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The present study investigated age-related differences in the locus of the emotional enhancement effect in recognition memory. Younger and older adults studied an emotion-heterogeneous list followed by a forced choice recognition memory test. Luce’s (1963) similarity choice model was used to assess whether emotional valence impacts memory sensitivity or response bias. Results revealed that the emotional enhancement effect in both age groups was due to a more liberal response bias for emotional words. However, the pattern of bias differed, with younger adults more willing to classify negative words as old and older adults more willing to classify positive words as old. The results challenge the conclusion that emotional words are more memorable than neutral words.  相似文献   

Early findings from Broca and Wernicke led to the classical view of hemispheric specialization, where the main idea relates to left-hemisphere language capabilities compared to right-hemisphere visual capabilities. Federmeier and Benjamin (2005) have suggested that semantic encoding for verbal information in the right hemisphere can be more effective when memory demands are higher. In light of this, our main goal was to study the effect of retention level of verbal information on hemispheric processes. However, regarding the cross-linguistic differences in orthography and their subsequent effects on word recognition (Frost, Katz, & Bentin, 1987), our intent was also to test prior predictions of Federmeier and Benjamin (2005) for a "shallow" orthography language, where words have a clear correspondence between graphemes and phonemes, as opposed to English, which is a "deep" orthography language. Portuguese concrete nouns were selected. The participants were submitted to a visual half-field word presentation using a continuous recognition memory paradigm. The retention level included 1, 2, 4, 8, 20 or 40 words. Results showed that recognition accuracy was higher for words studied in the right visual field, compared to those studied in the left visual field, when the retention interval included 2, 4, or 20 words. No significant differences were found for the remaining intervals. Further analysis on accuracy data for intermediate retention levels showed that recognition accuracy was higher for the 2 words retention level than for the levels including 4, 8, or 20 words; it was higher for left-hemisphere encoding as well. Our results also indicated that reaction times were slower for left-hemisphere encoding and for the 40 words retention level when compared to that of 20 words. In summary, the current results are in partial agreement with those of Federmeier and Benjamin (2005) and suggest different hemispheric memory strategies for the semantic encoding of verbal information.  相似文献   

This study examines the specificity of the contribution of the right hemisphere to the processing of metaphoric meaning of words. Ten right- and 10 left-hemisphere-damaged subjects, and 20 normal control subjects were submitted to: (1) a word-triad task where they had to associate alternative metaphoric and non-metaphoric words to a target word, and to (2) a word-dyad task where they had to decide whether or not there was a semantic relationship between two words. The two tasks aimed at differentiating between the subjects' preference for a given semantic meaning versus a genuine semantic deficit for a particular meaning. Results revealed that both right- and left-hemisphere-damaged groups presented a genuine semantic deficit for the processing of metaphoric meaning. The absence of a double dissociation between the two brain-damaged groups does not support the hypothesis of a specific contribution of the right-hemisphere to the processing of metaphoric meaning of words.  相似文献   

Much evidence indicates that emotion enhances memory, but the precise effects of the two primary factors of arousal and valence remain at issue. Moreover, the current knowledge of emotional memory enhancement is based mostly on small samples of extremely emotive stimuli presented in unnaturally high proportions without adequate affective, lexical, and semantic controls. To investigate how emotion affects memory under conditions of natural variation, we tested whether arousal and valence predicted recognition memory for over 2500 words that were not sampled for their emotionality, and we controlled a large variety of lexical and semantic factors. Both negative and positive stimuli were remembered better than neutral stimuli, whether arousing or calming. Arousal failed to predict recognition memory, either independently or interactively with valence. Results support models that posit a facilitative role of valence in memory. This study also highlights the importance of stimulus controls and experimental designs in research on emotional memory.  相似文献   

Processing times for English and Chinese words   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Common processing systems involved during reading and listening were investigated. Semantic, phonological, and physical systems were examined using an experimental procedure that involved simultaneous presentation of two words: one visual and one auditory. Subjects were instructed to attend to only one modality and to make responses on the basis of words presented in that modality. Influence of unattended words on semantic and phonological decisions indicated that these processing systems are common to the two modalities. Decisions in the physical task were based on modality-specific codes operating prior to the convergence of information from the two modalities.  相似文献   

