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The duration of the aftereffect induced by viewing a rotating disc was recorded separately for the four hemiretinae of the left and right eyes using a new method of measurement. The results showed duration of aftereffect to differ between nasal and temporal hemiretinae of the right eye and between left and right cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

Grove PM  Ashida H  Kaneko H  Ono H 《Perception》2008,37(8):1152-1159
In previous psychophysical investigations it has been reported that the angular extent over which the human visual field is served by binocular neurons in the visual cortex is limited to the central 40 degrees. However, these reports have been primarily based on data collected with static stimuli. Here we extend this investigation to include dynamic stimuli. Interocular transfer of the rotary motion aftereffect (rMAE) was measured for three stimulus diameters: 5, 30, and 62 deg. Interocular transfer, expressed as a percentage of monocular adapt/test rMAE duration was significantly reduced for stimulus diameter of 62 deg relative to 30 and 5 deg diameters. Nevertheless, interocular transfer durations still comprised a significant percentage of same-eye adapt/test durations (46.9%), comparable to previous reports of transfer MAE durations in near-central vision. The spatial extent of binocular interaction is likely stimulus specific and is still appreciable in the far periphery for complex-motion stimuli.  相似文献   

In a correlational analysis impulsiveness (Imp), assessed by means of a questionnaire concerned with speed of judgment and decision making, was found to be negatively related to spiral aftereffect (SAE) duration. However, this relationship was present only in a sample of subjects with high neuroticism scores. In this group SAE duration was also positively related to debilitating anxiety. A parallel was seen between Imp and Heymans' “Secondary function,” a personality dimension which was similarly operationalized in a visual aftereffect experiment. Some other SAE correlates are also discussed.  相似文献   

Reaction times were obtained to the onset and offset of 70-cps electrocutaneous signals of five rise and decay times and five intensity levels. The results show that both onset and offset RTs increase linearly with increased rise and decay times. With fast rates of rise or decay, the onset produces faster RTs than the cessation of stimulation. The opposite effect is found when long rise and decay times are used. Interpretations of these results are given in terms of neural adaptation and accommodation.  相似文献   

Reaction times were obtained to the onset and offset of 70-cps electrocutaneous signals of five rise and decay times and five intensity levels. The results show that both onset and offset RTs increase linearly with increased rise and decay times. With fast rates of rise or decay, the onset produces faster RTs than the cessation of stimulation. The opposite effect is found when long rise and decay times are used. Interpretations of these results are given in terms of neural adaptation and accommodation.  相似文献   

Perceptual learning on inspection time and motion perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Perceptual learning on simple perceptual tasks is interpreted as plasticity of neuronal populations in the sensory cortex (M. Fahle & T. Poggio, 2002). The authors examined individual differences on perceptual learning for 2 tasks-inspection time (IT) and a motion direction discrimination task that was instantiated as random dot kinematograms. The authors' main questions were whether individual differences in perceptual learning were consistent across the 2 tasks and whether perceptual learning correlated with cognitive abilities test scores. In all, 56 young adults completed 16 threshold estimations on 1 of 2 orthogonal versions of each task. Then, the authors made 2 further threshold estimations for the untrained, orthogonal version. Participants also completed a battery of 6 cognitive abilities tests that measured fluid ability (Gf) and perceptual speed (Gs). Perceptual learning was demonstrated for both tasks, but the degree of learning across tasks was not characteristic of the individual. Learning on IT correlated with Gs (r = .35), but learning on the motion direction discrimination task was unrelated to cognitive ability. Correlations of IT with cognitive measures were stable over the training period. IT was correlated with both the motion direction discrimination task (r = -.39) and an unmasked line length judgment task (r = -.31). The authors concluded that perceptual learning on IT correlates with cognitive abilities test scores, that correlations of IT with cognitive abilities test scores are stable as task performance improves with practice, and that the IT task is psychologically complex.  相似文献   

Recent models have proposed a two-stage process of biological motion recognition. First, template or snapshot neurons estimate the body form. Then, motion is estimated from body form change. This predicts separate aftereffects for body form and body motion. We tested this prediction. Observers viewing leftward- or rightward-facing point-light walkers that walked forward or backward subsequently experienced oppositely directed aftereffects in stimuli ambiguous in the facing or the walking direction. These aftereffects did not originate from adaptation to the motion of the individual light points, because they occurred for limited-lifetime stimuli that restrict local motion. They also occurred when the adaptor displayed a random sequence of body postures that did not induce the walking motion percept. We thus conclude that biological motion gives rise to separate form and motion aftereffects and that body form representations are involved in biological motion perception.  相似文献   

Would a motion-picture film of a rotating spiral induce a spiral aftereffect? This question was studied in two experiments in which Ss viewed an animated film of circles collapsing to a point. The rate of apparent motion of the collapsing circles and the discontinuity of motion—the length of jump between successively projected circles—were varied independently. A visual aftereffect like the spiral aftereffect was created. The aftereffect increased in strength and duration with the rate of motion, but at all rates of motion it declined as discontinuity of motion increased. The results are taken as evidence that motion aftereffects are caused by selective fatigue of small, directionally sensitive motion-receptive fields.  相似文献   

