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Book review     
In two experiments, participants were asked to perform simple action statements or to imagine performing the actions one, two, or four times in a single study session. The lag between repetitions could vary from 5 to 10 intervening items in Experiment 1 or be fixed at 0 and 4 in Experiment 2. In a test session that occurred either 24 or 48 hours later, participants were instructed to recognise statements only if they had occurred during the first session and, if recognised, to tell whether the action statement had been carried out or imagined. The primary finding was that it is possible to obtain an imagination inflation effect (that is, as repeated imaginations increase, participants are more likely to remember an action as performed) using a within-list paradigm. However, this outcome occurred only for spaced repetitions. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that repeated imagination increases the level of familiarity, which may, in turn, generate this memory illusion.  相似文献   

McCloskey and Zaragoza (1985) argue that misleading postevent suggestions do not affect the availability of originally encoded information. Their hypothesis stems from empirical work using a modified paradigm in which no effect of postevent information is observed. Although their "no impairment" hypothesis is plausible, careful consideration of the predictions of their experimental test suggests that it may be insufficiently sensitive to reveal the impact of postevent information. A small effect of postevent information can be observed when their paradigm is repeated with a more sensitive recognition test. McCloskey and Zaragoza's no impairment hypothesis is also difficult to reconcile with numerous reports of "blend" memories that reflect a compromise between the original and postevent information.  相似文献   

The object updating hypothesis of object substitution masking proposes that the phenomenon arises when the visual system fails to individuate target and mask at the level of object token representations. This hypothesis is tested in two experiments using modifications of the dot mask paradigm developed by Lleras and Moore (2003). Target—mask individuation is manipulated by the presentation of additional display items that influence the linking apparent motion seen between a target and a spatially separated mask (Experiment 1), and by the use of placeholders that maintain the target object’s presence during mask presentation (Experiment 2). Results in both cases are consistent with the updating hypothesis in showing significantly reduced masking when the conditions promoted target—mask individuation. However, in both experiments, some masking was still present under conditions of individuation, an effect we attribute to attentional capture by the mask.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that pretreating rats with the opiate antagonist naloxone increases the freezing that follows painful electric shock. Three experiments, using freezing behavior as a dependent variable, were carried out to determine whether the drug might cause this effect by enhancing fear conditioning. Two of the studies employed a differential context fear-conditioning paradigm. Naloxone did not affect freezing behavior during the preshock adaptation period. In Experiment 1, naloxone was found to increase resistance to extinction in the S+ context. In Experiment 2, naloxone was found to increase freezing in the S+ context. This effect was dependent upon administering naloxone during training but not dependent on administering it during testing. The third study employed a generalization paradigm. It was found that naloxone's effect on postshock freezing was dependent on the place of testing; as the contextual cues of the test chamber were changed from those of the conditioning chamber, the effect of naloxone on freezing was reduced. The results of these experiments lend strong support to the hypothesis that naloxone increases freezing by enhancing the conditioning of fear to contextual stimuli associated with shock.  相似文献   

This is the third of a series of papers dealing with the effects of repeated retesting on intelligence test scores. It comprises an account of two further experiments, and a discussion of the four so far performed, since each throws light on the results of the others and it is their joint interpretation which is thought to be of value.

The two earlier experiments consisted in repeated testing of a group of W.E.A. students and a group of mentally defective boys by an intelligence test (AH 4) designed for an unselected population. In the two later experiments, a group of Technical College students and a group of Naval Ratings were repeatedly tested on another intelligence test (AH 5), designed for a population of high-grade intelligence, such as university students. Examination of all the results confirms the artificiality of the “ceiling effect” which was suspected in the first experiment; it suggests that, given sufficient scope, subjects of all levels of intelligence would, with repeated trials on the same test, continue to improve their score up to and beyond 10 testing; and that, given comparable opportunity, subjects with initially higher scores will tend to improve more than those with initially lower scores. All these results concern short-term experiments with testing at weekly intervals.

