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FlekkØy, K., Holme, I. & Mohn, E. Relation of number of different responses to group size and stimulus words in a discrete free-association situation. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 4–8.-An exploration of the total number (D) of different responses given to a stimulus word in a single-word, free-association situation showed that (1) the first 50 Kent-Rosanoff words (in Norwegian) were highly heterogeneous with regard to D; (2) was an asymptotic function of the number of subjects; and (3) the larger D for schizophrenics may be attributed to their higher frequency of individual responses. It was also indicated that D may not be a valid measure of the magnitude of the associative potential of the individual.  相似文献   

FlekkØy, K. Validity of a group measure of individual associative domains. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 96–98.-Number of different responses given to a stimulus word by a group of subjects in a single-word free-association situation (D) has been presumed to be a measure of the magnitude of the associative potential connected with the stimulus word in the individual subject. The study compares D with mean number of different responses given to each stimulus word in a continued association situation (m), and finds no significant correlation (r=-0.04), which is interpreted to mean that D is not a valid measure of individual associative domains.  相似文献   

A theory of choice reaction time ICRT is presented which is based on a variable criterion model assuming the decision criterion to be normally distributed. The theory provides functions of time describing the growth of component processes following stimulus onset. For correct responses, these processes are sensory and associative strength. For errors, the processes are sensory strength, generalized associative strength, and associative inhibition. A model for separating the effects of these processes from that of response competition is presented. The theory describes, with great accuracy, the CRT distributions of correct responses and errors, not only for the experiment for which it was derived, but also for a second experiment in which the criterion was experimentally manipulated. It accounts for the basic facts of the speed-accuracy tradeoff, not only with respect to the two experiments with different speed requirements, but also with respect to the variation of speed over trials within each experiment. While derived from group data, the theory also describes the performance of individual subjects. The mean and variability of the criterion distribution and the ability to utilize associative inhibition are identified as the major sources of individual differences. Methodological problems involved in the scaling analysis of group data are also discussed.  相似文献   

In a choice reaction-time letter-identification task, the temporal development of perceptual and associative interference was studied with visual displays containing identical, irrelevant, or response-incompatible noise letters. Using the methods of variable-criterion theory, it was determined that perceptual interference is complete very early and has no effect on the shape of the function for the growth of associative strength. Associative interference begins later, gradually increases to a maximum, and then declines to zero at long latencies. In experiments with speeded performance, it was also found that the growth of excitatory strength for errors contains the same nonmonotonic process as for correct responses, but in reverse form. In addition, it was observed that the discriminability of the target stimuli affects the rate of growth of associative strength for the correct response. Analyses of individual differences in theoretical parameters indicate information-processing patterns similar to those reported for simple auditory tasks.  相似文献   

Mednick (1962) proposed a theory of the creative thinking process which asserts that in generating associative responses to a stimulus, creative individuals are characterized by a flatter associative hierarchy than are less creative individuals. In order to assess this idea, an associative priming paradigm was used to measure latencies to lexical decisions primed by associations of low, medium, or high strength. Mednick's theory was not supported. However, it was found that the responses of creative subjects were uniformly less facilitated at all levels of associative strength. The set of associative strengths employed in the experiment may not have ranged low enough to provide a realistic test of creative processes. If so, then the obtained findings may be consistent with Mednick's theory as it applies to the upper end of the associative continuum.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the role of meaning frequency (dominance) and associative strength (measured by associative norms) in the processing of ambiguous words in isolation. Participants made lexical decisions to targets words that were associates of the more frequent (dominant) or less frequent (subordinate) meaning of a homograph prime. The first two experiments investigated the role of associative strength at long SOAs (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony) (750 ms.), showing that meaning is facilitated by the targets' associative strength and not by their dominance. The last two experiments traced the role associative strength at short SOAs (250 ms), showing that the manipulation of the associative strength has no effect in the semantic priming. The conclusions are: on the one hand, semantic priming for homographs is due to associative strength manipulations at long SOAs. On the other hand, the manipulation of the associative strength has no effect when automatic processes (short SOAs) are engaged for homographs.  相似文献   

Lists of 18 words which varied in mean associative strength, the category membership of the associations and in word frequency were presented to subjects 3 times with recall required after each presentation. Recall efficiency increased with association level and with similarly categorised associates. In lists of High mean associative strength which consisted of similarly categorised words, the recall of high frequency word lists was facilitated but at low levels of associative strength, with similarly categorised words, recall was facilitated at both levels of word frequency used. Clustering and errors which were associatively related to the items being learned were greater in lists which contained sets of similarly categorised associates.  相似文献   