The authors examined center-surround effects for motion perception in human observers. The magnitude of the motion aftereffect (MAE) elicited by a drifting grating was measured with a nulling task and with a threshold elevation procedure. A surround grating of the same spatial frequency, temporal frequency, and orientation significantly reduced the magnitude of the MAE elicited by adaptation to the center grating. This effect was bandpass tuned for spatial frequency, orientation, and temporal frequency. Plaid surrounds but not contrast-modulated surrounds that moved in the same direction also reduced the MAE. These results provide psychophysical evidence for center-surround interactions analogous to those previously observed in electrophysiological studies of motion processing in primates. Collectively, these results suggest that motion processing, similar to texture processing, is organized for the purpose of highlighting regions of directional discontinuity in retinal images.  相似文献   

时距知觉适应后效是指长时间适应于某一特定时距会导致个体对后续时距产生知觉偏差。其中对视时距知觉适应后效空间选择性的探讨存在争议,有研究支持位置不变性,也有研究支持位置特异性。这类研究能有效揭示时距编码的认知神经机制,位置不变性可能意味着时距编码位于较高级的脑区,而位置特异性则可能意味着时距编码位于初级视觉皮层。未来还可以探究时距知觉适应后效的视觉坐标表征方式,开展多通道研究以及相应的神经基础研究。  相似文献   

M T Swanston  N J Wade 《Perception》1992,21(5):569-582
The motion aftereffect (MAE) was measured with retinally moving vertical gratings positioned above and below (flanking) a retinally stationary central grating (experiments 1 and 2). Motion over the retina was produced by leftward motion of the flanking gratings relative to the stationary eyes, and by rightward eye or head movements tracking the moving (but retinally stationary) central grating relative to the stationary (but retinally moving) surround gratings. In experiment 1 the motion occurred within a fixed boundary on the screen, and oppositely directed MAEs were produced in the central and flanking gratings with static fixation; but with eye or head tracking MAEs were reported only in the central grating. In experiment 2 motion over the retina was equated for the static and tracking conditions by moving blocks of grating without any dynamic occlusion and disclosure at the boundaries. Both conditions yielded equivalent leftward MAEs of the central grating in the same direction as the prior flanking motion, ie an MAE was consistently produced in the region that had remained retinally stationary. No MAE was recorded in the flanking gratings, even though they moved over the retina during adaptation. When just two gratings were presented, MAEs were produced in both, but in opposite directions (experiments 3 and 4). It is concluded that the MAE is a consequence of adapting signals for the relative motion between elements of a display.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated with 7 observers that the duration of a high frequency tone was perceived to be longer than the duration of a low frequency tone, even though the actual duration of the two tones was equal.  相似文献   

Petersik JT 《Perception》2002,31(7):825-836
Gaps in past literature have raised questions regarding the kinds of stimuli that can lead to three-dimensional (3-D) rotation aftereffects. Further, the characteristics of the buildup and decay of such aftereffects are not clear. In the present experiments, rotation aftereffects were generated by projections of cube-like stimuli whose dynamic perspective motions gave rise to the perception of rotation in unambiguous directions; test stimuli consisted of similar cubes whose rotation directions were ambiguous. In experiment 1, the duration of the adaptation stimulus was varied and it was found that the 3-D rotation aftereffect develops with a time constant of approximately 26 s. In experiment 2, the duration between adaptation and testing was varied. It was found that the 3-D rotation aftereffect has a decay constant of about 9 s, similar to that observed with 2-D motion aftereffects. Experiment 3 showed that the rotation aftereffects were not simple depth aftereffects. To account for these aftereffects and related data, a modification of an existing neural-network model is suggested.  相似文献   

This study investigated the perception of the direction of peripheral apparent motion as a function of stimulus location in the peripheral visual field, stimulus contrast, and the direction of the apparent motion. Results indicated that each of these independent variables was significant as a main effect while the interactions were not.  相似文献   

The effects of luminance contrast and spatial frequency on the motion aftereffect were investigated. The point of subjective equality for velocity was measured as an index of the motion aftereffect. The largest effect was observed when a low contrast grating (5%) was presented as a test stimulus after adaptation to a high contrast grating (100%) in the low spatial frequency condition (0.8 cycle deg.-1). On the whole, the effect increased with increasing adapting contrast and with decreasing test contrast or spatial frequency. Small effects were observed at high test contrasts. These results were inconsistent with those of Keck, Palella, and Pantle in 1976. Analysis showed that there was no saturation on velocity of the motion aftereffect above 5% of the contrast although Keck, et al. (1976) found that the incremental increases of the effect above 3% adapting contrast were small.  相似文献   

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