The four sets of results considered jointly indicate that conclusions on these problems should be drawn only in terms of the relation between the level of the test and that of the group tested: this offers some resolution of the conflicting findings of earlier investigators.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence of extinction, spontaneous recovery and renewal in a conditioned preferences paradigm based on taste-taste associations. More specifically, in three experiments rats exposed to a simultaneous compound of citric acid-saccharin solution showed a preference for the citric solution when the preference was measured with a two-bottle test (citric vs. water). Experiment 1 revealed that conditioned preferences were extinguished by repeated presentations of the citric acid solution without the saccharin. In Experiment 2, an additional test trial was introduced 21 days after the extinction treatment. Delayed testing resulted in the recovery of the extinguished preference for the citric, reflecting a spontaneous recovery effect. Experiment 3 revealed a preference renewal effect that was obtained when the extinction was conducted in a context different from that of the remaining experimental stages. The implications of these results are analyzed with attention paid to the mechanisms underlying learning of flavor preferences.  相似文献   

Summary In the performance prediction paradigm both a prediction of subjects' own memory performance (P) and their actual performance (A) are assessed. Prediction accuracy (PA) has been regarded as a measure of memory monitoring which in turn was assumed to be related positively to memory performance. A popular approach to test this metamemory hypothesis is based on correlations between measures of PA and of A. This approach is reexamined critically with regard to two classes of problems. The first is concerned with the definitions of at least six different PA measures represented in the literature. The second refers to statistical artifacts resulting from the part-whole character of the correlations between PA and A. Proceeding from the conclusion that a valid test of the metamemory hypothesis is not possible on the basis of correlations of PA and A, we propose an experimental procedure that properly permits the testing of the hypothesis that the utilization of monitoring activities during learning yields higher levels of memory performance.  相似文献   

The iconic store has recently been challenged on the grounds that data in its favor may have resulted from some procedural artifacts. The display-instruction compatibility and perceptual grouping hypotheses were reexamined in two experiments with the partial-report paradigm. When care was taken to rectify some procedural problems found in Merikle’s (1980) study, it was established that the iconic store (as a hypothetical mechanism) can still be validly entertained. This report demonstrates one important procedural point in studying the iconic store with the partial report task, namely, that subjects must be given more than token training on the partial-report task.  相似文献   

In the present study, we tested three hypotheses that account for after-effects of response inhibition and goal shifting: the goal-shifting hypothesis, the reaction time (RT) adjustment hypothesis, and the stimulus-goal association hypothesis. To distinguish between the hypotheses, we examined performance in the stop-change paradigm and the dual-task paradigm. In the stop-change paradigm, we found that responding on no-signal trials slowed down when a stop-change signal was presented on the previous trial. Similarly, in the dual-task paradigm, we found that responding on no-signal trials slowed down when a dual-task signal was presented on the previous trial. However, aftereffects of unsuccessful inhibition or dual-task performance were observed only when the stimulus of the previous trial was repeated. These results are consistent with stimulus--goal association hypothesis, which assumes that the stimulus is associated with the different task goals on signal trials; when the stimulus is repeated, the tasks goal are retrieved, and interference occurs.  相似文献   

In the present study, we tested three hypotheses that account for after-effects of response inhibition and goal shifting: the goal-shifting hypothesis, the reaction time (RT) adjustment hypothesis, and the stimulus–goal association hypothesis. To distinguish between the hypotheses, we examined performance in the stop-change paradigm and the dual-task paradigm. In the stop-change paradigm, we found that responding on no-signal trials slowed down when a stop-change signal was presented on the previous trial. Similarly, in the dual-task paradigm, we found that responding on no-signal trials slowed down when a dual-task signal was presented on the previous trial. However, after-effects of unsuccessful inhibition or dual-task performance were observed only when the stimulus of the previous trial was repeated. These results are consistent with stimulus–goal association hypothesis, which assumes that the stimulus is associated with the different task goals on signal trials; when the stimulus is repeated, the tasks goal are retrieved, and interference occurs.  相似文献   

