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Rats and pigeons responded on several concurrent schedules that provided different reinforcers in the two components (food and water for rats, Experiment 1; wheat and mixed grain for pigeons, Experiment 2). The rate of responding and the time spent responding on each component usually changed within the session. The within-session changes in response rates and time spent responding usually followed different patterns for the two components of a concurrent schedule. For most subjects, the bias and sensitivity to reinforcement parameters of the generalized matching law, as well as the percentage of the variance accounted for, decreased within the session. Negative sensitivity parameters were sometimes found late in the session for the concurrent food-water schedules. These results imply that within-session changes in responding could cause problems for assessing the validity of quantitative theories of concurrent-schedule responding when the components provide different reinforcers. They question changes in a general motivational state, such as arousal, as a complete explanation for within-session changes in responding. The results are compatible with satiation for, or sensitization-habituation to, the reinforcers as explanations.  相似文献   

Operant responding often changes within sessions, even when factors such as rate of reinforcement remain constant. The present study was designed to determine whether within-session response patterns are determined by the total number of reinforcers delivered during the session or only by the reinforcers earned by the operant response. Four rats pressed a lever and 3 pigeons pecked a key for food reinforcers delivered by a conjoint variable-interval variable-time schedule. The overall rate of reinforcement of the conjoint schedule varied across conditions from 15 to 480 reinforcers per hour. When fewer than 120 reinforcers were delivered per hour, the within-session patterns of responding on conjoint schedules were similar to those previously observed when subjects received the same total number of reinforcers by responding on simple variable-interval schedules. Response patterns were less similar to those observed on simple variable-interval schedules when the overall rate of reinforcement exceeded 120 reinforcers per hour. These results suggest that response-independent reinforcers can affect the within-session pattern of responding on a response-dependent schedule. The results are incompatible with a response-based explanation of within-session changes in responding (e.g., fatigue), but are consistent with both reinforcer-based (e.g., satiation) and stimulus-based (e.g., habituation) explanations.  相似文献   

Five rats and 4 pigeons responded for food delivered by several concurrent variable-interval schedules. The sum of the rates of reinforcement programmed for the two components varied from 15 to 480 reinforcers per hour in different conditions. Rates of responding usually changed within the experimental session in a similar manner for the two components of each concurrent schedule. The within-session changes were similar to previously reported changes during simple schedules that provided rates of reinforcement equal to the sum of all reinforcers obtained from the concurrent schedules. The number of changeovers also changed within sessions in a manner similar to the changes in instrumental responding. These results suggest that changeovers are governed by the same variables that govern instrumental responding. They also suggest that the within-session change in responding during each component of a concurrent schedule is determined by approximately the sum of the reinforcers obtained from both components when both components provide the same type of reinforcer.  相似文献   

Pigeons and rats responded on fixed-ratio schedules with requirements ranging from 5 to 120 responses. Consistent with past results from several schedules and procedures, responding usually changed systematically within experimental sessions. The within-session changes were usually larger and were less symmetrical around the middle of the session for schedules that provided higher, rather than lower, rates of reinforcement. These results suggest that similar variables contribute to within-session changes in responding under different schedules. When an economic demand function was fit to the data, the intensity and elasticity of demand for food and the percentage of the variance accounted for decreased within sessions, although the trend for elasticity did not reach statistical significance for pigeons. These results suggest that relatively short sessions should be used to study economic demand in open economies and that demand may differ at different times in a session and in sessions of different lengths. Within-session changes in intensity, but not necessarily elasticity, of demand are consistent with behavioral economic theories.  相似文献   

Rats pressed keys or levers for water reinforcers delivered by several multiple variable-interval schedules. The programmed rate of reinforcement varied from 15 to 240 reinforcers per hour in different conditions. Responding usually increased and then decreased within experimental sessions. As for food reinforcers, the within-session changes in both lever and key pressing were smaller, peaked later, and were more symmetrical around the middle of the session for lower than for higher rates of reinforcement. When schedules provided high rates of reinforcement, some quantitative differences appeared in the within-session changes for lever and key pressing and for food and water. These results imply that basically similar factors produce within-session changes in responding for lever and key pressing and for food and water. The nature of the reinforcer and the choice of response can also influence the quantitative properties of within-session changes at high rates of reinforcement. Finally, the results show that the application of Herrnstein's (1970) equation to rates of responding averaged over the session requires careful consideration.  相似文献   

