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目的:探讨初中生的心理健康与父母依恋、同伴依恋的关系。方法:以心理健康诊断测验(MHT)、父母和同伴依恋问卷(IPPA)对598名初中生进行测试。结果:MHT总分与父亲疏远、母亲疏远、同伴疏远呈正相关,与父亲信任、母亲信任、同伴信任、父亲交流、母亲交流、同伴交流呈负相关;同伴疏远、父亲疏远对MHT总分有正向预测作用,母亲信任、父亲信任对MHT总分有负向预测作用。结论:初中生的心理健康与父母依恋、同伴依恋有一定的关系。  相似文献   


Peer influence is a common topic of interest for parents, clinicians, and researchers, but results from research on the relative importance of parents’ versus peers’ influence on adolescents and young adults has been contradictory. For example, some research suggests that peer attitudes about school influences future academic aspirations, other research suggests that parents and peers differ on their level of influence based on topic (e.g., parents’ are the primary source of influence about moral issues), and other research suggests that peer-oriented children are a product of parental disregard. A reliable and valid measure of the relative strength of parent versus peer influence could enhance research in this area. As a result, the Parent and Peer Inventory Scale (PPI) was developed, which demonstrates strong reliability as well as face and concurrent validity. The PPI can be used both by researchers to address contradictions in the literature, as well as clinicians seeking to evaluate level of peer influence in a family.  相似文献   

该研究探讨不同类型学校中同伴依恋在父母依恋与青少年孤独感之间的作用。结果发现:(1)在重点高中生群体中,同伴依恋在父母依恋与其孤独感之间起部分中介作用;(2)在职业高中生群体中,同伴依恋在父母依恋与其孤独感之间起部分中介作用;(3)在普通高中生群体中,同伴依恋是预测孤独感水平的主要因素,父母依恋在同伴依恋与孤独感之间起调节作用。在依恋对青少年孤独感的作用机制中,间接效应与交互效应模型均得到验证,但模型的适用性因学校类型不同存在差异。  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Being able to assess attachment during adolescence is important for clinical practice and research addressing adolescents’ well-being and mental health....  相似文献   

Despite the intensive use of the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA), a measure of attachment which centres on individual differences in adolescents and their ability to evaluate their relationships with parents and peers, the factor structure of the inventory requires further investigation. This study of 1059 Italian adolescents compared the three models which are discussed in the literature: the one-factor model (attachment security), the two-factor model (trust-communication and alienation) and the three-factor model (trust, communication and alienation), and examined the influences of age and gender on the IPPA’s scores. Our findings provide support for the reliability of the latest and longer version of the IPPA (75-item). Factor analysis showed that the three-factor model had the best fit, although the three dimensions are strongly interrelated. Sixteen year olds had lower attachment security to their fathers than the results of the other adolescent age groups. Males reported lower alienation scores than females in the paternal form, while females had higher attachment security, trust and communication scores than males in the peers form.  相似文献   

This study qualitatively examined the motivationally relevant behaviors of key social agents in specializing sport participants. Seventy-nine participants (9–18 years old) from 26 sports participated in semi-structured focus groups investigating how coaches, parents, and peers may influence motivation. Using a critical-realist perspective, an inductive content analysis indicated that specializing athletes perceived a multitude of motivationally relevant social cues. Coaches’ and parents’ influences were related to their specific roles: instruction/assessment for coaches, support-and-facilitation for parents. Peers influenced motivation through competitive behaviors, collaborative behaviors, evaluative communications, and through their social relationships. The results help to delineate different roles for social agents in influencing athletes’ motivation.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between conformative peer bullying and issues of peer conformity among adolescents. This relationship is examined through the establishment of a mediated moderation model for conformative peer bullying using structural equation modeling in a sample of 391 second-year middle school students in Seoul, South Korea. We found that peer pressure and resistance to peer influence interact with one another to affect antisocial conformity, which then affects conformative peer bullying, thereby establishing its mediated moderation effect. The results suggest that conformative peer bullying that encourages and assists active bullies is affected by antisocial conformity; moreover, an individual’s capacity to resist peer influence plays a protective role against peer conformity, and this must be acknowledged as a significant influence in conformative peer bullying among adolescents.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have confirmed the relationship between social bonds to pro-social others and delinquency in Western countries, research focusing on the same relationship in non-Western countries is scarce. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by examining the relationship between social bonds to pro-social others and several types of delinquency among high school students in Turkey. Results showed that the extent of an adolescent’s social bonds with his/her parents, peers, and schools had significant and diverging effects on delinquency. We also found bonds to parents and peers to have moderating effects on how school bonds affect delinquency.  相似文献   

