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《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(5):753-763
Sudden gains have been associated with better short- and long-term treatment outcomes in a number of psychiatric disorders. However, no studies to date have evaluated sudden gains in body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). We used data from a previous randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of an Internet-based cognitive-behavior treatment (CBT) for BDD. The sample consisted of 47 adults diagnosed with BDD. We compared the treatment outcomes of sudden gainers vs. gradual gainers (i.e., treatment responders with no sudden gains) and non-sudden gainers (i.e., gradual gainers plus nonresponders) at posttreatment and 3, 12, and 24 months after the end of the treatment. Twelve (25.5%) participants experienced a sudden gain. Compared to non-sudden gainers and to gradual gainers, sudden gainers showed significantly larger improvements on the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale modified for BDD at posttreatment (g = 1.23 and g = .91, respectively), and at 3-month (g = 1.23 and g = 1.00, respectively), 12-month (g = 1.12 and g = .91, respectively), and 24-month follow-up (g = 1.11 and g = .97, respectively). This translated into higher rates of treatment responders and remitters in the sudden gainers across all time points. The occurrence of sudden gains in Internet-based CBT for BDD is associated with favorable short- and long-term treatment outcomes. This suggests that a sudden improvement during the treatment could be a marker of good prognosis, while non-sudden—including gradual—gainers are more likely to need continued support or booster sessions. Early identification of patients who are not progressing as expected and subsequent tailoring of the delivered intervention has the potential to improve treatment outcomes in this group.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on performance on standard neuropsychological tests among individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Of 19 studies, 16 reported impairment of attention or immediate memory (or both); however, most of these studies included PTSD patients with significant psychiatric comorbidity, so that the extent to which the observed deficits are specifically attributable to PTSD remains unclear. Other potential confounds, including medical illness, substance abuse, and motivational factors, further preclude definitive conclusions at present. Results of structural and functional neuroimaging studies of PTSD are also summarized. Two studies have reported correlations between hippocampal volume and cognitive findings in PTSD patients; functional studies have indicated specific findings in limbic regions, although the relationship of these results to neuropsychological performance remains to be explored.  相似文献   

过度泛化现象是区分普通心理问题和严重心理问题的重要指标。创伤后应激障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD)患者在创伤事件后会出现非适应性的泛化。现有研究结果表明非适应性泛化(maladaptive generalization)可能是PTSD发生发展的一个重要因素, 但也有研究支持PTSD是导致了泛化从适应性向非适应性化转变的原因。虽然泛化现象的变化与PTSD症状的发展有相同趋势, 且具有共同的生理基础:记忆相关神经结构, 但二者之间的关系尚无明确定论。阐明PTSD与非适应性泛化之间的关系对PTSD的预测、诊断和治疗均有推进作用。  相似文献   

Many unemployed Vietnam veterans may be sufferers of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms and behaviors of PTSD are reviewed to assist employment counselors in identifying such individuals, and suggestions for referral are made.  相似文献   

刘寅  陈正根  张雨青  张宁 《心理科学进展》2011,19(10):1511-1517
创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的民族差异主要体现在少数民族PTSD的发生率较高和症状反应与症状结构的差异。以美国代表的西方国家的研究表明, 这些差异主要是源于暴露水平、少数民族的社会地位以及不同的文化背景。汶川地震后, 有研究也发现羌族PTSD发生率高于汉族, 然而对于羌汉民族间症状反应的具体差异及其原因, 还并不十分明确。因此, 有必要在中国进行PTSD民族差异系统深入的研究, 这既有助于灾后心理援助工作更加有针对性的开展, 也能够为从东方文化视角下理解PTSD提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This meta-analysis compares the findings of empirical studies that employ either a traditional form of cognitive–behavioral-based exposure therapy or virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to determine which is more viable and effective. Statistical analyses were performed on 26 studies to determine pre- to posttreatment effect sizes and interactions. Results demonstrated a trend toward significance in favor of traditional exposure therapy showing lower posttreatment PTSD. Limitations included a restricted number of relevant studies; future research on VRET for PTSD should orient more to experimental designs, larger samples, and increased use of control groups.  相似文献   