In this technical article, methods for collecting and representing response rates maintained by schedules of reinforcement are presented. First, the time in a session that each important event (e.g., responses, reinforcers) occurs is collected and stored by a computer. Another computer program is used, then, to convert each response to a percentage of the total responses in a session and to plot these percentages cumulatively as a function of the time in the session that they occurred. In this manner, response rates may be expressed proportionally (i.e., using the same y-axis scale regardless of absolute response rate) without requiring the arbitrary selection of an interval over which responses are aggregated and expressed relative to the entire-session rate. A property of these records is that deviations in the slope of the obtained record from the diagonal, which connects (x, y) = (start of session, 0%) to (x, y) = (end of session, 100%), occurring at any point and for any duration, represent changes in the local response rate from the entire-session rate. This method of representing ongoing responding is illustrated by several records of key pecking of a pigeon on a variable-interval 60-s schedule of food reinforcement. Relative local response rates were also computed from these data at several levels of resolution (i.e., the time over which responses were aggregated), including the level typically employed by those interested in within-session changes in response rates.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were exposed to autoshaping procedures in which an 8-second light on a response key was followed by food. Pecks on the key had no scheduled consequences. Subjects were also exposed to negative automaintenance procedures in which a peck on the illuminated key canceled the following food. The intertrial interval varied from an average of 7 seconds to an average of 232 seconds in different conditions. Rate of responding usually changed within sessions during autoshaping. Responding also changed within sessions for the 1 subject that responded during negative automaintenance. The within-session patterns of responding were flatter, peaked later, and were more symmetrical around the middle of the sessions at lower rates of food presentation, regardless of whether subjects responded on autoshaping, negative automaintenance, or previously reported variable-interval schedules. These results imply that similar variables produce within-session changes in responding during both classical (Pavlovian) and operant conditioning procedures.  相似文献   

Three rats were exposed to variable-interval schedules specifying a range of different reinforcement frequencies, using three different volumes of .32 molar sucrose (.10, .05, and .02 milliliters) as the reinforcer. With each of the three volumes, the rates of responding of all three rats were increasing, negatively accelerated functions of reinforcement frequency, the data conforming closely to Herrnstein's equation. In each rat the value of the constant KH, which expresses the reinforcement frequency needed to obtain the half-maximal response rate, increased with decreasing reinforcer volume, the values obtained with .02 milliliters being significantly greater than the values obtained with .10 milliliters. The values of the constant Rmax, which expresses the theoretical maximum response rate, were not systematically related to reinforcer volume. The effect of reinforcer volume upon the relationship between response rate and reinforcement frequency is thus different from the effect of the concentration of sucrose reinforcement: In a previous experiment (Bradshaw, Szabadi, & Bevan, 1978) it was found that sucrose concentration influenced the values of both constants, Rmax increasing and KH decreasing with increasing sucrose concentration.  相似文献   

Four rats were exposed to variable-interval schedules specifying a range of different reinforcement frequencies, using sucrose of two different concentrations and distilled water as the reinforcer. With sucrose, the rates of responding of all four rats were increasing negatively accelerated functions of reinforcement frequency, the data conforming closely to Herrnstein's equation; this was also true of the data from three of the four rats when distilled water was used as the reinforcer. The values of both constants in Herrnstein's equation were related to the sucrose concentration: the asymptotic response rate decreased, and the reinforcement frequency corresponding to the half-maximal response rate increased, with decreasing sucrose concentration.  相似文献   

The relation between the rate of a response (B) and the rate of its reinforcement (R) is well known to be approximately hyperbolic: B = kR/(R + Ro), where k represents the maximum response rate, and Ro indicates the rate of reinforcers that will engender a response rate equal to half its maximum value. A review of data reported in 17 published papers revealed that, under variable-interval schedules of reinforcement, Ro was usually lower when pigeons were the subjects than when rats were the subjects. The value of k, in contrast, did not differ consistently between pigeons and rats. Some accounts interpret Ro as the rate of alternative, unscheduled reinforcers in the situation, expressed in units of the scheduled reinforcer. So interpreted, the difference in Ro implies that less alternative reinforcement (relative to the scheduled reinforcement) typically is available to pigeons in their operant conditioning chambers than it is to rats in theirs. Whether or not that interpretation of Ro is valid, the pigeon-rat difference in Ro ensures that for reinforcer rates above about 10 per hour, response rate will be noticeably less sensitive to changes in reinforcer rate (and presumably to changes in other incentive and motivational operations) with pigeons than with rats as subjects, at least with the experimental conditions typically employed.  相似文献   

