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陶君 《中国道教》2004,(1):18-21
《史记·老子韩非列传》云:庄子之学无所不窥,“然其要本归于老子之言”,最早指明了庄子学派的思想渊源在于老子。可以说,庄学对于老子思想的继承表现为体系上的继承。庄子学派思想学说体系的核心,即自然无为的理论,便是从老子那里传下来的,即与老子天道自然无为的学说有着直接的渊源传承关系。但庄子之学又是独立的,这是因为庄子学派在继承的基础上进行了很大的加工和发展,从而建立起自己独特的理论体系,而与老子思想学说有着某些明显的不同。一老子的哲学是自然哲学,老子是自然学说的创始人。他通过对于天地万物的发展变化等自然规律以及…  相似文献   

《韩非子》诸多篇章受到《老子》思想的深刻影响,这不仅体现为其对《老子》语句的直接引用或化用,也体现为《韩非子》诸篇结合具体历史事件对《老子》的文本给予例证和诠释,从而使得《老子》所阐述的抽象原理下贯于现实政治层面。在道物结构方面,《韩非子》否定了万物先天和谐的“自然”状态,由此,它否认了统治者的普遍贤能,洞察到“臣”的政治角色所发挥的重要作用。《韩非子》强调“臣道”应“顺上之所为”,从而将“下必有为为天下用”的“臣道有为”思想诠释为“臣道无为”。在《韩非子》中,作为“臣道无为”标准的“法”与“术”,一方面脱离了《老子》的“智”的范畴,成为了具有神圣意义的政治观念;另一方面又与“无为”关联,成为君主“无不为”的治理手段。《韩非子》对《老子》的诠释,不仅体现了法家哲学对“臣道”问题的关注,也反映了“臣道”观念在战国中晚期的凸显。  相似文献   

导言:"物化"释义"物化"作为一个单独的词在《庄子》中只出现过三次,分别存于《齐物论》、《天道》、《刻意》中。昔者庄周梦为蝴蝶,栩栩然蝴蝶也,自喻适志与!不知周也。俄然觉,则蘧蘧然周也。不知周之梦为蝴蝶与,蝴蝶之梦为周与?周与蝴蝶,则必有分矣。此之谓"物化"。(《齐物论》)  相似文献   

黄克剑 《哲学研究》2012,(7):19-26,128
<正>《老子》第一章是老子"道"论的总纲,也可视为整部《老子》的眼目。"道"("恒道")由此而定其所导,"名"("恒名")由此而明其所谓;老子之属意,于此可窥其大略。自《韩非子》以至于汉魏以降,《老子》注疏之众不可胜数,而诸注之意境则大都可从其对于第一章的诠释判别高下。今以帛书《老子》为底本,参酌世传碑、刻、注本,于前贤思绎之未尽处对《老子》第一章再作申解,以期寻取"众眇"所通而我心所契的玄理之门。或有未当,方家正焉。  相似文献   

庄子无待无累精神境界是一种至高的审美状态,它贯穿于中国古典艺术作品中,形成独特的气韵。把握这种状态,对当代美学的建构意义重大。以往论著有关无待无累精神境界的阐释,大多是从坐志、心斋、体道、齐物、消遥、自然、无为游等角度论述。笔者认为,要理解庄子无待无累的精神境界,抓住庄子的无情和以物观物是关键。  相似文献   

白奚 《哲学研究》2015,(2):28-34,127
本文提出和详细论证了汉简本《老子》首章的"下德为之而无以为"应是《老子》旧貌的观点,并通过对王弼注文的研究详细论证了其经文本应亦作"下德为之而无以为",而传抄致误为"有以为"。汉简本首章的思想脉络十分清晰,阐明了道家关于德的基本思想,揭示了道家式的德同儒家式的德的差异:"上德"是道家式的德,体现了"自然无为"的道家精神;"下德"(包括仁、义、礼等具体内容)是儒家式的德,它们与"自然无为"的标准相违且渐行渐远。因而以"自然""自发"为特征的道家式的德在价值上要高于以"自觉"为特征的儒家式的德。  相似文献   

《庄子》的思想主题是“游”,其实质是“心”游于“道”。具体来说,涵盖了三个方面,一是真心的内涵,即以“道”为“心”;二是真心的修养,重在养生与虚心;三是真心修养所达到的“见独”境界。  相似文献   

庄子由老子对道的客观实体性的强调转入对精神性的阐发,讨论了美、真与道的关系,并提出了道境和体道的人的概念。他指出人要顺应自然之真,从而获得美,才能达到人生无限自由之道境。  相似文献   

庄子做为我国先秦时代著名思想家、文学家和神学家 ,他继承和发展了老子的道统思想独树一帜 ,为我国浪漫主义的始祖和先驱 ,也是中国哲学史上一颗璀璨的明星。庄子犹如君 ,临高山 ,俯瞰环世 ,超脱世俗。他的文章汪洋恣肆 ,他心胸豁达、意境深远 ,通天地之统 ,序万物之性 ,达死生之变 ,而明内圣外王之道。其言宏绰 ,其旨玄妙 ,远非下士所闻所悟。《庄子》分内篇、外篇、杂篇。内篇明于理本 ,外篇语其事迹 ,杂篇明于理事 ,是一本囊括天地的道家经典著作之一。这部书对今天的影响也是极其深远的 ,具有很高的思想价值。多年来史学界就庄子哲学体…  相似文献   

