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Speech scientists have long proposed that formant exaggeration in infant-directed speech plays an important role in language acquisition. This event-related potential (ERP) study investigated neural coding of formant-exaggerated speech in 6-12-month-old infants. Two synthetic /i/ vowels were presented in alternating blocks to test the effects of formant exaggeration. ERP waveform analysis showed significantly enhanced N250 for formant exaggeration, which was more prominent in the right hemisphere than the left. Time-frequency analysis indicated increased neural synchronization for processing formant-exaggerated speech in the delta band at frontal-central-parietal electrode sites as well as in the theta band at frontal-central sites. Minimum norm estimates further revealed a bilateral temporal-parietal-frontal neural network in the infant brain sensitive to formant exaggeration. Collectively, these results provide the first evidence that formant expansion in infant-directed speech enhances neural activities for phonetic encoding and language learning.  相似文献   

Experts in infant health and development consider the rooting reflex a cue of a baby's hunger and recommend feeding the infant when this reflex occurs. However, the relation between rooting and infant feeding status has not been well established in the literature. In the current study, seven parents documented the occurrence of their newborns' rooting, crying, and a control reflex (palmar grasp) before, after, and between naturally occurring feedings. For all participants, rooting occurred during a greater percentage of reflex checks prior to feedings, whereas the palmar grasp occurred during a similar percentage of checks across these time periods. These results provide empirical support for the rooting reflex as a feeding cue. However, data for only one dyad suggested a high probability of the rooting reflex occurring without crying during prefeeding checks. Thus, our data do not provide evidence that feeding in response to the rooting reflex would preempt infant crying.  相似文献   

An observational technique for reliably estimating the per cent of time a student engages in appropriate and inappropriate classroom behavior is described. The regular classroom teacher can utilize the procedure without deviating from regular routine, and the obtained data can serve as a basis for dispensing token reinforcement.  相似文献   

COMREY AL 《Psychometrika》1950,15(3):317-325
A method of ratio scaling is described for treating comparative judgments of paired stimuli. A method of comparative judgment developed by Metfessel is employed. Formulas for scale values and the solution of a sample problem are provided. The method is designed to provide internal-consistency checks on the scale values. Experimental interpretations of equal-unit and ratio properties of measurement scales are inherent in the procedure.The author wishes to express his appreciation to Professor J. P. Guilford for his helpful comments and encouragement in connection with the preparation of this article.  相似文献   

In a masked priming procedure manipulating orthographic neighbourhood size, the priming word activates a number of word candidates of which the target could be one. Whether the target is one of the candidates or not determines how quickly it is recognised. However, the efficiency of lexical processing may be markedly less if all possible candidates are activated. One solution to this problem is if the visual system uses prime length information to reduce the number of candidates to a more manageable amount. Here, we investigated in two masked priming experiments whether prime length and orthographic information combine to facilitate target word recognition. In Experiment 1, we showed that the efficiency of visual word recognition is not influenced by the length of primes alone. However, when combined with orthographically related primes, word length coding is preserved. In Experiment 2, we investigated whether length priming affects recognition of short and long words differently. Results showed that only short words benefit from a same-length orthographically related prime, and that the priming effect does not generalise to longer words. These results suggest that the length of a word is not an essential feature in lexical processing, but that it can facilitate recognition by constraining the activation of orthographically related words.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and assessment of a coding scheme for finding both usability and fun problems through observations of young children playing computer games during user tests. The proposed coding scheme is based on an existing list of breakdown indication types of the detailed video analysis method (DEVAN). This method was developed to detect usability problems in task-based products for adults. However, the new coding scheme for children's computer games takes into account that in games, fun, in addition to usability, is an important factor and that children behave differently from adults. Therefore, the proposed coding scheme uses 8 of the 14 original breakdown indications and has 7 new indications. The article first discusses the development of the new coding scheme. Subsequently, the article describes the reliability assessment of the coding scheme. The any-two agreement measure of 38.5% shows that thresholds for when certain user behavior is worth coding will be different for different evaluators. However, the any-two agreement of .92 for a fixed list of observation points shows that the distinction between the available codes is clear to most evaluators. Finally, a pilot study shows that training can increase any-two agreement considerably by decreasing the number of unique observations, in comparison with the number of agreed upon observations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of maternal polydrug cocaine use during pregnancy and associated risk factors such as maternal psychopathology and negative infant temperament on the quality of mother–infant feeding interactions at 2 months of infant age. Participants were 45 mother–infant dyads (19 cocaine‐exposed and 26 nonexposed) who were recruited at birth and assessed again 2 months of infant age. Mother–infant interactions during feeding were videotaped and coded with regard to dyadic reciprocity, maternal noncontingency, and dyadic conflict. Results indicated that maternal cocaine use was associated with higher dyadic conflict. Moreover, cocaine‐using mothers were also more likely to use marijuana and alcohol, and use of such substances was associated with lower dyadic reciprocity and higher maternal noncontingency during interactions. Results also suggested that one pathway to higher dyadic conflict during interactions among cocaine‐using mothers was through the impact of cocaine on infant risk conditions like lower gestational age and negative temperament (e.g., higher distress to novelty). Interventions focusing on promoting the quality of mother–infant interactions in combination with substance abuse treatment may be especially promising for this population. ©2001 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.  相似文献   

