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Conflit interpersonnel entre deux individus de culture différente. — Des sujets arabes et américains sont groupés par deux et doivent prendre une décision commune en matière de politique étrangère. On fait systématiquement varier les dyades du point de vue de la similitude cognitive des sujets (opinions semblables ou dissemblables en matière de politique étrangère) et de la composition culturelle (couples d'américains ou couples comprenant un arabe et un américain). Sur un total de 28 dyades en conflit, les résultats montrent que le conflit interpersonnel peut être valablement manipulé en laboratoire et que les compromis et la réduction des conflits sont affectés à la fois par les caractéristiques des sujets et la composition des dyades.  相似文献   

中学生人际冲突解决策略的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用根据Causey和Dubow的自陈式冲突解决策略修订的量表,探究中学生对于人际冲突的应对模式和情绪反应及其与人格特征和父母教养方式之间的联系。结果表明:(1)人际冲突解决策略及情绪反应存在性别和年龄差异。(2)不同个性特征的学生对于人际冲突的应对模式和情绪反应存在差异。(3)家庭中父母的情感温暖对学生的人际冲突解决策略存在较大影响。  相似文献   

为研究儿童心理与行为发展的需要,对儿童人际冲突应对策略量表进行编制。抽取8-14岁小学儿童392名,采用团体测试的方法进行测量。通过因素分析提取5个因素:问题解决、求助、逃避、情绪内倾化和情绪外倾化。量表结构比较稳定。各分量表的内部一致性信度系数和分半信度系数分别为0.56-0.84和0.54-0.83;两周重测信度系数0.86。专家评定结果表明各分量表的内容效度理想。结果表明该量表是一种较实用的测量儿童人际冲突应对策略的工具。  相似文献   

The relationships between experienced role conflict and ambiguity and four individual and interpersonal variables were examined within a multivariate framework. The regressions of role conflict and ambiguity on these variables were significant and were generally supported across three job categories in one organizational setting. Differences were noted across the job categories in terms of the regression equation predicting role perceptions. Hence, it appears that the underlying equations regarding the influence of individual and interpersonal variables on role perceptions do vary in different job categories. Task characteristics are offered as plausible reasons for these variations and suggested as variables for inclusion in a model of role conflict and ambiguity.  相似文献   

大学生人际冲突行为及其与心理健康的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
人际冲突是影响大学生人际关系和心理健康的重要因素。 该研究旨在了解大学生人际冲突行为的现况,探讨不同背景变量的大学生人际冲突行为的差异情形,以及大学生人际冲突行为与心理健康的关联性。根据研究所得提出结论与建议,为大学生心理健康教育提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

This study examined whether gender differences in sexually based perceptions of social interactions persist when traditional male–female power roles are reversed, when the interaction becomes progressively more sexually harassing, and when the response to the harassment is accepting or rejecting. A laboratory experiment was conducted in which 187 female and 165 male undergraduate students viewed a 5-minute videotape. Twelve versions of a scenario depicting a professor interacting with a cross-sex student were created which manipulated the sex of the powerholder, level of harassment, and response to harassment. Results indicated that men perceived the female target as behaving in a "sexier" manner regardless of her status, the level of harassment, or the victim's response. Women's sexually based perceptions of the most harassing male professor were greater than men's, however. Incorporating these gender differences in perceptions into a much-needed comprehensive model of sexual harassment (Zedeck & Cascio, 1984) appears to be warranted.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated how alcohol consumption affects women's responses to unwanted sexual advances in a hypothetical dating situation. Sixty female social drinkers participated in a 2 × 2 between-subjects experiment, which examined the effects of moderate alcohol intoxication and relationship characteristics on behavioral responses to unwanted sexual advances. Hypotheses were tested regarding the influence of inhibition conflict on intoxicated participants. As predicted, intoxicated women were more likely than sober women to consent to their dating partner's sexual advances in high conflict situations. Additionally, alcohol consumption increased women's estimated likelihood of responding passively. These findings aid in explicating the relationship between alcohol consumption and women's increased vulnerability to sexual assault.  相似文献   

RAPE AND SEDUCTION SCRIPTS   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

In two studies, achievement was conceptualized as consisting of affiliative as well as mastery events. Participants wrote about a recent achievement, provided causal attributions, and assessed the degree to which that achievement involved mastery, personal, and interpersonal themes in the first study. A second study randomly assigned participants a theme and asked them to assess the involvement of traditional correlates of achievement. Results indicated that individuals viewed achievement as consisting of mastery, personal, and interpersonal activities. These activities differed, however, in their associated pattern of correlates and attributions. Mastery events were characterized by public standards, high expectations, a process focus, completed time frame, and attributions to ability and effort. Interpersonal events were characterized by internal standards, lower expectations, an outcome focus, ongoing time frame, and attributions to luck. Characteristics reported for personal events varied as a function of methodology.  相似文献   

