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在中国古代和近代历史上,基督教向中国的突进大致有四次,形成了三次峰谷,而从基督教的第三次来华才与中国文化开始了碰撞与交流.而思想的契合、学术的切入和伦理的示范是耶稣会将基督教信仰融入中国社会与文化的有效途径.耶稣会来华传教的成功亦在一定程度上说明只要沟通和传播手段恰当,不同类型的文化之间完全可以进行平等的对话与融合.  相似文献   

向杨 《中国宗教》1998,(1):44-45
天主教在中国的三次传播□向杨●天主教是由西方传教士传入中国的。传教士第一次进入中国是在13世纪的元朝。1288年,罗马教皇尼古拉四世继位,他原是方济各会的总会长。他获知元朝有来自欧亚的基督教各派的教徒,于是就派遣意大利方济各会会士若望·孟德高维诺作为...  相似文献   

本文呈现了浙西天主教村落中的一个主要村庄——麻蓬村的天主教信仰在历史中的来源,进入乡土社会之后与周围村庄发生的文化冲突,在嵌入过程中的传播方式与细节调整,以及目前的发展与变化。麻蓬天主教信仰在历史中的植入依托了传统的宗族组织,并在植入过程中形成了血缘性的情感认同。今日村庄中的宗教氛围正逐渐淡化,这既是由于教会在村庄公共事务中的功能被逐渐替代,更是由于人口流动和经济分化过程中村民的日益理性化。  相似文献   

16-17世纪,耶稣会创办了大量学校,不仅为天主教会和世俗政权培养了大量人才,推动了天主教革新运动,而且直接吸引了大量新教徒重返天主教,增强了天主教的社会基础.耶稣会教育在促进天主教复兴、扼制新教传播方面起到了举足轻重的作用,为近代欧洲新旧教并存的宗教格局的形成做出了贡献.  相似文献   

明朝末年,在耶稣会士的先导下,天主教再一次传入中国,开启了中国与欧洲两大文明第一次大规模的接触。也正是这一历史背景下,西方传教士方开始踏入湖广地区境内。本文在收集大量中西文档案材料的基础上,拟对早期入鄂境内的传教士作一细微考察,以期重现这一时期湖北开教的历史。  相似文献   

鹤鸣山是道教的发源地,在长期的历史发展过程中几经兴衰。自1987年鹤鸣山道观开放以来,楼堂殿字逐步恢复,宗教活动正常开展。本人于2000年8月赴鹤鸣山进行田野调察,特撰此文以对鹤鸣山道教的历史与现状及其中元法会作一简要论述。  相似文献   

天主教会自古以来就有追求和平、崇尚和谐、关爱弱势的光荣传统。如何继承天主教会的优良传统,在建构和谐社会中发挥天主教会的特殊作用,是时代赋予天主教人士的神圣职责。本文结合辽宁省天主教社会服务中心从事社会服务工作的实践经验,提出充分发挥宗教组织要履行这一神圣使命,就要从“和谐”二字上下功夫,从促进人的身心和谐、家庭和睦和关爱弱势群体等方面着手,大力兴办天主教会社会服务事业。文章也对如何进一步促进天主教会服务事业的发展提出了一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

中国天主教“一会一团”社会服务委员会七届一次会议于2005年7月12日至14日在山西省太原市举行,出席会议的55名代表在天主圣神的默启下,广泛交流经验,对各地教会开展的社会服务工作进行了回顾和总结。当前,伟大的祖国正在全面进行建设小康社会的宏伟事业,全国各族人民在中国共产党领导下,聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,各项建设事业取得了很大成就,综合国力飞速提升。但是由于我国人口众  相似文献   

初春的一个主日,又遇到了那位"热心大姐"。热心大姐,是我这样称呼她,因为她对教会的工作很热心,每次见她,她都是很忙的样子。可这天见到她,发觉她的神情有些淡然,便问其故,她叹了口气说,圣召节快到了,回想这几年的奔波忙碌,传了那么些人,可真正留下来的不多,有的大学生,领洗之  相似文献   

悉闻多位年轻主教晋牧,倍感欣慰。他们年纪轻轻,勇挑教会重担,其精神令人钦佩,教会的牧职“是一项真实的服务,它完全从属于基督及他唯一的司祭职,司祭职的建立是为了人群和教会团体的益处,圣秩圣事赋予一种神权,这权力就是基督的权力,为此这权力的行使,应依照基督的榜样来衡量,他为了爱而成为最卑微的和众人的仆役。主曾经清楚地说过,照顾他的羊群就是爱他的证明。”  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that communities can be engaged at various levels in research to reduce youth violence. In this paper, we argue that the method of power sharing among partners is a central factor distinguishing different levels of engagement. Using cases from the Nashville Urban Partnership Academic Center of Excellence, we identify community initiation and community collaboration as distinct approaches to community engaged violence prevention research. The power relationships among partners are analyzed to highlight differences in the types of engagement and to discuss implications for establishing and sustaining community partnerships. Also, the implications of levels of engagement for promoting the use of evidence-based practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Community integration has emerged as a priority area among mental health advocates, policy makers, and researchers (Townley, Miller, & Kloos, 2013; Ware, Hopper, Tugenberg, Dickey, & Fisher, 2007). Past research suggests that social support influences community integration for individuals with serious mental illnesses (Davidson, Haglund, Stayner, Rakfeldt, Chinman, & Tebes, 2001; Davidson, Stayner, Nickou, Styron, Rowe, & Chinman, 2001; Wong & Solomon, 2002), but there has not yet been a systematic review on this topic. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to explore the influence of social support on community integration through a review of the existing literature. An extensive literature search was conducted, resulting in 32 articles that met the search criteria. These articles were organized into three categories: defining community integration, supportive relationships, and mental health services. The search results are analyzed according to the types of support being provided. Article strengths, limitations, implications, and future directions are also addressed. Overall, the findings of this review suggest that social support, which may be provided by a variety of individuals and services, plays an important role in promoting community integration for individuals with serious mental illnesses. Therefore, as community mental health research and practice continues to promote community integration for individuals with serious mental illnesses, the mental health field should emphasize the importance of social support as a key factor influencing community integration.  相似文献   