A conceptualization of psychosomatic distress during pregnancy is suggested, stemming from a developmental psychopathology framework and based on contributions from the psychosomatic and attachment literature. A link is suggested between psychosomatic distress during pregnancy, patterns of representational activity, and transgenerational risks of relationship disturbances. Developmental transformations during pregnancy are reviewed, with an emphasis on the vicissitudes of integrating internalized relationships with a person's family of origin. Psychosomatic theory is used to generate hypotheses about the representational activity of mothers who experience psychosomatic distress during pregnancy. Attachment theory is used to discuss the link between maternal representational activity and the transgenerational transmission of relationship patterns. As an example of psychosomatic distress during pregnancy, relevant literature on severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is reviewed, and clinical vignettes are presented to illustrate how this condition may sometimes be a forerunner of mother-infant difficulties.  相似文献   

Infant looking-time paradigms often use specialized software for real time manual coding of infant gaze. Here, I introduce PyHab, the first open-source looking-time coding and stimulus presentation solution designed specifically with open science in mind. PyHab is built on the libraries of PsychoPy (Peirce, 2007). PyHab has its own graphical interface for building studies and requires no programming experience to use. When creating a study, PyHab saves a folder that contains all of the code required to run the study and all of the stimuli, making each experiment a self-contained, easily shared package. This feature guarantees the ability to replicate a PyHab experiment exactly as it was run. PyHab also has several features designed to support rigorous methodology, such as experimenter blinding and automatic stimulus control. In addition, because it is open-source, PyHab can be modified and improved not only by its developer but by anyone who knows Python.  相似文献   

Infant vocal behaviors are extremely complex. Consequently, coding these behaviors is difficult and is typically associated with low reliability across observers. Various difficulties that arise when dealing with prelinguistic vocalizations, especially in the first 6 months of life, are outlined here. A proposed database of digitized infant vocalizations that illustrates strategies used to deal with these difficulties is then described. These strategies are based on theoretical infraphonological constructs, empirical observations, and information about the nature of mature phonological systems. Furthermore, the strategies are open-ended and can be modified as new information becomes available regarding infant vocal behaviors. At present, a preliminary database is available on the Web that illustrates some of these strategies. As the database is expanded, it is expected to provide a general framework for observers to categorize infant vocalizations and thereby enhance observer reliability.  相似文献   

A coding system for MMPI profile classification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper discusses suicide care as a core curriculum component of psychiatry residency. The reasons for formal conceptualization of suicide care education are discussed, and a model curriculum is offered. The model is in no way intended to be restrictive, but is offered as a reference point for residency programs to compare their own activities in this important area of psychiatry. The paper grew from discussion of this topic in the Core Curriculum Committee of the American Association Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training.  相似文献   

Subjects were required to recall lists of six words which had been presented visually in sequence. One or two of the words might be plural nouns. A substantial number of errors occurred in which the plural form became detached from its original root. This is taken as evidence for a morpheme-based code as opposed to a unitary word code. A significantly high proportion of these errors maintained the form of the plural ( /S/, /Z/ or (ЪZ/) which is considered evidence for a primarily phonological coding of the plural morpheme. There is however a suggestion that on some occasions the plural is coded morphemically—i.e., in a way which does not distinguish between the various plural endings.  相似文献   

A new thematic (TAT) measure of intimacy motivation was developed and cross-validated in four separate arousal studies using three different college populations. A brief sketch of the derived thematic scoring system for intimacy motivation was presented. The goal state of the intimacy motive was defined as experiencing a warm, close, and communicative exchange with another person. In a college sample, subjects scoring high on the intimacy motive were rated by friends and acquaintances as significantly more “warm,” “natural,” “sincere,” “loving,” and “appreciative” and less “dominant,” “outspoken,” and “self-centered” than subjects scoring lower. The results were discussed in terms of the theories of Sullivan on the need for interpersonal intimacy, Maslow on growth motivation and “B-love,” Bakan on communion, and Buber on the I-Thou relation. Differences between the new coding system and the need for Affiliation (n Aff) system for scoring imaginative productions were also suggested.  相似文献   

A Web-based coding application was designed to improve coding efficiency and to provide a systematic means of evaluating responses to open-ended assessments. The system was developed for use by multiple raters to assign open-ended responses to predetermined categories. The application provides a software environment for efficiently supervising the work of coders and evaluating the quality of the coding by (1) systematically presenting open-ended responses to coders, (2) tracking each coder’s categorized responses, and (3) assessing interrater consistency at any time in order to identify coders in need of further training. In addition, the application can be set to automatically assign repeated responses to categories previously identified as appropriate for those responses. To evaluate the efficacy of the coding application and to determine the statistical reliability of coding open-ended data within this application, we examined data from two empirical studies. The results demonstrated substantial interrater agreement on items assigned to various categories across free and controlled association tasks. Overall, this new coding application provides a feasible method of reliably coding open-ended data and makes the task of coding these data more manageable.  相似文献   

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