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本文通过对庄子的“无用之用”与经济学“效用”概念的辨析,得出庄子的“无用之用”是尊重大自然的“大用观”,而经济学的“效用观”则趋于人类中心主义的“小用观”的判断,并将此判断运用于当今城乡统筹问题的反思,深入分析了被效用思想指导的城乡统筹中出现的诸多问题,并创新性地提出在城乡统筹的问题上如何控制“效用”之小用,发挥“无用”之大用。  相似文献   

休谟提出了从“是”到“应当”何以可能的问题,但并没有否定人们道德判断和道德哲学作为一门精神科学而得以建立的可能性.相反,他孜孜以求的目标恰恰是要以同情原则为基础,并辅之以旁观者与效用原则来弥合“是”与“应当”之间的断裂,从而建立一门科学的道德学说.20世纪情感主义者对这一问题的“发挥”显然是休谟本人始料未及的.  相似文献   

哲学价值论研究的人学基础   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
关于作为哲学范畴的价值概念应如何定义的问题,国内学术界常有一些争议。我是不赞成“主客体关系模式”的,因为除了导致一种关于价值本质的效用主义解释之外,这一方法论模式还意味着对人的拒斥和消解,它使价值论研究丧失了人学的基础。用“客体对主体的满足”、“客体对主体的有用性”、“客体对主体的意义”、“客体对主体的肯定”、“客体对主体的效应”等等来规定价值概念,最后都无法摆脱“价值即效用”的理论困境,这一点我在以往的文章中已经作过相应的分析和论述。本文从批评“主客体关系模式”及其对人的消解入手,意在强调哲学价值论研究的人学基础,恢复“人”的概念在价值论研究中的轴心地位,并尝试从入学的视角去探究和揭示价值世界的秘密,为理解价值问题提供某种新的思路。所论或有不当之处,还请读者批评。  相似文献   

张曦 《现代哲学》2013,(1):94-100
按照一种流行的意见,谈论public reason似乎是康德主义者的专利.休谟主义者据说因为预设了一个特殊的“理性”概念,并受到“实践理性怀疑论”的牵连,而最终没有机会谈论理由的公共性和公共理性能力思想.本文通过论证指出,这个观点本身是基于将休谟思想解读为主观主义思想的误解.一种恰当的解读,应当将休谟的思想理解为“客观化的主观主义”的思想.在此基础上,休谟主义者所能发展出的关于理由的公共性、人类能动性、道德和道德权威性的本质的思想,反而将最终有助于我们最终重新考虑康德主义者在public reason问题上所采取的那种判断论观点的恰当性.  相似文献   

贺磊 《哲学研究》2022,(4):96-107
黑格尔对康德伦理学的形式主义所作的批评是富有影响力的,他指责康德的纯粹实践理性概念无力在内容上阐明道德的本质。而当代康德主义者在回应这一批评时,却未能在道德现象中揭示纯粹实践理性与客观价值的实质关联,也因此不能彻底反驳黑格尔的批评。通过对康德道德哲学的分析,本文将表明:一方面,形式主义进路服务于论证纯粹实践理性的可能性,并构成了对道德现象的哲学诠释的一部分;另一方面,该诠释成功地揭示了道德意识的意向结构及其事实性要素,并导向了“目的自身”的概念。因此,康德的形式主义伦理学所导向的道德目的论可以构成一种实质价值学说。在与道德目的论的关联中,康德伦理学的形式主义及其纯粹实践理性概念能够得到恰当理解和有效辩护。  相似文献   

“分析的马克思主义”初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
70年代以来,在英美涌现出一批理论家,他们用当代分析哲学的原则和方法来澄清和解决马克思主义内部的理论问题,被称为“分析的马克思主义者”。这一倾向的主要代表有G·A柯亨、W·肖、J·埃尔斯特、J·罗默,PH·帕里伊斯、A·沃斯基、E·O·赖  相似文献   