Herrnstein's (1970) hyperbolic matching equation describes the relationship between response rate and reinforcement rate. It has two estimated parameters, k and Re. According to one interpretation, k measures motor performance and Re measures the efficacy of the reinforcer maintaining responding relative to background sources of reinforcement. Experiment 1 tested this interpretation of the Re parameter by observing the effect of adding and removing an additional source of reinforcement to the context. Using a within-session procedure, estimates of Re were obtained from the response-reinforcer relation over a series of seven variable-interval schedules. A second, concurrently available variable-interval schedule of reinforcement was added and then removed from the context. Results showed that when the alternative was added to the context, the value of Re increased by 107 reinforcers per hour; this approximated the 91 reinforcers per hour obtained from this schedule. Experiment 2 investigated the effects of signaling background reinforcement on k and Re. The signal decreased Re, but did not have a systematic effect on k. In general, the results supported Herrnstein's interpretation that in settings with one experimenter-controlled reinforcement source, Re indexes the strength of the reinforcer maintaining responding relative to uncontrolled background sources of reinforcement.  相似文献   

The roles of control response rate and reinforcement frequency in producing amphetamine's effect on operant behavior were evaluated independently in rats. Two multiple schedules were arranged in which one variable, either response rate or reinforcement frequency, was held constant and the other variable manipulated. A multiple differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate seven-second yoked variable-interval schedule was used to equate reinforcement frequencies at different control response rates between multiple-schedule components. Amphetamine increased responding under the variable-interval component. In contrast, amphetamine decreased responding equivalently between components of a multiple random-ratio schedule that produced similar control response rates at different reinforcement frequencies. The results provide experimental support to the rate-dependency principle that control rate of responding is an important determinant of amphetamine's effect on operant behavior.  相似文献   

How to teach a pigeon to maximize overall reinforcement rate   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In two experiments deviations from matching earned higher overall reinforcement rates than did matching. In Experiment 1 response proportions were calculated over a 360-response moving average, updated with each response. Response proportions that differed from the nominal reinforcement proportions, by a criterion that was gradually increased, were eligible for reinforcement. Response proportions that did not differ from matching were not eligible for reinforcement. When the deviation requirement was relatively small, the contingency proved to be effective. However, there was a limit as to how far response proportions could be pushed from matching. Consequently, when the deviation requirement was large, overall reinforcement rate decreased and pecking was eventually extinguished. In Experiment 2 a discriminative stimulus was added to the procedure. The houselight was correlated with the relationship between response proportions and the nominal (programmed) reinforcement proportions. When the difference between response and reinforcement proportions met the deviation requirement, the light was white and responses were eligible for reinforcement. When the difference between response and reinforcement proportions failed to exceed the deviation requirement, the light was blue and responses were not eligible for reinforcement. With the addition of the light, it proved to be possible to shape deviations from matching without any apparent limit. Thus, in Experiment 2 overall reinforcement rate predicted choice proportions and relative reinforcement rate did not. In contrast, in previous experiments on the relationship between matching and overall reinforcement maximization, relative reinforcement rate was usually the better predictor of responding. The results show that whether overall or relative reinforcement rate better predicts choice proportions may in part be determined by stimulus conditions.  相似文献   

Four rats were exposed to variable-interval schedules specifying a range of different reinforcement frequencies. The effects of two doses of d-amphetamine (1.6 and 3.2 mumol/kg) upon performance maintained under each schedule were examined. In the case of each rat, the response rates observed under control conditions (no injection or injection of the vehicle alone) were increasing, negatively accelerated functions of reinforcement frequency, the data conforming closely to Herrnstein's (1970) equation. In each rat, d-amphetamine (3.2 mumol/kg) significantly reduced the value of the constant Rmax, which expresses the theoretical maximum response rate. In each rat, the value of KH, which expresses the reinforcement frequency needed to obtain the half-maximal response rate, was also reduced, although this only achieved statistical significance in the case of one rat. When the proportional change in response rate in the presence of the drug was plotted against the response rate under control conditions on double logarithmic co-ordinates, linear functions of negative slope were obtained; in each rat the slope was steeper and the value of the control response rate at which d-amphetamine exerted no effect was lower in the case of the higher dose (3.2 mumol/kg) than in the case of the lower dose (1.6 mumol/kg).  相似文献   

