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由于中西方文化的不同,在交际中存在很大差异,这些文化差异所造成的文化误解是多种多样的,我们通常从自己的文化角度去思考问题的习惯,这就叫社会文化定势(Stereotypes)。不同文化背景的人交往时,跨文化意识的获取难度极大,其阻力主要来源于本民族文化长期的定势作用和对其他文化的偏见。英语学习者应树立跨文化意识、重视跨文化知识的掌握,在跨文化交际中要对目标语言的社会文化进行现实的体验和积累,同时也要关注不同社会文化中的非言语交际,以实现跨文化交际中社会文化定势的消解。  相似文献   

本文通过对以往研究的总结, 讨论了哪些因素可以帮助理解中国和欧洲家庭之间的家务分工文化差异。首先, 我们将中国家庭的家务分工状况与欧洲家务的情况进行了对比, 总结了文化差异所在。其次, 我们分析了目前家务分工研究领域内的主要理论模型在中国社会里的应用情况。我们发现, 这些模型只能部分的解释, 为什么中国和欧洲家庭在家务分工上存在文化差异。接下来, 我们讨论了儒家思想和第三方的家务承担对于夫妻家务分工可能产生的影响, 以扩展家务分工跨文化研究的理论框架。最后, 我们总结了文化价值观和家务支持对于理解不同文化中的夫妻家务分工的意义, 呼吁更多的研究关注。  相似文献   

长期以来,心理学对文化差异的研究以价值观为主导。2002年Leung等人提出了社会通则概念(Social Axiom),使得对文化差异的研究有了新载体。社会通则区别于价值观、社会态度、人格特质等概念,它是个体对于他人、社会、物质和精神世界的一般化信念,特指个体对两个概念或者两个实体关系的一般性认识。研究者编制的社会通则问卷具有良好的信效度。该问卷在40多个国家的应用表明,社会通则在不同文化和社会背景下具有共同的5个维度,即愤世嫉俗、社会多样性、付出有回报、宗教性和命运控制。社会通则的研究从新视角探讨了文化差异以及心理机制和行为表现的关系,为社会心理学提供了新的研究方向。  相似文献   

习俗文化是贯穿于日常社会和交际活动中由民族的风俗习惯形成的文化,它涉及到一个民族生活的各个领域。不了解一个民族的文化,不"入乡随俗",就难以真正掌握一个民族的语言。本文小小说《索碧哈》为例,解析了阿拉伯国家与中国回族的婚俗文化及差异,让我们了解其在跨文化交际中具有重要的意义。同样在感悟回族和阿拉伯民族婚俗文化差异的同时,体会别样的异域风情。  相似文献   

压力和应对的研究是跨文化心理学研究的一个重要组成部分,其研究对于理解东西方的文化差异有着重要意义.文章从文化视野中的压力和应对的理论模型及集体主义和个体主义这对文化模式出发,探讨了在环境系统、个体系统、暂时条件、认知评价和应对技能等方面存在的文化差异,最后指出压力和应对的跨文化研究应注意的问题.  相似文献   

人类自我概念的心理表征在心理学和哲学有深入的研究, 跨文化心理学研究揭示了东西方文化自我概念的结构差异。近年来神经科学借助脑功能成像开始研究自我相关信息加工过程的神经机制, 并探讨是否存在文化特异的自我概念的认知神经表征。跨文化神经成像研究表明自我概念在知觉水平和人格特征表征方面都存在文化差异, 本文综述该领域的研究进展。跨文化和文化启动神经成像研究结果有助于我们理解自我概念表征文化差异背后的神经机制。这些研究推动了文化神经科学的发展。  相似文献   

《跨文化心理学导论》介绍郑雪华南师范大学心理系(广州510631)跨文化心理学是近几十年才发展起来的一个心理学研究方向,它以比较的研究策略探讨不同文化中个体心理与行为的差异性和普遍性,以揭示社会文化与个体心理行为的关系。由于这个学科对于整个心理科学有...  相似文献   

运用马洛-克罗恩社会赞许量表(MCSD)和儿童社会期望量表(CSD),采用3×3设计,测查了高、中、低三类赞许动机水平的246名初中生在高、中、低三种不同赞许情境下完成诚实性测验的差异,以考察社会赞许性反应。结果显示低赞许动机被试比高赞许动机被试整体上更诚实,他们在三种情境下的诚实性行为差异不显著;高赞许动机水平被试在三种赞许情境下诚实性行为差异显著。说明前者更多依从自己内部判断,后者更多依从外界评价。  相似文献   

文化常模和目标调节模型:两种幸福感文化观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着世界经济的发展,人们物资生活水平的提高,如何提高生活质量这一问题引起了越来越多的关注。20世纪60年代后期,主观幸福感(SWB)的研究逐步在全世界范围内形成热潮。近年来,幸福感属性中的文化差异引起了跨文化研究者的极大兴趣。文章通过比较SWB跨文化研究中新近出现的两个理论模型——文化常模模型和目标调节模型,探讨了文化在SWB产生过程中的作用,并在此基础上分析了情绪性幸福感和生活意义之间的关系。  相似文献   

