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Comparative studies of forward and backward chaining have led some to suggest that sensitivity to each teaching procedure may be idiosyncratic across learners and tasks. The purposes of the current study were threefold. First, we assessed differential sensitivity to each chaining procedure within children when presented with multiple learning tasks of similar content but different complexity. Second, we evaluated whether differential sensitivity to a chaining procedure during a brief task predicted differential sensitivity during the teaching of longer tasks. Third, we directly assessed children's preferences for each teaching procedure via a concurrent-chains preference assessment. Learners acquired all target skills introduced under both chaining conditions, but individual children did not consistently learn more efficiently with either procedure. Short-duration tasks were not predictive of performance in tasks of longer duration. Both chaining procedures were preferred over a baseline condition without prompting, but participants did not demonstrate a preference for either procedure.  相似文献   

In this study, we piloted a teaching procedure to help a learner attend to group pronouns (calls), such as “Everyone,” as precursors for cooperating with instructions. A student was first taught to attend to the teacher when a bell rang; the teacher then paired the bell with group call words and faded the bell out to transfer stimulus control to the calls. This antecedent intervention led to increased attending to group calls and cooperation with the instructions. We used a hybrid design of alternating treatments and multiple baselines to evaluate the effects of the intervention. We briefly assessed maintenance after the systematic fading of the intervention and again after 2 weeks. The results suggest that attending occurred through listener responding rather than through the traditional measures of eye gaze and orienting. We explore the effects in terms of stimulus control, behavioral classes, component skills, chaining, and high‐p and low‐p effects.  相似文献   

An important area in the learning and development of individuals with disabilities is the acquisition of independent, age-appropriate leisure skills. Three adults with autism and mental retardation were taught to access specific Internet sites using backward chaining and most-to-least intrusive prompting. The number of independent steps completed in the task analysis increased following training.  相似文献   

The effects of functional communication training, extinction, and response chaining on 3 subjects' escape-maintained aberrant behavior were evaluated using a multielement design. Functional communication training consisted of teaching subjects a verbal response that was functionally equivalent to their aberrant behavior. Subjects initially were allowed to escape from a task contingent on the trained verbal response. In subsequent treatment phases, escape was contingent on the trained verbal response plus the completion of the specified number of steps in the task (response chaining). The number of steps was increased until a subject completed the task to obtain a break. Results showed that the treatment reduced rates of aberrant behavior and that the chaining procedure was effective in decreasing the availability of escape.  相似文献   

Discrete‐trial teaching is an effective teaching procedure that must be implemented with high integrity to produce optimal learning. Behavioral Skills Training (BST) has proven effective for staff training; however, BST is time and labor intensive. Computer‐based instruction (CBI) programs may provide a more efficient and cost‐effective alternative to live training if the CBI program is as effective as BST in producing accurate implementation. The current study compared CBI to BST to train novice undergraduate students to conduct discrete‐trial teaching. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions and assessed prior to and after the completion of training. Results indicated that although both BST and CBI were effective at training participants to implement discrete‐trial teaching, BST was slightly but significantly more effective whereas CBI quickly created a return on the investment of product development.  相似文献   

Echoics are a critical target of language intervention for children with autism, because a well‐established echoic repertoire on the part of the child allows the clinician to use vocal modeling as a flexible, low‐effort prompting procedure during teaching. In this study, we implemented a chaining procedure to increase the complexity of echoics in 2 children with autism and 1 child with developmental delay. The procedure was effective for all 3 participants, and gains were maintained after treatment was withdrawn in most cases.  相似文献   

We evaluated the extent to which staff at a university career center (a) already used, (b) could be taught to use, and (c) might continue to use behavioral skills training (BST) when teaching interview answers to college students. We used a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design across three staff‐student dyads to assess the extent to which staff implemented BST and students provided appropriate answers before and after training. Results showed that interview training at the career center typically consisted of few BST steps, but staff could be taught on how to implement BST. All staff rated BST as an acceptable and effective form of interview training, but only one indicated that he or she was likely to adopt BST at the career center.  相似文献   

Rather than treating paired associate and serial learning as involving the acquisition of distinct types of information [e.g. Murdock (1974). Human memory: Theory and data. New York: Wiley] I propose an Isolation Principle which treats the two as ends of a continuum. According to this principle, consecutive pairs of items are relatively isolated from other studied items in paired associates learning, but not isolated in serial list learning. The consequence is that variability that dominates forward and backward probed recall is highly correlated in pairs but less so, due to differential interference, in lists. This can explain an important dissociation: whereas forward and backward probes of pairs are nearly perfectly correlated, the correlation is only moderate for serial lists. I demonstrate this in a chaining model by varying item-to-item associative strengths and in a positional coding model by varying the similarity structure of item positions. This enables a range of models to account for data on pairs and lists, as well as potential intermediate or hybrid paradigms, within a single theoretical framework.  相似文献   

