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A matching paradigm was used to evaluate the influence of the spectral characteristics number, relative height, and density of harmonics on the perceptibility of the missing fundamental. Fifty-eight musicians and 58 nonmusicians were instructed to adjust mistuned sinusoids to the subjectively perceived fundamental pitches of corresponding overtone spectra. Analyses of variance were used to compare the average of absolute and relative deviations of the tunings from the highest common divisors of the complex tones. The results indicate that musical experience is the most influential single factor determining the assessment of fundamental pitch. Nevertheless, all spectral parameters significantly affect tuning performance. Systematic relative deviations (stretching/compression effects) were observed for all considered variables. An increase of the optimum subjective distance between an overtone spectrum and its corresponding fundamental was characteristic of musicians and unambiguous spectra, whereas the compression effect was typical of nonmusicians and complex tones containing spectral gaps.  相似文献   

Levitin's findings that nonmusicians could produce from memory the absolute pitches of self-selected pop songs have been widely cited in the music psychology literature. These findings suggest that latent absolute pitch (AP) memory may be a more widespread trait within the population than traditional AP labelling ability. However, it has been left unclear what factors may facilitate absolute pitch retention for familiar pieces of music. The aim of the present paper was to investigate factors that may contribute to latent AP memory using Levitin's sung production paradigm for AP memory and comparing results to the outcomes of a pitch labelling task, a relative pitch memory test, measures of music-induced emotions, and various measures of participants' musical backgrounds. Our results suggest that relative pitch memory and the quality and degree of music-elicited emotions impact on latent AP memory.  相似文献   

Pitch perception is fundamental to melody in music and prosody in speech. Unlike many animals, the vast majority of human adults store melodic information primarily in terms of relative not absolute pitch, and readily recognize a melody whether rendered in a high or a low pitch range. We show that at 6 months infants are also primarily relative pitch processors. Infants familiarized with a melody for 7 days preferred, on the eighth day, to listen to a novel melody in comparison to the familiarized one, regardless of whether the melodies at test were presented at the same pitch as during familiarization or transposed up or down by a perfect fifth (7/12th of an octave) or a tritone (1/2 octave). On the other hand, infants showed no preference for a transposed over original-pitch version of the familiarized melody, indicating that either they did not remember the absolute pitch, or it was not as salient to them as the relative pitch.  相似文献   

Words were paired with words and nonwords with nonwords in a simultaneous matching task requiring a same-different judgment. A difference in size slowed “same” RTs for both words and nonwords, while “differ” RTs for both words and nonwords were unaffected. These results do not support Bruder and Silverman’s 1974 conclusion that the word processing system filters size. The effects of relative size differences were discussed in terms of (a) normalization procedures and (b) changes in states of evidence leading to alterations in a response selection stage.  相似文献   

Although averageness is preferred in auditory stimuli (eg music) and non-face objects (eg wristwatches), exaggerated feminine characteristics are preferred to averageness in female faces. To establish whether or not men prefer femininity in female voices to average characteristics, we conducted a correlational study (study 1) to assess the relationship between voice pitch and attractiveness ratings. We found a positive linear relationship between voice pitch and attractiveness ratings. In study 2 we manipulated pitch in women's voices with low (lower than average), average, and high (higher than average) starting pitches and gauged men's preferences. Men preferred women's voices with raised pitch for all levels of starting pitch. These findings suggest that men prefer high voice pitch to average voice pitch in women's voices.  相似文献   