Choice: Some quantitative relations   总被引:13,自引:13,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Six pigeons responded in fifty-six conditions on a concurrent-chains procedure. Conditions included several with equal initial links and unequal terminal links, several with unequal initial links and equal terminal links, and several with both unequal initial and terminal links. Although the delay-reduction hypothesis accounted well for choice when the initial links were equal (mean deviation of .04), it fit the data poorly when the initial links were unequal (mean deviation of .18). A modification of the delay-reduction hypothesis, replacing the rates of reinforcement with the square roots of these rates, fit the data better than either the unmodified delay-reduction equation or Killeen's (1982) model. The modified delay-reduction equation was also consistent with data from prior studies using concurrent chains. The absolute rates of responding in each terminal link were well described by the same hyperbola (Herrnstein, 1970) that describes response rates on simple interval schedules.  相似文献   

Three pigeons responded on two-component chain schedules in which the required response topography in the initial and terminal links was similar (a homogeneous chain) or dissimilar (a heterogeneous chain). Key-peck responding in the initial link under a variable-interval 60-second (VI 60) schedule produced a terminal link in which, in different conditions, either key pecking or foot treadling was reinforced according to a VI 60 schedule. Multiple VI 60 VI 60 schedules, in which the responses required in the chain schedules were maintained by primary reinforcement in the two components, preceded and followed each type of chain. These multiple schedules were used to ensure that both responses occurred reliably prior to introducing the chain schedule. Key-peck response rates in the initial link of the chain consistently were higher during the homogeneous chain than during the heterogeneous chain. These results illustrate that intervening events during a period separating an operant response from primary reinforcement influence that operant, independently of the delay between the response and reinforcement.  相似文献   

Six male Wistar rats were exposed to different orders of reinforcement schedules to investigate if estimates from Herrnstein's (1970) single-operant matching law equation would vary systematically with schedule order. Reinforcement schedules were arranged in orders of increasing and decreasing reinforcement rate. Subsequently, all rats were exposed to a single reinforcement schedule within a session to determine within-session changes in responding. For each condition, the operant was lever pressing and the reinforcing consequence was the opportunity to run for 15 s. Estimates of k and R(O) were higher when reinforcement schedules were arranged in order of increasing reinforcement rate. Within a session on a single reinforcement schedule, response rates increased between the beginning and the end of a session. A positive correlation between the difference in parameters between schedule orders and the difference in response rates within a session suggests that the within-session change in response rates may be related to the difference in the asymptotes. These results call into question the validity of parameter estimates from Herrnstein's (1970) equation when reinforcer efficacy changes within a session.  相似文献   

Progressive-interval performances are described using measures that have proven to be successful in the analysis of fixed-interval responding. Five rats were trained with schedules in which the durations of consecutive intervals increased arithmetically as each interval was completed (either 6-s or 12-s steps for different subjects). The response patterns that emerged with extended training (90 sessions) indicated that performances had come under temporal control. Postreinforcement pausing increased as a function of the interval duration, the pauses were proportional to the prevailing duration, and the likelihood of the first response within an interval increased as the interval elapsed. To assess the resistance of these patterns to disruption, subjects were trained with a schedule that generated high response rates and short pauses (variable ratio). When the progressive-interval schedule was reinstated, pausing was attenuated and rates were elevated, but performances reverted to earlier patterns with continued exposure. The results indicated that temporal control by progressive-interval schedules, although slow to develop, is similar in many respects to that for fixed-interval schedules.  相似文献   

Three pigeons responded for food reinforcement on multiple variable-interval schedules in which the total consumption of food was entirely determined by the subjects' interaction with the schedules (a closed economy). The finding of overmatching, where response allocation between components is more extreme than the distribution of reinforcers, was reconfirmed. Generalized-matching sensitivity decreased from overmatching to undermatching values typical of conventional multiple schedules when food deprivation was increased by decreasing session duration, but not when deprivation was increased by decreasing overall reinforcer rate. Sensitivity also increased from undermatching to overmatching as session duration increased from 100 min to 24 hr, while deprivation was held constant by decreasing overall reinforcer rate. These results can be understood in terms of increases in the value of extraneous reinforcers relative to food reinforcers as deprivation decreases or as the economy for extraneous reinforcers becomes more closed. However, no published quantitative expression of the effects of extraneous reinforcers is entirely consistent with the results.  相似文献   

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