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Pigeons were exposed to a procedure under which five pecks on one response key (the observing key) changed the schedule on a second key (the food key) from a mixed schedule to a multiple schedule for 25 sec. In Experiment I, a random-ratio 50 schedule alternated with extinction. The duration of the random-ratio 50 schedule component was varied between 1.25 and 320 sec, and extinction was scheduled for a varying time, ranging from the duration of the random-ratio 50 to four times that value. Each set of values was scheduled for a block of sessions. Before observing-key pecks were allowed at each set of parameter values, the pigeons were exposed to a condition where the mixed and multiple schedule alternated every 10 min, and observing-key pecks were not permitted. Rates of pecking on the observing key were high for all values of random-ratio component durations except 1.25 sec. Experiment II was conducted with the random-ratio component duration equal to 40 sec, and the random-ratio schedule was varied from random-ratio 50 to 100, 200, and 400. Observing-key pecking rates were high for all values of the random-ratio schedule except random-ratio 400. In both experiments, observing response rates were relatively little affected, suggesting that neither schedule component duration nor schedule value is a strong determinant of observing responses.  相似文献   

Observing responses and informative stimuli   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were trained on a trial procedure. A trial began with the illumination of a pecking key by a white light. After a fixed interval, a key peck could turn the key to one of two equi-probable colors and produce a delayed trial outcome—an equi-probable occurrence of either reinforcement or nonreinforcement. After a trial, the key turned dark and the trial ended. The response could be made into an observing response by correlating the key colors with the outcomes. Response rates in the fixed interval then increased to a level greater than when the colors and outcomes were uncorrelated. In another phase, the response produced only the colors. The trial outcomes occurred some seconds after the fixed interval without a response being required. Correlating the colors with the outcomes again increased response rates. In a second experiment, a further condition was added in which reinforcement was the outcome on every trial. Response rates were lower than when there were equi-probable reinforcement and nonreinforcement outcomes with correlated colors, and about the same as when there were equi-probable outcomes with uncorrelated colors. The results suggest that stimuli providing information about the probability of reinforcement are themselves reinforcing.  相似文献   

An operant response in the pigeon, whose performance results in exposure to the discriminative stimuli, is described and suggested as an experimental analogue for “observing.” Such an operant response is then used to explore the relationship between observing responses and discrimination learning in a variety of discrimination situations, of progressively increasing complexity. In general, the results support the contention that the development and maintainence of observing responses is closely related to the degree of differential behaviour manifested toward the discriminative stimuli. Certain modifications are suggested in the theoretical formulation underlying the concept of “observing responses.”  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys and baboons were placed in an observing response situation where on any trial they could work for food in the presence of an imposed stimulus or make an observing response by pressing a lever to present an alternative stimulus. The reinforcing properties of the alternative stimulus were assessed by placing the observing response on a progressive ratio schedule and were found to vary as a function of the difficulty of the imposed discrimination and the degree to which the imposed discrimination had been learned. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the reinforcing strength of the alternative stimuli varies with the amount of uncertainty they reduce. Eliminating the response requirement showed that the effect was not simply due to the fact that informative stimuli permitted a saving of responses.  相似文献   

Punishment of autoshaped key-peck responses of pigeons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of different voltages of response-dependent and response-independent electric shock on the frequency of key-peck responses engendered by an autoshaping procedure were studied. In Experiments I and II, each response produced a brief electric shock, and response frequency generally decreased more with higher-voltage shock. Preshock frequencies of responding were generally recovered across successive sessions of relatively low-voltage shock delivery but not at higher shock voltages. The effects of response-dependent and response-independent shock were compared in Experiment III by using a yoked-control procedure in which each pigeon received each type of shock delivery at different times. Response-dependent shock generally produced greater decreases in response frequency. In the final experiment, one response-independent shock per autoshaping trial was scheduled. The number of autoshaped responses per trial was related to shock voltages. These results suggest that response-dependent and response-independent electric shock effectively decrease frequency of autoshaped responses.  相似文献   

In a conditional discrimination procedure, pigeons' observing responses were analyzed to examine whether two color stimuli (blue or red), conditionally related to whether each of two line stimuli (vertical or horizontal) accompanied reinforcement or nonreinforcement, functioned as conditioned reinforcers. If a variable-interval (VI) 10-s requirement was fulfilled, an observing response produced onset of a color stimulus. A little later, a line stimulus was presented independently of responding, added to the color stimulus to form a compound stimulus. If 55 s elapsed with a response not having occurred either through 55 s or after the variable-interval 10-s had timed out, one of the color-line compound stimuli was presented independently of responding. To control for sensory reinforcement effects and for earlier entrance to the later link, a simple discrimination procedure also was conducted in which reinforcement was not correlated with the color stimuli but with the line stimuli only. As in the conditional discrimination, the observing response also could produce earlier presentation of blue or red. The observing response occurred more frequently during the conditional discrimination than during the simple discrimination. The results were related to different theoretical accounts of conditioned reinforcement, particularly the information hypothesis.  相似文献   

