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One widely acknowledged way to improve our memory performance is to repeatedly study the to be learned material. One aspect that has received little attention in past research regards the context sensitivity of this repetition effect, that is whether the item is repeated within the same or within different contexts. The predictions of a neuro-computational model (O’Reilly & Norman, 2002) were tested in an experiment requiring participants to study visual objects either once or three times. Crucially, for half of the repeated objects the study context (encoding task, background color and screen position) remained the same (within context repetition) while for the other half the contextual features changed across repetitions (across context repetition). In addition to behavioral measures, event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded that provide complementary information on the underlying neural mechanisms during recognition. Consistent with dual-process models behavioral estimates (remember/know-procedure) demonstrate differential effects of context on memory performance, namely that recognition judgements were more dependent on familiarity when repetition occurs across contexts. In accordance with these behavioral results ERPs showed a larger early frontal old/new effect for across context repetitions as compared to within context repetitions and single presentations, i.e. an increase in familiarity following repetition across study contexts. In contrast, the late parietal old/new effect, indexing recollection did not differ between both repetition conditions. These results suggest that repetition differentially affects familiarity depending on whether it occurs within the same context or across different contexts.  相似文献   

The first experiment determined whether frequency context would affect recognition memory decisions and frequency judgments. In the high-frequency context condition, 5 words were presented at study six times each prior to the section of the list containing the target items. In the low- frequency context condition, 30 words were presented at study one time each prior to the targets. The items tested were the same in the two conditions and were presented one, two, or three times each. Recognition performance and the judged frequency of target items presented once at study was higher in the high-frequency context condition than in the low-frequency context condition, but the opposite was true for items presented three times at study. The results of three subsequent recognition memory experiments suggested that encoding processes were critically involved.  相似文献   

Acute alcohol intoxication effects on memory were examined using a recollection-based word recognition memory task and a repetition priming task of memory for the same information without explicit reference to the study context. Memory cues were equivalent across tasks; encoding was manipulated by varying the frequency of occurrence (FOC) of words in the study lists. Twenty-two female and male social drinkers (age 21-24 years) completed equivalent versions of the memory tasks in two counterbalanced sessions (alcohol challenge, no-alcohol). Alcohol and the FOC manipulation affected recollection-based memory processing, but not repetition priming. Results supported alcohol's dissociative effects on memory systems.  相似文献   

This articlereports three experiments that investigate the role ofcontext in repetition priming using a lexical decision task. The experiments show that repetition priming is either eliminated or significantly reduced if a change in context also alters the perceived sense of a nonhomographic target word. If perceived sense is not altered, a change in context is inconsequential. This points to the important role played by perceived sense in repetition priming. An explanation within a sense-specific activation framework is proposed in preference to a modified processing view.  相似文献   

Visual memory and stimulus repetition effects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent investigations of memory for randomly configured patterns indicate that visual memory can involve distinct short-term and long-term components. The appearance of a visual recency effect that is confined to the last-presented item is believed to result from the active visualization of this item during the retention interval. Studies of the retention of familiar visual information have also suggested that the short-term effects observed are a result of active visualization. In a review of these studies, however, we argue that the effects obtained with familiar visual information are not necessarily a result of active visualization and, indeed, may not involve anything other than long-term visual memory. For example, Rabbitt and Vyas (1979) observed a visual recency effect in a serial choice reaction time task involving familiar information. That this recency effect was confined to the final item accords with the results obtained with unfamiliar visual information. However, this choice reaction time task did not require subjects to remember previous stimuli, so it is unlikely that they actively visualized them. With the case for a distinct short-term visual memory currently resting on the recency effect interpreted as reflecting a process of active visualization, this result is especially important. In the second part of the present paper, we report a series of experiments that provides an understanding of the visual recency effect in the serial choice reaction time task. We conclude from these studies that this effect is not due to visualization or to a visual trace either decaying or being overwritten by a succeeding stimulus.  相似文献   

A variant of the process dissociation procedure was coupled with a manipulation of response signal lag to assess whether manipulations of context affect one or both of the familiarity and search processes described by the dual process model of recognition. Participants studied a list of word pairs (context+target) followed by a recognition test with target words presented in the same or different context, and in the same or different form as study (singular/plural). Participants were asked to recognize any target word regardless of changes to form (inclusion), or to only recognise words that were presented in the same form (exclusion). The standard context reinstatement effect was evident even at the short response lags. Analyses of the estimates of the contributions of familiarity and search processes suggest that the context effect demonstrated here can be attributed in part to the influence of familiarity on recognition, whereas the effect on recollection was less clear.  相似文献   