Associative frequency, the ease with which a word comes to mind in free association, is taken as a measure of general response availability. As expected from this view, in both controlled experiments and in reanalyses of previously published correlational data, high associative frequency words were judged to be more familiar and were easier to recall but harder to recognize than low associative frequency words, even with meaningfulness, imagery, length in letters, and frequency excluded as factors. When used as foils in a recognition experiment, high associative frequency words attracted more responses than low associative frequency words. In addition, associative frequency and meaningfulness correlated only moderately and had different patterns of correlations with other variables, suggesting that the number of associations leading to and from a word differ.  相似文献   

Research indicates associative and strategic deficits mediate age related deficits in memory, whereas simple associative processes are independent of strategic processing and strategic processes mediate resistance to interference. The present study showed age-related deficits in a contingency learning task, although older participants' resistance to interference was not disproportionately affected. Recognition memory predicted discrimination, whereas general cognitive ability predicted resistance to interference, suggesting differentiation between associative and strategic processes in learning and memory, and age declines in associative processes. Older participants' generalisation of associative strength from existing to novel stimulus–response associations was consistent with elemental learning theories, whereas configural models predicted younger participants' responses. This is consistent with associative deficits and reliance on item-level representations in memory during later life.  相似文献   

This report analyzes the acquisition of conditioned responses in rats trained in a magazine approach paradigm. Following the suggestion by Gallistel, Fairhurst, and Balsam (2004), Weibull functions were fitted to the trial-by-trial response rates of individual rats. These showed that the emergence of responding was often delayed, after which the response rate would increase relatively gradually across trials. The fit of the Weibull function to the behavioral data of each rat was equaled by that of a cumulative exponential function incorporating a response threshold. Thus, the growth in conditioning strength on each trial can be modeled by the derivative of the exponential--a difference term of the form used in many models of associative learning (e.g., Rescorla & Wagner, 1972). Further analyses, comparing the acquisition of responding with a continuously reinforced stimulus (CRf) and a partially reinforced stimulus (PRf), provided further evidence in support of the difference term. In conclusion, the results are consistent with conventional models that describe learning as the growth of associative strength, incremented on each trial by an error-correction process.  相似文献   

An extensive program of research in the past 2 decades has focused on the role of modal sensory, motor, and affective brain systems in storing and retrieving concept knowledge. This focus has led in some circles to an underestimation of the need for more abstract, supramodal conceptual representations in semantic cognition. Evidence for supramodal processing comes from neuroimaging work documenting a large, well-defined cortical network that responds to meaningful stimuli regardless of modal content. The nodes in this network correspond to high-level “convergence zones” that receive broadly crossmodal input and presumably process crossmodal conjunctions. It is proposed that highly conjunctive representations are needed for several critical functions, including capturing conceptual similarity structure, enabling thematic associative relationships independent of conceptual similarity, and providing efficient “chunking” of concept representations for a range of higher order tasks that require concepts to be configured as situations. These hypothesized functions account for a wide range of neuroimaging results showing modulation of the supramodal convergence zone network by associative strength, lexicality, familiarity, imageability, frequency, and semantic compositionality. The evidence supports a hierarchical model of knowledge representation in which modal systems provide a mechanism for concept acquisition and serve to ground individual concepts in external reality, whereas broadly conjunctive, supramodal representations play an equally important role in concept association and situation knowledge.  相似文献   

FlekkØy, K. Associative frequency and response latency. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 199–202.MdashWith 176 Norwegian subjects in a single-word free-association experiment, latency of response was found to relate more highly to the number of different words associated with a stimulus word (D), than to the response frequency of the words involved. D is therefore assumed to reflect a basic characteristic of the associative relationship between the stimulus and response words. The inverse relationship between associative frequency and latency is interpreted to mean that frequency reflects some relatively frequent order of preference of possible response words for individual subjects.  相似文献   

Ninety-six male and 44 female college students gave written continued associations for 2 minutes to each of 24 stimulus words and then completed the Remote Associates Test and the Revised Art Scale No significant relationship was found between the creativity measures for either sex Few relationships, differing for males and females, were found between the creativity measures and associative productivity or uniqueness Productivity and uniqueness were found to be substantially related, and common responses occurred earlier in time than unique responses The properties of the stimulus words (frequency, form class, and slope of associative hierarchy) had marked effects on response productivity and uniqueness The study confirms the strong impact of stimulus properties on associative productivity and demonstrates similar effects on uniqueness The creativity data, yielding weaker and less consistent relationships, are in keeping with a specificity theory but lend only limited support to Mednick's associative hypotheses.  相似文献   

