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A color-naming experiment was performed in which both surround luminance and exposure duration were varied. The data showed substantial effects from these changes; however, none could be interpreted to indicate the presence of a Bezold-Brucke shift or tritanopia.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were trained in a symbolic delayed matching-to-sample task to discriminate sample stimuli that consisted of sequences of magazine light flashes. The intertrial interval was illuminated by the houselight for Group Light, and it was dark for Group Dark. Retention functions exhibited a choose-many response bias when the delay interval was illuminated by the houselight in both groups, and no consistent response bias when the delay interval was dark. In Experiment 2, rats were trained to discriminate sample stimuli that consisted of sequences of tone bursts. During delay testing, a different tone (i.e., different frequency and location than the sample tone) was present or absent during the delay interval. The retention functions exhibited a significant choose-many bias when tone was present during the delay and a choose-few bias when tone was absent. Asymmetrical retention functions for tone burst and light flash sequences are due to the similarity between the stimulus conditions of the delay interval and the modality of the sequential event being discriminated. These results are consistent with an instructional ambiguity explanation of response biases in memory for number.  相似文献   

Two-flash thresholds were obtained from three dark-adapted Ss by means of a two-interval, temporal forced-choice technique involving foveally fixated circular targets varying in luminance and area. The Ss were instructed to report the temporal position of the longer of two pairs of I-msec flashes. a comparison pair with an interflash interval of 1 msec, and a test pair with a varying interflasn interval. The Ss were informed about the accuracy of their responses after each response. For all three Ss the results replicated a previous finding that two-flash thresholds are a negatively accelerated function of flash luminance. but the function was shown to be dependent on area. a greater threshold change occurring at smaller areas. Two-flash thresholds were also found to be a decreasing function of stimulus area. with the greatest threshold change occurring at low luminances.  相似文献   

The steady-state luminance of the lamps in a commonly used Iconix tachistoscope was shown to depend, in a complex nonlinear fashion, upon the length of time the lamps were lit. This was probably due to variations in lamp temperature with time. An integrating photometer was used to measure the light energy present in short flashes and in time periods of various durations with the lamps burning continuously. The equivalent luminance of short flashes was calculated by comparing values obtained by integration over a short flash with values resulting from integration, over an identical duration, of the lamps in a steady-state. With flashes up to 50 msec in nominal duration, luminous energy was less than one-half of that present in the same duration with the lamps burning continuously. The importance of this information for the interpretation of tachistoscopic experiments, as well as possible means of monitoring the effects, are discussed.  相似文献   

Monocular,successive luminance difference thresholds (ΔI) and brightness matches (PSE) were obtained by the method of constant stimuli for two flashes successively presented to the same retinal area. Variations in interstimulus interval first-flash duration,and second-flash duration were the independent variables investigated. ΔI decreased as a function of ISI,while PSE remained relatively uninfluenced. An intensity-duration reciprocity was observed with increases in either first- or second-flash duration. Equal increases in duration of both flashes led to a constant value of ΔI. A Broca-Sulzer effect was also noted. In another study, a 10-msec, variable-luminance Standard was followed after 500 msec by either a 10-msec or a 320-msec test flash that was compared to the Standard. The results indicated that the rate of change of brightness with changes in luminance of the Standard was faster for the 10-msec flash than for the 320-msec flash. The rate-of-change hypothesis would predict that the 10-msec flash should have the smaller ΔI. The results for two Ss indicated the opposite: AI was smaller for 320-msec than for 10-msec flashes. A modification of the hypothesis was suggested such that it may be the energy increment (Δlt) required for detection that is related to the rate at which brightness changes with energy.  相似文献   

Intensity discrimination functions were determined for tone bursts at four test frequencies: 250, 1,000, 4,000, and 7,000 Hz. Slopes of best-fitting lines (αI in dB SL vs I in dB SL) indicate a “near-miss” to Weber’s law at all four frequencies. The use of information provided by harmonics of the stimulus is discussed; it is concluded that-at least for high-frequency tones-such cues are not the basis for the improved acuity found at higher sensation levels.  相似文献   

Visual delay as a function of luminance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The relation between hue discrimination and stimulus luminance was investigated. It was found that discrimination was best at the highest luminance and deteriorated at the lowest, except in the yellow region.  相似文献   