Meta-analyses of the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in childhood and adolescence are restricted to specific trauma, selected interventions, and methodologically rigorous studies. This large meta-analysis quantifies the effects of psychological treatments for PTSD symptoms in children and adolescents. An extensive literature search yielded a total of 13,040 articles; 135 studies with 150 treatment conditions (N = 9562 participants) met the inclusion criteria (psychological interventions with children and/or adolescents with PTSD symptoms that report quantitative measures of symptom change). The mean effect sizes (ESs) for PTSD symptoms ranged from large to small, depending on the control condition. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) yielded the highest ESs. Age and caretaker involvement were identified as moderators. CBT, especially when conducted in individual treatment with the inclusion of parents, is a highly effective treatment for trauma symptoms. Psychological treatments need to be modified to address younger patients’ specific needs.  相似文献   

Research on the predictors of response to cognitive-behavioral treatments for PTSD has often produced inconsistent or ambiguous results. We argue this is in part due to the use of statistical techniques that explore relationships among the entire sample of participants rather than homogeneous subgroups. Using 2 large randomized controlled trials of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), CPT components, and Prolonged Exposure, we employed growth mixture modeling to identify distinct trajectories of treatment response and to determine the predictors of those trajectories. We determined that the participants’ trajectories could be best represented by 2 latent classes, which we subsequently labeled responders (87% of the sample) and nonresponders (13% of the sample). Notably, there was not a separate class for partial responders. Assignment to the nonresponder class was associated with receiving the written accounts (WA) component of CPT, a pretreatment diagnosis of major depression (MDD), and more pretreatment hyperarousal symptoms. Thus, it appears that some individuals do not benefit from merely writing about their trauma and processing it with the therapist; they may also need to engage in cognitive restructuring to successfully ameliorate their symptoms. Additionally, those who meet criteria for MDD or have high levels of hyperarousal at the onset of treatment might require additional treatment or support.  相似文献   

Counselors in settings as diverse as schools, corporations, and community agencies are well aware of the numbers of people in the United States who daily come in contact with stressors that are extreme and potentially traumatic. Automobile accidents, disasters, or encounters with interpersonal violence are ubiquitous. Professional counselors, regardless of their professional identification or the settings in which they work, are very likely providing services to many people who are in distress after traumatic exposures. These counselors would benefit from knowing what other mental health professionals consider to be best practices for preventing and treating posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSDs). The purpose of this article is to summarize for counselors those best practices that have been recently developed and published by a multidisciplinary expert group (E. B. Foa, J. R. T. Davidson, & A. Frances, 1999) in their article “Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.”  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(5):814-828
Theory suggests that, in those with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), positive emotion is likely dampened due to reexperiencing of trauma-related stimuli. Prior research has extended positive emotion experiencing to reward processing research but has not yet examined how trauma cues affect reward processing (i.e., the anticipation of and satisfaction with reward) and decision-making in individuals with PTSD. We compared 24 individuals diagnosed with PTSD to 29 trauma-exposed controls in passive and decision-making phases of a wheel-of-fortune task, following both neutral and trauma inductions. Three types of spinners were used in the task: spinners that were obviously advantageous spinners, obviously disadvantageous spinners, and ambiguously advantageous spinners with outcomes averaging to a net gain. We hypothesized that the PTSD group would report lower reward expectation and lower outcome satisfaction and make less advantageous decisions, differences that would be exacerbated following a trauma prime. The PTSD group reported lower reward expectation than controls for the ambiguous spinners only, suggesting that the reduced anticipation of reward associated with PTSD may be specific to ambiguous stimuli. Reward expectation was not affected by the type of prime. Outcome satisfaction was not affected by PTSD or type of prime. Although only marginally significant, the PTSD group played the ambiguous spinners less often than controls, and played the obviously disadvantageous spinners significantly less often than controls, suggesting that those with PTSD are more aversive to loss. Our findings suggest that PTSD-related deficits are more robust for reward expectation than outcome satisfaction, and support future research examining the role of reward-related decision-making in PTSD.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been associated with deficits in the areas of verbal memory and learning, executive functioning, working memory, and attention in adults. Findings have been less consistent in the few studies examining neuropsychological functioning in childhood PTSD, which are often limited by comparing children with PTSD to children without trauma histories, making it unclear whether observed neuropsychological deficits are related to trauma exposure or to PTSD symptomatology. In an ethnically diverse sample of 62 children who witnessed intimate partner violence (n = 27 PTSD+ and 35 PTSD?), children with PTSD exhibited slower and less effective learning, heightened sensitivity to interference, and impaired effect of rehearsal on memory acquisition on the California Verbal Learning Test – Children's Version, a word list learning task. Both groups performed in the below average range on measures of executive functioning, attention, and intellectual ability.  相似文献   

