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该文回顾了中国心理科学在新中国成立前后的发展情况。新中国成立后 ,在 50— 6 0年代中国心理学家与国际交流甚少。 70年代末 ,中国实行对外改革开放政策后 ,中国心理科学发展很快 ,与世界各国心理学家的交流日益频繁。中国心理科学在国际上已开始产生明显的影响 ,起到了不可忽视的重要作用。  相似文献   

跨入新千年以后,中国法制心理科学的发展也进入了一个新的阶段。为了总结经验,展望未来,回顾过去20余年我国法制心理学的发展历程是十分必要的。我曾经发表过《中国法制心理科学研究的回顾与展望》(载中国心理学会法制心理专业委员会编:《中国法制心理科学研究十年》,中国政法大学出版社1994年版)和《90年代中国法制心理科学研究的回顾与展望》(载中国心理学会法制心理专业委员会、中国犯罪学研究会犯罪与矫治心理学专业委员会编:《20世纪90年代中国法  相似文献   

《社会心理科学》杂志为天津市法制心理学会主办,天津市心理学会、中国社会心理学会理论与教学专业委员会协办,为社会心理学、法制心理学、应用心理科学专业学术刊物。《社会心理科学》致力中国社会科学的繁荣发展,注重报道中国社会心理学基础理论、政法和应用心理科学科研成果,介绍国内外社会心理学、应用心理学以及政法、教育学等相关学科的新理论、新发展、新成就。《社会心理科学》主要以社会科学、心理科学、政法科学教学科研人员、部门实践工作和高等学校学生为读对象。  相似文献   

<正>《心理科学》自上世纪60年代诞生至今,已历半个世纪。回眺往昔,期间虽有坎坷,但进步与成绩乃是主流;它与中国心理科学同步发展的轨迹清晰可辨,与时代兴衰共命运的历程足可启示后人。古人云,"五十知天命"。对中国心理学工作者而言,天命者,中国心理科学事业开拓、进取之大任也。我们欣喜看到,《心理科学》自创刊伊始,  相似文献   

心理科学发展至今,一直受到哲学以及科学与技术发展的影响。哲学为心理科学的发展提供了方法论,科学与技术则为心理科学的发展提供了研究范式和研究工具。笔者认为:当今心理科学正处变革之中,后现代主义思潮与信息技术、纳米技术及生物技术的发展也许将孕育一场心理学革命。  相似文献   

心理科学发展至今,一直受到哲学以及科学与技术发展的影响.哲学为心理科学的发展提供了方法论,科学与技术则为心理科学的发展提供了研究范式和研究工具.笔者认为:当今心理科学正处变革之中,后现代主义思潮与信息技术、纳米技术及生物技术的发展也许将孕育一场心理学革命.  相似文献   

<正>2015年4月25日,《心理科学》第六次主编扩大会议暨2014—2017届编委会第二次会议在陕西师范大学雁塔校区启夏苑多功能会议室召开。会议由《心理科学》编委会主办,陕西师范大学心理学院承办。《心理科学》主编李其维,中国心理学会现任理事长沈模卫,中国心理学会前任理事长、《心理科学》第一副主编莫雷,中国心理学会前任理事长、《心理科学》副主编乐国安,中国心理学会前任理事长杨玉芳,陕西师范大学副校长、中国心理学会侯任理事长游旭群,《心理科学》常  相似文献   

以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大精神,把握创新发展规律,立足国情,面向世界,提升质量,为促进我国心理科学发展,提升心理学期刊核心竞争力,由《心理科学》编委会主办的《心理科学》2018-2021届编委会第三次会议于2020年12月6日下午在线召开。  相似文献   

林仲贤 《心理学报》1998,31(2):121-128
该文系作者在中国心理学会第稚届全国心理学学术大会上作的工作报告,总结了中国心理学会第六届理事会1993-1997年的工作,内容包括四个部分:1.积极开展心理学各分支学科的学术活动,促进我国心理科学巽;2.加强心理科学宣传,办好学术和科刊物,出版《中国心理科学》;3.加强与国际交往,我国心理科学开始走向世界;4.坚持民主办会原则,健全学会的组织机构,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

科学心理学19世纪末传入中国。在中国经历了几十年的坎坷历程,直到1978年后,才得到正常的发展。改革开放20年来,心理学参与了国家的发展和建设,也强化了自身,取得了举世瞩目的成绩。但是,心理科学工作者必须超越自己原有知识的局限性,容纳一切自己没有学习过的东西;必须超越自己的视野,走出实验室,走出校门,面向社会,容纳一切个人不熟悉的东西;还必须超越本地区、超越国界,容纳先进地区、发达国家的先进经验,才能使我们的心理科学具有强大的生命力,才能推动心理科学的空前发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Love is a perennial topic of fascination for scholars and laypersons alike. Whereas psychological science was slow to develop active interest in love, the past few decades have seen considerable growth in research on the subject, to the point where a uniquely psychological perspective on love can be identified. This article describes some of the more central and well-established findings from psychologically informed research on love and its influence in adult human relationships. We discuss research on how love is defined, the significance of love for human activity and well-being, and evidence about the mechanisms by which love is believed to operate. We conclude by describing several key questions and potentially important new directions for the next wave of psychological science.  相似文献   