以283名高中学生为被试,通过问卷调查的方式,探讨了亲子依恋对高中生生命意义感的影响,以及同伴依恋和时间洞察力在亲子依恋与生命意义感间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)亲子依恋、同伴依恋、时间洞察力与生命意义感两两间存在显著正相关;(2)同伴依恋与时间洞察力在亲子依恋与生命意义感之间起中介作用。即亲子依恋既可以直接影响高中生生命意义感,也可以通过时间洞察力和同伴依恋的中介作用间接影响高中生生命意义感。本研究揭示了亲子依恋与高中生生命意义感的关系及其作用机制,拓展了生命意义感的影响因素,为高中生生命教育提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

钟歆  刘聚红  陈旭 《心理科学进展》2014,22(7):1149-1158
同伴依恋是青少年时期的一项重要的发展任务, 目前测量青少年同伴依恋的工具主要包含IPPA、PIML以及近年来才出现的AFAS量表等。在同伴依恋的影响因素中, 青少年与父母之间的依恋关系以及青少年自身的性别都可以在一定程度上预测其同伴依恋的发展状况, 性向和同伴的性别也会影响青少年对同伴依恋对象的选择, 而年龄与同伴依恋之间的关系尚不明确。此外, 安全的依恋风格预示着青少年较高的同伴关系质量, 而良好的同伴依恋关系还可以促进青少年的社会性发展。未来的研究应该着力于研究方法的改进、研究切入点的变化以及研究方向的多样化。  相似文献   

Family-to-family services are emerging as an important adjunctive service to traditional mental health care and a vehicle for improving parent engagement and service use in children’s mental health services. In New York State, a growing workforce of Family Peer Advocates (FPA) is delivering family-to-family services. We describe the development and evaluation of a professional program to enhance Family Peer Advocate professional skills, called the Parent Engagement and Empowerment Program (PEP). We detail the history and content of PEP and provide data from a pre/post and 6-month follow up evaluation of 58 FPA who participated in the first Statewide regional training effort. Self-efficacy, empowerment, and skills development were assessed at 3 time points: baseline, post-training, and 6-month follow-up. The largest changes were in self-efficacy and empowerment. Regional differences suggest differences in Family Peer Advocate workforce across areas of the state. This evaluation also provides the first systematic documentation of Family Peer Advocate activities over a six-month period. Consistent with peer specialists within the adult health care field, FPA in the children’s mental health field primarily focused on providing emotional support and service access issues. Implications for expanding family-to-family services and integrating it more broadly into provider organizations are described.  相似文献   

以3353名初一、初二、高一、高二年级学生为被试,探讨了青少年消极情感的特点,并进一步检验了不同依恋类型对青少年消极情感的独特效应、同伴依恋在亲子依恋与消极情感中的中介作用以及二者对消极情感的交互作用。结果发现:1)青少年的消极情感水平总体上呈现从初一到高二逐渐上升的趋势,且女生得分显著高于男生;2)同伴与父子依恋对消极情感的独特效应显著,但母子依恋的独特效应不显著,且同伴依恋在消极情感中的独特效应显著高于父子与母子依恋;3)同伴依恋部分中介父子依恋与消极情感、完全中介母子依恋与消极情感的联系,同时,父子与母子依恋又调节同伴依恋对消极情感的影响,表现为同伴依恋对消极情感的预测在高亲子依恋个体中更显著。因而,依恋对消极情感的作用机制中,间接效应模型与交互作用模型同时成立,是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