李燕  李丹  李娜  宗爱东  黄开宇 《心理科学》2007,30(3):712-715
本研究以66对17至32个月的幼儿和母亲为研究对象,研究了在实验室情境中,幼儿在不同实验情境下对母亲的社会朝向反应,并探讨了幼儿社会朝向行为的功能以及母亲的行为对幼儿社会朝向反应的影响。结果显示,(1)大多数幼儿在实验中都表现出了至少一次的社会朝向反应,社会朝向反应的发生是酱遍的;(2)在不同情境中,幼儿的社会朝向反应不同,在积极的情境中,社会朝向反应有分享情绪经历的功能;在抗拒诱惑的任务中,社会朝向行为与获得支持有关;(3)母亲对情境的非信息性反应对幼儿的社会朝向行为有影响,社会朝向是幼儿对社会情境的适应性行为,对这种非语言的情感交流行为的研究可以帮助我们探究幼儿情绪社会化的过程。  相似文献   

In a cross-cultural study we addressed commonalities and differences of acquiescence, extremity, midpoint responding, and socially desirable responding that can be taken to constitute a single underlying response style. Participants were 548 Dutch nationals and 1116 first- and second-generation immigrants of Western and Non-Western origins in the Netherlands. Self-report measures of the four response styles, and personality traits were administered. Conventional, indirect measures of acquiescence, extremity, and midpoint responding were also calculated. A multigroup confirmatory factor analysis showed support for a general response style factor with positive loadings of extremity and socially desirable responding, and negative loadings of acquiescence and midpoint responding. The response style factor was strongly associated with personality (notably the “Big One” factor). Furthermore, acquiescence and impression management were related to agreeableness, extremity and midpoint responding to extraversion, and self-deceptive enhancement to neuroticism. These findings support a view that there is a general response style factor and that, in addition, each response style has some unique meaning. The ethnic groups differed significantly on response style use, with Non-Western immigrants showing higher acquiescence and midpoint responding than the other groups. The general response style factor can be interpreted as a communication filter that moderates self-reports. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

There is widespread use of self-report measures of driving behaviour in the traffic psychology literature, despite the frequent criticism that such measures are subject to social desirability bias. However, no research has yet investigated the more recently developed measures of driving anxiety and avoidance behaviour for socially desirable responding. Furthermore, relatively little research has investigated the issue of socially desirable responding on self-reported driver behaviour in general, and that which does exist has several shortcomings. The present study used a repeated measures design to assess the effect of social desirability on a measure of driving avoidance, the Driving and Riding Avoidance Scale (DRAS), and the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ). A sample of 228 undergraduate students completed the DRAS, DBQ and a measure of socially desirable responding in class, which constituted a public place, and then again 2 months later in the privacy of their homes. None of the DBQ items were significantly different across the two locations. However, two of the DRAS general avoidance items were higher in the public setting, perhaps demonstrating the effect of socially desirable responding on driving avoidance due to environmental or practical concern. Nevertheless, overall it appears as though the DRAS and DBQ are not particularly vulnerable to socially desirable responding, although further well-designed research on the effects of such bias on these and other self-report measures of driving behaviour should be undertaken.  相似文献   

We assessed 2 forms of agreement between mothers' and fathers' socially desirable responding in China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, the Philippines, Sweden, Thailand and the United States (N = 1110 families). Mothers and fathers in all 9 countries reported socially desirable responding in the upper half of the distribution, and countries varied minimally (but China was higher than the cross‐country grand mean and Sweden lower). Mothers and fathers did not differ in reported levels of socially desirable responding, and mothers' and fathers' socially desirable responding were largely uncorrelated. With one exception, mothers' and fathers' socially desirable responding were similarly correlated with self‐perceptions of parenting, and correlations varied somewhat across countries. These findings are set in a discussion of socially desirable responding, cultural psychology and family systems.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the special section “Cultural differences in questionnaire responding” and discusses central topics in the research on response biases in cross‐cultural survey research. Based on current conceptions of acquiescent, extreme, and socially desirable responding, the author considers current data on the correlated nature of response biases and the conditions under which different response styles they emerge. Based on evidence relating different response styles to the cultural dimension of individualism‐collectivism, the paper explores how research presented as part of this special section might help resolves some tensions in this literature. The paper concludes by arguing that response styles should not be treated merely as measurement error, but as cultural behaviors in themselves.  相似文献   