Alternative reference prices, either displayed in the environment (external) or recalled from memory (internal) are known to influence consumer judgments and decisions. In one line of previous research, internal reference prices have been defined in terms of general price expectations. However, Thaler (Marketing Science 4 (1985) 199; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 12 (1999) 183) defined them as fair prices expected from specific types of seller. Using a Beer Pricing Task, he found that seller context had a substantial effect on willingness to pay, and concluded that this was due to specific internal reference prices evoked by specific contexts. In a think aloud study using the same task (N = 48), we found only a marginal effect of seller context. In a second study using the Beer Pricing Task and seven analogous ones (N = 144), general internal reference prices were estimated by asking people what they normally paid for various commodities. Both general internal reference prices and seller context influenced willingness to pay, although the effect of the latter was again rather small. We conclude that general internal reference prices have a greater impact in these scenarios than specific ones, because of the lower cognitive load involved in their storage and retrieval.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether absolute and relative judgments about global-scale locations and distances were generated from common representations. At the end of a 10-week class on the regional geography of the United States, participants estimated the latitudes of 16 North American cities and all possible pairwise distances between them. Although participants were relative experts, their latitude estimates revealed the presence of psychologically based regions with large gaps between them and a tendency to stretch North America southward toward the equator. The distance estimates revealed the same properties in the representation recovered via multidimensional scaling. Though the aggregated within- and between-regions distance estimates were fitted by Stevens's law (S. S. Stevens, 1957), this was an averaging artifact: The appropriateness of a power function to describe distance estimates depended on the regional membership of the cities. The authors conclude that plausible reasoning strategies, combined with regionalized representations and beliefs about the location of these relative to global landmarks, underlie global-scale latitude and distance judgments.  相似文献   

Although one-to-one correspondence can be seen as a component of successful counting, number conservation, and relative number judgments, there is evidence of considerable discrepancies between children's competencies in these different tasks. Concerning relative number judgments there are strikingly different claims concerning the ability of young children to make one-to-one correspondence-based judgments. In part these discrepancies reflect differences in criteria. Four experiments are reported in which 5-year-olds' relative number judgments of small and large number displays with and without perceptual aids were studied. Children were found to respond to local rather than global density differences and to benefit from the provision of perceptual aids on both small and large number displays with one exception, namely, large number displays where the longer row is less numerous.  相似文献   

Congenital amusia is a disorder that affects the perception and production of music. While amusia has been associated with deficits in pitch discrimination, several reports suggest that memory deficits also play a role. The present study investigated short-term memory span for pitch-based and verbal information in 14 individuals with amusia and matched controls. Analogous adaptive-tracking procedures were used to generate tone and digit spans using stimuli that exceeded psychophysically measured pitch perception thresholds. Individuals with amusia had significantly smaller tone spans, whereas their digits spans were a similar size to those of controls. An automated operation span task was used to determine working memory capacity. Working memory deficits were seen in only a small subgroup of individuals with amusia. These findings support the existence of a pitch-specific component within short-term memory and suggest that congenital amusia is more than a disorder of fine-grained pitch discrimination.  相似文献   

Six surfaces from natural environments with different visual textures were photographed at angles of 60, 65, and 70 deg from perpendicular. Measurements were taken of 24 Ss’ judgments of the inferred angles of slant and inferred midpoints of the six textured surfaces represented in the photographs which were viewed in the frontoparallel plane. Judgments of both slant and relative distance within the photographs were influenced by represented angle of slant and by variations in surface texture.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between quantities has been observed in many species. Typically, when an animal is given a choice between two sets of food, accurate performance (i.e., choosing the larger amount) decreases as the ratio between two quantities increases. A recent study reported that elephants did not exhibit ratio effects, suggesting that elephants may process quantitative information in a qualitatively different way from all other nonhuman species that have been tested (Irie-Sugimoto et al. in Anim Cogn 12:193-199, 2009). However, the results of this study were confounded by several methodological issues. We tested two African elephants (Loxodonta africana) to more thoroughly investigate relative quantity judgment in this species. In contrast to the previous study, we found evidence of ratio effects for visible and nonvisible sequentially presented sets of food. Thus, elephants appear to represent and compare quantities in much the same way as other species, including humans when they are prevented from counting. Performance supports an accumulator model in which quantities are represented as analog magnitudes. Furthermore, we found no effect of absolute magnitude on performance, providing support against an object-file model explanation of quantity judgment.  相似文献   

