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In Experiment 1, it is shown that during reading the eye makes larger saccades near long words than near short words. The effects are reduced when the subject’s peripheral vision is diminished by the use of a moving “window” centered on the subject’s fixation point, outside of which letters are replaced by Xs. In Experiment 2, it is shown that even if linguistic predictions are kept constant, the eye tends to make longer jumps when approaching THE than when approaching a three-letter verb. This “THE-skipping” effect is weaker if THE is compared with an auxiliary (HAD, WAS, or ARE) than if it is compared with a less frequently occurring verb (ATE, RAN, MET). It follows that knowledge of the lexicon can combine with information from peripheral vision fast enough to influence saccade size from moment to moment.  相似文献   

The present study re-investigated the effect of character size on eye behaviour during reading, in order to test McConkie, Kerr, Reddix, and Zola's (1988 McConkie, G. W., Kerr, P. W., Reddix, M. D., & Zola, D. (1988). Eye movement control during reading: I. The location of initial eye fixations on words. Vision Research, 28(10), 11071118. doi:10.1016/0042-6989(88)90137-X[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) Saccadic Range Error (SRE) hypothesis. This assumes that saccades are biased to move the eyes a constant, optimal distance in the task (i.e., range error), while aiming at the centre of peripherally selected target words. Results showed in contradiction with this hypothesis, (1) that the linear relationship between the eye launch site and the mean landing sites in words is not invariant to character size, and (2) that the optimal launch-site distance to the centre of words varies depending on the spatial extent of the words, and differs from the mean length of saccades in the task. We propose an alternative, Center-of-Gravity hypothesis, which a priori accounts for the launch-site effect and its variations with character size, and suggests that research in reading may benefit from reconsidering the role of character size.  相似文献   

On size, distance, and visual angle perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

It has been shown that there is a transition from a global to a local advantage in reaction time as visual angle increases (Kinchla & Wolfe, 1979), and it has been assumed that this transition reflects lower level (e.g., retinal) processes. In three experiments, we examined whether higher level (e.g., attentional) processes play a role in this transition. In each experiment, subjects received a different stimulus set in each of two blocks of trials. In Experiment 1, stimuli subtending 1.5 degrees, 3 degrees, 4.5 degrees, or 6 degrees of visual angle vertically (small-stimuli set) were randomly presented in one block, while the other block consisted of random presentations of 3 degrees, 6 degrees, 9 degrees, or 12 degrees stimuli (large-stimuli set). The subjects' task was to identify targets that appeared randomly at either the local or the global level. It was found that the transition from a global to a local reaction-time advantage took place at a larger visual angle for the large-stimuli set than for the small-stimuli set. The same effects of stimulus set were found in Experiment 2, in which the small-stimuli set included 1.5 degrees, 3 degrees, or 6 degrees stimuli while the large-stimuli set included 3 degrees, 6 degrees, or 9 degrees stimuli. In Experiment 3, eye position was monitored to rule out the possibility that subjects adopted different fixation strategies depending on which stimulus set was being presented. The findings suggest that attention plays a major role in determining the relative speed of processing of local-and global-level information.  相似文献   

EYE LINES is a set of programs for preparing and running experiments that measure the perception of the size, position, or angle of orientation of visual stimuli. A drawing program builds images as collections of linked line-segment vectors. The experiments involve the method of adjustment. Subjects use a mouse to adjust the lengths or angles of specified line segments. Designed for use both in research and instructional laboratories, the programs run on the Macintosh.  相似文献   

When O views a blank triangle of light under completely reduced conditions, he is able to use information about the size of this visual stimulus conveyed via the haptic modality when he is attempting to judge the absolute distance of the visual stimulus. However, distance is consistently underesti-mated in this situation. When haptically-indicated size is held constant, judged distance varies inversely with retinalsubtense, even though the different retinal subtenses are viewed by different Os. A variant of the size-distance invariance hypothesis also appears to hold in these circumstances.  相似文献   

When an 0 views a blank triangle of light under completely reduced conditions, he is able to make use of verbally conveyed information about the size of this stimulus when he is attempting to judge the absolute distance of the stimulus. Although between-Os variance is rather large in this situation, group mean distance estimates are highly veridical. This is further evidence for the view that, when the 0 is given a retinal subtense, any kind of information about size enables him to make a judgment of absolute distance, just as information about distance enables him to make a judgment of absolute size.  相似文献   

The selection of a computer visual display system suitable for word recognition and reading research is described. The software character generation routines permit flexible definition of character sets. The display software permits control of size scaling and point density of characters being displayed as well as control over the temporal microstructure of presenting and refreshing the displayed text.  相似文献   

