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S mith , G. J. W. Differentiation of psychotic subjects by means of the metacontrast technique. Scad. J. Psychol ., 1968, 9, 3–44.—Sixtyeight psychotic patients tested with the meta-contrast technique (MCT) were divided in six sub-groups according to focal symptoms. Many sub-groups clearly differed with respect to MCT results. In the schizophrenic groups serial discontinuity due to regression was particularly prominent; in the paranoid, non-schizophrenic groups, marked subliminal influence on the frame percept plus other signs of projection. The meaning of psychotic color responses to black-and-white stimuli was also discussed.  相似文献   

S mith , G. J. W., and J ohnson , G. The stability of pathologic signs in the perceptual process as revealed by a serial tachistoscopic experiment. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2, 142–148.—The study demonstrates high inter-rater and inter-set consistency in a serial tachistoscopic experiment utilizing pairwise presentations of stimuli A and B, B being presented at constant time levels, A at gradually increasing ones. Two parallel sets contain two series each. In one series A is incongruent with B, in another a threat directed against B. Fifty psychiatric patients are given the two sets with a one-day interval. Reports of change in A and B during the micro-genesis of A are scored in the dimensions of repression, isolation, projection, and depression.  相似文献   

内侧颞叶系统在知觉启动中的作用及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以ll例内侧颞叶(MTL)损伤病人为被试,探讨MTL与知觉启动的关系及其内在机制。被试依次完成学习颜色词、快速词命名和再认任务。在实验l的词命名中包括旧词、重组颜色词和新词,结果表明,MTL损伤病人没有表现出旧词的命名时间短于重组颜色词的现象,颜色启动效应受损,其再认成绩也低于正常被试。但是当用新颜色词代替重组颜色词后(实验2),MTL损伤病人读旧词的时间明显短于新颜色词,颜色启动与正常对照组之间没有明显差别,但他们的再认成绩仍比对照组低。这表明,当任务要求被试加工项目与其特性之间的关系时(词与颜色),MTL损伤对启动效应会有影响,提示MTL在一些形式的知觉启动中起重要作用。  相似文献   

动态视觉加工与儿童汉字阅读   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
使用视觉阈限测验、图片命名、字形相似性判断实验和语音意识等测验 ,考察了小学五年级儿童视觉加工技能与汉字阅读之间的关系。结果发现 :动态视觉加工与图片命名错误率、字形判断反应时和错误率、语音意识均有显著相关 ,静态视觉加工只与图片命名错误率相关显著 ;控制识字量后的偏相关分析显示 ,动态视觉加工与其他变量的相关关系不变 ,静态视觉加工与图片命名错误率的相关不再显著 ;回归分析发现动态视觉加工在识字量和语音意识的影响控制后 ,能够分别解释阅读流畅性、字形判断反应时和图片命名错误率 7%、2 5 %和 5 6 %的变化 ;语音意识能够解释识字量和阅读流畅性 9%和 10 %的变化 ;对差读者的动态视觉加工和语音意识分析发现 ,儿童在这两种测验上的个体差异很大。上述结果表明 ,阅读过程受基本知觉技能影响 ,动态视觉加工作用于汉字阅读的特定过程。  相似文献   

知觉启动与语义启动神经机制的研究是内隐记忆神经机制研究的两条重要途径。本文介绍了内隐记忆神经机制的研究途径之一:知觉启动神经机制的研究进展情况,并对研究中存在的问题及解决方法提出建议。  相似文献   

本文选择了聋哑右利儿童113人和正常右利儿童133人,用八种书写方式书写八个汉字和阿拉伯数字1-10。结果表明;聋哑一年级学生出现的镜像书写人均人次比正常幼儿园儿童少,而其它年级间的比较则无显著性差异;聋哑9—10岁儿童比同年龄组的正常儿童所出现的镜像书写人次多,而在11—12岁组则无显著性差异。通过分析,提出了镜像书写可能存在两个关键期的假说,一是字体熟练程度的关键期,一般在受教育的最初1—2年;另一个是大脑对镜像书写的调节和控制关键期,一般在6岁左右。  相似文献   

