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The immigrant population in Canada has risen substantially during the last decades. This increase has produced some tension and raised questions about the institutional arrangements of the host society. In response to these tensions and questions, the government of Canada adopted a policy of multiculturalism in 1971 and promoted the constitutionalization of human rights through the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This response was successful in terms of the evolution of the liberal democracy in Canada, the management of diversity and the building of an inclusive identity. However, it remains to be evaluated in relation to the struggle against discrimination and inequalities. While the reponse has already been evaluated in regard to employment, no evaluation has been undertaken regarding housing. This article tackles this issue through the decomposition of differences in the quality of housing for immigrants and non-immigrants in three metropolitan areas. The quality of housing is measured by the number of rooms per capita and is studied in relation to several variables to estimate the difference between populations. The results show a convergence in the situation in the three metropolitan areas and clearly reveal a difference in the quality of housing for immigrants and non-immigrants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine whether perceived organizational support, leader membership exchange and social solidarity were related to employee commitment to the organization and to organizational citizenship behavior. A survey questionnaire measuring the relevant variables was sent to 276 employees from 3 organizations. The results of the study indicate that perceived organizational support, leader membership exchange and social solidarity were positively associated with affective organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Perceived organizational support is more strongly related to organizational citizenship behavior when poverty is low.  相似文献   

Job interview is a standardized situation that carries high stakes and involves impression management tactics. When an incident occurs in such a situation it could create embarrassment. Usually the expression of this self-conscious emotion positively affects others’ judgment. The aim of this study is to know whether this positive effect could also be observed in a job interview and whether it may vary depending on how embarrassment is expressed and with the personality of the job applicant. Contrary to what it is observed in an ordinary context, the absence of expression is favored by the recruiters; the expression of embarrassment is rather negatively perceived, especially when it is not controlled. The issue of emotional expressivity during interview will be discussed.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(3):189-205
The present research aims to evaluate representational and procedural flexibility by comparing the performances of simultaneous bilingual children French-Arabic (n = 28), successive bilingual children Tamil-French (n = 21) and French monolinguals (n = 24) at 5 years old and at 8 years old educated, in public school, in a disadvantaged neighborhood. The paradigm of the man that does not exist (Karmiloff-Smith, 1990) has been proposed to measure the ability to introduce graphic innovation into a familiar production and drawing a man by starting with the foot (Baldy, 2010) was used to evaluate the ability to make an usual pattern in an unusual way. The results show that bilingual children as young as 5 years old produce significantly more inter-categorical innovations than their monolingual peers while in monolingual children this capacity doesn’t appear until 8 years old. In procedural representations, the results are more nuanced. The underlying mechanisms that explain the best performance of bilingual children are discussed.  相似文献   

This article aims to inform the intervention process and the institution of conflictuality around the criteria on quality of work in an Activity Clinic perspective. From the example of a recent intervention in sanitary service of a big city, this article instructs this process when the conflictuality around the criteria of quality of work can be instituted in the organization. When field professionals can do more authority on their activity in the organization, we then witness in action a modification of their role in decision process, regarding their own work. The article concludes with the contribution of the results produced to current reflections on the union work actuality.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2014,20(3):173-180
The current article aims to describe the policies and practices related to improving the teaching skills of professionals offering psychology courses in secondary school and higher education in Brazil. We first present an overview of the teacher training process, as it was adopted in this country. We also present quantitative data about professionals’ ongoing teaching activities, as well as data on the number of undergraduate and graduate programs available in various administrative categories, and in various geographic regions in Brazil. In addition, we discuss public and private policies that have had an impact on efforts to improve the quality of psychology teaching in Brazil. We conclude with some comments and suggestions, based on national literature, regarding steps that could be taken in Brazil to make further progress in promoting excellence in the teaching of psychology.  相似文献   

IntroductionPrevious studies have shown that the schedule of conditions orientates the designers’ activity. It leads them to generate and consider more constraints linked to the prescribed ones (provided in the schedule of conditions). In addition, when designers had to evaluate websites before making their productions, they reused into their own productions some characteristic from websites evaluated and visited before designing (that corresponds to the conformity effect).ObjectiveWe carried out an experimental study that aimed to determine the mutual influence of schedule of conditions and conformity effect on constraints accounted by designers and usability quality of the web pages they created. No study has determined the combined effects of these two points of web design on the designers’ activity.MethodTwo groups of professional web designers (the first one dealt with a creative schedule of conditions and the other one with an ergonomic schedule of conditions) had to create two webpages (home page and another one). The experimental study was divided into three successive stages: (1) launching of the two-page design, (2) evaluating two websites, and (3) continuing the two-page design.ResultsThe main results showed that the constraints prescribed in the schedule of conditions affected the first stage of design. Nevertheless, after the evaluation stage (stage 2), this influence decreased during the last design stage (stage 3).ConclusionThe evaluation improved the number of constraints linked to end-users taken into account by the designers during the last stage of their design activity. Nevertheless, the usability quality of web pages created by designers was higher for the designers who dealt with the ergonomic schedule of conditions than for the others.  相似文献   