In a short-term recognition memory experiment with words, subjects: (1) subvocally rehearsed the words, (2) generated a separate visual image for each word, (3) generated an interactive scene with such images, or (4) composed a covert sentence using the words in the memory set. Contrary to Seamon's (1972) results in a similar study, a serial memory search was found in all conditions, instead of the simultaneous scan which was expected when items were combined in interactive images. In a second study with pictures as stimuli, subjects who generated imaginal interactions between separate pictures, viewed interacting pictures, or viewed separate pictures also showed a serial search, i.e., longer RTs were obtained when more stimuli were held m memory. Since interactive imagery facilitated performance in an unexpected paired-associate task with memory set stimuli, one can argue that subjects actually processed or generated such interactions. It was suggested that memory search might not be simultaneous in tasks where the test stimulus constitutes only part of a memory image.  相似文献   

Subjects searched sets of items for targets defined by conjunctions of color and form, color and orientation, or color and size. Set size was varied and reaction times (RT) were measured. For many unpracticed subjects, the slopes of the resulting RT X Set Size functions are too shallow to be consistent with Treisman's feature integration model, which proposes serial, self-terminating search for conjunctions. Searches for triple conjunctions (Color X Size X Form) are easier than searches for standard conjunctions and can be independent of set size. A guided search model similar to Hoffman's (1979) two-stage model can account for these data. In the model, parallel processes use information about simple features to guide attention in the search for conjunctions. Triple conjunctions are found more efficiently than standard conjunctions because three parallel processes can guide attention more effectively than two.  相似文献   

Following the studies by Cortese, Khanna, and Hacker (2010) on recognition memory for monosyllabic words, recognition memory estimates (e.g., hits, false alarms, hits minus false alarms) for 3000 disyllabic words were obtained from 120 subjects and 2897 of these words were analysed via multiple regression. Participants studied 30 lists of 50 words and were tested on 30 lists of 100 words. Of the subjects, 60 received a constant study time of 2000?ms per item and 60 studied items at their own pace. Specific predictor variables included log word frequency, word length, imageability, age of acquisition, orthographic similarity, and phonological similarity. The results were similar to those of Cortese et al. (2010). Specifically, in the analysis of hits minus false alarms, the entire set of predictor variables accounted for 34.9% of the variance. All predictor variables except phonological similarity were related to performance, with imageability, length, orthographic similarity and frequency all being strong predictors. These results are mostly compatible with the predictions made by single- and dual-process theories. However, across items hit rates were not correlated with false alarms. Given that most variables produced the standard mirror pattern, this latter outcome poses a major challenge for recognition memory theories.  相似文献   

Processing polysemous words in context: Evidence for interrelated meanings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two experiments are reported which examined whether the various meanings of polysemous adjectives (e.g.,firm as insolid orfirm as instrict) are functionally independent during language comprehension. In Experiment 1 a priming technique was used, similar to that which has been used to investigate the processing of homonyms, to test whether alternative meanings of polysemous words become active even if they are irrelevant in the context. The results showed that this was only reliably the case for central meanings of the words (eg.,firm as insolid), for which effects were found as much as 1100 msec after prime onset. No significant priming of targets related to noncentral meanings (eg.,firm as instrict) was obtained in irrelevant contexts. This happened despite the fact that both types of target were equally primed when the prime occurred in isolation. Experiment 2 obtained similar results using a relatedness judgment task. The asymmetrical priming of central and noncentral targets in irrelevant contexts is discussed in terms of a hierarchical meaning structure relating the diverse uses of polysemous words.  相似文献   

In 35 sessions of 10 trials apiece, each of eight Ss viewed and judged a display which produced simultaneous brightness contrast. All Ss were given an instructional set toward realistic perception. Members of one subgroup were informed as to the magnitude of their judgments; members of another were not. For every S, there occurred highly significant changes in magnitude of simultaneous brightness contrast over time. There were wide individual differences in the nature of the changes, not all of which were decremental. No significant differences were found as between informed and noninformed groups. The results are viewed as giving limited support to the notion of learning in the perception of simultaneous brightness contrast.  相似文献   

The effects of retention interval and level of processing on false recall and false recognition of associates were examined. False recall and false recognition were induced by presenting subjects with words closely associated with a non-studied word. Both level of processing and retention interval affected false recall (Experiment 1) and false recognition (Experiment 2) in the same direction with which they affected accurate recall and accurate recognition. That is, semantically processed lists exhibited higher levels of later false recall and false recognition than did superficially processed lists. Furthermore, a decline in false recall and false recognition occurred across retention intervals of 0, 2, and 7 days. However, the decline in false recall and false recognition was less pronounced than the decline in accurate recall and accurate recognition. Results are consistent with source monitoring and fuzzy trace explanations of false recall and false recognition.  相似文献   