交通事故是目前导致创伤后应激障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder,PTSD)的主要原因之一,PTSD常常伴发其他精神障碍如焦虑、抑郁等,即使事故过去很长一段时间以后,症状仍然可能残留或复发,容易迁延形成慢性病程,给患者家庭及社会带来沉重的经济负担。本文综述了交通事故所致PTSD的流行病学、临床症状及影响因素、认知功能损伤、对患者生活质量的影响及对未来研究方向展望。  相似文献   


Two open trials of Virtual Reality based exposure therapy (VRE) to desensitize Vietnam veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to some of their traumatic memories are described. A total of 21 patients were exposed to one of two virtual Vietnam computer-generated environments in which their individual traumatic experiences were simulated in response to their recounting these events. Although two patients experienced significant increases in symptoms during VRE, all patients' PTSD symptoms were below baseline by the 3-month post-treatment assessment. When the data from the two open trials was combined, clinically meaningful and statistically significant reductions in PTSD symptoms were found. These changes were long lasting as evidenced by the 6-month follow-up assessments. Two case examples are provided and future applications of this treatment are discussed.  相似文献   


The diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has achieved a major level of significance in our judicial system. The forensic examination of PTSD is identified as a specialized assessment that is non-biased and non-prejudicial. This article attempts to provide a standard methodology to offer an objective and neutral forensic assessment and diagnosis of PTSD that will stand up to legal scrutiny by identifying problems in diagnosing PTSD and establishing a six-step methodology for the differential diagnosis of the disorder. Procedures for providing a forensic examination of PTSD and details of the author's methods of providing a forensic examination are presented.  相似文献   

Historically, administrators and clinicians have been hesitant to address posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs). However, research shows that SUD treatment recruitment and outcomes may be adversely affected if co‐occurring PTSD is left untreated. The authors provide guidelines for screening and assessment, treatment services, and workforce and organizational development that are designed to facilitate integrated PTSD–SUD treatment. Case examples illustrate the necessary precautions related to and the potential benefits of integrating treatment of PTSD and SUD.  相似文献   

John, an urban African male who developed posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following an armed robbery at the petrol station where he worked, was treated with 12 sessions of Trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy. Intervention involved a combination of psychoeducation, prolonged imaginal exposure, cognitive restructuring and behavioural assignments. This article is a systematic case study of his treatment which included a comprehensive narrative and tracking of progress by means of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale. John responded well to the treatment, finding it acceptable and credible and remained free of PTSD symptoms at 15 months follow up. It is argued, based on the principles of Elliott's Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design, that there is evidence from within the narrative that it was the treatment that led to remission of symptoms. This case study demonstrates the cognitive, emotional and behavioural processes underlying John's PTSD, which fits with those extensively described in the research literature, and that this evidence-based treatment developed in a westernised context is transportable to work with urban Africans.  相似文献   

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