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The effects of the type of reinforcer on auditory sensitivity and equal-loudness data were determined in the squirrel monkey. The monkeys, restrained and provided with earphones, were conditioned to depress and hold a bar down in the presence of a stimulus light and then to terminate the holding response after onset of a tone. In Experiment 1, the specified behavior sequence postponed electric shock; in Experiment 2, a food reinforcer was dependent on bar release during the tone. The shape of the auditory sensitivity function and the acuity level at each frequency were the same for the two procedures. The audible frequency range extended from below 0.125 kHz (lowest frequency used) to 46 kHz. Sensitivity was maximum at 8 kHz. Latency of bar release following tone onset served as the basic data for constructing a family of equal-loudness contours. The type of reinforcer appeared not to be a determinant of either the shape of individual loudness contours or the pattern of family of equal-loudness functions. At the lower sound-pressure levels, the equal-loudness contours closely paralleled the threshold curves. At more-intense levels, the contours tended to flatten and depend less on frequency.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine modulation of neural systems involved in learning and memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extensive evidence supports the view that cholinergic mechanisms modulate learning and memory formation. This paper reviews evidence for cholinergic regulation of multiple memory systems, noting that manipulations of cholinergic functions in many neural systems can enhance or impair memory for tasks generally associated with those neural systems. While parallel memory systems can be identified by combining lesions with carefully crafted tasks, most—if not all—tasks require the combinatorial participation of multiple neural systems. This paper offers the hypothesis that the magnitude of acetylcholine (ACh) release in different neural systems may regulate the relative contributions of these systems to learning. Recent studies of ACh release, obtained with in vivo microdialysis samples during training, together with direct injections of cholinergic drugs into different neural systems, provide evidence that release of ACh is important in engaging these systems during learning, and that the extent to which the systems are engaged is associated with individual differences in learning and memory.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the release of acetylcholine in the hippocampus and striatum when rats were trained, within single sessions, on place or response versions of food-rewarded mazes. Microdialysis samples of extra-cellular fluid were collected from the hippocampus and striatum at 5-min increments before, during, and after training. These samples were later analyzed for ACh content using HPLC methods. In Experiment 1, ACh release in both the hippocampus and striatum increased during training on both the place and response tasks. The magnitude of increase of training-related ACh release in the striatum was greater in rats trained on the response task than in rats trained on the place task, while the magnitude of ACh release in the hippocampus was comparable in the two tasks. Experiment 2 tested the possibility that the hippocampus was engaged and participated in learning the response task, as well as the place task, because of the availability of extra-maze cues. Rats were trained on a response version of a maze under either cue-rich or cue-poor conditions. The findings indicate that ACh release in the hippocampus increased similarly under both cue conditions, but declined during training on the cue-poor condition, when spatial processing by the hippocampus would not be suitable for solving the maze. In addition, high baseline levels of ACh release in the hippocampus predicted rapid learning in the cue-rich condition and slow learning in the cue-poor condition. These findings suggest that ACh release in the hippocampus augments response learning when extra-maze cues can be used to solve the maze but impairs response learning when extra-maze cues are not available for use in solving the maze.  相似文献   

Daily living often requires individuals to flexibly respond to new circumstances. There is considerable evidence that the striatum is part of a larger neural network that supports flexible adaptations. Cholinergic interneurons are situated to strongly influence striatal output patterns which may enable flexible adaptations. The present experiments investigated whether acetylcholine actions in different striatal regions support behavioral flexibility by measuring acetylcholine efflux during place reversal learning. Acetylcholine efflux selectively increased in the dorsomedial striatum, but not dorsolateral or ventromedial striatum during place reversal learning. In order to modulate the M2-class of autoreceptors, administration of oxotremorine sesquifumurate (100 nM) into the dorsomedial striatum, concomitantly impaired reversal learning and an increase in acetylcholine output. These effects were reversed by the m(2) muscarinic receptor antagonist, AF-DX-116 (20 nM). The effects of oxotremorine sesquifumurate and AF-DX-116 on acetylcholine efflux were selective to behaviorally-induced changes as neither treatment affected acetylcholine output in a resting condition. In contrast to reversal learning, acetylcholine efflux in the dorsomedial striatum did not change during place acquisition. The results reveal an essential role for cholinergic activity and define its locus of control to the dorsomedial striatum in cognitive flexibility.  相似文献   

Attention and cue-producing behavior in the monkey   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Explicit cue-producing responses were employed to study attending behavior in the monkey. The subjects learned a discrimination based on compound stimuli, a vertical bar embedded on a red ground versus a horizontal bar on a green ground. On some trials only one of the two stimulus components was presented (red versus green or vertical versus horizontal bar), and the animals had the option of responding on the basis of the component presented or transforming it to the compound discriminanda by means of a cue-producing response. Analysis of the choice and cue-producing response behavior showed that (a) both monkeys acquired the discrimination between the compound cues solely on the basis of the color component, (b) mastery of this discrimination did not confer any "habit loading" (discriminative control) on the bar component, and (c) the monkey may prefer to respond on the basis of one component (color) even though it is capable of using both components equally effectively.  相似文献   

Studies in humans have indicated that the anterior superior temporal sulcus has an important role in the processing of information about human voices, especially the identification of talkers from their voice. A new study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with macaques provides strong evidence that anterior auditory fields, part of the auditory 'what' pathway, preferentially respond to changes in the identity of conspecifics, rather than specific vocalizations from the same individual.  相似文献   

Aberrations in cortical cholinergic transmission have been hypothesized to mediate the development and manifestation of psychotic cognition. Based primarily on hypotheses about mesolimbic dopaminergic hyperactivity in schizophrenia, the actions of antipsychotic drugs, the trans-synaptic regulation of the excitability of basal forebrain corticopetal cholinergic neurons, and the role of cortical cholinergic inputs in attentional functions, we hypothesized that persistent disinhibition of cortical cholinergic inputs mediates the fundamental cognitive dysfunctions which form the basis for the development of positive symptoms in schizophrenia. In contrast to this hypothesis, Perry and Perry (1995), based on evidence from hallucinating patients with Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), concluded that the extensivelossof cortical acetylcholine allows irrelevant information to enter “conscious awareness” and thus hallucinations to emerge. The discussion of these contrasting hypotheses highlights the need for more dynamic and precise theories describing the cognitive variables and neuronal processes which contribute to the development and manifestation of psychotic cognition. While the hypothesis that a disinhibited cholinergic system mediates the evolution of psychotic symptoms corresponds more convincingly with current theories about the cognitive functions of cortical cholinergic inputs, both hypotheses stress the critical role of cortical acetylcholine in the highest levels of cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

Tested in a choice-situation, two rhesus monkeys showed a correspondence between choice-ratios and reinforcement-ratios. The basis of this event-matching proved to be different in the monkey from that in lower forms.  相似文献   

Subjects were instructed to equate the brightness of two stimuli of different areas presented alternately to the far periphery. The results are closely describable by IA = k (Ricco's Law), indicating that the subjects equated total luminous flux. It is suggested that these results and certain other behavioural and anatomical considerations make it unnecessary to consider flux discrimination a “subcortical” or “lower” visual function as compared with brightness discrimination.  相似文献   

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