Driver behaviour is often studied by using self-reports and questionnaires. Despite their obvious advantages, questionnaires are vulnerable to socially desirable response tendencies. In this study, the effects of socially desirable responding on self-reports of driving were studied by recording self-reports of driving in both public and private settings. In public settings, 47 applicants for a driving instructor training course completed the driver behaviour questionnaire (DBQ) and balanced inventory for socially desirable responding as a part of the entrance examination. In a private setting, 54 students of that training course completed the same questionnaires anonymously in the classroom. ANOVA results showed a difference between the two settings in six DBQ item scores, such that aberrant behaviours were reported less frequently in public than in private settings. The results indicated that bias caused by socially desirable responding is relatively small in DBQ responses.  相似文献   

The role of socially desirable responding in the report of treatment motivation and psychological distress by patients seeking surgical treatment for dentofacial disharmony was explored. Participants completed the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR; Paulhus, 1988), which measures two components of socially desirable responding (SDR): impression management (IM), which is the purposeful tailoring of answers in order to create the most positive social image, and self-deceptive positivity (SDE), which is an honest, but overly positive self-presentation. When simple bivariate relationships were examined, statistically significant inverse associations were observed between socially desirable responding and specific motives for treatment and between SDR and psychological distress. However, the relationship between socially desirable responding and motives for treatment disappeared when the effect of psychological distress was controlled. The positive relationship between psychological distress and the report of social well-being, and self-image motives for treatment remained statistically significant even after the variance attributable to socially desirable responding was removed. Implications of the findings for the evaluation of psychological distress and treatment motivation in this population are discussed.  相似文献   

Research suggests that collectivists are more likely to engage in deception and socially desirable responding to maintain good relationships with others. In contrast, individualists are portrayed as candid and sincere because individualism encourages people to "be yourself." The authors propose that people with both types of cultural orientations or backgrounds engage in desirable responding, albeit in distinct ways. In Study 1, respondents from the United States compared with those from Singapore, and European Americans compared with Asian Americans, scored higher on self-deceptive enhancement (SDE)-the tendency to see oneself in a positive light and to give inflated assessment of one's skills and abilities- but lower on impression management (IM) by misrepresenting their self-reported actions to appear more normatively appropriate. In Studies 2 to 4, horizontal individualism as a cultural orientation correlated with SDE but not with IM, whereas horizontal collectivism correlated with IM but not with SDE. Further analyses examining (a) individual differences in the tendency to answer deceptively and (b) responses to behavioral scenarios shed additional light on the culturally relevant goals served by these distinct types of socially desirable responding.  相似文献   

Past studies of socially desirable self-reports on the items of personality measures have found inconsistent effects of the response bias on the measures' predictive validities, with some studies reporting small effects and other studies reporting large effects. Using Monte Carlo methods, we evaluated various models of socially desirable responding by systematically adding predetermined amounts of the bias to the simulated personality trait scores of hypothetical test respondents before computing test-criterion validity correlations. Our study generally supported previous findings that have reported relatively minor decrements in criterion prediction, even with personality scores that were massively infused with desirability bias. Furthermore, the response bias failed to reveal itself as a statistical moderator of test validity or as a suppressor of validity. Large differences between some respondents' obtained test scores and their true trait scores, however, meant that the personality measure's construct validity would be severely compromised and, more specifically, that estimates of those individuals' criterion performance would be grossly in error. Our discussion focuses on reasons for the discrepant results reported in the literature pertaining to the effect of socially desirable responding on criterion validity. More important, we explain why the lack of effects of desirability bias on the usual indicators of validity, moderation, and suppression should not be surprising.  相似文献   

As previous research has demonstrated numerous times, humans show a robust tendency for cooperation. However, part—or indeed all—of this cooperativeness may be due to socially desirable responding. To address this problem, we propose and apply a new approach for the unbiased measurement of cooperativeness in social dilemma games. Specifically, we employ an extension of the randomized‐response technique (RRT). The RRT protects the privacy of respondents by adding random noise to their responses. It thus encourages more honest responding and thereby provides less biased estimates of sensitive attributes. In a large‐scale study with 2043 respondents we maximized anonymity in a one‐shot prisoner's dilemma game through use of the RRT. Comparing the prevalence rates for cooperation obtained via the RRT with those from direct self‐report showed that traditional direct questioning formats overestimate cooperation rates, with a relative bias of 18%. This finding suggests that to a considerable extent, self‐reported cooperation is due to socially desirable responding, rather than actual cooperativeness. However, our results also demonstrate that cooperation remains substantial even under conditions of maximized anonymity. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Paradigms typically employed to investigate socially desirable responding in personality assessment implicitly assume linear relationships exist between trait level and desirability but recent research has called this assumption into question. In this study, participants rated the desirability of a hypothetical applicant to one of four jobs on the basis of which five-point Likert-type scale option he/she selected when responding to personality items. Results generally indicated that the most extreme option, on the desirable side of the response scale, was rated as most desirable, but perceived desirability asymptotes with the penultimate option. The middle (neutral) option, however, was consistently regarded as being much less desirable. The occupational context also significantly moderated the patterns of desirability ratings for many items.  相似文献   

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