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A fiberscopic observation of velar movements during speech was made of a patient diagnosed as having apraxia of speech. Repeated utterances of the same word showed a marked variability in terms of the pattern of velar movements accompanied at times by a phonetic change. In spite of such a variability, the general successional pattern of velar gestures for a given phonetic context approximated the normal pattern. During the production of nasal and nonnasal consonants the velum tended to take “neutral” positions. Anticipatory coarticulation was present, but some deviation from normal patterns was occasionally observed. Based on these observations, possible mechanisms responsible for the syndrome called apraxia of speech were discussed.  相似文献   

In order to examine the timing control of laryngeal and supralaryngeal articulatory adjustments in apraxia of speech, voice onset time (VOT) data for stop consonants in monosyllables /de/, /te/, /ge/ and /ke/ were obtained from four apraxic subjects and compared with those of fluent aphasic and normal (both young and aged) speakers (Experiment 1). The results indicated that the VOT distribution patterns of the apraxic patients differed markedly from those of the other speakers. A second experiment was conducted to determine whether the VOT distribution patterns of these four apraxic patients and of two normal controls would change with a lapse of time (Experiment 2). The results of the second experiment demonstrated marked changes in the VOT distribution patterns over time in half of the apraxic patients examined, but essentially no change in the normal controls.  相似文献   

The temporal organization of articulatory movements in a patient diagnosed as having apraxia of speech was explored by means of pellet tracking techniques using an X-ray microbeam system. The results indicated that the temporal organization among different articulators of the patient was sometimes disturbed in his production of a meaningful Japanese word /deenee/. It was also observed that the pattern and velocity of the articulatory movements of the patient in repetitions of monosyllables were different from those of typical dysarthric patients.  相似文献   

The recovery processes of two English-Japanese bilingual aphasics, one with Broca's aphasia and the other with Wernicke's aphasia, were investigated with special emphasis on the effect of language therapy. The degree of impairment initially manifested in English and Japanese was almost equivalent in each case, the pattern of impairment corresponding to the respective types of aphasia. In both cases, systematic, controlled language therapy was conducted. Analysis of the recovery courses revealed that language therapy was one decisive variable in the relative degree of recovery of a bilingual aphasic's two languages. The type of aphasia appeared to exert a crucial influence on the relative recovery rate of different modalities.  相似文献   

To investigate the nature of the task-stimulus interaction in tachistoscopic recognition of kana and kanji, right-handed normal subjects performed two phonological tasks and two visual tasks. In the phonological tasks, the subjects compared the members of a pair of kana or kanji appearing in the right or left visual field on the basis of phonological identity; while in the visual tasks, they compared the members of a pair of kana or kanji on the basis of visual identity. The results showed a significant Visual Field × Task interaction as well as a significant Task × Stimulus interaction, indicating that both the type of stimuli and the nature of task demands contribute importantly to the determination of visual field asymmetry and hence the relative participation of each hemisphere.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven aphasic patients' comprehension of five sentence forms which express the temporal order of events has been investigated. Three major patterns of errors of temporal relations have emerged. The dominant pattern is exhibited by patients making errors on Before's but not on After's. The second and third patterns comprise a fewer number of patients making errors on After's but not on Before's and those making errors on both Before's and After's, respectively. It has been shown that different syndromes of aphasia are equally distributed among these three patterns. In the follow-up study of several patients, fluctuating courses of recovery in which comprehension of before and after alternately increases and decreases have been observed. These results are discussed in connection with a possible account of the acquisition of before and after in Japanese.  相似文献   

The investigation analyzed the phonemic paraphasic errors of 10 asphasic patients with posterior cerebral lesions. The results indicated that paraphasic speech is characterized by complex confusions, often occurring at the ends of words and often involving phonemic transpositions. Many of the unusual and unexpected phonemic errors appeared to be due to simultaneous semantic and phonologic confusions.  相似文献   