In alphabetic languages, prior exposure to a target word's orthographic neighbour influences word recognition in masked priming experiments and the process of word identification that occurs during normal reading. We investigated whether similar neighbour priming effects are observed in Chinese in 4 masked priming experiments (employing a forward mask and 33-ms, 50-ms, and 67-ms prime durations) and in an experiment that measured eye movements while reading. In these experiments, the stroke neighbour of a Chinese character was defined as any character that differed by the addition, deletion, or substitution of one or two strokes. Prime characters were either stroke neighbours or stroke non-neighbours of the target character, and each prime character had either a higher or a lower frequency of occurrence in the language than its corresponding target character. Frequency effects were observed in all experiments, demonstrating that the manipulation of character frequency was successful. In addition, a robust inhibitory priming effect was observed in response times for target characters in the masked priming experiments and in eye fixation durations for target characters in the reading experiment. This stroke neighbour priming was not modulated by the relative frequency of the prime and target characters. The present findings therefore provide a novel demonstration that inhibitory neighbour priming shown previously for alphabetic languages is also observed for nonalphabetic languages, and that neighbour priming (based on stroke overlap) occurs at the level of the character in Chinese.  相似文献   

Using monocular observation, open-loop measurements were obtained of the perceptions of linear size, angular size, and sagittal motion associated with the terminal (largest or smallest) stimuli of repetitive optical expansions and contractions using 1-D or 2-D displays produced on a video monitor at a constant distance from the observer. The perceptions from these dynamic conditions were compared with those from static conditions in which the stimuli were of the same physical size and at the same physical distance as the terminal dynamic stimuli, but that were not part of the optical expansions or contractions. One result, as expected, was that the measures of perceived linear and angular size differed, but also, unexpectedly, some substantial errors were associated with the measures of perceived angular size. Another result was that the amount of size constancy was considerably less than was expected from the obtained amount of perceived motion in depth. Consistent with the latter result, it was found that the size-distance invariance hypothesis (SDIH), using the physical visual angles of the terminal stimuli, predicted only about half of the perceived motion in depth obtained with the dynamic changes. Using the obtained measures of perceived visual angles in the SDIH increased rather than decreased the error in predicting the amount of motion in depth as perceived. An additional experiment suggests that at least some of the error in the measurement of the perceived visual angle is a consequence of error in the perceived origin of the visual angles. The absence of the expected relation between size constancy and perceived motion in depth in the dynamic conditions is hypothesized to be due to cognitive processes associated with off-sized perceptions of the stimuli.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated how the vocabulary size of English–Italian bilinguals affects reading aloud in Italian (L2) modulating the reader's sensitivity to lexical aspects of the language. We divided adult bilinguals in two groups according to their vocabulary size (Larger — LV, and smaller — SV), and compared their naming performance to that of native Italian (NI) readers. In Experiment 1 we investigated the lexicality and word frequency effects in reading aloud. Similarly to NI, both groups of bilinguals showed these effects. In Experiment 2 we investigated stress assignment – which is not predictable by rule – to Italian words. The SV group made more stress errors in reading words with a non-dominant stress pattern compared to the LV group. The results suggest that the size of the reader's L2 lexicon affects the probability of correct reading aloud.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined whether phonological receding is an obligatory stage in reading for meaning or whether direct access to a word's semantic representation is the general rule. The first study demonstrated that the time to make a semantic decision about a pair of words was much more delayed by misspelling than was the time to make a phonological one. The second study investigated the effect of varying the syllabic length of a word on reaction time in a category decision task. While reaction time varied with the semantic difficulty of the category decision, it generally proved invariant with respect to syllabic length. It is argued that reading for meaning generally uses a direct route from visual form to semantic representation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that a nonspecific visual event occurring at the fovea 50–150 msec after the onset of a peripheral target delayed the initiation of the saccade to that target. The present studies replicated and extended this finding by studying the effects of both visual and auditory warning signals, by examining the effects of onset and offset warning on manual response latency, and by investigating the effects of presenting the warning events in the periphery of the visual field. The results indicated that the interfering effects occur with visual but not auditory stimuli, with saccades but not motor responses, and when the visual warning event occurs either foveally or in the subject’s periphery. Implications for the processes involved are discussed.  相似文献   

How effective are the Frostig training program and corrective reading instruction for improving the reading and visual-motor skills of pupils who possess deficiencies in both areas? Each of the three teachers worked each school day for sixteen weeks with the subjects of the two treatment groups plus a play placebo group. On the basis of the results of this study there is little, if any, support for the use of the Frostig program or corrective reading as treatments to improve the reading skills of children considered to possess a visual-motor problem. Due to the performances of the attention-placebo group, it is logical to hypothesize that improvements of the remedial groups are more a function of personal attention than the unique remedial powers of the two treatments. Consideration should be given to the optimal number of Frostig sessions as well as to the possibility of a ceiling effect of the Frostig program. Eight weeks of training would appear to be the maximum time before regression or improvement takes place.  相似文献   

Kanji are categorized into four types based on the combination of "subword validity" (when the right phonemic radical represents the same On reading as the whole Kanji character) and "radical-neighbor consistency" (when the whole Kanji character represents the same On reading with all its neighbor characters). The study demonstrated that both subword validity and radical-neighbor consistency affect naming latencies and error rates for relatively high-frequency Kanji character words. Moreover, both analytic and holistic decoding processes, which correspond to subword and whole-character activation, are used in the naming of Japanese single Kanji character words. Accounts of the findings by dual-route and connectionist models are discussed.  相似文献   

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