1994年冬,《中日价值哲学新论》出版。这本书可以说从一个侧面反映了当代哲学价值理论研究在东方的进展。本文想就其中涉及的几个问题发表自己的看法。 (1)“效用”与“效应”有一种观点,认为价值是主体与客体相互作用的条件下客体对主体的作用和影响。“对这种作用和影响,有的用效应来概括,有的用效用来概括”(第5(?)页)。查《汉英词典》“效应”与“效用”的英文词都是effect,换言之,effect的汉译既可以是“效应”,也可以是“效用”。再查《现代汉语词典》时“效应”和“效用”的释义,我们  相似文献   

谁如果声称想在斯宾诺莎的著作里找出这位哲学家同唯物主义“保持”的关系,谁就立即会遭到各种反驳。这些反驳者会说: “问题提得很不恰当:斯宾诺莎既不是唯物主义者,又不是唯心主义者,他是斯宾诺莎主义者;”“你是用固定的框框去硬套这个独一无二的著作家”;“提出斯宾诺莎,只会使早已过去的旧论战死灰复燃,何况这些旧论战其实只是争论一些虚假的问题”:“唯物主义的概念在斯宾诺莎从事写作的时代还不存在,使用这个概念是违背历史逻辑的”;  相似文献   

欧亚主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、欧亚主义者是思维和生活新原理的代表者,是一些基于重新看待决定生活的根本问题而开展工作的活动家。他们重新看待近几十年来彻底改造迄今占统治地位的世界观和生活方式过程中所发生一切。同时,欧亚主义者重新从地理和历史方面理解俄罗斯及被他们统称为“俄罗斯的”或“欧亚的”世界。欧亚主义得名于地理学。问题在于,旧地理学把地球古老大陆的主要地带分成两个大陆——“欧洲”和“亚洲”。而欧亚主义者又从中分出“欧亚洲”这个第三个中间大陆,从“欧亚洲”的地理图中得出“欧亚主义”这个名词。  相似文献   

“Existentialismus”,有译“生存主义”,有译“存在主义”,朱谦之先生和我则援日译而用“实存主义”,近年来大量使用的则是“存在主义”。“存在”和“实存”本是译自“Sein”和“Existenz”。“Sein”一般译为“存在”或“有”,似乎已成定译;但“Existenz”则不是这个一般的客观物的存在而是主体人的存在,也不是一般人的存在而是正在生活的个人的现实存在,故以“实存”名之。实存是实存主义的中心问题,在实存主义者看来,实存是第一义的,而一般存在则是第二义的。这里很清楚地说明了“存在”和“实存”本是不同的两个概念,从而也说明了我们应当用“实存”而不应当用“存在”的道理所在。近年来不适当地甚至可以说错误地使用“存在  相似文献   

This research tested the use of concept map planning to support the development of creativity in photo stories, hypothesizing that skills taught to support organization would improve creativity. Concept maps are a type of graphic organizer, used to represent an ordering of ideas with nodes and linking words that form propositional statements. They were applied to story development under the assumption that the creative development of narrative elements requires organization. Undergraduate education students were randomly assigned to either concept map or text-based planning groups for the production of digital photo stories. Creativity was operationalized using dimensions of novelty, interest, clarity, and ability to be understood. A multivariate effect of planning method was found for these dimensions favoring the concept map group, due largely to greater clarity in the photo stories. Clarity in photo stories adds to their utility as creative products. This study represents first steps toward empirically assessing concept maps for a creative purpose, and further investigation, with a larger sample in an authentic context, over a longer period of planning time is recommended.  相似文献   

Stimulus sets defined in terms of artificial polymorphous concepts have frequently been used in experiments to investigate the mechanisms of discrimination of natural concepts, both in humans and in other animals. However, such stimulus sets are frequently difficult for either animals or humans to discriminate. Properties of artificial polymorphous stimulus sets that might explain this difficulty include the complexity of the individual stimuli, the unreliable reinforcement of individual positive features, attentional load, difficulties in discriminating some stimulus dimensions, memory load, and a lack of the correlation between features that characterizes natural concepts. An experiment using chickens as subjects and complex artificial visual stimulus sets investigated these hypotheses by training the birds in discriminations that were not polymorphous but did have some of the properties listed above. Discriminations that involved unreliable reinforcement or high attentional load were found to approach the difficulty of polymorphous concept discriminations, and these two factors together were sufficient to account for the entire difficulty. The usual kind of artificial polymorphous concept may not be a good model for natural concepts as they are perceived and discriminated by birds. A RULEX account of natural concept learning may be preferable.  相似文献   