We taught 2 4‐year‐old children with autism to ask questions of an adult who held a closed box with a toy inside. The treatment package (modeling, prompting, and reinforcement) was evaluated with a multiple baseline design across the three question forms during training, generalization, and follow‐up evaluations. The first question form (“What's that?”) produced the name of the hidden item. The second form (“Can I see it?”) produced sight of it, and the third form (“Can I have it?”) produced the item itself. Both children learned to ask questions about hidden objects.  相似文献   

By watching and responding to the way a shill answered “yes-no” questions about food items, a developmentally delayed preschool boy not only greatly improved over his poor baseline “yes-no” answers to these same items, but also to “yes-no” answers during generalization probe sessions to untrained objects that included picture cards and body parts. Correct “yes-no” answers during follow-up sessions was also high for both the trained and untrained objects. The suggested mechanism for improvement was the elaborated from of answers the shill issues, which served to highlight and prompt “yes” versus “no” answers. Generalized “yes-no” answers improved as the training components (removing the shill and prior labeling questions) approximated the form of the generalized probe sessions. Experiment II confirmed that as soon as the labels for new objects were taught, “yes-no” answers to all labeled objects was immediately perfect and remained so thereafter. To nonlabled objects, “yes-no” answers were initially at chance level, but these answers for certain nonlabeled objects subsequently improved and their names were learned without explicit training, apparently through prior correct “yes-no” responding.  相似文献   

This paper presents a historical analysis of the genesis, context, and function of “Operative Psychology,” a little‐known branch of applied psychology developed by employees of the Ministry of State Security in the German Democratic Republic. For 25 years, theories and practices of Operative Psychology were taught to elite agents at the Juridical Academy in Potsdam, introducing them to various “silent” psychological techniques of persuasion, interrogation, and repression. After highlighting the economic and political context that increased the need for “silent” techniques of observation and repression, an overview of the topics that were taught and researched at the chair for Operative Psychology is given. Examples of how these techniques were put into practice are provided and the consequences for the victims of Operative Psychology are discussed. Furthermore, commonalities and differences between Operative Psychology and the use of psychological torture by the CIA during the “war on terror” are discussed and questions regarding the relation between methodological and moral strategies of justification are addressed.  相似文献   

Seven high-school trainees each conducted training sessions with two profoundly retarded children. Each trainee was asked to teach one child to follow the instruction “Bring ball” and the other child to follow the instructions “Sit down” and “Come here”. During baseline sessions, before the trainees had been instructed in behavior-modification techniques, no trainee successfully taught either child to follow the instructions. After differing numbers of baseline sessions, trainees were exposed to training procedures designed to teach them to teach one child to follow the instruction “Bring ball”. The training procedures consisted of videotaped modelling, rehearsal, and corrective feedback and praise. Following the training procedures, four of the seven trainees successfully taught their child to follow the instruction “Bring ball”. Further, all trainees were able to teach their other children to follow the instructions “Sit down” and “Come here”, even though they had received no modelling, rehearsal, or feedback on how to teach the children to follow these instructions. The ability of the trainees to teach new behaviors to different children indicates the development of generalized skills in behavior modification.  相似文献   

Tomoko Masuzawa and a number of other contemporary scholars have recently problematized the categories of “religion” and “world religions” and, in some cases, called for its abandonment altogether as a discipline of scholarly study. In this collaborative essay, we respond to this critique by highlighting three attempts to teach world religions without teaching “world religions.” That is, we attempt to promote student engagement with the empirical study of a plurality of religious traditions without engaging in the rhetoric of pluralism or the reification of the category “religion.” The first two essays focus on topical courses taught at the undergraduate level in self‐consciously Christian settings: the online course “Women and Religion” at Georgian Court University and the service‐learning course “Interreligious Dialogue and Practice” at St. Michael's College, in the University of Toronto. The final essay discusses the integration of texts and traditions from diverse traditions into the graduate theology curriculum more broadly, in this case at Loyola Marymount University. Such confessional settings can, we suggest, offer particularly suitable – if somewhat counter‐intuitive – contexts for bringing the otherwise covert agendas of the world religions discourse to light and subjecting them to a searching inquiry in the religion classroom.  相似文献   

This article describes some of the common errors made in inference chaining by novice as well as experienced REBTers. These errors are presented in a three stage process: first, false starts in initiating the chain; second, going deeper into the chain but following the wrong path caused by inattention to client data signposting the right one; third, stopping short of the critical A because of insufficient refinement of the activating event. Then we present the complete inference chain with annotations showing how the aforementioned mistakes can be avoided. Finally, we suggest that inference chaining does not have to be a daunting prospect but its successful execution usually requires more than just REBT training.  相似文献   