The relationship of math participation and success to self-esteem and career goals is examined in a sample of 64 women and 52 men college students at the end of their sophomore year. No gender differences were found in math anxiety or perceptions of the usefulness of mathematics, but women were less likely to select a math-related career goal. Among the men students, math participation and self-assessments of math ability were positively related to more general self-estimates of competence; among women, these variables were not related significantly. Women's choices for math-related careers were more closely associated with scholastic ability and math background than were men's career choices. These results are discussed in the context of societal pressures and supports for men and women in regard to math participation.  相似文献   

This study focused on the influence of mediated and unmediated models on the decision of adolescents to employ both pro- and antisocial modes of conflict resolution. Adolescents indicated how likely they would use four antisocial modes (verbal aggression, physical aggression, regression, and revenge) and one prosocial mode to resolve two conflicts. Their responses were correlated with four television viewing clusters (ABC crime/adventure, CBS crime/adventure, situation comedy, and nonpolice/adventure), the perceived likelihood that peers would employ the modes and the perceived likelihood that parents would employ the modes to discipline them. The television viewing clusters were inconsistent predictors of the adolescent use of the modes. The best predictor of adolescent use of the modes was perceived peer use followed by perceived parental use. Both mediated and unmediated influences produced significant multiple correlations and explained 34% to 48% of the variance in the adolescent use of the modes.  相似文献   

A role-conflict approach was employed to explore the impact of perceived frequency of conflict between caregiving and other obligations on the quality of relationships between daughters and their care-receiving mothers. Frequency of conflict between caregiving and responsibilities as a wife, mother, and paid and unpaid worker was assessed. Daughters reported relatively infrequent conflict between caregiving and other obligations. A multiple regression analysis revealed that daughters who reported frequent conflict between their obligations as caregivers and their obligations as wives had poorer relationships with their mothers. The findings emphasize the importance of a supportive spouse for married caregivers.  相似文献   

The ideology of sisterhood within the feminist movement suggests that feminists' and nonfeminists' same–sex friendships would differ profoundly. This assumption was tested by examining the friendships of 45 heterosexual nonfeminists, 43 heterosexual feminists, and 38 lesbian feminists from a large midwestern city. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 46. Using objective measures, differences were found between feminists and nonfeminists for some structural dimensions of friendship, including number of cross–generational friendships, degree of equality, and amount of privacy preferred with a best friend. Lesbian feminists preferred more privacy with their friends than nonfeminists, but rated their friends as lower on relationship quality and degree of equality than heterosexual feminists and nonfeminists. The three groups did not differ on the affective content of friendship, including liking, loving, satisfaction and commitment. However, feminists subjectively perceived their feminism as having contributed to both structural and affective changes in their friendships.  相似文献   

Ward H. Goodenough 《Zygon》1983,18(4):415-424
Abstract. Human language leads to an open-ended proliferation of human goals and purposes, which make for complex social relationships combining competition and dependence. The resulting ambivalence in social relationships makes the management of frustration and its attendant emotions a central concern of human socialization. The specific loading of emotional problems varies according to how societies are organized, but problems are inevitable. As relations of power and dependence become more complex, human efforts to manage these problems are liable to increasingly explosive and destructive expressions, apparently an inevitable consequence of social and sapient existence.  相似文献   

This study employs the 1983–1985 data from Social Sciences Citation Index's Journal Citation Reports to examine citation linkages of 10 communication journals. Some newly developed citation indices, together with existing ones, are used to examine the citation characteristics of these journals. The citation patterns found in this study are consistent with Reeves and Borgman's findings. There are some indications of gradual development in the field. However, in comparison with other social science fields, communication is still less developed and occupies only a peripheral position in the ecology of knowledge. The relative lack of interflow within the field and between communication and other fields is quite prominent.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with demonstrating the value of social cost—a concept derived from a social psychological theory of prejudice—in analyzing the cognitive processes underlying the encoding of convergent speech acts. A study showed that when speakers anticipate meeting socially significant others immediately, the effect on their perceptual processes is to perceive greater similarity to, and less undesirable traits in, such others. It was argued that this reduction of a perceived linguistic distance between a speaker and the interlocutor, termed perceptual convergence, should facilitate the adoption of convergent speech in the former. Areas for further research were discussed.  相似文献   

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