Two questions were addressed by these experiments. Firstly, do unattended words influence attended words only when they appear in isolation and thereby may attract attention, or are they influential even when embedded amongst ineffective material? Secondly, can the influence of an unattended display be increased by increasing the number of potentially effective words. By having observers give category names to attended words at the same time as masked unattended words appeared in a column to the right of fixation, experiment 1 found that a single word was effective even when embedded, and that an increasing effect was not observed with a display with a 50 msec duration. There was some evidence of a linear increase in the size of the effect with a 200 msec display, but evidence from experiment 2 suggests that subjects may have been aware of the unattended words when they were exposed for this duration. The results were discussed in relation to a model of eye-fixation control during reading which postulates that unattended words gain lexical recognition when they are semantically related to the attended activity. This lexical recognition may then serve to mark interesting locations in the text and attract future eye-fixations.  相似文献   

Perea, Duñabeitia, and Carreiras (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 34:237–241, 2008) found that LEET stimuli, formed by a mixture of digits and letters (e.g., T4BL3 instead of TABLE), produced priming effects similar to those for regular words. This finding led them to conclude that LEET stimuli automatically activate lexical information. In the present study, we examined whether semantic activation occurs for LEET stimuli by using an electrophysiological measure called the N400 effect. The N400 effect, also known as the mismatch negativity, reflects detection of a mismatch between a word and the current semantic context. This N400 effect could occur only if the LEET stimulus had been identified and processed semantically. Participants determined whether a stimulus (word or LEET) was related to a given category (e.g., APPLE or 4PPL3 belongs to the category “fruit,” but TABLE or T4BL3 does not). We found that LEET stimuli produced an N400 effect similar in magnitude to that for regular uppercase words, suggesting that LEET stimuli can access meaning in a manner similar to words presented in consistent uppercase letters.  相似文献   

This paper presents a psychodynamic perspective of workplace bullying. It focuses on two related psychoanalytical concepts, containment and boundaries. The life cycle theory of bullying builds on these concepts and describes in-depth the evolving relationship between a bully and a victim. The search for recognition by the bully and victim proves to be a futile one. Recommendations are made for therapeutic change.  相似文献   

Eye movements made by listeners during language-mediated visual search reveal a strong link between visual processing and conceptual processing. For example, upon hearing the word for a missing referent with a characteristic colour (e.g., "strawberry"), listeners tend to fixate a colour-matched distractor (e.g., a red plane) more than a colour-mismatched distractor (e.g., a yellow plane). We ask whether these shifts in visual attention are mediated by the retrieval of lexically stored colour labels. Do children who do not yet possess verbal labels for the colour attribute that spoken and viewed objects have in common exhibit language-mediated eye movements like those made by older children and adults? That is, do toddlers look at a red plane when hearing "strawberry"? We observed that 24-month-olds lacking colour term knowledge nonetheless recognized the perceptual-conceptual commonality between named and seen objects. This indicates that language-mediated visual search need not depend on stored labels for concepts.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the impact of task-set on people's use of the visual and semantic features of words during visual search. Participants' eye movements were recorded while the distractor words were manipulated. In both experiments, the target word was either given literally (literal task) or defined by a semantic clue (categorical task). According to Kiefer and Martens, participants should preferentially use either the visual or semantic features of words depending on their relevance for the task. This assumption was partially supported. As expected, orthographic neighbours of the target word attracted participants' attention more and took longer to reject, once fixated, during the literal task. Conversely, semantic associates of the target word took longer to reject during the categorical task. However, they did not attract participants' attention more than in the literal task. This unexpected finding is discussed in relation to the processing of words in the peripheral visual field.  相似文献   

Eye movements made by listeners during language-mediated visual search reveal a strong link between visual processing and conceptual processing. For example, upon hearing the word for a missing referent with a characteristic colour (e.g., “strawberry”), listeners tend to fixate a colour-matched distractor (e.g., a red plane) more than a colour-mismatched distractor (e.g., a yellow plane). We ask whether these shifts in visual attention are mediated by the retrieval of lexically stored colour labels. Do children who do not yet possess verbal labels for the colour attribute that spoken and viewed objects have in common exhibit language-mediated eye movements like those made by older children and adults? That is, do toddlers look at a red plane when hearing “strawberry”? We observed that 24-month-olds lacking colour term knowledge nonetheless recognized the perceptual–conceptual commonality between named and seen objects. This indicates that language-mediated visual search need not depend on stored labels for concepts.  相似文献   

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