防御机制的年龄、性别与文化差异   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本研究考察了生命全程中防御机制使用的年龄、性别和文化差异。被试年龄范围为10~86岁,其中美国被试为168人(男85人,女83人),中国大陆被试为156人(男76人,女80人)。本研究运用测验法对被试的防御机制进行测查,结果表明:不同文化背景下个体使用的防御机制有明显的差异,中国被试比美国被试更多地使用指向自我与理智化两种防御机制,更少使用指向他人与投射;同时防御机制的使用表现出显著的年龄特征,中老年被试比年轻被试较多使用反向而较少使用指向他人与投射;防御机制的使用还表现出显著的性别差异,女性比男性更多使用指向自我而更少使用反向。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of an intensive training program on the toothbrushing skills of three preschool children, using both performance measures and outcome (plaque level) indicators. Toothbrushing was broken into 16 steps that involved actual manipulation of the brush in the mouth. Correct brushing included four criteria: (a) appropriate angle of bristles, (b) appropriate motion of brush, (c) appropriate tooth surface, and (d) minimum duration of brushing. Training included instructions, a three-phase modeling procedure, physical guidance, and reinforcement. Results of a multiple baseline design across subjects showed that the children completed an average of 8.6% of the steps prior to training, as compared with an average of 95.8% of the steps following training. Plaque levels decreased from an average of 58% during baseline to 24.6% after training. Follow-up measures revealed that 86.6% of the steps were maintained. The study demonstrated that the effectiveness of the procedures in teaching very young children a complex motor skill that is essential to their future health.  相似文献   

N ielsen , H elle H. Human figure drawings by normal and physically handicapped children. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2 , 129–138.—Cerebral palsied children (spastic hemiplegia and paraplegia) were compared with normal children on nineteen formal variables of Draw-a-Person Test. Contrary to prediction, no differences were found between the experimental and matched control group, but one variable (Extremities lacking) was scored more frequently on hemiplegic than on paraplegic children. A comparison of the two groups showed that a significantly larger number of spastic drawings than normal drawings had a Goodenough IQ that was more than 10 points lower than their Binet IQ. A clinical psychologist, with much experience of figure drawings, sorted the drawings better than chance, only informed about age and IQ of the subject.  相似文献   

在静坐前后,测定23例经半年音乐静坐训练(实验组)和未经训练(对照组)的13岁少年的听觉失匹配负波(MMN)和P300。结果发现,实验组的MMN波幅和面积均比对照组显著增高.并且MMN变化发生在组间而不是一次静坐前后,但P300没有显著性变化。提示实验组的MMN效应是长期的而不是短时的;在本实验条件下评定正常人脑的某些认知功能.MMN是比P300更为灵敏的电生理学指标。  相似文献   

8—12岁超常与常态儿童的检测时比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究者采用两种视觉检测时任务,比较了8至12岁超常和常态儿童的检测时发展变化特点。结果发现:随着年龄的增长,超常组和常态组儿童的检测时都呈现出逐步减小的趋势,并且对于不同任务的检测时,两组儿童的发展速度不同,但均未表现出性别差异;在不同的年龄段和检测时任务中,超常组儿童的检测时均显著地快于常态组儿童。通过对两组儿童的检测时发展速率的比较还发现,儿童的检测时发展基本上不受学校知识或经验的影响。另外,两组儿童的检测时和智力测验分数之间都有中等程度的负相关。  相似文献   

Perception is shown in a block diagram which includes the instrumental errors in the sensing device, the transmission distortion in the nerves and the perceptual misjudgment in the high center. The perceptual misjudgment originates from the variation of comparison standards and the method of comparison, and would correspond to the mis-programming of the computer. A general mathematical formula for perception under the influence of various background stimuli is presented. The mechanism and equation for predicting the Ebbinghaus illusion are also presented.  相似文献   

本文观察了在不同情境下(闭目安静,倾听音乐和故事,以及完成校正改错测验时)正常和轻微脑功能障碍(简称MBD)儿童的脑电图特点。结果表明,当闭目安静,倾听音乐时,MBD儿童左侧半球的α均值显著低于正常儿童;当倾听故事时,其右侧半球的α均值低于正常儿童。在校正改错测验中MBD儿童的错误率高于正常儿童,在测验前和测验时的脑电图无明显差异;正常儿童测验前和测验中的脑电图有显著的差异。本文就上述结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