Chromatic induction by red, green, and blue surround was studied as a function of surround/test field luminance ratio using a compensation method. Luminance ratios from 0.01 to 28.7 were used. The number of subjects was 8–10 in the three experiments. The results show maximum induction to appear at a luminance ratio around 1.0 when varying the test field luminance (Experiment 1) and at higher ratios when varying the surrounding luminance (Experiments 2 and 3). This difference is discussed in relation to the Kirschmann-Kinney controversy (Kirschmann, 1890; Kinney, 1962) and in relation to an earlier study using a magnitude estimation method (Bergström & Derefeldt, 1975).  相似文献   

Pigeons were exposed to two equal, concurrent variable-interval schedules of reinforcement on two response keys. One key was continuously illuminated. Pecking on that key produced reinforcements of constant duration. The other key was normally dark, except that availability of reinforcement was signalled by illuminating the key. The duration of access to a grain reinforcer was varied on the key that signalled reinforcement. Rate of response on the first key, the one that did not signal reinforcement, was found to vary inversely with duration of signalled reinforcement on the other key. The latency between the signal and the peck that produced signalled reinforcement remained about constant. These results show that responding on one key in concurrent variable-interval schedules depends on the reinforcement delivered by both schedules and is independent of responding on the other key.  相似文献   

Measurements of monocular ΔI and PSE as a function of the ISI between two 2-deg foveal fields successively presented to the same retinal area were obtained for two Standard durations, using the method of constant stimuli. Binocular brightness matches of the stimuli revealed that detection of a difference occurred whenever a constant difference (in log mL) in matching luminance existed. The implication of the results was that ΔI is related to the rate of change of brightness with changes in test-field luminance.  相似文献   

Pigeons' pecks on each of two concurrently available response keys were reinforced under a variable-interval schedule that sometimes allotted food-pellet deliveries to one key and sometimes to the other. The keys differed in the number of reinforcements assigned to each and in the number of pellets delivered during each reinforcement. When the total quantity of food associated with each key during a session was constant, the proportion of responses to a key depended on the particular combinations of reinforcer rate and reinforcer magnitude scheduled on each key. A given quantity of food generated more responding on a key when it was delivered frequently in small amounts than when it was delivered infrequently in large amounts.  相似文献   

When spectral light increases in luminance, the hues change. Normally, long-wavelength light becomes increasingly yellow, and short-wavelength light turns blue or blue-green. This is known as the Bezold-Brücke hue shift. Less notice has been paid to the change in relative chromatic content (saturation or chromatic strength) that accompanies these shifts in hue. As luminance contrast increases from zero, chromatic strength increases to reach a maximum at a luminance that is wavelength dependent. Short-wavelength blueish light reaches this maximum at low relative luminances, whereas midspectral yellowish stimuli need several log units higher luminance. Red and green are somewhere in between. For luminances above this maximum, the chromatic content usually diminishes, and most light becomes more whitish in appearance. In this study it is demonstrated how the combined chromatic appearance of hue and chromatic strength change with intensity. Both phenomena find a common physiological interpretation in the nonlinear and nonmonotonic responses of colour-opponent P cells in the retina and lateral geniculate nucleus of the primate. A model that combines the outputs of six P-cell types accounts for observers' estimates of hue and chromatic strength.  相似文献   

The hue of induced colour was studied as a function of surround/test field luminance ratio using a chromatic surround and an achromatic central test field. The hue of the test field was determined by means of colour naming methods. Three inducing colours were used: blue (Wr No. 47), green (Wr No. 58), and red (Wr No. 25). The number of subjects was 9–11 in the two experiments. The luminance ratio (ranging from 0.07 to 17.1) was varied by varying the luminance of the test field (Experiment 1) or of the surround (Experiment 2). For the blue surround the results show a hue shift in accordance with the Bezold-Brücke phenomenon. For the inducing colours green and red the induced colours are weak, and the hue shifts are more or less unsystematic though there are individual subjects showing a trend in the Bezold-Brücke direction. It is concluded that the hue shifts depend on the luminance relations rather than on the test field luminance.  相似文献   

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