This study is about psychological distress lived by Canadian workers. Only a few studies considered personal traits in the comprehension of this phenomenon. This study aims to determine the moderator role of self-esteem, the sense of control and the sense of cohesion on the relation between the work organization conditions and psychological distress. Some longitudinal data (n=7338 workers) coming from five cycles (1994-2003) of the National Population Health Survey (NPHS) have been used to complete some multilevel analysis (n1=time and n2=individual). The results indicate that the sense of control and the sense of cohesion play a moderator role on the relation between some of the work organization conditions and the level of psychological distress.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationships between care activity and temporal constrains. The main objective is to understand the constrain effects on care givers activity. It is aimed at understanding the effects of the requirements on care givers activity. A research-action of eighteen month was conducted within a residential establishment for older dependent people and studied the activity of thirty four care givers. Our theoretical frame associates both work clinic and ergonomics. Investigations method combined both observation and interviews. The analysis of the care givers activity shows the effects of the organizational constrains on the activity. The care givers activity focuses on time organization rather than care. Finally, the quality of work is impaired, the work looses its sense and misses its primary objectives.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(2):73-81
Based on organizational support theory, job characteristics model, and self-determination theory, we examined the mechanisms that underlie the relations between organizational factors and ill-being. Specifically, the main purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the mediating role of the psychological needs for autonomy (i.e., the need for individuals to feel volitional and responsible for their own behavior), competence (i.e., the need for individuals to interact effectively with their environment), and relatedness (i.e., the need for individuals to feel connected and accepted by others), in the relationships of perceived organizational support (i.e., the degree to which employees believe that their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being) and three motivational job characteristics (i.e., task identity, task significance, and work scheduling autonomy) to job anxiety and burnout. This is the first research, to the best of our knowledge, to test for the joint effects of perceived organizational support and motivational job characteristics on job anxiety and burnout through psychological need satisfaction. Four hundred and fifty-seven employees (216 men and 241 women) from different sectors (i.e., industry, trade, crafts) took part in the study. Fifty-seven participants worked in companies with less than 10 employees, 105 in companies with 11–49 employees, 138 in companies with 50–249 employees, 33 in companies with 250–499 employees, and 124 in companies with more than 500 employees. The hypothesized model was tested with structural equation modeling analyses. Results provided support for our hypotheses and revealed that all hypothesized paths were significant. Specifically, our results showed that perceived organizational support and job characteristics were positively related to psychological need satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction of these psychological needs was negatively associated with job anxiety and burnout. Therefore, feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness play a central role in the development or reduction of well- and ill-being at work. These results are consistent with previous research in the work context, which has shown that social factors (e.g., autonomy-supportive behaviors) have significant effects on workplace mental health through their influence on psychological need satisfaction. Practical and research implications as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to show that, under usual conditions of interaction between an agent of health and of its public intervention, the individuals produce a “pro-health” speech which can lead astray this agent, concerning the representation which they have of alcohol. Students, producing verbal associations about this object, were confronted either with an agent of health or with a student, and were speaking either for themselves or as the students would do in general. The results show that the individuals, placed in front of an agent of health and directly implied in the beliefs that they express, tend to adopt the speech wished by this agent. However, this manifest adhesion only appears to be circumstantial, insofar as the speech of the individuals is different when they are expressed vis-a-vis a member of its group and in the name of this one. The implications of these results with regard to the interventions of prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

The innovation is one of the possible answers to the actual global competitive context able to foster and cope the high standards necessary for survival and competition of the organisations. The objective of this study, realized in the health context, is the exploration of the relationships between the innovative work behaviour and three antecedents (proactive personality, job cognitive demands and empowering leadership) trying to maintain the interactionist perspective between individual factors and context factors. These relationships have been investigated with a mediator role of felt responsibility to change, the individual belief that has a person when has feeling of responsibility in a realisation of transformations and new and constructive changes.  相似文献   

Traditionally, a “direct and certain” causal link was required between fault and harm in order to engage an individual's compensatory liability. However, upon reading case law, it is possible to note that causality no longer necessarily has to be either direct or certain. Indeed, although the presence of a previous condition long enabled the exclusion of a direct link between a harmful event and its aftereffects, the French Court of Appeal (Cour de Cassation) now considers that pathological predispositions must no longer be taken into account (in respect of an exclusion or a reduction in the right to compensation) if these were latent, and only revealed by the harmful event. Similarly, on occasion the plaintiffs support their claims with bundles of evidence and arguments that can but force magistrates to set aside the absence of absolute certainty on a scientific level. Presumptions of accountability have even been put forward in some areas of personal injury compensation (traffic accidents and workplace accidents). The conduct and content of forensic expertises are then disrupted, both for the expert and for the victim's lawyer.  相似文献   

This paper presents the issues and main principles of community psychology and community research as well as associated relationships and viewpoints in terms of health psychology and social psychology. In this perspective, the paper presents the context in which community psychology has emerged and its fundamental principles such as empowerment, community involvement and the ecological model. Using two examples of research in prevention of HIV infection, the paper leads to a greater comprehension of how a particular community-based approach to involve affected populations may be particularly relevant, not only to better understand their beliefs and behaviors but also to try to encourage them to change current behaviors or generate new ones. Research with adolescents involved in promoting condom use illustrates the use of psychosocial models of behavior change through a community approach. A second research focus on medical and psychosocial innovation through the use of non-routine, rapid screening tests for HIV - which are neither carried out nor supervised by medical personnel - aims to highlight the impact of the development of preventive action by directly concerned communities. The article aims to present the innovative methodological and epistemological issues which underpin community research.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe effect of parental school involvement on children's academic success has a long-standing basis in research. However, few validated measures of parental involvement exist.ObjectiveThis study aims to assess the validity of the Questionnaire sur l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire (QIPSS), an instrument developed from a synthesis of existing parental involvement models in the literature.MethodThe validation sample included 711 parents of elementary students who mostly present an immigrant background. This sample was collected in five schools located in disadvantaged areas. This study includes two time points collected over 2 consecutive school years.ResultsThe QIPSS has good construct validity and satisfactory predictive validity. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses allowed us to generate a model of parental involvement comprising five dimensions, some of which predicting students’ academic performance a year later.ConclusionFindings are discussed in light of previous parental involvement studies. The QIPSS is proved to be a good tool to account for parental involvement in a research context. Nonetheless, children's outcomes other than academic success should be taken into account in future studies.  相似文献   

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