Subjects made delayed pitch comparisons when the standard and comparison tones were separated by a sequence of interpolated tones. In some conditions, a tone of the same pitch as the standard tone was included among the interpolated tones. Recognition performance was superior for sequences where the standard tone pitch was repeated, even compared with control sequences of reduced size. The improvement in performance produced by the repeated tone depended on its position in the intervening sequence. Improvement was substantial and highly significant when the standard tone pitch was repeated in the second serial position of a sequence of six interpolated tones, but small and insignificant when it was repeated in the fifth serial position.  相似文献   

Using the Remember/Know procedure, we compared the impact of a reflective repetition by refreshing (i.e., briefly thinking of a just-seen item) and a perceptual repetition (i.e., seeing an item again) on subjective experience during recognition memory. Participants read aloud words as they appeared on a screen. Critical words were presented once (read condition), immediately repeated (repeat condition), or followed by a dot signalling the participants to think of and say the just-previous word (refresh condition). In Experiments 1 and 2, Remember responses benefited from refreshing a word (in comparison with reading it). In Experiment 2, this benefit disappeared when participants had to refresh one of three active items. Perceptual repetition increased Remember responses in Experiment 1, but not in Experiment 2 regardless of whether participants had just previously seen 1- or 3-items. These findings indicate that under some circumstances, reflective and perceptual repetition may have different consequences for later subjective experience during remembering, suggesting differences in their underlying functional mechanisms.  相似文献   

The role of word frequency in recognition memory and repetition priming was investigated by using a manipulation of attention. In Experiment 1, the lexical decision task produced greater repetition priming for low-frequency words than for high-frequency words following either the attended or the unattended study condition. The recognition memory test, on the other hand, showed a low-frequency word advantage only following the attended study condition. Furthermore, this advantage was limited to the measure of recognition memory based on conscious recollection of the study episode. In Experiment 2, a speeded recognition memory test replicated the pattern obtained with the unspeeded recognition memory test in Experiment 1. These results argue against the view that the word frequency effects in recognition memory and repetition priming have the same origin. Instead, the results suggest that the word frequency effect in recognition memory has its locus in conscious recollection.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed in which ten subjects made comparative judgements of two objectively equally long movement lengths. Additional movements, known as anchor movements, occured before, between, or after the comparison pair in order to decide whether such anchor movements would operate proactively (i.e., producing an effect on the reception of the subsequent stimulus) or retroactively (i.e., affecting the memory trace of the preceding stimulus). The results are interpreted to mean anchor movements act retroactively.  相似文献   

Two experiments used the distinction between remembering and knowing to investigate the effects of exact and category repetition in recognition memory. In Experiment 1, exact repetition enhanced remember responses but had no reliable effect on know responses. In Experiment 2, category repetition enhanced correct know responses but had no effect on correct remember responses. Category repetition also increased false positive remember and know responses. It is argued that exact repetition influences the recollection component of recognition memory via the creation of multiple episodic traces, each of which is potentially capable of supporting a remember response, whereas category repetition influences the familiarity component of recognition memory by enhancing the fluency with which test items are processed.  相似文献   

This experiment examined the role of cognitive flexibility-rigidity in memory. On the basis of several personality tests, subjects were classified as flexible, intermediate, or rigid, using a postexperimental blocking procedure. All subjects were given a perceptual grouping task, which masks the meaningful structure of the material. Subjects have the option of discovering the more meaningful structure consisting of word pairs, or alternatively, processing less meaningful chunks of letters. Results were that flexible subjects recalled substantially more items than intermediate and rigid subjects, in that order. In addition, subjects given different (varied) groupings of the letter chunks recalled substantially more than subjects given repeated presentations of the same grouping structure. Transfer tests indicated that subjects acquired different coding strategies under varied and constant input. Repetitious input led subjects to adopt inefficient strategies in processing the material to be remembered, whereas varied input led subjects to adopt efficient encoding strategies.  相似文献   

The current experiments investigated the longevity of repetition priming and dissociations between different memory measures. Picture-naming latencies revealed robust repetition priming in four separate studies: Previously named pictures were named faster than new pictures. The magnitude of this naming facilitation was stable across 1 to 6 weeks. The apparent temporal invulnerability of repetition priming was in marked contrast to the decline in episodic recognition memory across 6 weeks, suggesting a dissociation between implicit and explicit memory. Additional evidence of this dissociation was observed within each session: Naming facilitation for repeated pictures occurred regardless of whether those particular pictures were consciously recognized.  相似文献   