In the Deese-Roediger-McDermott false-memory illusion, forward associative strength (FAS) is unrelated to the strength of the illusion; this is puzzling, because high-FAS lists ought to share more semantic features with critical unpresented words than should low-FAS lists. The authors show that this null result is probably a truncated range artifact. When FAS and its complement, backward associative strength (BAS), were independently manipulated in factorial designs, they both affected illusion strength. Moreover, their effects did not interact and were of comparable magnitude. Conjoint-recognition analyses were used to pinpoint the influence of BAS and FAS on retrieval processes that support or suppress false-memory responses. Although the variables affected both types of processes, their effects on suppressive processes were larger and more consistent. This research also provided the first clear evidence that subjects often use suppressive processes inappropriately to reject studied items that preserve the gist of experience.  相似文献   

The Remote Associates Test is a well‐established measure, frequently used to assess individuals’ creative abilities, as a function of the ability to elicit remote associates. The nature of the involved associative processes is still poorly understood. This hampers a deeper understanding of the creative process, rendering it difficult to determine what factors are controlled for, when the RAT is employed. We report an experiment that sheds further light on the nature of the associative process by manipulating (a) the frequency with which a pair of items are associated as associative strength, and (b) the probability of reaching the answer given the strength and the spread. Experimental results indicate a clear and surprisingly separate influence of frequency and probability on accuracy and response times. Frequency and probability both are thus factors that need to be included in the modeling process and controlled for when using the RAT to assess creativity.  相似文献   

The total number of different responses, given by a group of subjects to a stimulus word in a single-word, free-association situation ( D ), is a primary determinant of associative response latency (Tecce & Glassco, 1965; Flekkøy, 1981). D has traditionally been assumed to reflect a word's associative potential, and the increased latency to high D words has been explained by response competition. The results of the present experiments indicate, however, that D reflects in an inverse manner semantic autonomy , high D words requiring more contextual information for their semantic specification than low D words. The process of semantic specification requires time, creating the positive D -response latency relationship. Based on a semantic interpretation of D , associative response heterogeneity may be used as an index of a word's semantic autonomy.  相似文献   

In this article, we sought to isolate the processing demands of combining the concepts of modifier‐noun phrases from those of other language comprehension processes. Probe reaction time (RT) was used as an indication of the processing resources required for combining concepts. Phrase frequency (as measured by Google hit rates) was used as a metric of the degree of conceptual combination required for each phrase. Participants were asked to interpret modifier‐noun phrases using a sense‐nonsense decision (Experiment 1) and a phrase meaning access task (Experiment 2). Experiment 2 also used a lexical decision task to activate the word's individual meanings. Regression analyses for both experiments indicated that phrase frequency (indicating novelty) predicts a significant portion of the probe RT variance, such that low‐frequency phrases required more processing resources than high‐frequency phrases, when controlling for associative strength, word frequency, letter length, and lexical‐semantic activation. Overall, this study indicates that conceptual combination requires processing resources beyond those of other language processes.  相似文献   

Martin and Cheng (2006) present evidence suggesting that difficulty in verb generation is related to the strength of associative links between nouns and verbs and not to competition from alternative verb responses. Specifically, they show that latencies for verb generation are related to the associative strength of the most frequently produced verb and not to the ratio of the strength of the first to the second most frequently produced verb. Thompson-Schill and Botvinick (2006) have provided modeling results indicating how the findings of Martin and Cheng might be accommodated in a competitive model. Here we discuss how two noncompetitive models account for the findings and why such models should be preferred.  相似文献   

The effects of list composition and word frequency on cued recall, associative recognition, and item recognition were examined in three experiments For pure-frequency lists, cued recall and associative recognition show better performance on common high-frequency (HF) words than on rare low-frequency (LF) words. Item recognition, however, shows an advantage for LF words. In mixed lists, consisting of half HF and half LF words, the HF advantage in cued recall disappeared; however, the word frequency effects in item and associative recognition were unchanged. These results are inconsistent with explanations based on differential attention or co-rehearsal of KF and LF words. However, the results are consistent with list strength results which show that recognition is insensitive to strength-based list composition, but that recall is sensitive to list composition.  相似文献   

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