庄子“道”论对后世的影响深远,魏晋玄学中的“贵无”到“崇有”到“独化”论的演化是老庄运思方式的再续,佛教禅宗的“禅”的思维进路近于庄子之“道”的模式,宋明理学的“理”的内涵是对庄子“道”论的借鉴,是一种文化潜流。  相似文献   

A critical discussion of Bernard Reginster's book The Will to Nothingness. The contribution engages with Reginster's interpretation of Nietzschean ressentiment, arguing that it is an essentially interpersonal attitude in two different senses. It is a response to a social situation of structural deprivation, and it involves an element of antagonism toward those who are better off within this social structure. The contribution then discusses Reginster's claim that modern morality restores the sense of power of the masses by adjusting the goals that they aim to pursue. I argue that this interesting interpretation does not do full justice to the themes of hostility or hatred that permeate the Genealogy of Morals, extending from Nietzsche's discussion of the slave revolt to his treatments of the bad conscience and of ascetic ideals.  相似文献   

Several distinguished philosophers have argued that since the state of affairs where nothing exists is the simplest and least arbitrary of all cosmological possibilities, we have reason to be surprised that there is in fact a non-empty universe. We review this traditional argument, and defend it against two recent criticisms put forward by Peter van Inwagen and Derek Parfit. Finally, we argue that the traditional argument nevertheless needs reformulation, and that the cogency of the reformulated argument depends partly on whether there are certain conceptual limitations to what a person can hypothetically doubt.  相似文献   

作为一个现代性反思的概念,"物化"应予以细分。分别对应Verdinglichung和Versachlichung的是"物化"与"物象化"("事化")。"物象化"("事化")是切入问题的关键,它意味着制度愈来愈成熟、规范、严格、见事(物)不见人。是着眼于其效率的提高还是对个性的压抑?无论如何,立场的选取,相应的认知方式,都会驱使"虚无"问题的呈现。"虚无主义"意味着一种现代化的方案,意味着一种整合各种价值的雄心,一种整体地把握世界的冲动,更意味着难以割舍的主体性立场。这个主体性立场规定着谈论"物化"与"虚无"的基本边界。  相似文献   

While the genesis of self-awareness at approximately 18 months old is a dramatic landmark in human development, there is at this stage no explicit awareness on the toddler's part of his/her truly standing apart from others. Only much later does a distinct sense of self shift into focus, and here Sartre provides us with a compelling theory of a first reflective experience of self-awareness. He explains this phenomenon by emphasizing a violent shift in ontological status, one in which the pre-adolescent child is precipitated from functional unity with a primary caregiver to an individuated state involving self-awareness as privative, i.e. where the child becomes aware of existing only in the form of not-being-the-adult. For Sartre this new experience of self is not therefore positive but rather formal or empty; there has in fact been a psychic transition, from being to nothingness. In addition, Sartre also states that all children first explicitly experience themselves in this fashion. These claims find support in the work of developmental psychologist Margaret Mahler. In fact, in spite of the vast developmental discrepancies between toddler and pre-adolescent child, given the appropriate environmental triggers privative subjectivity will be shown to involve a regression to the much earlier rapprochement stage of development described by Mahler.  相似文献   

In this article, I unmoor the concept of heresy from its religious, technical roots, using the metaphor heresies of the heart to depict the psychological and theological dynamics of the human proclivity to rely on the idea of Truth to alienate, depersonalize, and coerce other human beings. Using the concepts of the personal mode of existence and emotional intelligence, I define heresies of the heart as comprising (a) those emotional attitudes that involve the transformation of insecurity and anxiety into hostility and hatred toward the Other, (b) recognition and treatment of the Other as less than a person, and (c) unquestionable beliefs regarding one’s truth and the certainty of one’s innocence. Theologically, heresies of the heart signify the presence of idolatry, which is a type of bad faith that involves the use of a contingent object to contain anxiety by transforming it into hostility toward the Other.  相似文献   

本论文集中探讨柏拉图哲学中的Notbeing概念。这个概念在“虚无”和“虚假”这两个语义之间的混淆使得柏拉图的哲学论证在多个场合出现困难。首先,它反映在《国家》第五卷中关于“意见”(doxa)的对象问题上;然后,它出现在《泰阿泰德》中在关于“虚假的意见”之可能性问题上;最后,在《智者》中,柏拉图试图彻底澄清这个问题,并最终以他特有的方式解释了Notbeing的“本性”。  相似文献   


Henri Bergson's philosophy, which Sartre studied as a student, had a profound but largely neglected influence on his thinking. In this paper I focus on the new light that recognition of this influence throws on Sartre's central argument about the relationship between negation and nothingness in his Being and Nothingness. Sartre's argument is in part a response to Bergson's dismissive, eliminativist account of nothingness in Creative Evolution (1907): the objections to the concept of nothingness with which Sartre engages are precisely those raised by Bergson. Even if Sartre's account of nothingness in its entirety is found to be flawed, I argue that the points he makes specifically against Bergson are powerful.

My discussion concludes with a brief examination of the wider philosophical background to Sartre's and Bergson's discussion of nothingness: here I point to some important aspects of Sartre's early philosophy, including some features of his conception of nothingness, that may testify to Bergson's positive influence on his thought.  相似文献   

病因观是道教养生学的中心议题,本文从自然环境、社会环境因素、个人先天和后天因素等方面,细致剖析富有道教特色的病因观,并据此指出世人应当协调与自然环境和社会环境的关系,适时适地保护自身健康;提倡培育良好的生活方式,通过后天努力弥补先天不足.  相似文献   

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