Subjects were aggressively instigated by a provoker. They then performed either a nonstrenuous or a strenuous task in order to be placed in either a moderate or an extreme state of sympathetic arousal. Following the task, they either learned or did not learn about mitigating circumstances behind the provoker's behavior. This information was received prior to the provision of an opportunity to retaliate. Under conditions of moderate arousal, mitigating circumstances were found to reduce retaliation. In contrast, these circumstances failed to exert any appreciable effect on retaliation under conditions of extreme arousal. In addition, the induction of extreme arousal was observed to increase retaliatory behavior. The findings were considered to support a model of hostility and aggression that postulates a specific interdependency of cognitive and excitatory processes.  相似文献   

The ability to retain lists of verbal and nonverbalizable items across recurrent recognition tasks was tested in three groups: (1) stroke patients with a left-brain lesion and aphasia, (2) stroke patients with a right-brain lesion and left hemiplegia, and (3) nonneurologically impaired outpatients. As determined with signal detection measures, aphasics were deficient in discriminating words that were to be remembered from those that were not; their recognition of nonverbal visual (geometric art) or auditory (bird calls) patterns, however, was unimpaired. Left hemiplegics showed the opposite pattern. After a long-term interval (<10 min), correct recognition of words was diminished in all groups whereas recognition of visual patterns increased. Both groups of stroke patients adopted material-specific decision criteria which in part accounted for the dissociation of verbal and nonverbal recognition memory by laterality of lesion. Item analysis indicated that aphasics' verbal memory difficulties were affected by acoustic-semantic confusion of list words.  相似文献   

In a factorial design, degree of suspense (low, intermediate, high) of an adventure presented audiovisually was varied with resolution of the suspense (resolved, lingering). The variations were accomplished by producing different versions of the same program. Appreciation of the presentation was measured in the viewers' facial displays, in structured interviews, and in ratings. Consistently across measures, it was found that under conditions of resolved suspense, appreciation substantially increased with degree of suspense. Under conditions of lingering suspense, appreciation also increased with degree of suspense but to a significantly smaller extent. Excitatory responses were measured in skin temperature and heart rate. A significant differentiation of heart rate as a function of degree of suspense was observed. In addition, both skin temperature and heart rate disclosed sudden declines in excitation with the effective resolution of suspense.  相似文献   

To examine the role of current visual monitoring in the between-hand differences in skilled movements, eye movements and errors during bilateral tracing tasks were analyzed in 10 subjects. When subjects traced a horizontal course abductively with both hands, the subject's gaze followed the movement of the right hand, and more errors were observed on the left hand. When subjects traced a vertical course, where fine motor control for alteration of movement direction was necessary, more errors were shown on the left hand despite the alternate visual scan of the two hands. The results were interpreted as showing that the between-hand differences in skilled movements are primarily due to the left hand's poor ability in motor output, and that the differential efficiency in the use of visual monitoring becomes an important factor in the between-hand differences when symmetrical movements of both hands with a low degree of difficulty are required.  相似文献   

The controversial question of the scope of sensory control in the voluntary motor patterns involved in speech is examined by reviewing studies in which the auditory, tactile, and proprioceptive feedback channels have been distorted or interrupted. The author makes a case for open loop control of well-learned speech patterns under normal circumstances. The concept of internal feedback is introduced as a possible control system of skilled speech, whereas response feedback and external feedback are viewed as necessary for children developing speech or adults learning new speech patterns.  相似文献   

One class of theories explains group induced shifts in individual choice in terms of interpersonal comparison process. By comparing himself with others a member finds out that his position is uncomfortably discrepant, e.g., he is overly cautious or overly risky. Knowledge of this discrepancy presumably is necessary and sufficient to induce him to change his initial choice. Another class of theories holds that merely knowing one is different from others is unimportant. Shifts in choice occur because during discussion a member is exposed to persuasive arguments which prior to discussion were not available to him. Two experiments were conducted, the results of which give considerable support to persuasive-argument theories and none to those based on interpersonal comparison: When a member did not know whether others were arguing for their own position or were forced to support a position contrary to the one they had originally chosen, and the former in fact was the case, typical shifts in choice were obtained. However, if a member had to argue for a position contrary to the one he had initially chosen (and thus he would not be able to muster highly persuasive arguments) typical shifts did not occur, even though another's initial choice could be accurately inferred.  相似文献   