青少年冒险行为及其与人格、依恋的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文采用问卷法对671名初、高中生及大学生进行青少年冒险行为、人格、同伴依恋调查。结果发现,性别、年龄、独生子女与否对青少年冒险行为均有不同程度的影响作用;人格五因素既对青少年冒险行为有直接预测作用,又以同伴依恋的疏远维度为中介间接影响青少年冒险行为。  相似文献   

This pilot study examined the effectiveness of child parent relationship therapy (CPRT; Landreth & Bratton, 2006 ) with 61 adoptive families. Statistically significant findings and large treatment effects on all measures indicated the effectiveness of CPRT over the wait‐list control condition on reducing child behavior problems and increasing parental empathy. The results provide preliminary support for CPRT as a responsive intervention for adoptive families with children presenting with attachment difficulties.  相似文献   

为了考察父母、同伴依恋与希望的纵向关系,本研究以大学新生为研究对象,采用父母、同伴依恋问卷与希望量表,对1283名大一学生进行为期一年共三次的追踪研究。结果发现:(1)三次测量的父母、同伴依恋均与希望存在正相关;(2)交叉滞后模型表明,父母、同伴依恋与希望均存在相互影响的关系;(3)基于性别差异的分组模型分析表明,仅同伴依恋与希望的横断关系存在性别差异,女生相关系数显著大于男生。研究揭示,依恋与希望存在稳定的横向相关关系,并且依恋与希望存在相互预测的纵向关系。  相似文献   

以3045位青少年为被试,采用父母协同教养问卷青少年评价版的父亲卷、青少年依恋问卷中的父子依恋和同伴依恋分问卷、中学生人格五因素问卷的情绪性维度进行测量,基于家庭系统理论、协同教养的生态模型和依恋的内部工作模式理论构建了一个有调节的中介模型。结果发现:(1)父子依恋在父亲协同教养的团结、贬低行为与青少年同伴依恋之间发挥中介作用;(2)青少年的情绪性在父子依恋影响青少年同伴依恋的关系中起调节作用,即情绪性调节了中介过程的后半路径,具体而言,当青少年情绪性升高时,父子依恋对青少年同伴依恋的促进作用减弱。本研究的结果有助于完善协同教养的相关理论,对加强青少年家庭中的父亲协同教养行为具有实践意义。  相似文献   

Using Bowlby's (1988) theory of attachment relations in this meta-analytic study, we examined prior studies that assessed both parental attachment and peer relations during adolescence. The collective sample size reflects 12,482 participants across 53 studies conducted since 1970. The overall effect size between parental attachment and adolescent peer relations variables was approximately ½ SD (d =. 54). Analysis of specific peer relations dimensions indicates that parental attachment was related to both social competence and best friend relationship quality. Despite variations in study characteristics, this overall effect size appears remarkably stable. Studies that have employed higher proportions of Whites and female participants, North American samples, and measures with high reliability have yielded relatively higher effect sizes than comparison studies. The findings provide partial support for Bowlby's (1988) contention that the emotion-based interactions with parent figures have repercussions in other relationships. The modest size, however, indicates that other factors besides attachment to parents play an important role in peer relations.  相似文献   

为探讨青少年同伴依恋与抑郁的关系,以及社会支持和自尊在二者关系中的作用机制,采用父母和同伴依恋问卷(IPPA)中的同伴依恋分量表、领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)、自尊量表(SES)和流调中心用抑郁量表(CES-D)对668名中学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)青少年同伴依恋、朋友社会支持和自尊两两之间呈显著正相关,且三者与抑郁均呈显著负相关。(2)青少年同伴依恋不仅能直接负向预测抑郁,而且还能通过自尊的单独中介作用对抑郁产生影响;朋友社会支持的单独中介作用以及社会支持→自尊的链式中介作用在初、高中生群体中存在差异,即在初中生群体中,同伴依恋能够通过社会支持的单独中介作用以及社会支持→自尊的链式中介作用对抑郁产生影响,而在高中生群体中,这两种间接作用均不显著。研究结果揭示了青少年同伴依恋对抑郁产生影响的心理机制,为引导青少年建立良好的同伴依恋,促进自尊及心理健康发展提供了有益建议。  相似文献   

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