Rats' lever presses on a retractable lever earned brief presentations of discriminative stimuli signalling periods in which responding on an alternative lever was either non-reinforced (extinction) or reinforced on a random ratio schedule. The predictions of two theoretical accounts of this behaviour were tested by studying the effects of omitting either the stimulus signalling the reinforced or that signalling the non-reinforced schedule component. Under these conditions rats' behaviour is determined by the conditioned, affective properties of the stimuli rather than by their purely informational properties.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to peck a certain number of times on a key that displayed one of several possible numerical symbols. The particular symbol displayed indicated the number of times that the key had to be pecked. The pigeons signalled the completion of the requirement by operating a separate key. They received a food reward for correct response sequences and time-out penalties for incorrect response sequences. In the first experiment nine pigeons learned to allocate 1, 2, 3 or 4 pecks to the corresponding numerosity symbols s 1, s 2, s 3 and s 4 with levels of accuracy well above chance. The second experiment explored the maximum set of numerosities that the pigeons were capable of handling concurrently. Six of the pigeons coped with an s 1s 5 task and four pigeons even managed an s 1s 6 task with performances that were significantly above chance. Analysis of response times suggested that the pigeons were mainly relying on a number-based rather than on a time-based strategy. Received: 11 October 1999 / Accepted after revision: 27 January 2000  相似文献   

A recent theory of pigeons' equivalence-class formation (Urcuioli, 2008) predicts that reflexivity, an untrained ability to match a stimulus to itself, should be observed after training on two "mirror-image" symbolic successive matching tasks plus identity successive matching using some of the symbolic matching stimuli. One group of pigeons was trained in this fashion; a second group was trained similarly but with successive oddity (rather than identity). Subsequently, comparison-response rates on novel matching versus mismatching sequences with the remaining symbolic matching stimuli were measured on nonreinforced probe trials. Higher rates were observed on matching than on mismatching probes in the former group. The opposite effect--higher rates on mismatching than matching probes--was mostly absent in the latter group, despite being predicted by the theory. Nevertheless, the ostensible reflexivity effect observed in former group may be the first time this phenomenon has been demonstrated in any animal.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to reward their own performances by eating from a freely available food source only after pecking a disc. The self-reinforcement pattern was established by fading in the work requirement and punishing noncontingent self-feeding by food withdrawal. The animals maintained faultless self-reinforcement for hundreds of trials after the punishment contingency was removed so that the birds could safely feed themselves without performing any pecking responses. In successive induction and extinction of the phenomenon, the number of responses per self-reward was observed to covary with self-reinforcement rate. By progressively raising the work requirements an animal was trained to adopt increasingly higher performance standards of self-reward. After maintaining a high response output for each self-reward the animal promptly discarded all self-imposed work contingencies and quickly resumed them again, though less durably, following additional training.  相似文献   

Pigeons classified a display of illuminated pixels on a touchscreen as sparse or dense. Correct responses were reinforced with six food pellets; incorrect responses were unreinforced. On some trials an uncertain response option was available. Pecking it was always reinforced with an intermediate number of pellets. Like monkeys and people in related experiments, the birds chose the uncertain response most often when the stimulus presented was difficult to classify correctly, but in other respects their behavior was not functionally similar to human behavior based on conscious uncertainty or to the behavior of monkeys in comparable experiments. Our data were well described by a signal detection model that assumed that the birds were maximizing perceived reward in a consistent way across all the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 10 pigeons were exposed to a successive symbolic matching-to-sample procedure in which the sample was generated by the pigeons' own behavior. Each trial began with both response keys illuminated white, one being the "correct" key and the other the "incorrect" key. The pigeons had no way of discriminating which key was correct and which incorrect, since these roles were assigned on a random basis with the same probability of 0.5 for each key. A fixed ratio of five responses was required on the correct key. However, each time the pigeon pecked the incorrect key, the correct key response counter reset. Five consecutive pecks on the correct key was the only way to end this component, and switch off both key lights. Two seconds later, these same keys were illuminated again, one green and the other red (comparison stimuli). Now, if the correct white key had been on the left, a peck at one color produced food, and if the correct white key had been on the right, a peck at the other color produced food. When the pigeons had learned this discrimination, they were exposed to several symmetry tests (simultaneous presentations of both keys illuminated the same color-i.e., both red or both green), in order to interchange the sample with the comparison stimuli. In Experiment 2, the importance of requiring discrimination between the samples and between the comparisons was analyzed. In Experiment 3, we compared the results of Experiment 1 with a slightly different experiment, which resulted in discrimination of key position, an exteroceptive stimulus. The results showed that symmetry emerged only when different responses were used as samples.  相似文献   

Impulse control in pigeons   总被引:31,自引:20,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were given a small, immediate food reinforcement for pecking a key, and a larger, delayed reinforcement for not pecking this key. Most subjects pecked the key on more than 95% of trials. However, when pecking a differently colored key at an earlier time prevented this option from becoming available, three of 10 subjects consistently pecked it, thereby forcing themselves to wait for the larger reward. They did not peck the earlier key when it did not prevent this option. This is an experimental example of psychological impulse and a learnable device to control it. Although only a minority of the subjects learned it, the fact that such learning is possible at all argues for a theory of delayed reward that can predict change of preference as a function of elapsing time.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were trained in a one-way shuttle box avoidance situation. Three of the birds met the criterion of 90% avoidances; the fourth, although frequently avoiding successfully, was too erratic to meet the criterion. Avoidance responding in two of the birds was subsequently extinguished, showing that the response was true avoidance, and not escape from the buzzer warning stimulus. In Experiment 2, the three birds that had met criterion in Experiment 1 were trained in a two-way avoidance task, and all three met the criterion of 90% avoidances. The shuttle box therefore provides a rapid and reliable method of obtaining avoidance performance in pigeons.  相似文献   

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