Testing, or retrieval practice, has become a central topic in memory research. One potentially important effect of retrieval practice has received little attention, however: It may enhance, or potentiate, subsequent learning. We introduce a paradigm that can measure the indirect, potentiating effect of free recall tests on subsequent learning, and then test a hypothesis for why tests may have this potentiating effect. In two experiments, the benefit of a restudy trial was enhanced when prior free recall tests had been taken. The results from a third, correlational study suggested that this effect might be mediated by the effect of testing on organization. Not only do encoding conditions affect later retrievability, but also retrieval attempts affect subsequent encoding effectiveness.  相似文献   

Combining study and test trials during learning is more beneficial for long-term retention than repeated study without testing (i.e., the testing effect). Less is known about the relative efficacy of different response formats during testing. We tested the hypothesis that overt testing (typing responses on a keyboard) during a practice phase benefits later memory more than covert testing (only pressing a button to indicate successful retrieval). In Experiment 1, three groups learned 40 word pairs either by repeatedly studying them, by studying and overtly testing them, or by studying and covertly testing them. In Experiment 2, only the two testing conditions were manipulated in a within-subjects design. In both experiments, participants received cued recall tests after a short (~19 min) and a long (1 week) retention interval. In Experiment 1, all groups performed equally well at the short retention interval. The overt testing group reliably outperformed the repeated study group after 1 week, whereas the covert testing group performed insignificantly different from both these groups. Hence, the testing effect was demonstrated for overt, but failed to show for covert testing. In Experiment 2, overtly tested items were better and more quickly retrieved than those covertly tested. Further, this does not seem to be due to any differences in retrieval effort during learning. To conclude, overt testing was more beneficial for later retention than covert testing, but the effect size was small. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Around 1 year of age, infants develop the ability to individuate objects in the absence of spatiotemporal information. Some have proposed that this capacity relies on the emergence of language and, in particular, that comprehending an object's label is required to individuate it as a particular kind. One approach to testing this hypothesis is to conduct experiments on pre-linguistic human infants. A second is to test non-linguistic animals. We followed the second approach, exploring whether semi-free-ranging rhesus macaques can individuate objects using property/kind information. To make the results most directly comparable, we adapted a reaching paradigm used to examine property/kind individuation in infants. Results from three experiments demonstrate that, like 12-month-old infants, adult rhesus macaques can use both spatiotemporal and property/kind information to individuate food objects. In a fourth experiment designed to examine which properties are used to individuate food objects, results revealed that rhesus use color, but not shape. These results, together with experiments involving different procedures, provide support for the conclusion that in the absence of linguistic abilities, some non-human primates spontaneously use property/kind information to individuate objects.  相似文献   

The crux in psychometrics is how to estimate the probability that a respondent answers an item correctly on one occasion out of many. Under the current testing paradigm this probability is estimated using all kinds of statistical techniques and mathematical modeling. Multiple evaluation is a new testing paradigm using the person's own personal estimates of these probabilities as data. It is compared to multiple choice, which appears to be a degenerated form of multiple evaluation. Multiple evaluation has much less measurement error than multiple choice, and this measurement error is not in favor of the examinee. When the test is used for selection purposes as it is with multiple choice, the probability of a Type II error (unjustified passes) is almost negligible. Procedures for statistical item-and-test analyses under the multiple evaluation paradigm are presented. These procedures provide more accurate information in comparison to what is possible under the multiple choice paradigm. A computer program that implements multiple evaluation is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper hypothesis‐testing behaviour is compared to risk‐taking behaviour. It is proposed that choosing a suitable test for a given hypothesis requires making a preposterior analysis of two aspects of such a test: the probability of obtaining supporting evidence and the evidential value of this evidence. This consideration resembles the one a gambler makes when choosing among bets, each having a probability of winning and an amount to be won. A confirmatory testing strategy can be defined within this framework as a strategy directed at maximizing either the probability or the value of a confirming outcome. Previous theories on testing behaviour have focused on the human tendency to maximize the probability of a confirming outcome. In this paper, two experiments are presented in which participants tend to maximize the confirming value of the test outcome. Motivational factors enhance this tendency dependent on the context of the testing situation. Both this result and the framework are discussed in relation to other studies in the field of testing behaviour. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