选取了122名3~12岁聋童,并分别用65名3~5岁的正常儿童作对照,开展了2个实验系列,探讨了儿童的正确信念、一级错误信念及二级错误信念认知的发展特点.结果如下: (1)聋童及正常儿童信念认知的发展过程中,无论是关于正确信念,还是关于一级错误信念,都是先发展自我信念认知,再发展他人信念认知;(2)关于正确信念、一级错误信念和二级错误信念认知的发展,聋童都比正常儿童滞后,但两者的发展趋势一致; (3)手语聋童在信念认知上略好于口语聋童; (4)父母为聋人或父母会手语的聋童,以及兄弟姐妹会手语的聋童,其信念认知水平要比其他聋童好.  相似文献   

超常与常态儿童的兴趣、动机与创造性思维的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
施建农  徐凡 《心理学报》1997,30(3):271-277
在超常儿童研究领域存在着许多争议的问题,超常儿童的智力与创造力的关系问题就是其中的一个。为了更好地解释超常儿童的创造力与智力的本质关系,我们曾提出了“创造性系统模型”。本研究的主要目的是进一步证实模型提出的假设。本研究以超常和常态儿童为被试对儿童的兴趣、动机与创造性思维的关系作了进一步的考察。结果发现:(1)超常儿童的图形、数字和实用创造性思维的流畅性和独创性成绩都明显高于常态儿童;(2)超常和常态儿童的创造性思维与兴趣、动机之间存在显著的相关;(3)兴趣和动机得分较高的被拭的创造性思维得分显著高于兴趣和动机得分较低的被试;(4)超常儿童中有相当部分处于低兴趣和低动机水平,而常态儿童中却有相当部分处于高兴趣和高动机水平。因此,本研究从一个侧面进一步支持了系统模型中提出的有关儿童创造性的假设  相似文献   

超常与常态儿童记忆和记忆组织的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
施建农 《心理学报》1990,23(2):17-24
本实验以超常儿童(20名,平均年龄为11岁2个月)和常态儿童(20名,平均年龄为11岁3个月)为被试,以数字和图形为实验材料对超常儿童和常态儿童的记忆和记忆组织特点和差异作了初步的比较研究。结果是;(1)超常儿童不仅在回忆量上比常态儿童优异,更主要的是在记忆速度和记忆组织上比常态儿童发展得更好;(2)儿童的记忆与记忆组织有密切相关,尤其是记忆速度与记忆组织之间有显著相关;(3)实验表明同时使用回忆量和记忆速度作为记忆成绩的指标更为合适,能更好地说明儿童记忆的特点。  相似文献   

韩凯  林仲贤 《心理学报》1983,16(3):88-94
本实验探讨了3—6岁学前儿童的视、触大小知觉的发展规律及视、触不同感觉道在大小知觉中的相互作用。结果表明:无论哪一个年龄组的儿童均以“视—视”条件的大小知觉结果最优,其次是“触—触”条件的结果,而“视—触”及“触—视”的结果均较差。本文结果否定了认为交叉感觉道(“视—触”、“触—视”)对大小知觉的辨别与单一感觉道(“视—视”,“触—触”)没有差异的看法。实验结果还表明了,学前儿童的视、触大小知觉有其发展变化的特点。单一感觉道(视—视”,“触—触”)的大小知觉的准确性随着年龄的增长而提高;交叉(不同)感觉道(“视—触”,“触—视”)的大小知觉的准确性在5岁阶段为高峰期,6岁后便开始有所下降。  相似文献   

Children aged 5–12, and adults from a rural area of Swaziland, along with urban based adults were assessed on their copying ability for a square orientated in two ways, squarely and obliquely; and under five different conditions. The children and rural adults experienced significant difficulties in copying the obliquely orientated shape, while the urban adults produced the shape without difficulty, although they all easily perceived the shapes and programmed the required movements. The results indicate that the process of planning the fine movements for drawing is learned, improves with age, and practice is necessary. Where planning is more complex, in the production and combination of oblique lines, it appears that the lack of practice in Swazi rural schools, and generally little requirement to use the skills, results in a delay of those particular drawing abilities.  相似文献   

采用“呈现随眼动变化技术”对高中二年级学生中文阅读的知觉广度进行了眼动研究。结果发现,高中二年级学生的阅读知觉广度具有不对称性,大约为注视点左侧一个或两个汉字到注视点右侧三个或四个汉字的空间;高中二年级学生在正常阅读中的眼跳距离约为三个汉字的空间,在连续注视的过程中知觉广度有较小范围的重叠。  相似文献   

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