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The threshold of a brief signal temporally centered in a noise masker first increases and then decreases as the masker is increased in duration. We discuss two explanations for this “over-shoot” phenomenon which consider the role of peaks of an exponentially weighted sliding integrator. One such explanation takes into account the finding that the steepness of the psychometric function continues to increase monotonically as its location moves first right and then left.  相似文献   

A behavioral model for performance on signal-detection tasks is presented. It is based on a relation between response and reinforcement ratios which has been derived from both animal and human research on the distribution of behavior between concurrently available schedules of reinforcement. This model establishes the ratio of obtained reinforcements for the choice responses, and not the probability of stimulus presentation, as the effective biaser in signal-detection research. Furthermore, experimental procedures which do not control the obtained reinforcement ratio are shown to give rise to unstable bias contours. Isobias contours, on the other hand, arise only from controlled reinforcement-ratio procedures.  相似文献   

Using a selective response task in which subjects were required to respond only to one of a number of alternative digits, although signal rate was held constant, the latency of selective responses was found to lengthen as the number of alternatives increased. This finding does not support the inference drawn from the work of Mowbray (1960) that, with signal rate held constant, there should be no significant lengthening of reaction times as the ensemble of digits increases.  相似文献   

An innocuous sensory event (a prestimulus) briefly preceding a startle-eliciting stimulus (SES) reduces the amplitude of the elicited reflex. This study used signal detection theory (SDT) techniques to quantify the effects of gaps (pauses in otherwise continuous noise) on the rat’s acoustic startle reflex. Sixteen rats were given four identical test sessions consisting of the randomized presentation of 150 trials of the SES alone and 150 trials of a gap-and-SES combination. Gap duration (1, 2, 4, and 8 msec) varied between sessions. Data analyses based on amplitude, difference scores, percentage scores, and SDT techniques identified similar patterns. The three longest gaps, but not the shortest, were reliably detected, and differences among these three were identified with percentage and SDT analyses. Analyses of amplitude changes over test sessions yielded different patterns for each measure. The results demonstrate that an SDT analysis is a sensitive index of prestimulus effects.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches within the framework of signal detection theory (SDT; Green & Swets, 1966), especially in the field of recognition memory, assume that the positioning of response criteria is not a noisy process. Recent work (Benjamin, Diaz, & Wee, 2009; Mueller & Weidemann, 2008) has challenged this assumption, arguing not only for the existence of criterion noise but also for its large magnitude and substantive contribution to individuals' performance. A review of these recent approaches for the measurement of criterion noise in SDT identifies several shortcomings and confoundings. A reanalysis of Benjamin et al.'s (2009) data sets as well as the results from a new experimental method indicate that the different forms of criterion noise proposed in the recognition memory literature are of very low magnitudes, and they do not provide a significant improvement over the account already given by traditional SDT without criterion noise.  相似文献   

Emotional tears may be uniquely human and are an effective signal of distress in adults. The present study explored whether tears signal distress in younger criers and whether the effect of tears on observers is similar in magnitude across the life span. Participants rated photographs of crying infants, young children, and adults, with tears digitally removed or added. The effectiveness of tears in conveying sadness and eliciting sympathy was greatest for images of adults, intermediate for images of children, and least potent for images of infants. These findings suggest that the signal value of tears varies with the age of the crier. The results may shed light on the functional significance of crying at different stages of human development.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in signal-to-noise ratio (SIN) and feedback state on the operator’s detection behavior, particularly derived operator thresholds, were investigated using a discrete visual signal. It was found that: (1) the operator behaves as if he has established different thresholds as a function of S/N; (2) his decision thresholds are relatively independent of the presence or absence of feedback; and (3) the operator will change his threshold accordingly for a change from one S/N to another. A model of the operator’s behavior, which introduced the concept of “operator” noise. yielded predictions of detection and false alarm probabilities which were extremely close to the observed values.  相似文献   