仲晓波 《心理科学进展》2016,(10):1670-1676
对传统的假设检验作为心理学实验的数据分析工具的评价涉及两个标准:首先是它是否合法,其次是它是否有用。置于频率学派统计学框架中的传统假设检验在逻辑上实际上是合法的;但它在效用性方面则有着备择假设不可证伪以及只能提供定性结论这两方面的缺陷。置信区间能够集中地改进和弥补这些缺陷。对传统假设检验使用中错误的澄清也使得研究者们开始重视PSI问题,这使得心理学实验的设计和数据分析从关注总体转向关注个体。  相似文献   

Null hypothesis significance testing is criticised for emphatically focusing on using the appropriate statistic for the data and an overwhelming concern with low p-values. Here, we present a new technique, Observation Oriented Modeling (OOM), as an alternative to traditional techniques in the social sciences. Ten experiments on judgements of associative memory (JAM) were analysed with OOM to show data analysis procedures and the consistency of JAM results across several types of experimental manipulations. In a typical JAM task, participants are asked to rate the frequency of word pairings, such as LOST-FOUND, and are then compared to actual normed associative frequencies to measure how accurately participants can judge word pairs. Three types of JAM tasks are outlined (traditional, paired, and instructional manipulations) to demonstrate how modelling complex hypotheses can be applied through OOM to this type of data that would be conventionally analysed with null hypothesis significance testing.  相似文献   

In 5 experiments, the authors examined the development of automatic response inhibition in the go/no-go paradigm and a modified version of the stop-signal paradigm. They hypothesized that automatic response inhibition may develop over practice when stimuli are consistently associated with stopping. All 5 experiments consisted of a training phase and a test phase in which the stimulus mapping was reversed for a subset of the stimuli. Consistent with the automatic-inhibition hypothesis, the authors found that responding in the test phase was slowed when the stimulus had been consistently associated with stopping in the training phase. In addition, they found that response inhibition benefited from consistent stimulus-stop associations. These findings suggest that response inhibition may rely on the retrieval of stimulus-stop associations after practice with consistent stimulus-stop mappings. Stimulus-stop mapping is typically consistent in the go/no-go paradigm, so automatic inhibition is likely to occur. However, stimulus-stop mapping is typically inconsistent in the stop-signal paradigm, so automatic inhibition is unlikely to occur. Thus, the results suggest that the two paradigms are not equivalent because they allow different kinds of response inhibition.  相似文献   

Repetition priming of familiar stimuli (e.g., objects) produces a decrease in visual cortical activity for repeated versus novel items, which has been attributed to more fluent processing for repeated items. By contrast, priming of unfamiliar stimuli (e.g., abstract shapes) produces an increase in visual cortical activity. The mechanism for priming-related increases in activity for repeated unfamiliar stimuli is unknown. We hypothesised that such increases in activity may reflect attentional allocation to these items. We tested this hypothesis using a priming-spatial attention paradigm. During Phase 1 of Experiment 1, participants viewed unfamiliar abstract shapes and familiar objects. During Phase 2, participants identified target letters (S or H). Each target letter was preceded by a non-informative shape or object cue that was repeated (from Phase 1) or novel in the same (valid) or opposite (invalid) hemifield. In Experiment 2, we manipulated shape familiarity by presenting shapes once or six times during Phase 1. For both experiments, at valid locations, target identification accuracy was higher following repeated versus novel unfamiliar item cues and lower following repeated versus novel familiar item cues. These findings support our hypothesis that priming-related increases in visual cortical activity for repeated unfamiliar items may, in part, reflect attentional allocation.  相似文献   

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