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Combined group and individual treatment by the same therapist is recommended for borderline and narcissistic patients. Modified psychoanalytic therapy that systematically focuses on aggressive drive derivatives and differentiates libidinal from aggressive components of self and object representations, and pregenital from genital condensed instinctual aims, is outlined. The group setting allows patients to observe and experience social and interpersonal behavior and indirectly to work through transference resistance and splitting. Innovative techniques focusing on the body, imagery dimensions, and serial role-playing are suggested. The complementary and reciprocal relationship between individual and group treatment focuses on discovery of the authentic self.  相似文献   

The influential Miller-Mowrer theory of fear and avoidance served well for over 30 years, but the need for revisions is now irresistible. The evidence in support of the first part of the theory, the conditioned acquisition of fear, is reviewed briefly and the major weaknesses of the theory are identified. The insufficiency of the second part of the theory, which deals with the persistence of avoidance behavior, is noted. Six emerging themes and theories of anxiety are described and briefly compared: Lang's bioinformational theory, Gray's neuropsychological theory, Beck's cognitive theory, Eysenk's neobehavioristic theory, emotional processing, and Bandura's self-efficacy theory. Attention is given to the 3 pathways to fear acquisition hypothesis, and to the role of safety signals in maintaining avoidance behavior. This subject is undergoing a period of healthy ferment, and significant advances in understanding can be expected to occur in the near future.  相似文献   

This article explores several examples of bullying in psychoanalytic training (often candidates bullied by faculty, but at times faculty bullied by candidates, or mutual bullying among candidates) and within psychoanalytic societies. It proposes that this may happen both in homogeneous groups (where individuals seen as disloyal to the common views may be harassed) and in heterogeneous groups (where theoretical disagreements and competition may deteriorate). Interpretations outside the consulting room (and in some instances even within an analytic setting) may become a subtle form of bullying. Although many professional and political groups may exhibit subtle and rationalized forms of bullying, their impact is more powerful in psychoanalytic groups on the background of transference–countertransference feelings originating in members' personal analyses with other members. A readiness to expose and discuss such episodes is crucial if we wish to reduce their destructive influence in training and in subsequent relations among analytic colleagues.  相似文献   

The rise of language occurs simultaneously in the life of a very young child with the capacity to form self-identity. For this reason, specific characteristics of a person's subsequent use of language may facilitate recognition of factors that were significant to ego formation. Affective memories are laid down in this process and fixed for ego-management. Bower (1981) elegantly demonstrated how a whole nexus of affective memories can be elicited when a specific key association is activated. In two case illustrations, psychoanalytic treatment was facilitated by use of key verbal associations. In both cases, these associations proved to be inwardly permissible because they were based on forms linked to developmental levels rather than the content of what was being expressed.  相似文献   

Dual-process theories have gained increasing importance in psychology. The contrast that they describe between an old intuitive and a new deliberative mind seems to make these theories especially suited to account for development. Accordingly, this special issue aims at presenting the latest applications of dual-process theories to cognitive development. Dual-process theoreticians mainly focused on adult functioning have been invited to elaborate the developmental implications of their theory, while developmental psychologists who have proposed dual-process theories of development in the domain of thinking and reasoning present the most recent formulation of their theory and review supporting empirical evidence.  相似文献   

Writers identified with the interpersonal psychoanalytic tradition are primarily responsible for initiating the relational turn in psychoanalysis: the evolution from an objectivist one-person model of analytic praxis to that of an intersubjective, two-person paradigm. The two papers discussed here focus on two qualities in the analyst—curiosity and spontaneity—and how these elements of the analyst's subjectivity have helped lead to a potential enrichment of patients’ responsivity to analytic engagement.  相似文献   

Tensions between modernism and postmodernism in psychoanalytic theory and practice are evident in the allegedly “postmodern” view of subjectivity as not unified but plural. Suggesting that a thoroughgoing postmodern clinical practice does not exist at present, I distinguish between U. S. and European models of the postmodern multiple subject and between modern and postmodern varieties of pluralism in the current psychoanalytic theorization of subjectivity in this country, proposing that all such pluralist theories are in fact mixed models. I argue that these theories do not reflect objective, essential traits of selfhood but are complexly shaped by the cultural presuppositions and intrapsychic needs of the analyst; hence attempts to theorize subjectivity with reference to science (including developmental schemas) are problematic. Because a thoroughgoing postmodern pluralism cannot accommodate such concepts as agency and authenticity or a coherent narrative of the treatment process, clinical psychoanalysis, at least at present, inevitably includes major elements of the modernist approach, in which subjectivity is seen as unified. At this time of paradigm shift between modernism and postmodernism, therefore, it is important that pluralists decenter from their theories and respect the continuing influence of modernism on psychoanalytic theory and practice.  相似文献   

The psychoanalytic theory of motivation needs to be recast in a vitalistic holistic (holographic) language that liberates it from its constraints to the drives and expresses that it constitutes an indivisible function of being- and continuing to being-alive. In the development of his thesis the author retraces the history of Freud's acquaintance with the idea and points out that Freud required a theory of unconscious motivation or intentionality to account for the creation of unconscious phantasies–and ultimately for psychic determinism. Psychic determinism became the template for the concept of psychic responsibility.

The author attempts to place the concept of motivation into the more all-inclusive and more vitalistic notion of entelechy so as to express its more holographic and numinous nature. A discussion of the relationship between motivation and its associated entities is made. These include volition, will, intentionality, agency, and autochthony. It is pointed out that motivation can be considered to be holographic in so far as one can consider the whole individual to be motivated, but along side this consideration one sees motivation within each portion of the psychic apparatus and also with each internal object. A case history is presented which demonstrates abulia (absence of motivation).  相似文献   

Dual-process theories have become increasingly influential in the psychology of reasoning. Though the distinction they introduced between intuitive and reflective thinking should have strong developmental implications, the developmental approach has rarely been used to refine or test these theories. In this article, I review several contemporary dual-process accounts of conditional reasoning that theorize the distinction between the two systems of reasoning as a contrast between heuristic and analytic processes, probabilistic and mental model reasoning, or emphasize the role of metacognitive processes in reflective reasoning. These theories are evaluated in the light of the main developmental findings. It is argued that a proper account of developmental phenomena requires the integration of the main strengths of these three approaches. I propose such an integrative theory of conditional understanding and argue that the modern dual-process framework could benefit from earlier contributions that made the same distinction between intuition and reflective thinking, such as Piaget’s theory.  相似文献   

This paper will explore parallels between Eucharistic and psychoanalytic transformation. Its objective will, in part, challenge the assumption that Eucharist constitutes a concrete and material reality, insular and devoid of symbolism; indeed, offering similarities to the psychoanalytic concept symbolic equation. It will be argued that Eucharist must be understood in context to its transformation within the community of believers, a relationship that offers accord to the transformation within the psychoanalytic relationship. Moreover, parallels between ultimate truth and divine mystery will be examined using the Bionian concept O.  相似文献   

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