In a signal detection task four subjects were presented with stimulus cards, 50% of which contained a capital O in one of the four quadrants. Fifty per cent of these Os were surrounded by a small rectangle. This small rectangle served as a simultaneous cue, indicating the region where the O could appear. The other 50% were surrounded by a big rectangle encompassing the whole field. Fifty per cent of the blank cards contained a small rectangle, the other 50% a big one. Exposure duration was set at 15 and 20 ms. The results indicated that subjects, for whom these exposure durations led to performance exceeding chance level, used the simultaneous cue for reducing the field to be searched, resulting in higher sensitivity (d') in the small rectangle condition. Results were interpreted in terms of increasing efficiency of search as a result of which a higher quality of the icon was available for making decisions about the presence of the O.  相似文献   

Using signal detectability theory, an analysis was performed on some auditory frequency sensitivity data obtained in 1968 by Hutt et al. on human neonates. The d′-values over the frequencies from 70 Hz to 2kHz formed a significant cubic function. No state of arousal effects were found on sensitivity, as had been found in 1968. The β-values did not vary systematically with state, which suggests that levels of arousal should be studied separately. It is also suggested that the complex sensitivity found may provide a mechanism by which neonates may monitor their own vocalizations.  相似文献   

Metacontrast is assessed both by percent accuracy and by the dichotomous sensitivity and criterion measures of a signal-detection model in a forced-choice detection task. The results showed a monotonic increase in sensitivity with increasing mask delay, and an abrupt shift of subjects' response criterion at an 80 ms interstimulus interval. The results are discussed in terms of the interpretational advantages of a signal-detection approach to metacontrast investigation.  相似文献   

A basic problem in psychophysics is recovering the mean internal response and noise amplitude from sensory discrimination data. Since these components cannot be estimated independently, several indirect methods were suggested to resolve this issue. Here we analyze the two-alternative force-choice method (2AFC), using a signal detection theory approach, and show analytically that the 2AFC data are not always suitable for a reliable estimation of the mean internal responses and noise amplitudes. Specifically, we show that there is a subspace of internal parameters that are highly sensitive to sampling errors (singularities), which results in a large range of estimated parameters with a finite number of experimental trials. Four types of singular models were identified, including the models where the noise amplitude is independent of the stimulus intensity, a situation often encountered in visual contrast discrimination. Finally, we consider two ways to avoid singularities: (1) inserting external noise to the stimuli, and (2) using one-interval forced-choice scaling methods (such as the Thurstonian scaling method for successive intervals).  相似文献   

Gardner, Dalsing, Reyes, and Brake (1984) supplied a table of criterion values (β) related to hit and false-alarm rates in signal detection theory. Other methods of calculatingβ are suggested as more accurate alternatives to using that table. A short computer program is provided to calculate β and the sensitivity indexd’.  相似文献   

In a previous experiment (Howarth and Treisman, 1958) it was shown that when a warning preceded a stimulus by a fixed interval, the threshold level for the stimulus was higher the longer the fixed interval. A model of this effect was proposed, assuming that the threshold criterion adopted by the subject at any moment was modified by his estimate of the probability of a stimulus at that moment.

Three predictions are derived and tested. It is found that: the standard deviation of the response is constant despite the shifts in threshold induced; the threshold continues to fall as the interval from warning to stimulus is decreased to zero, with the lowest threshold when the warning signal and the stimulus are simultaneous; and that a warning signal following the stimulus by an interval of less than 0 5 to 1 sec. also lowers the threshold.  相似文献   

Detection of auditory signals under frequency uncertainty can be improved by presenting cues to the listeners. Since various cues have been found to differ in effectiveness, three conceivable mechanisms were considered which might account for these differences. Cuing might reduce the number and/or width of the employed auditory filters or listening bands. Also, cues could modulate the precision of frequency tuning of the filters. Psychometric functions were collected in a detection experiment with frequency uncertainty employing three kinds of cues: pure tones whose frequency was identical to that of the signal (iconic cues), complex tones with a missing fundamental equal to the signal (complex cues), and pure tones with a certain frequency relation to the signal (relative cues). Compared with a no-cue condition, all cue types improved detection performance. Fitting models to the data suggests that in the no-cue condition as well as the complex-cue condition, multiple bands were utilized, and that the iconic and relative cues induced single-band listening. There is no indication that accuracy of frequency tuning was responsible for cue-efficiency differences.  相似文献   

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