2) the solidarity measure validly distinguished between closer and more distant relationships, (3) self-disclosure and solidarity were positively related, and (4) meaningfully higher levels of self-disclosure were associated with high solidarity relations than with low solidarity relations.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether there is evidence to support the existence of a shared paradigm of pedagogical knowledge in elementary reading methodology textbooks. To accomplish this purpose, a computer‐based citation concordance was prepared that represented 5,760 references from 12 elementary reading methodology textbooks with copyright dates ranging from 1985 to 1989. The results suggest the existence of a shared paradigm of pedagogical knowledge in elementary reading methodology textbooks. The shared paradigm is not sharply defined and unambiguous in content, instead, it is composed of a complex amalgam of knowledge on philosophies, principles and practices representing a variety of perspectives.  相似文献   

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