Listeners were requested to locate sounds originating in the median sagittal plane (MSP). The stimuli, 75-Msec pulses, were repeated at a rate of 200 times/sec and were filtered to transmit narrow bands centered about 0.63, 1.6, 2.5, or 6.3 kHz. Despite the sameness of pitch generated by all stimuli, Os perceived the 0.63-, 1.6-, and 2.5-kHz-centered sounds as originating low, middle, and high, respectively, in the MSP, regardless of their actual positions. The stimuli centered about 6.3 kHz, on the other hand, were located accurately by most Os. These findings were interpreted to mean that under conditions of inadequate auditory cues, timbre, not pitch, influences perceived elevation. The implication is that timbre also served as the cue for the apparent elevation of those sounds which, due to their high-frequency components, can be located accurately.  相似文献   

In studies of phonetic symbolism, the most commonly cited attribute of speech relevant to the phenomenon has been frequency. The present study was conducted in order to examine the relationship between pure tone frequencies and geometric figures. A pure tone oscillator was constructed which produced tones in a continuous sweep from 40–12,250 Hz. Six geometric shapes were employed and varied along three binary dimensions (size, complexity, and density) producing a total of 48 stimulus figures. Twelve male and twelve female subjects adjusted pure tone frequencies until they best fit the visually presented geometric figure in a complete within-subject, block-randomization design of 48 trials. There was consistency in the assignment of pure tone frequencies to the dimensions of the geometric figures. Round figures (circles and ellipses) generally received lower frequency assignments than other figures, and the shape by size interaction was also found to be statistically significant. The results are interpreted in light of recent research in psycholinguistics and in particular to the hypothesis of a universal phonetic symbolism.This research was a portion of a Master's thesis submitted to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, by Michael W. O'Boyle, who is now at the University of Southern California.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly found (e.g., Beck, 1982; Beck & Ambler, 1973) that a tilted T is detected better than an L when presented on the background of a number of upright Ts, although in isolation both are discriminated from an upright T about equally well. We demonstrate that an analogous interaction between context presence and stimulus type can be obtained with color stimuli: A light green was discriminated from a dark green better than an olive brown was, yet that occurred only in the context of a background of three dark green disks. This indicates that the effects, both original and novel, probably are not due to anything peculiar to form perception, such as line arrangement or supraelement configurations. It is suggested that the presence of collateral background stimuli probably enables the perceptual system to capitalize on relative judgment involving contrasts or deviations from a presented anchor value.  相似文献   

As media reports have made widely known, in November 2009, the ethics committee of St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, permitted the abortion of an eleven-week-old fetus in order to save the life of its mother. This woman was suffering from acute pulmonary hypertension, which her doctors judged would prove fatal for both her and her previable child. The ethics committee believed abortion to be permitted in this case under the so-called principle of double effect, but Thomas J. Olmsted, the bishop of Phoenix, disagreed with the committee and pronounced its chair, Sister Margaret McBride, excommunicated latae sententiae, “by the very commission of the act.” In this article, I take the much discussed Phoenix case as an occasion to subject the principle of double effect to another round of philosophical scrutiny. In particular, I examine the third condition of the principle in its textbook formulation, namely, that the evil effect in question may not be the means to the good effect. My argument, in brief, is that the textbook formulation of the principle does not withstand philosophical scrutiny. Nevertheless, in the end, I do not claim that we should then “do away” with the principle altogether. Instead, we do well to understand it within the context of casuistry, the tradition of moral reasoning from which it issued.  相似文献   

Nine experiments show that in the context of Stroop dilution the extent to which flanking distractors are processed depends on the nature of the material at fixation. A Stroop effect is eliminated if a word or a nonword is colored and appears at fixation and the color word appears as a flanker. A Stroop effect is observed when the color carrier at fixation is from a different domain than the color word distractor (e.g., Arabic digits). It is argued that when the material at fixation is in the same domain as the color word distractor, the distractor is not processed. Taken together, these results implicate a role for material-specific, limited-capacity processing in the context of this variant of the Stroop paradigm.  相似文献   

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