In a factorial design, athletic involvement (no varsity sport, varsity noncontact sport, varsity contact sport) was varied with induced disposition (unprovoked, provoked). Under conditions of no provocation, no significant differences in aggressiveness were observed between nonathletes and athletes, nor between noncontact- and contact-sport athletes. In contrast, under conditions of provocation, nonathletes displayed more aggressiveness than athletes. Non-contact-sport athletes behaved significantly less aggressively than both nonathletes and contact-sport athletes. Contact-sport athletes failed to behave significantly less aggressively than nonathletes, however. The findings were explained as the result of an acquired superior ability in athletes to cope with provocation under competitive circumstances, which is partially counteracted in contact-sport athletes by their aggressiveness habits and disinhibition training.  相似文献   

An adaptive up-down tracking procedure was used in combination with a visually reinforced head turn response to examine auditory sensitivity for 500, 2000, and 8000-Hz tone bursts in infants 6 to 18 months of age. Six- and 10-month-old infants were tested with headphone presentation of stimuli, while 10-, 14, and 18-month-olds were tested in sound field. Infant threshold estimates for both headphone and sound field were within 15 dB of adult comparisons for all frequencies and age groups. Six-month-olds were significantly less sensitive to the 8000-Hz tone than to either of the lower frequency stimuli, but older infants demonstrated approximately equal sensitivity for all three frequencies tested.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological aspects of imaginal and verbal encoding in memory were explored in two forced-choice recognition memory experiments with patients suffering from left and right anterior cerebral hemisphere damage. In the first experiment stimulus type and rate of presentation were varied. Predictions of patient performance based on the hypothesis that left anterior hemisphere pathology impairs verbal memory coding and right anterior hemisphere pathology impairs imaginal coding were confirmed. In a second recognition memory experiment for pictures of common objects, system-specific (imaginal or verbal) interference and distractor effects were demonstrated by analyzing the effects of interpolated tasks and the nature of false-recognition errors.  相似文献   

A procedural theory of eye movement that accounts for main features of the stochastic behavior of eye-fixation durations and direction of movement of saccades in the process of solving arithmetic exercises of addition and subtraction is presented. The best-fitting distribution of fixation durations with a relatively simple theoretical justification consists of a mixture of an exponential distribution and the convolution of two exponential distributions. The eye movements themselves were found to approximate a random walk that fits rather closely in both adult and juvenile subjects the motion postulated by the normative algorithm ordinarily taught in schools. Certain structural features of addition and subtraction exercises, such as the number of columns, the presence or absence of a carry or a borrow, are well known to affect their difficulty. In this study, regressions on such structural variables were found to account for only a relatively small part of the variation in eye-fixation durations.  相似文献   

Auditory perception of speech and speech sounds was examined in three groups of patients with cerebral damage in the dominant hemisphere. Two groups consisted of brain-injured war veterans, one group of patients with high-frequency hearing loss and the other, a group of patients with a flat hearing loss. The third group consisted of patients with recent cerebral infarcts due to vascular occlusion of the middle cerebral and internal carotid artery. Word and phoneme discrimination as well as phoneme confusions in incorrect responses were analyzed from conventional speech audiometry tests with bisyllabic Finnish words fed close to the speech reception threshold of the patient. The results were compared with those of a control group with no cerebral disorders and normal hearing. The speech discrimination scores of veterans with high-frequency hearing loss and patients with recent cerebral infarcts were some 15–20% lower than those of controls or veterans with flat hearing loss. Speech sound feature discrimination, analyzed in terms of place of articulation and distinctive features, was distorted especially in cases of recent cerebral infarcts, whereas general information transmission of phonemes was more impaired in patients with high-frequency hearing loss.  相似文献   

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