Compared with experienced drivers, young novice drivers are more likely to have traffic accidents. The main reasons are that they lack experience, their hazard perception is weak, and their visual search strategy is underdeveloped. Research shows that hazard perception training can improve the visual search strategy of young novice drivers and enhance their hazard perception ability. We propose that a driver's visual search behaviour, like any other action, can be developed by observing the behaviour of a role model. In an experiment based on a driving simulator, we clustered the visual search paths of 20 experienced drivers, selected the drivers with the best visual search behaviour, and obtained visual search path video footage to produce hazard perception training videos. Using these videos, we applied Bandura’s observation learning theory to train 20 young novice drivers. We call this approach “training based on experienced drivers' performance”. To determine the effects of training based on experienced drivers' performance, 20 young novice drivers were given the usual expert commentary training, and 20 young drivers were given no training. The results showed that training based on experienced drivers' performance and expert commentary training had positive effects on the average speed of young novice drivers through hazard sections. Compared with untrained young novice drivers, trained young novice drivers decreased their speed in response to dangerous road sections. Compared with young novice drivers who received expert commentary training and those who did not receive training, young novice drivers who received training based on experienced drivers' performance showed significant improvements in visual search. These results suggest that training based on experienced drivers' performance can help young novice drivers improve their hazard perception, especially in visual aspects. This training method can complement existing training methods for young novice drivers.  相似文献   

This study focused on the association between type of community health interventions and lay health educator variables. Lay health educators are volunteers from local faith communities who complete a healthcare training program, taught by physicians in-training. Lay health educators are instructed to implement health-related initiatives in their respective communities after graduation. Of the 72 graduates since 2011, we surveyed 55 lay health educators to gain insight into their involvement with their congregation and the type of health projects they have implemented. We dichotomized the health projects into “raising awareness” and “teaching new health skills.” Using adjusted logistic regression models, variables associated with implementing health projects aimed at teaching health skills included length of time as a member of their congregation, current employment, and age. These results may help future programs prepare lay health community educators for the type of health interventions they intend to implement in their respective communities.  相似文献   

The aims of this research were to examine the development of teaching skills in preschool children and to explore the relation between teaching and theory of mind (ToM). After learning a new board game, 3.5-, 4.5-, and 5.5-year-old children (N = 46) were asked to teach a confederate who “doesn't know how to play the game.” They also received two ToM tasks. Children's teaching skills increased significantly with age: older children taught longer, explained more rules, used more strategies when teaching, and were more likely to recognize and attempt to correct “errors” committed by the confederate. After being controlled for age, individual differences in ToM were significantly correlated with the number of strategies used when teaching. This research suggests that a dynamic teaching task is sensitive to developmental changes and that aspects of children's teaching may serve as a window into their developing understanding of mental states.  相似文献   

Should engineering ethics be taught? Despite the obvious truism that we all want our students to be moral engineers who practice virtuous professional behavior, I argue, in this article that the question itself obscures several ambiguities that prompt preliminary resolution. Upon clarification of these ambiguities, and an attempt to delineate key issues that make the question a philosophically interesting one, I conclude that engineering ethics not only should not, but cannot, be taught if we understand “teaching engineering ethics” to mean training engineers to be moral individuals (as some advocates seem to have proposed). However, I also conclude that there is a justification to teaching engineering ethics, insofar as we are able to clearly identify the most desirable and efficacious pedagogical approach to the subject area, which I propose to be a case study-based format that utilizes the principle of human cognitive pattern recognition.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of listener training on the emergence of analogical reasoning, as measured via equivalence‐equivalence and explored the role of verbal behavior when solving analogy‐type tasks. We taught 18 college students to select component stimuli from 2 classes, labeled “vek” and “zog,” and evaluated tacts and relational responding in the presence of baseline (AB and BC), symmetry (BA and CB), and transitivity (AC and CA) compounds. In Experiment 1, 5 out of 6 participants passed analogy tests, but none of them engaged in the relational tacts “same” and “different” during tact tests, possibly due to lack of instructional control. A change in instructions during Experiment 2 produced relational tacts in 4 of 6 participants, and 5 participants passed analogy tests. In Experiment 3, we implemented a talk‐aloud procedure to determine if the participants were emitting relational tacts during analogy tests. All 6 participants tacted stimuli relationally and engaged in problem‐solving statements to solve analogy tests. Results from these studies suggest that listener and speaker behavior in the form of relational tacts and other problem‐solving statements influenced the participants' equivalence–equivalence performance.  相似文献   

Hundreds of accidental injuries and deaths to children occur annually in the United States as a result of firearm play. Behavioral skills training (BST) and in situ training have been found to be effective in teaching children the skills to use if they find a firearm, but training requires substantial time and effort. The current study examined the use of peers as tutors as a potential way to decrease the time and resources needed to teach these safety skills to youngsters. Peer trainers conducted BST and in situ training with other children. Children taught by the peer trainers acquired the safety skills and demonstrated them in naturalistic situations in which the skills were needed. Furthermore, all of the peer trainers acquired and maintained the skills. These results support the use of peer tutoring for teaching safety skills to other children.  相似文献   

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