Research on sense of community (SOC) has traditionally been approached from a resource perspective. Recently, however, research on the experience of SOC has evolved to include a related but distinct construct of sense of community responsibility (SOC‐R), or feelings of accountability for the well‐being of a community. This study applied item response theory to examine the psychometric properties of a SOC‐R scale used in an evaluation of community‐based substance abuse prevention coalitions. Data were collected in 2017 from coalition members (analytic sample = 309) in the northeastern United States. Findings indicate that the scale was reliable, unidimensional, and functioned well, particularly at low and moderate levels of the construct. The addition of two items intended to capture higher levels of the construct improved the scale's functioning at higher levels of SOC‐R. The adapted SOC‐R scale was also shown to have moderately strong relationships with conceptually relevant variables, including SOC, coalition participation, number of roles performed in the coalition, and engagement in community action activities. These findings provide empirical evidence to support the reliability and validity of the SOC‐R scale, and have critical implications for our conceptualization of the SOC construct, its measurement, and for the evaluation of community‐based prevention interventions.  相似文献   

温州私人诊所的发展不容乐观,我们必须在私人诊所自身内部找缺陷,通过其自身努力发展走出困境,同时希望政府改革相关管理制度,实行有效的宏观调控,给予理性地支持.  相似文献   

DEBI, or the Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions is the largest centralized effort to diffuse evidence-based prevention science to fight HIV/AIDS in the United States. DEBI seeks to ensure that the most effective science-based prevention interventions are widely implemented across the country in community-based organizations. Thus, this is a particularly timely juncture in which to critically reflect on the extent to which known principles of community collaboration have guided key processes associated with the DEBI rollout. We review the available evidence on how the dissemination of packaged interventions is necessary but not sufficient for ensuring the success of technology transfer. We consider additional principles that are vital for successful technology transfer, which were not central considerations in the rollout of the DEBI initiative. These issues are: (1) community perceptions of a top-down mode of dissemination; (2) the extent to which local innovations are being embraced, bolstered, or eliminated; and (3) contextual and methodological considerations that shape community preparedness. Consideration of these additional factors is necessary in order to effectively document, manage, and advance the science of dissemination and technology transfer in centralized prevention efforts within and outside of HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a research study that investigated the quality of life of elderly persons (aged 60 years and over) in South Africa in the wake of population aging, HIV/AIDS, the process of modernization which ushered in new challenges and the legacy of apartheid. A combination of all these factors among others has played a major role in lowering the quality of life of senior citizens in South Africa. For effective measurement purposes, a conceptual framework of broad categories of quality of life indicators for this proportion of the population are identified as: household structure, social inclusion, care of older persons and care burden on the elderly. Under these broad categories we investigate such specific indicators as: general health; satisfaction with basic needs of food, clothing and housing; emotional well-being; and their environmental harmony regarding access to amenities of transport, sanitation, safe water and security. The influence of socio-demographic factors on the above indicators is also examined. The long term goal of the study is to provide guidance for more creative policies including strategies of poverty reduction, housing older people in a dignified way and providing a wide range of options that facilitate healthy aging, in so doing, catering for the best interests and needs of senior citizens in South Africa. A representative sample of size 900 randomly selected elderly persons in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa is used. Structured interviews and direct observation are used to collect data, and bivariate statistical analyses performed.  相似文献   

Integrating different perspectives is a sophisticated strategy for developing constructive interactions in collaborative problem solving. However, cognitive aspects such as individuals’ knowledge and bias often obscure group consensus and produce conflict. This study investigated collaborative problem solving, focusing on a group member interacting with another member having a different perspective (a “maverick”). It was predicted that mavericks might mitigate disadvantages and facilitate perspective taking during problem solving. Thus, 344 university students participated in two laboratory‐based experiments by engaging in a simple rule‐discovery task that raised conflicts among perspectives. They interacted with virtual partners whose conversations were controlled by multiple conversational agents. Results show that when participants interacted with a maverick during the task, they were able to take others’ perspectives and integrate different perspectives to solve the problem. Moreover, when participants interacted in groups with a positive mood, groups with a maverick outperformed groups having several perspectives.  相似文献   

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