Stimulus sets defined in terms of artificial polymorphous concepts have frequently been used in experiments to investigate the mechanisms of discrimination of natural concepts, both in humans and in other animals. However, such stimulus sets are frequently difficult for either animals or humans to discriminate. Properties of artificial polymorphous stimulus sets that might explain this difficulty include the complexity of the individual stimuli, the unreliable reinforcement of individual positive features, attentional load, difficulties in discriminating some stimulus dimensions, memory load, and a lack of the correlation between features that characterizes natural concepts. An experiment using chickens as subjects and complex artificial visual stimulus sets investigated these hypotheses by training the birds in discriminations that were not polymorphous but did have some of the properties listed above. Discriminations that involved unreliable reinforcement or high attentional load were found to approach the difficulty of polymorphous concept discriminations, and these two factors together were sufficient to account for the entire difficulty. The usual kind of artificial polymorphous concept may not be a good model for natural concepts as they are perceived and discriminated by birds. A RULEX account of natural concept learning may be preferable.  相似文献   

F. W. Kroon 《Studia Logica》1996,56(3):427-454
This paper deals with a philosophical question that arises within the theory of computational complexity: how to understand the notion of INTRINSIC complexity or difficulty, as opposed to notions of difficulty that depend on the particular computational model used. The paper uses ideas from Blum's abstract approach to complexity theory to develop an extensional approach to this question. Among other things, it shows how such an approach gives detailed confirmation of the view that subrecursive hierarchies tend to rank functions in terms of their intrinsic, and not just their model-dependent, difficulty, and it shows how the approach allows us to model the idea that intrinsic difficulty is a fuzzy concept. Jan Zygmunt  相似文献   

BORG, G., BRATFISCH, O. & DORNI'C, S. On the problems of perceived difficulty. Scand. J. Psychol. , 1971, 12, 249–260.–The development and meaning of the concept of "perceived difficulty" is presented. A concise survey of experiments carried out so far is given with regard to the main theoretical, methodological and applied problems at which the investigations aimed. A substantial part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the concept of perceived difficulty and to the possibilities of measurement. The concept of perceived difficulty is dealt with also in a differential connection and a model for interindividual comparisons is suggested. It is emphasized that a systematic investigation of perceived difficulty is both possible and useful, and that it yields an opportunity to improve and facilitate the construction of psychological tests. Finally, possible future research projects are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

This research note responds to the question of whether a convenience sample of undergraduate students may be successfully utilized in concept development and in scale construction, and in what way the results are comparable to the findings of a representative national sample. The results of a Mokken analysis in both samples support the hypothesis that convenience samples have utility in concept development and in developing measures that can also be used in representative samples.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have yielded conflicting results concerning the utility of relative pronouns as cues to the deep structure underlying self-embedded (SE) sentences. The present study investigated the usefulness of this cue. At the same time, it compared the relative sensitivity of two measures of sentence-comprehension difficulty: paraphrasing and phoneme monitoring. Forty Ss heard SE sentences, one-half of which had the relative pronouns deleted. The presence or absence of the relative pronouns in a particular sentence was counterbalanced across groups. The Ss also heard right-branching sentences. It was found that presence of the relative pronouns led to significantly faster phoneme monitoring times and to marginally better paraphrasing (i.e., to better comprehension) in the SE sentences. It was concluded that relative pronouns are effective cues and, further, that the phoneme monitoring technique is a better index of comprehension difficulty than the paraphrasing technique. Reasons for the previous experimental discrepancies were discussed.  相似文献   

体验幸福是指基于体验效用的时刻评价方式获得的多重情感体验的整合结果。体验幸福的概念主要源于Kahneman等人对体验效应的重新发现与诠释。基于时刻评价的体验效用以及时刻效用的测量假设是测量体验幸福的理论依据。体验幸福的测量方法主要有体验取样法与日重现法。基于这两种方法的国民幸福账户与国民时间账户更加直接地分析了人们如何在各种日常活动中分配时间和进行情感体验。同时, 体验幸福的概念及其测量为公共政策的评价与制定提供了更加真实具体的、可供参考的科学依据。  相似文献   

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