The context effect in implicit memory is the finding that presentation of words in meaningful context reduces or eliminates repetition priming compared to words presented in isolation. Virtually all of the research on the context effect has been conducted in the visual modality but preliminary results raise the question of whether context effects are less likely in auditory priming. Context effects in the auditory modality were systematically examined in five experiments using the auditory implicit tests of word-fragment and word-stem completion. The first three experiments revealed the classical context effect in auditory priming: Words heard in isolation produced substantial priming, whereas there was little priming for the words heard in meaningful passages. Experiments 4 and 5 revealed that a meaningful context is not required for the context effect to be obtained: Words presented in an unrelated audio stream produced less priming than words presented individually and no more priming than words presented in meaningful passages. Although context effects are often explained in terms of the transfer-appropriate processing (TAP) framework, the present results are better explained by Masson and MacLeod's (2000) reduced-individuation hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the present study, we explored how item repetition affects source memory for new item-feature associations (picture-location or picture-color). We presented line drawings varying numbers of times in Phase 1. In Phase 2, each drawing was presented once with a critical new feature. In Phase 3, we tested memory for the new source feature of each item from Phase 2. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated and replicated the negative effects of item repetition on incidental source memory. Prior item repetition also had a negative effect on source memory when different source dimensions were used in Phases 1 and 2 (Experiment 3) and when participants were explicitly instructed to learn source information in Phase 2 (Experiments 4 and 5). Importantly, when the order between Phases 1 and 2 was reversed, such that item repetition occurred after the encoding of critical item-source combinations, item repetition no longer affected source memory (Experiment 6). Overall, our findings did not support predictions based on item predifferentiation, within-dimension source interference, or general interference from multiple traces of an item. Rather, the findings were consistent with the idea that prior item repetition reduces attention to subsequent presentations of the item, decreasing the likelihood that critical item-source associations will be encoded.  相似文献   

Recent research has found that the performance of learning-disabled and non-disabled children is dissociated on explicit and implicit tests of memory (Lorsbach & Worman, 1989). The current study further examined this phenomenon by comparing language/learning-disabled (L/LD) and nondisabled children (NLD) on tasks measuring primed picture-naming and item recognition. Included within the design of the experiment was the manipulation of both presentation format (pictures or words) and retention interval (immediate or 1 day). Children were initially presented with pictures and words. Performance was measured both immediately and following a 1-day retention interval on a picture naming task, an item recognition task, and a supplementary measure of memory for presentation format. The magnitude of facilitation associated with primed picture-naming was found to be independent of item recognition performance. In addition, the effects of population (L/LD and NLD) and retention interval (immediate test or 1 day) each produced dissociations between the magnitude of naming facilitation and item recognition performance. Results were discussed in terms of their implications for our understanding of the nature of memory difficulties in L/LD children.  相似文献   

Rare words are usually better recognized than common words, a finding in recognition memory known as the word-frequency effect. Some theories predict the word-frequency effect because they assume that rare words consist of more distinctive features than do common words (e.g., Shiffrin & Steyvers's, 1997, REM theory). In this study, recognition memory was tested for words that vary in the commonness of their orthographic features, and we found that recognition was best for words made up of primarily rare letters. In addition, a mirror effect was observed: Words with rare letters had a higher hit rate and a lower false-alarm rate than did words with common letters. We also found that normative word frequency affects recognition independently of letter frequency. Therefore, the distinctiveness of a word's orthographic features is one, but not the only, factor necessary to explain the word-frequency effect.  相似文献   

In three experiments, Ss responded to individual digits or letters according to whether or not each was in some prememorized list. There were either two possible responses (yes-no condition) or a single response (yes-only and no-only conditions). With memory sets of one, two, or four digits, RT was a linear function of memory set size. The slope of the function was least under the yes-only condition and greatest under the yes-no condition. Nonspecific practice had little effect on any of the slopes. With memory sets of 4, 8, or 12 letters, the slopes under the yes-only and yes-no conditions did not seem to differ, and practice with specific sets flattened the function considerably in both cases. Overall, the errors under the yes-no condition were mostly false alarms, those under the no-only condition mostly misses, and those under the yes-no condition were divided about equally. The results are interpreted partially in terms of a multiple-observations model of decision time.  相似文献   

Recall of auditory items can be disrupted by presentation of an irrelevant auditory stimulus (a stimulus suffix). Previous researchers have suggested that suffix effects are not found on recognition tests. Two experiments are presented here that demonstrate suffix effects on recognition tests. These results suggest that suffixes interfere with item information and that suffix effects cannot be attributed solely to retrieval processes.  相似文献   

Although repetition is generally assumed to enhance the accessibility of memory for rehearsed material, recent research has suggested that prolonged repetition might actually be detrimental under some conditions. In the present work, we manipulated repetition duration and learning condition (intentional vs. incidental) in an effort to clarify the relationship between repetition and memory. Replicating previous findings, memory for repeated items declined with increased repetition under incidental-learning conditions. However, increased repetition had the opposite effect under intentional-learning conditions. Taken together, these results provide evidence for distinctive mechanisms of memory acquisition during repetition that vary depending on learning context.  相似文献   

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