In 1908 Ebbinghaus distinguished between the long past and the short history of psychology. The short history dated from 1879 when Wundt established a psychological laboratory at Leipzig. The long past concerns the time when psychology was a branch of philosophy. Implicit in such a break with the past is a positivist philosophy of science. I show how this philosophy of science distorts the historical record. I then analyse the history of social psychology. Unwittingly Lindzey and Aronson (1985) distinguish between the long past of social psychology as part of the Western intellectual tradition and its short history as an experimental science that is mainly American. Murchison's Handbook of Social Psychology (1935), whilst marking the boundary between the long past and the short history, belongs to the long past. The break with tradition came in 1954, when Lindzey published the first Handbook in the modern series. There is a self-conscious need, in the post World War II era, to train a whole new generation of social psychologists. The Lindzey series of Handbooks meets that need. The ‘progress’ of modern social psychology is now measured in terms of its distance from the Murchison milestone of 1935.  相似文献   

Darwinian selection has become the centerpiece of biology, and in the past few decades many psychologists and anthropologists have recognized the value of using an evolutionary perspective to guide their work. With a focus on evolved psychological mechanisms and associated information processing features, evolutionary psychology has risen as a compelling and fruitful approach to the study of human psychology and behavior. In this article we review the instrument of evolution: natural selection, the products of evolution, and the impact of evolutionary thinking on modern psychological science. We conclude that as prejudicial barriers are overcome, as more evolutionary psychological work is conducted, and as hypothesized psychological mechanisms are substantiated in other disciplines, evolutionary psychology will emerge as the metatheory for psychology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— During the past quarter century, advances in imaging technology have helped transform scientific fields. As important as the data made available by these new technologies have been, equally important have been the guides provided by existing theories and the converging evidence provided by other methodologies. The field of psychological science is no exception. Neuroimaging is an important new tool in the toolbox of psychological science, but it is most productive when its use is guided by psychological theories and complemented by converging methodologies including (but not limited to) lesion, electrophysiological, computational, and behavioral studies. Based on this approach, the articles in this special issue specify neural mechanisms involved in perception, attention, categorization, memory, recognition, attitudes, social cognition, language, motor coordination, emotional regulation, executive function, decision making, and depression. Understanding the contributions of individual and functionally connected brain regions to these processes benefits psychological theory by suggesting functional representations and processes, constraining these processes, producing means of falsifying hypotheses, and generating new hypotheses. From this work, a view is emerging in which psychological processes represent emergent properties of a widely distributed set of component processes.  相似文献   

试析现代西方心理学的文化转向   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2001,34(3):79-84
西方心理学正在展现出对文化影响日渐增加的关注。这种文化转向既有科学哲学和历史的原因,也受到世界范围内心理学本土化运动的影响。文化转向的主要表现是:(1)对心理学自然科学模式的反思与诘难;(2)多元文化心理学的兴起;(3)跨文化心理学面临的批评及其转变;(4)认知心理学、发展心理学和健康心理学等分支领域对文化影响的关注。作者认为,文化的转向对于西方心理学的发展具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

We selectively review the progress of research on the psychology of time during the past 125 years, starting with the publication of the first English-language psychological journal, The American Journal of Psychology. A number of important articles on the psychology of time appeared in this journal, including the widely cited early article by Nichols (1891). The psychology of time is a seminal topic of psychological science, and although it entered a phase of decline and even moribund neglect, the past several decades have seen a prominent renaissance of interest. This renewed vigor represents the rebirth of the recognition of the centrality of the psychology of time in human cognition and behavior. Our selective overview highlights a number of strands of progress and how they have helped lead to the present, in which the cognitive neuroscience of time and timing in the brain is one of the most fervent and fertile modern areas of brain research. We also discuss some remaining challenges and potential lines of progress.  相似文献   

Much of the past research has linked religiousness to positive psychological outcomes. Recently, it has been shown that scientific faith can replace religion as a source of wellness. In a sample of young Muslims, I examined how religious and scientific faiths differ in their relationships to life satisfaction, happiness, self-esteem, and hope. Religiosity was positively related to all of these indicators of positive psychological functioning. Scientific faith was also positively correlated to happiness and hope, and after controlling for religiosity its relations to positive outcomes have increased; its relation to higher life satisfaction became significant. As expected, hope mediated the relations of scientific faith to happiness, life satisfaction, and self-esteem, but only among women. This research, depicting the independent contributions of religious and scientific beliefs to positive psychological functioning, suggested that believing either in God or science is helpful for living a good, fully functioning life.  相似文献   

Behavioral genetics is a relatively new science that has made many significant advances over the past few years. Many of the principles and findings that these advances have generated have direct and indirect implications for the understanding of psychological, moral, and religious development. This article discusses two especially relevant issues, followed by eight practical implications for parents, religious educators, ministers, and pastoral counselors.  相似文献   

Interest in constructing theories of the individual person as a whole has been relatively weak since 1950. This disinterest, especially in the past 2 decades, may, it is suggested, be partly due to the growth and popularity of postmodern thought, which seems to be in conflict with the idea that behavior is controlled by real psychological properties within the individual. The aim of this article is to question some of the main postmodern assumptions that represent obstacles to a renewed interest in the nature of the individual. It is concluded that the parts of postmodernism that are inconsistent with a science of the person as a whole are all false—and that the part that is true is consistent with a science of the individual.  相似文献   

For over a century, researchers and educators have called for the integration of psychological science into medical school curricula, but such efforts have been impeded by barriers within medicine and psychology. In addressing these barriers, Psychology has re-examined its relationship to Medicine, incorporated psychological practices into health care, and redefined its parameters as a science. In response to interdisciplinary research into the mechanisms of bio-behavioral interaction, Psychology evolved from an ancillary social science to a bio-behavioral science that is fundamental to medicine and health care. However, in recent medical school curriculum innovations, psychological science is being reduced to a set of “clinical skills,” and once again viewed as an ancillary social science. These developments warrant concern and consideration of new approaches to integrating psychological science in medical education.  相似文献   

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